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MiniLyrics 7.0.649 New: Support Logitech G15 Keyboard LCD.

Fixed: Incorrect tag information may be read on iTunes in a certain conditions. MiniLyrics 7.0.643 Fixed: Drawing issue of embedded MiniLyrics in MediaMonkey. Fixed: Support SongBird 1.8 Fixed: Support VLC 1.1.4 Fixed: Support J. River Media Jukebox and Media Center. Fixed: Font choosing issue. MiniLyrics 7.0.615 MiniLyrics server is under DDoS attack recently, new version can prevent the att ack, upgrading is strongly recommended. Fixed: Support VLC 1.1 Fixed: Bug of choosing character encoding when uploading lyrics. Fixed: The display style of floating lyrics will be changed if text lyrics is op ened. MiniLyrics 7.0.604 New: The "Windows 7" skin, support Windows 7 Aero feature. Improved: The UI styles of skins. Fixed: Bug of saving themes. Fixed: Some other UI drawing bugs. MiniLyrics 7.0.597 Improved: The appearance of skins. Fixed: Offset tag will be overwrite by "By" tag in lyrics editor. Fixed: Play/Pause button won't change with player in WMP. Fixed: Lyrics displaying bug of Extended LRC format. MiniLyrics 7.0.590 New: Support Media Player Classic Home Cinema. Fixed: Lyrics disappeared in "Floating lyrics". Fixed: Improve the "search lyrics window". Fixed: some other small issues. MiniLyrics 7.0.579 Upgrading is strongly recommended. Improve: Add buttons to disable/enable record lyrics scrolling actions. Fixed: Bug of lyrics drawing. Fixed: Bug of high performance cost on particular occasion. Fixed: Bug of saving lyrics scrolling actions. MiniLyrics 7.0.571 New: Record the scrolling action of lyrics for text lyrics, and replay it again. Improved: Prevent the player to playing next track, if lyrics editor is opened and lyrics changed Improved: Add "MiniLyrics" item in Winamp menu. MiniLyrics 7.0.563 Improved: the static lyrics display style. Fixed: Minimize / Restore with iTunes. Fixed: Some other issues. MiniLyrics 7.0.538 New: new skin "MiniLyrics" and skin styles. New: Simple and easy way to record and reply lyrics scrolling actions. Fixed: Retrieving ID3v2 tag and album info in XMPlay. Fixed: Some bugs in Lyrics Editor.

MiniLyrics 6.8.429 Improved: Add tooltip in advanced setting items. Improved: Lyrics editor color settings are moved to lyrics editor window. Improved: Scale background image in lyrics auto. Improved: Add catalog in preference advanced items. Improved: Add global lyrics displaying delay time setting. Fixed: Embedded skin color theme can't be saved. Fixed: When lyrics character encoding is changed, no prompt message is popped up . Fixed: Save embedded lyrics in Songbird Player. Fixed: Bug of adjusting time with down/up arrow in lyrics editor. MiniLyrics 6.7.409 New: Support Foobar2000 1.0 Fixed: Lyrics downloading information interrupts the lyrics displaying. Fixed: Saving embedded lyrics in mp3 file of songbird. Optimized: Options of Lyrics background picture preferences. Optimized: The settings of Lyrics color. Optimized: Displaying vertical scrolling lyrics. MiniLyrics 6.7.396 New: Support Spotify player. Improved: MiniLyrics preferences. Fixed: Some small bugs in lyrics editor. MiniLyrics 6.7.390 New: Support Zune software Improved: New lyrics editor user interface. MiniLyrics 6.6.333 Upgrading is strongly recommended(Especailly for iTunes & WMP users). Improved: Download LRC lyrics, if local lyrics is text lyrics. Improved: Support iTunes 9.0 Improved: Support Right-to-left language(Arabic/Hebrew) lyrics displaying. Fixed: Bug of saving ID3v2 synchronized lyrics(Compatibility with Windows Media Player). Fixed: Saving setting of check new version at startup. MiniLyrics 6.6.324 Fixed: Download lyrics even if iTunes saves empty ebedded lyrics in song file. Fixed: Static text lyrics displaying bug. MiniLyrics 6.6.318 New: Support VLC media Player 1.0. New: New local hotkey settings. Improved: Optimized the lyrics display CPU cost. Improved: Lyrics editor. Fixed: Lyrics displaying fade out bug. MiniLyrics 6.5.281 New: Support Songbird. Fixed: Sometime MiniLyrics will crashes WMP and iTunes. MiniLyrics 6.5.272 Improved: Only enable click through on inactive mode. Improved: Optimized the preferences. Improved: Add advanced save options to select text encoding. Improved: Remove rate lyrics link. Fixed: Lyrics text display bug in editor when anti-alias option is on.

Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed: Fixed:

Long file name bug in MediaMonkey. Get Foobar2000 playing song file name bug. MiniLyrics can't restart in iTunes. Can't save "Winamp's" skin setting. Cause Quintessential Media Player crash bug.

MiniLyrics 6.4.212 New: Add Floating lyrics for default. Fixed: Save Lyrics3v2 lyrics in ANSI format. Fixed: Some translation bugs for localization. Improved: Save Transparent with mouse click through settings. MiniLyrics 6.3.179 Fixed: Bug of Supporting UTF-8 language packages. Fixed: Hotkey of toggle MiniLyrics window is not functional. MiniLyrics 6.3.176 New: Support VLC Player. New: Using Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to adjust font size. Improved: Floating lyrics and lyrics bar mode of skins. Fixed: memory leak on loading Album Art. Fixed: Context menu in lyrics editor Fixed: The option of not checking new version can't be applied Fixed: Caret drawing bug. Fixed: The scrollbar of lyrics editor is not available in "Windows" Skin. MiniLyrics 6.2.3762 Upgrading is strongly recommended. Fixed: memory leaks. Fixed: Can't display lyrics, when playing the shared music in iTunes. Fixed: Lyrics association bug. Fixed: Lyrics searching folder settings can't be saved. Fixed: Under some critical conditions, the uninstall program can't remove MiniLy rics completely. Fixed: Saving lyrics with incorrect file name, if the song file name has more th an 1 dot. Fixed: Sometimes crashes XMPlay. Improved: MiniLyrics can be installed on USB hard drive or flash drive. MiniLyrics 6.1.3730 Upgrading is strongly recommended. Fixed: text anti-aliasing bug. Fixed: Foobar2000 compatible bug. Fixed: Remember the minimized status of Main Window. Fixed: Fix accelerate key bug Fixed: Compatible problem on Winamp Remote music. MiniLyrics 6.1.3723 New: Use 80 port as lyrics search service. New: Dual lyrics search servers backup. Fixed: Floating lyrics align position. MiniLyrics 6.0.3715 Fixed: Sometimes crashes while loading album art. MiniLyrics 6.0.3706 New: New skin engine and fantasy skin. New: Floating lyrics. New: New color theme design and blending options of lyrics text. Improved: High rating lyrics will be preferred while searching.

Fixed: Support Foobar2000 0.95. MiniLyrics 5.7.3418 New: Support outline lyrics text. New: Support slideshow background. New: Load album art as background picture if possible. New: Add an options to "Display/Hide artist, album and title info of lyrics". Fixed: Some ID3v2 unsynchronized lyrics can't be recognized by MiniLyrics. Fixed: Sync lyrics line with F7 key on Windows Media Player. Fixed: Press UP and DOWN key to move up/down lyrics on Winamp5. Fixed: Several missing translation strings. Fixed: Remove redundant blank lines of text lyrics. MiniLyrics 5.6.3363 New: Support shoutcast online radio in winamp. New: Global hotkey support. New: Support Helium Music Manager. New: Support AIMP2 player. New: Support per-user or per-machine settings in setup program. Improved: Lyrics editor. Improved: Keep blank lines Fixed: Crash iTunes 7.5 when MiniLyrics quits first. Fixed: Crash when saving lyrics without artist info. Fixed: Get artist and title info in XMPlay. Fixed: Compatible problem with MediaMonkey. Fixed: Compatible problem with KMP. Fixed: Right key to forward 5 sec. Fixed: Save and remove embedded lyrics. MiniLyrics 5.5.3160 Upgrading is strongly recommended. Fixed: Crash when searching some lyrics; Fixed: Windows skin support; Fixed: Auto download lyrics failed; Fixed: Auto load Id3v2 unsynchronized lyrics; Fixed: Support UNICODE language package file; MiniLyrics 5.4.3035 Fixed: Support Yahoo! Music Jukebox. MiniLyrics 5.4.3016 New: Windows appearance skin. MiniLyrics 5.4.2984 Improved: Support Vista, solved several compatibility problems. Improved: Compatible with Winamp advanced title formatting. Improved: Rate lyrics function is more easy-to-use. Improved: Auto search will be canceled if the title name is 'track', 'music', 'c d'. Improved: Support saving new created lyrics as the file name of the current song file. Improved: Support uploading more than one lyrics a time. Improved: Auto save embedded lyrics after the song file is stopped. Fixed: A random crash. MiniLyrics 5.3.2810 New: New most easy-to-use synchronized lyrics editor. Fixed: Randomly crashes on downloading lyrics; Fixed: Other minor bugs;

MiniLyrics 5.2.2755 New: Display lyrics in Windows Media Player Visualization area; New: Display lyrics in iTunes Visualization area; New: Support Windows Media Center; New: Support AlbumPlayer New: Support XMPlay 3.4 New: Add downloads and rating info in the lyrics search result; New: Rate lyrics; Fixed: Auto hide MiniLyrics on playing movie; Fixed: Use Winamp 5's default theme color; Fixed: Other minor bugs; Fixed: Auto search lyrics with incorrect song title; Improved: Auto choose the file encoding when saving lyrics; MiniLyrics 5.1.2728 Upgrading is recommended. Fixed: use Skins of Winamp5; MiniLyrics 5.1.2725 New: Add rename, delete, edit Lyrics file in the open lyrics dialog; Fixed: Sign in error; Fixed: Some accelerator keys; Fixed: More lyrics could be searched; MiniLyrics 5.0.2710 New: Support Windows Mobile/Pocket PC; New: New user interface; New: Search lyrics by artist; Fixed: Support iTunes; Fixed: Save downloaded lyrics while the song file is .cue extension; Improved: Make a silence installation package; MiniLyrics 4.6.2280 New: Support iTunes 7; New: Support XMPlay; New: Support J. River Media Center; Fixed: Support Squid proxy server; New: Add options of "Do NOT download text lyrics auto"; Improved: Options of Saving downloaded lyrics; MiniLyrics 4.5.2266 Fixed: Double line with Karaoke display style. Fixed: Crash under win9x when deleting lyrics. MiniLyrics 4.5.2250 New: Support word wrap. New: Support JetAudio, KMPlayer, Yahoo! Music Engine, Media Jukebox, Bsplayer. New: More options about transparent settings, support transparent of "Mouse clic k through". New: Skin for Windows Media Player 11. Improved: Selft Lyrics editor of MiniLyrics, saving lyrics. Fixed: Bug of saving time offset of ID3v2 Synchronized Lyrics. Fixed: Auto resize the width of window when MiniLyrics is minimized. MiniLyrics - 4.3.2195 Fixed: Auto save ID3v2 synchronized/unsynchronized lyrics failed, if no ID3v2 ta g is in the mp3 file. MiniLyrics - 4.3.2190 New: Use default Internet proxy server setting of IE when MiniLyrics starts firs

t time. Fixed: Crash with Foobar2000 0.9 when searching lyrics automatically. Fixed: Crash with Winamp when playing real media file. MiniLyrics - 4.3.2175 1. New: Support to save/load ID3v2 synchronized and unsynchronized lyrics in the mp3 file. iTunes and Windows Media Player could view lyrics that MiniLyrics sav es in the mp3 file. 2. New: Support Enhanced LRC format lyrics (Karaoke lyrics). 3. New: Support Foobar2000 0.9. 4. New: Detect and select Language packages automatically. 5. Improved: horizontal scroll lyrics display style, lyrics scrolls more smoothl y. 6. Improved: 'Restart MiniLyrics' program will not modify the option of 'start w ith player'. 7. Fixed: Be compatible with multiple display monitors. 8. Fixed: Be Compatible with Winamp Media Library. MiniLyrics - 4.2.2061 1. New: support MediaMonkey. 2. New: 3 new cool skins(for Quintessential Player, realplayer, iTunes6). 3. Improved: auto search lyrics, added the prompt information. 4. Improved: support iTunes more perfectly. 5. Improved: the 'horizontal scroll style'. 6. Improved: popup menu group. 7. Fixed: support MusicMatch jukebox. 8. Fixed: saving lyrics in mp3 file automatically. MiniLyrics - 4.1.2019 1. Fixed the bug of supporting windows 9x. 2. Support proxy user authentication. 3. Solve some other bugs. MiniLyrics - 4.0.1978 1. Support UNICODE character encoding, MiniLyrics could display all kinds of lan guage lyrics. 2. Support save the character encoding of lyrics. 3. Add new skin for WMP10. 4. Add default color themes for skins. 5. Add the uploaded lyrics management. 6. Add the function of deleting lyrics in mp3 file. 7. Add separate font settings for English and other language lyrics. 8. Solve some bugs in self lyrics edit. 9. Solve some other bugs. MiniLyrics - 3.7.1810 1. Add 10 more color and font scheme; 2. Support loading background picture into lyrics display window; 3. Support docking functions in iTunes; 4. Add the option for lyrics encoding; 5.Support *.srt format to support viewing subtitles while watching movies; 6.Add Opacity percentage settings in display menu; 7.Disable transparent display option in Edit mode; 8.Solve the lyrics switch problem in Quintessential player; 9.Solve the one error in overwriting lyrics while uploading; 10. Solve the conflicting with Winamp Media Library while closing the lyrics win dow; MiniLyrics - 3.5.1648 1. Add in the preference the choice of saving lyrics directly into mp3 files

2. Add the button to access the overall context menu in the floating node 3. Auto hide the lyrics while playing movies. 4. Auto fill lyrics info while saving the lyrics into the mp3 files. 5. Add new hotkey to activate lyrics window. 6. Users can move lyrics together with mp3 into disk. 7. Sovle the problem of online search in win9x Os systems 8. Solve the problem of maximum length restriction of lyrics in win9x Os systems . 9. Fix the problem of displaying lyrics in dual monitors. 10. Solve the problem that displaying option can't be changed as the song switch ed. 11. FIx the pause probelm in tray controller for windows media player. 12. Modify the setting options of proxy server. 13. Add several language packages. MiniLyrics - 3.4.1480 1. Display dialog box to show ongoing process when interacting with server. 2. Added a new option to let users hide the floating toolbar. 3. Added a new function to remember the lyrics window width before closing it. 4. Fix one display error in showing Korean lyrics 5. Solved the connection error due to the problems in proxy server settings 6. Solved one crash exception happened in online search. MiniLyrics - 3.3.1370 1. Added the floating toolbar into the screen to facilitate the access of some c ommon options. 2. Added the new option "Fadeout Background" in the display preference. 3. Added the internet connection test wizard. 4. Added a new skin "Green Sparkle". 5. Fixed a bug in displaying txt based lyrics. 6. Solved one exception that causes crashes of the software. 7. Solved one bug of the online search lyrics. MiniLyrics - 3.2.1245 1. Solved the bug of the inability to catch the crash report under windowsXP sp2 ; 2. Solved the crashing exception induced by online search; 3. Added the download options: Users can save the lyrics as the same name as the song. 4. Added the hotkeys : Left and Right arrow keys can scroll the song 5 seconds b ackward/forward. 5. Optmized the lyrics displaying; 6. Sovled the bug of the inability to browse for the local lyrics in lyrics asso ciation; 7. Modified the Self Lyrics Editor's mode tooltip; 8. Unified the Self Lyrics Editor's Buttons colors and styles; 9. Added a how-to-launch-the-program message at the end of installation. MiniLyrics - 3.1.1140 1. Solve the bug of lyrics association with ".CUE" cdrom image. 2. Support the old skin of winamp5. Minilyrics - 3.0.1072 1. Fixed the bug of automatically resizing the lyrics window with winamp5 modern skin; Minilyrics - 3.0.1070 1.Add Self Lyrics Editor. 2.Support Http proxy online search 3. Add the capability to read ID3V2 info into mp3.

4. Support WMP10. 5 Add antiliasing support to make lyrics look more smooth. 6. In the multi-line display mode, dilute the color of the approximate lines fro m current line. 7. Simplify the process of lyrics uploading by reducing the some search methods. 8. Simplify the lyrics search by reducing the number of lyrics listed in the tab le. 9. Correct one exception bug that causes crashes. Minilyrics - 3.0.747 1.Solve the crash problem when submitting lyrics in Win98 Minilyrics - 3.0.736 1.Solve one problem causing crash; 2.Improve the user interface in searching and uploading lyrics; 3.Fix the error in checking version; 4.Fix the bug of "not able to continue installing software"; 5.Fix the bug of mistakenly filtering the song title; 6.Add forum and Bug report link into the "About" menu; 7.Solve the problem of exiting the software too slow at times; 8.Fix a problem in "Running Minilyrics" while re-initiating the software 9.Fix some bugs in MusicMatchBox Minilyrics - 3.0.675 1.Solve two critical crashing bugs; 2.correct one error in scroll bar 3.Add the function for checking newer version MiniLyrics - 2.6.216 1. Associate lyris automatically after MiniLyrics downloaded the lyrics. 2. Support iTunes now. 3. Support Musicmatch Jukebox now. 4. Fixed the bug of "MiniLyrics show position" 5. Fixed the problem of AVS when minimized MiniLyrics. 6. Fixed the problem of getting lyrics file name in foobar2000. 7. fixed the problem of "None" asssocaition. 8. support the old skin of Winamp5. MiniLyrics - 2.5.208 1. Add full match and part match searching function in the local lyrics associat ion. 2. custom lyrics editor is enabled now. 3. Add transparent support use the background color. 4. fixed some bugs, and support winamp5 well. 5. fixed the problem of lyrics searching under compressed NTFS file system. 6. support to foobar2000 0.8 MiniLyrics - 2.4.196 1. Optimize the lyrics search speed, cost less system resource. 2. Optimize the lyrics match rule, cause less mismatch. 3. Filter the characters that can't be displayed in the lyrics. MiniLyrics - 2.3.190 support for winamp5 now, but does not support winamp5's skins now. fixed the fatal error of opening *.sl files. fixed the error of saving lyrics to the song's directory in foobar2000. MiniLyrics - 2.2.170 improved the lyrics edit. Scroll and action record are very easy.

improved fixed the latest version Checking method. fixed the fatal error of getting song name in winamp2. fixed two fatal errors of formatting lyrics data. fixed the LRC file decoding error of ignoring the millisecond part. MiniLyrics - 2.2.161 fixed the crash problem, when press any key in minilyrics for winamp3 fixed the lyrics display problem in MiniLyrics' window for winamp3 fixed the lyrics aossication to "<None>" problem MiniLyrics - 2.1.149 added the skin of TCPort, thanks ipgo support foobar2000 0.7 MiniLyrics - 2.1.148 fixed and improved the method of dignose the crash of MiniLyrics; improved the install program, search supported player automatically; MiniLyrics - 2.0 added the tooltips support added the multiple language character encoding support of lyrics added the MiniLyrics crash capture for better dignose the problem added the function of double click to select the theme in the color themes dialo g added the "color theme" menu item in the context menu added the short cut key: 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B' to control the player to back, play, pause, stop, next added the tray icon options to control the player added options of do not show minilyrics on playing videoes added the mouse wheel message processing in the lyrics editor window added the delete, rename function in the lyrics associate dialog optimized the program, decreased the program size fixed the problem of vanished lyrics in the two row lyrics displaying mode fixed a problem under the simple lyrics editor mode fixed the problem of uninstall when MiniLyrics is running when the associated lyrics does not exist, search or download match lyrics fixed the fuzzy search of filter the chinese interpunctions fixed the problem of download a lyrics a hundreds of times MiniLyrics - 1.93 winamp2, winamp3, windows media player 9.0 and foobar2000 are well supported fixed lyrics association problem fixed mode switching problem in winamp3 added "do not bother me" in the lyrics downloading dialog box added the double click support in the downloading dialog box select the best match lyrics automatically in the downloading dialog box fixed crash problem in the lyrics searching MiniLyrics - 1.92 fixed "evaluation expired" problem fixed the option minimize, maximize with winamp's problem2 fixed top most options failure problem fixed the search problem of case insensitive install program can search winamp's install path automatically added an option to make minilyrics do not show under taskbar and system tray ico n MiniLyrics - 1.91 added a cool function that MiniLyrics can display lyrics under the AVS of winamp

2, winamp3 added color theme setting options, which makes minilyrics more colorful optimized the lyrics displaying, decreased the CPU cost added the support of UTF-8 under winamp3 enhanced the function of lyrics searching, now support part match searching added the option of hide MiniLyrics when no lyrics is displaying changed the fuzzy words "load lyrics" to "associate lyrics" added the help support in the menu added the network proxy of username, password support if multiple lyrics are found, show the lyrics downloading selecting dialog to ch oose the best added simple lyrics editor mode in all the skins fixed the problem of "ramdom skin" of winamp2 fixed the problem of lyrics saving dialog when chuanging the lyrics file type fixed the making winamp carsh problem when text lyrics is opened, switch to simply lyrics editor mode automatically fixed the winamp3 proxy setting problem MiniLyrics - 1.83(MiniLyrics3 build #4 for winamp3) added the manual searching lyrics by input song name function set the default window's position to system tray icon postion added the function of open lyrics with other editors added the function of adjust minilyrics window width by the lyrics length optimized the lyrics matching options: if not find the lyrics by ID3Info, then u se file name added options to adjust minilyrics window height under minimode. set defaut options to activate, minimize and restore with winamp window fixed other small problems MiniLyrics - 1.80(MiniLyrics3.0 beta1 build #2 for winamp3) added the simply lyrics editor mode to support text lyrics displaying and editin g; fixed the problem of proxy fixed the lyrics saving problem fixed the skin setting saving problem fixed the skin resize problem of minimode MiniLyrics - 1.70 (MiniLyrics3.0 beta1 build #1 for winamp3) supported the skin setting of winamp, Minilyrics can use winamp's skin now added the minimize, restore with winamp option added http proxy support,can use winamp, ie's proxy setting added saving as *.snc file function added the function that minilyrics can be draged with winamp fixed the lyrics saving problem fixed the lrc file type saving problem fixed the lyrics searching automatically problem fixed lyrics flicker problem of song changed fixed the title bar flicker problem under win98 when no song is playing MiniLyrics - 1.61 fixed the lyrics downloading problem when the saving folder does not exist fixed the lyrics searching database upgrading automatically problem MiniLyrics - 1.6 added the lyrics searching database upgrading automatically function supported the Resume broken downloads Magnetism window supported. Winamp can stick to MiniLyricss' main window when playing the online songs, MiniLyrics can find match lyrics fuzzy searching of filter the chinese interpunctions fixed:

download problem of socket receive error! disable the menu item of "Opacity" under windows 98 can't save the latest window positon of minilyrics removed the bad lyrics edit function the registration notice problem on MiniLyrics starting the lyrics association interface description error the lyrics match error the lyrics saving problem MiniLyrics - 1.5 added lyrics download management function, remove the download history of prefer ence optimized the lyrics matching rule, reduce the match error when close MiniLyrics, just minimize the window to the system tray icon added the option that just download the best match lyrics added the option that user can select to download when there are many lyrics added the option that minilyrics does not start with winamp added the option "show all the tips" added keyboard shortcuts support added the option that downloading the lyrics to the associated song's folder added the Kara OK lyrics display option added the context menu the opacity, Kara OK command Fixed: when the history links was downloaded, the same link can't be downloaded again the free space can't be reused after the links was deleted in the download histo ry file socked handle has not been closed after the exception downloading occurs the window minmize and restore position problem when restart the minilyrics window shape problem under windows XP the options "show MiniLyrics in" does not match the setting downloading error on big files(can't download the full file) downloading error on retry. when the lyrics window color setting changed, the border was not changed problem of processing the interupted downloaded file error of enterring registration code, when cancel the input, registered user wil l become unregistered MiniLyrics - 1.43 added the download retry times setting Fixed: problem on processing chinse characters LRC files, after decoding, half characte r maybe occurs the message box infomation problem the language pack switching prolem in preference dialog options pages upgraded to new version old setting file minilyric.ini would be overwrited lyrics association error, after canceled the association, but does not update im mediately under windows 98 the preference dialog's font problem in new version prompt dialog, newline should be showed added the function of delete the download URL history MiniLyrics - 1.42 prevent the log file exceeded 1MB in the lyrics selecting dialog box if the file name is too long, lyrics maybe ca n't been displayer properly when decoding LRC file and encountered empty line, the continued lyrics will bec ome double line. version compare problem and user interface problem when the lyrics search folder changed, research the match lyrics full support for multiple language

MiniLyrics - 1.41 fiexed the opacity function can't be saved under windows 2000 fiexed downloading history release and open file error after minimized minilyrics, then restart, minilyrics' position is error MiniLyrics - 1.40 added multiple language support: english and chinese added network connecting options MiniLyrics - 1.32 fixed access invalid memory address when set the background color of the lyrics window added function to display the lyrics downloads history. MiniLyrics - 1.31 fixed download the same file several times add the mark to data file and enhancement exception handle MiniLyrics - 1.3 search and download lyrics to the local machine automaticly when text lyrics file is opened, lyrics editor window will not be opened added the function of checking the new version when it start MiniLyrics - 1.2 added simply lyrics edit function fixed: error on saving lyrics duplicated lyrics are showed in the lyrics association dialog the resource of minilyrics was not released after exited added drag and drop support for MiniLyrics added opacity for MiniLyrics under windows 2000/XP MiniLyrics - 1.1 Simply edit for text lyrics file MiniLyrics - 1.0 fixed the user interface display display lyrics more smoothly fixed bug of skin: open default skin failure when first time run MiniLyrics - 0.99 added skin support fixed the user interface refresh problem on resizing added text lyrics support fixed the problem of skin contorl focus enhanced lyrics search function optimized the skin config file skin.skn MiniLyrics - 0.98 fixed the user interface clipping problem fixed the user interface clipping problem on single-line mode added function: for different display style, minilyrics can use different window position size setting added minimode support fixed other small problems

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