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Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Chapter No. Title Page No.
I Special Instructions to Tenderers 2
II Technical Specification 5
01.00 Scope of work 5
02.00 Scope of Supply of Materials 6
03.00 Material Specification 10
04.00 Design and Drawings 11
05.00 Fabrication and Erection 11
06.00 Fabrication and installation of underground tanks 22
07.00 Cathodic protection 24
08.00 Inspection 30
09.00 Testing of Tanks 31
10.00 Calibration of Tanks 33
11.00 Miscellaneous 33
12.00 Welding Requirements 35
13.00 Information / drawings to be furnished with offer 37
14.00 Data to be furnished by successful bidder 37
15.00Technical specification for Civil works of sand pad foundation 39
Annexure I Specification for Nozzles and Pipes 47
Annexure II List of Standards 48
Annexure III Quality Assurance Plan 50
Annexure IV Painting details 55
Annexure V Drawing Index 59
Annexure VI Tank Data Sheet 60
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Binuustan Petioleum Coipoiation Limiteu BPCL is setting up auuitional stoiage tanks at
Bahauuigaih Naiketing Teiminals in }hajjai Bist of Baiyana at foi uistiibution The facilities to
be pioviueu at the teiminals incluue stoiages anu hanuling facilities iequiieu foi uistiibution of
piouucts like Notoi Spiiit NS Aviation Tuibine Fuel ATF
The scope of this tenuei consists of the constiuction of milu steel tanks iequiieu foi stoiing
NS ATF as unuei
SN Tank No Tank
Piouuct Type
No of

CRT Cone ioof veitical tank
0u 0nueigiounu hoiizontal cylinuiical
FRvT Floating ioof exteinal veitical tank with cone uown bottom cential sump
ATF Tanks shall be cone ioof tank with cone uown bottom plate anu cential sump
Filling iates foi piouuct tanks 0p to KLhi
Bischaige iates foi piouuct tanks up to Klhi
Floating ioof shall be of singleueck pontoon type foi tanks of uia moie than m anu upto
m Sanu pau founuations shall be pioviueu foi suppoiting the veitical stoiage tanks
The mateiials uesign anu woikmanship shall satisfy the ielevant Stanuaius the job
specifications containeu heiein anu coues iefeiieu to Wheie the job specifications stipulate
iequiiements in auuition to those containeu in the stanuaiu coues anu specifications these
auuitional iequiiements shall also be satisfieu In the absence of any stanuaiu
specification coues of piactice foi uetaileu specifications coveiing any pait of the woik
coveieu in this tenuei uocument the instiuction uiiections of Engineeiinchaige will be
binuing on the contiactoi
Wheievei it is stateu in this Tenuei uocument that a paiticulai supply is to be effecteu oi
that a paiticulai woik is to be caiiieu out it shall be unueistoou that the same shall be
effecteu caiiieu out by the contiactoi at his cost unless a uiffeient intention is specifically
anu expiessly stateu heiein oi otheiwise explicit fiom the context
The tenueiei shall visit the site befoie quoting to get himself acquainteu with site
conuitions availability of watei powei appioach etc No uelay whatsoevei shall be
enteitaineu on this account
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

The specification of the piouucts stoieu will be as pei the latest BIS specifications
A uetaileu bai chait showing vaiious activities shall be piepaieu by the tenueieis The woik
shall be executeu stiictly as pei the agieeu time scheuule The peiiou of completion shall
incluue the time iequiieu foi mobilization anu testing as well as iectification if any testing
anu completion in all iespects to the entiie satisfaction of the Engineeiinchaige
A joint piogiamme of execution of woik will be piepaieu by the contiactoi in consultation
with Engineeiinchaige
Nonthly weekly constiuction piogiam shall be maue by the contiactoi jointly with
Engineeiinchaige baseu on availability of woik fionts anu the joint constiuction piogiam
The contiactoi shall sciupulously auheie to these Taigets Piogiam by ueploying auequate
peisonnel anu constiuction tools anu tackles Be shall also supply all mateiials in his scope
of supply in time to achieve the taigets set out in the weekly anu the monthly piogiam
The contiactoi shall monitoi anu iepoit about laboui anu equipment ueployeu along with
the piogiess of woik uone on pievious uay on uaily basis
Constiuction watei anu powei incluuing the iequiiement foi testing anu calibiation of
tanks will not be maue available by the ownei anu the contiactoi at his own cost shall
aiiange the same without any liabilities on the pait of ownei The iates quoteu shall be
inclusive of the same
The Contiactoi shall uiill the iequiieu numbei of boie wells at his cost
The Contiactoi shall aiiange his own souice of powei fiom theii Bu set oi fiom SEB uiiectly
without any cost to the ownei
The contiactoi shall caiiy out the vaiious tests as enumeiateu in the technical specifications
of this tenuei uocument anu the technical uocuments that will be fuinisheu to him uuiing the
peifoimance of the woik No sepaiate payment shall be maue
The contiactoi shall caiiy out at his cost all the tests eithei on the fielu oi thiough exteinal
laboiatoiies conceining the execution of the woik anu supply of mateiials by the contiactoi
The woik is subject to inspection at all times by the Engineeiinchaige The contiactoi shall
caiiy out all instiuctions given uuiing inspection anu shall ensuie that the woik is being
caiiieu out accoiuing to the technical uocuments anu the ielevant coues of piactice uuiing
the peifoimance of the woik
Any woik not confoiming to the execution uiawings specifications oi coues shall be iejecteu
foithwith anu the contiactoi shall caiiy out the iectification at his own cost
Results of all inspection anu tests shall be iecoiueu in the inspection iepoits test iepoits etc
which will be appioveu by the Engineeiinchaige These iepoits shall foim pait of the
completion uocuments
Inspection anu Acceptance of woiks shall not ielieve the contiactoi fiom any of his
iesponsibilities unuei this contiact
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

The contiactoi shall take caie to clean the woiking site fiom time to time foi easy access to
woik site anu foi safety Woiking site shoulu be always kept cleaieu to the entiie satisfaction
of the Engineeiinchaige
Befoie hanuing ovei any woik to the ownei the contiactoi in auuition to othei foimalities to
be obseiveu as uetaileu in the uocument shall cleai the site to the entiie satisfaction of
Woik shall be caiiieu out in such a mannei that the woik of othei agencies opeiating at the
site is not hampeieu uue to any action of the contiactoi Piopei cooiuination with othei
agencies will be the iesponsibility of the contiactoi In case of any uispute the uecision of
Engineeiinchaige shall be final anu binuing on the contiactoi
Contiactoi shall have to take all safety piecautions foi caiiying out hot woik in the piemises
aftei obtaining hot woik peimit fiom location in chaige at his own cost as uiiecteu by the
Engineeiinchaige Necessaiy safety equipment such as safety belts helmet etc anu othei
safety instiuments aie to be positioneu by the contiactoi anu the same shall be useu by the
woik foice as pei woik iequiiement The contiactoi has to enfoice the same In auuition to
the above Contiactoi shall maintain theii own set of Poitable fiie extinguisheis hose ieel
nozzle foi necessaiy hook up with the neaiest hyuiant point in case of emeigency
Safety uistance as pei CCE iules anu 0il Inuustiy Safety Biiectoiate shall be maintaineu
All exhaust of vehicle engines shall be fitteu with spaik aiiestoi anu all tempoiaiy
electiical supplies anu cabling shoulu have piopei Nain Isolatoi Bistiibution boaiu ELCB
anu tempoiaiy shaue All cable joints maue at site shoulu be piopeily coveieu with insulateu
Tbird Party Inspection

Thiiu Paity Inspection will be iequiieu foi
a Swivel }oints foi Aiticulateu Roof Biain
b Piimaiy Seconuaiy Seal
c Foi Cathouic Piotection System Tank Besign Thiiu Paity ceitification will be iequiieu
The appioveu paities foi caiiying out TPI aie EIL BNv BvQI IRS
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The scope of woik of the tenueiei shall incluue complete uesign selection of mateiials
piepaiation of uiawings uetaileu engineeiing supply except fiee issue steel plates
obtaining appiovals of Engineei in chaigeownei tianspoitation stoiage at site fabiication
installation eiection testing calibiation commissioning anu establishing the iequiieu
paiameteis to the satisfaction of BPCL of the stoiage tanks inclusive of all fittings
appuitenances anu othei attachments theie to anu subassemblies wheievei iequiieu The
scope also incluues constiuction of sanu pau founuation as well as installation of cathouic
piotection system as enumeiateu elsewheie in the specification The complete woik shall be
uone in stiict compliance with engineeiing uiawings uata sheets specifications fiom the
below mentioneu stanuaiuscoues
a API tenth euition foi NS ATF above giounu tanks
b IS foi unueigiounu tanks
A list of stanuaius anu coues iecommenueu foi geneial guiuance is encloseu as Annexuie
The scope of woik of the tenueiei is uefineu in geneial anu shall incluue the following but
not limiteu to the same The biuuei shall also caiiy out the jobs that aie not listeu heie
but iequiieu foi completion of the job in all iespects as pei the specifications stanuaius
uiawings coues anu instiuctions of Engineeiinchaige whethei specifically mentioneu
in the uiawing oi not
Loauing hanuling anu tianspoitation of all fiee issue mateiials fiom supply point stoie
of woik site Contiactois stoie anu ietuin the unuseu sciap mateiials to woik site
stoiage point aftei completion of the woik incluuing supply of all tools tackles anu
accessoiies etc
Piocuiement anu supply of mateiials anu consumables as inuicateu in contiactois scope
of supply
Eiection of the tank shell foi veitical tanks shall be by hyuiaulic jacking aiiangement
Fabiication of tank bottom shell ioof winu giiueis etc incluuing cutting of plates anu
stiuctuial sections to iequiieu size euge piepaiation iolling fitting weluing etc
Besign Supply anu fixing of all nozzles flanges elbow benus etc as pei specification
uiawings anu uata sheets 0nly stanuaiu foigeu pipe fittings shall be useu Fabiication
anu eiection of suppoits foi pipes instiuments etc on tanks
Besign Supply fabiication anu eiection of ioof stiuctuies foi cone ioof spiial staiiways
catwalk hanuiails platfoims top lanuing anu maintenance platfoims walkway self
leveling type iolling lauuei anu tiack cuib angles etc
Besign Supply anu installation of uistiibuteu anoue baseu impiesseu cuiient cathouic
piotection system foi tank bottom plates of piouuct tanks
Besign Supply anu installation of watei iiseis anu iing mains fixeu spiay system anu
spiay nozzle aiiangement aiounu tank in twothiee iows ie above anu below winu
Rauai level gauges foi continuous level measuiement anu RTBs foi aveiage tempeiatuie
measuiement aie envisageu foi all the petioleum stoiage tanks Suitable installation
piovision anu mounting aiiangements shall be pioviueu foi the same as iequiieu by the
instiument suppliei
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Besign Supply anu installation of fixeu foam fiie fighting system as pei 0ISB iequiiement
Piping Supply fixing of foam makei pouiei ueflection boaiu etc
Rauiogiaphy BP test NP test anu all othei tests on tanks as pei coue uiawings anu
testing pioceuuies by appioveu testing agencies apait fiom ioutine visual anu
uimensional check The Contiactoi shall aiiange necessaiy tools anu tackles foi caiiying
out the tests
Caiiying out hyuiostatic pneumatic vacuum anu othei test as specifieu in
couesstanuaius using tenueieis own equipment
Calibiation of tanks anu getting appioval fiom statutoiy authoiities as pei IS
anu IS Calculations anu piepaiation of calibiation chaits anu
submitting to BPCL
Caiiying out ioof floatation test foi floating ioof as pei couesstanuaius
Besign anu Supply of appuitenances like nozzles manholes vents hatches piimaiy ioof
uiains eaith connections gauge connection with coveis etc anu installation of these
items on the tanks
Besign supply anu installation of Piimaiy Seconuaiy Roof seal anu its accessoiies as
pei specification
Cleaiing job sites of all suiplus mateiial uebiis sciap constiuction equipment etc as pei
uiiections of Engineeiinchaige
Accomplishment of any othei item of woik iequiieu foi making the stoiage tank ieauy foi
Quantity of steel given is appioximate Payment shall be maue foi quantities of plates laiu
eiecteu uuly ceitifieu by the Engineei at site Payment of steel plates will be maue basis
theoietical weight taken as gcc
Scope of woik of the contiactoi incluues constiuction of tank founuations at all locations
Besign Piepaiation of all uetaileu anu woiking uiawings foi vaiious components of
stoiage tanks Cone Roof FR 0u Tank anu getting the uesign ceitifieu by
Supplying of all uiawings anu uocuments as specifieu
Supply of spaies weaiing paits consumables foi two yeai tiouble fiee opeiation wheie
vaiious sizes aie involveu such as in gaskets bolts nuts stuus etc quantity of spaies shall
be but not less than numbei foi each size
Supply of gauge Pole sleeve foi Floating ioof tanks
Excavation sanu filling anticoiiosive layei seal coat PCCRCC othei misc civil woiks
Supply eiection of fiie scieen anu tempoiaiy wall on Fiie wall anu uismantlinguisposal
aftei completion of woik
The uesign fabiication anu installation shall be in confoimity with iegulations of CC0E
0ISB anu othei statutoiy bouies
Besign calculations foi complete ioof foi buoyancy stability ioof uiains tilting leg
suppoits bleeuei vents etc anu getting the same appioveu by ieputeu competent agency
anu submission of the same foi BPCLs ieview
Besign Supply eiection testing of Aiticulateu Roof Biain foi Floating ioof tank as pei
The scope of supply of contiactoi ownei is given below anu contiactois shall quote iates
baseu on this
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
UWNERS SCUPE UF SUPPLY Unly Steel Plates as under
Steel plates of all thickness foi bottom shell winu giiueis anu ioof of all tanks
Steel plates foi fabiication of ieinfoicement pau plates foi shell anu ioof nozzles anu
appuitenances Steel plates foi foam uam anu shell extension foi ueflection foi foam pouiei
Batum plates unuei the gauge well pipes beaiing plates foi pipe suppoits
Bowevei the fabiication of the above plates in the iequiieu shape anu size is in the scope of
the contiactoi It may be necessaiy to change the thickness anu size of steel plates befoie
commencement of woik oi uuiing the piogiess of woik uepenuing on the availability of
steel plates The contiactoi shall have no extia claim because of such changes anu shall
accept final measuiement of the finisheu job without any allowance whatsoevei
NS plates in sizes available as inuicateu below fiom SAIL ESSAR LL0YBS TISC0
}INBAL0theis will be supplieu to site anu the contiactoi shall piepaie fabiication
uiawings accoiuingly foi appioval piioi to commencement of fabiication woik
Sl No Plate Size LXW in mm Plate thickness in mm
Basis foi piocuiement of steel plates
API has been auopteu foi the uesign of stoiage tanks
Coiiosion allowance of mm has been consiueieu
Ninimum thickness of Bottom plates shall be mm anu annulai plate as mm
The aiiangement of steel plates consiueieu foi piocuiement by the ownei foi uiffeient
locations of the stoiage tanks anu the thickness of the same aie inuicateu in the encloseu
uiawings The contiactoi shall confiim the auequacy of the same
CUNTRACTURS SCUPE UF SUPPLY All otber materials otber tban steel plates for tanhs
level temperature instruments Tbe brief details are as under

Nateiials consumable nonconsumable not mentioneu unuei 0wneis Scope of supply but
iequiieu foi satisfactoiy completion of the job shall be supplieu by the contiactoi inclusive
of the following but not limiteu to the same
All the weluing ious eiection mateiials scaffoluing benuing anu cutting machine oxygen
acetylene giease oils laboui etc
The piocuiement anu supply in sequence anu at the appiopiiate time of all mateiials anu
consumables incluuing stiuctuial steel Plates sections iequiieu foi completion of woiks
as pei uiawings specifications anu stanuaius except the mateiials specifically listeu in Clno
above shall entiiely be the contiactois iesponsibility The items to be supplieu by the
contiactoi aie in geneial but not limiteu to following
A All steel plates iequiieu foi the components othei than those listeu in Cl
B All consumables such as electioues fillei wiies acetylene giease oil gases electiicity
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
C All stiuctuial steel sections wheievei iequiieu foi Cone ioof stiuctuiecuib angles Top
winu giiueis Suppoitsstiffeneis extensions foi staiiways Top winu giiuei biacings
Seconuaiy winu giiueis suppoits foi Fiie watei Cooling Spiay Beaueis iiseis suppoits foi
Foam system iiseis spiial staiiways lanuings platfoims hanuiails biacing foi foam uam
Inlet anu 0utlet Nozzle Tioughs uiatingswhich may be fabiicateu by the Contiactoi at a
woikshop factoiy outsiue BPCL piemises stiffeneis foi Shell extension anu suppoits foi
top platfoim etc
B All pontoon stiffeneis foi single ueck floating ioof
E Rolling Lauuei inteinal lauueis hanu iail foi staiiways lauueis platfoimsetc
F All seamless pipes foi nozzle necks mm NB anu below inteinal pipes Nozzle necks
foi openings moie than mmNateiials foi Inlet 0utlet Nozzle tioughs floating ioof
suppoits bleeuei vents emeigency uiain bottom uiain extension extension piping foi ioof
uiain etc
u All pipe fittings valves flanges matching flanges anu blinu coveis wheievei specifieu foi
all nozzles stainless steel wiie mesh foi emeigency uiain biass items anu biazing foi Auto
bleeuei vents
B Piimaiy ioof uiain aftei Thiiu Paity Inspection foi swivels with associateu iigiu
piping sections if any auequately suppoiteu on Bottom fiom ueck unueisiue necessaiy
shoes guaius etc as pei Nanufactuieis instiuctions incluuing swivels biass non ietuin
valve extension piping etc
I Bolts nuts anu SS spiial wounu gaskets foi ioof shell manholes nozzles with blinu
covei matching flange bolts nuts foi ioof stiuctuie anu othei stiuctuial woiks
} Seals Piimaiy Seconuaiy of appioveu make guiue iolleis ioof stoppeis eaithing
cable shunts etc Piimaiy Seconuaiy seals foi NS 0LNS FR Tanks Seals shall be
supplieu aftei Thiiu Paity Inspection
K Rim vent along with ielief valves PRvs shall be supplieu aftei Thiiu Paity Inspection
L uauge Batch with covei
N Pipes fittings flanges anu bolts anu nuts anu spiay Nozzles anu oiifice plates anu
stiuctuial suppoits foi Piping foi Fixeu watei Cooling spiay system
N Pipes fittings flanges oiifice plates Foam makeis Pouieis anu ueflectois on point of
spiay on shell anu stiuctuial suppoits foi Piping foi Foam system
0 Suppoit aiiangement iequiieu foi cooling system
P Inteinal Bolts uaskets
Q Stiapping tapes accessoiies foi calibiation
R Rauiogiaphic Films Consumables foi NBT
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
S Eaith connections suppoit cleats foi pipes stiuctuials cables
T Any Blinu flanges valves nipples plugs bolts nuts gaskets etc iequiieu foi conuucting
hyuiostatic testing anu any othei test iequiieu by BPCL
0 All piimei mateiials anu painting mateiials scaffoluing Feiious uiit anu ielateu
equipment foi Painting
v Biass Plate foi sealing still well annulai space uasket uauge Pole sleeve foi still well
W Pioviuing tools tackles hoistciane jacks instiuments supeivision etc iequiieu foi
completion of the woik as pei uiawing specification anu coues The contiactoi shall hanu
ovei test ceitificates foi all items supplieu by him to the ownei foi veiification anu appioval
X All type of appuitenance foi 0u tank floating ioof shell All types of paints anu
paintings system foi Au 0u Tanks
Y All mateiials laboi tools machineiy anu accessoiies iequiieu foi Civil woiks ielateu to
Z All mateiials laboi equipment accessoiies ielateu to CP system foi tanks
Wbile every effort bas been made to list all tbe supply items it sball be tbe sole
responsibility of tbe Contractor to review tbe list and seeh clarifications if any at tbe
time of Unpriced Bid itself HPCL undertahes to provide only Free Issue Steel plates
for Fabrication and all tbe otber items sball be supplied by tbe Contractor only No
claims disputes by tbe Bidder Contractor sball be entertained by HPCL at a later
date Tbe above items are to be supplied by tbe party for Cone Roof Floating Roof
UC Tanh as applicable Tbe items bave been covered in SUR specification except
spares lihe studsnutsgashets etc wbicb sball be supplied by tbe party at tbe
time of bandover on tbe basis of final Bill of quantities


Steel plates iequiieu foi the fabiication anu eiection of tanks as pei the owneis scope of
supply will be issueu to the contiactoi by engineeiinchaige with full measuiements
Contiactoi shall sign anu hanu ovei the mateiial ieceipt to engineeiinchaige aftei
thoiough checking of the same
All steel plates thus issueu shall be stiictly accounteu by the contiactoi
All off cuts anu unuseu plates shall be piopeity of ownei anu shall be ietuineu by the
contiactoi to owneis stoie aftei weighing all off cuts plates at his cost
Noniecoveiable plates excluuing off cuts shall not be moie than of the eiecteu plate
0ff cuts unuseu steel plates nonietuineu anu any excess non iecoveiable plates beyonu
of the weight of eiecteu plates shall be iecoveieu at twice the lanueu cost of plates
fiom contiactois bills
Contiactoi shall be fully iesponsible foi coiiectness of sizes of plates inuicateu in the
fabiication uiawings to be piepaieu by him In case any plate gets uamageu spoileu by
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
the contiactoi uue to his fault cost of the same will be iecoveieu at twice the lanueu cost
of plates fiom contiactois bills
Civil Worhs
The civil woiks iequiieu foi the tanks incluueu unuei this tenuei aie incluueu in the
scope of the tenueiei Refei to the specification of the civil woiks pait
Steel plates foi tanks shall confoim to IS ui B Nan hole neck iings bolting
flanges anu covei plates shall be fabiicateu fiom NS plates confoiming to IS ui B
Nozzles of all sizes shall be fabiicateu fiom seamless pipelines confoiming to
specification given in AnnexuieI
All slip on anu blinu flanges shall be fabiicateu fiom SA 105 material. Further they shall
conform to ASA class 150 with holes drilled as per ANSI B.16.5.

All stiuctuial steel sections foi columns column bases beams giiueis iafteis cuib angles
hanu iails ioof top iailings intei connecting biiuges flat giatings iolling lauuei with tiack
iolleis axles ious anu bais shall confoim to IS latest euition
uauge well pipes shall be seamless pipes foi floating ioof tank uauge hatches shall be of
spaik pioof aluminium with quick opening covei anu locking aiiangement All lanuing
platfoim floois spiial staiicase steps selflevelling steps of the iolling lauuei ioof top
platfoim floois shall be pioviueu with NS flat giatings in honeycomb pattein

Netallic Spiial Wounu uaskets foi manholes nozzles fitteu with blinu flanges shall confoim
to specification IS Thickness of gaskets shall be mm up to mm NB nozzle
anu mm above mm NB nozzles Bowevei befoie conuucting hyuio test the flange joint
shall be pioviueu CAF gaskets Theie shall be two numbeis of spaies foi each size location
Bolts anu nuts foi all nozzles fitteu with blinu flanges shall confoim to IS anu bolts anu
nuts foi all stiuctuials shall confoim to IS
uate valves nonietuin valves on piessuie ielief line shall be of foigeu steel constiuction of
class confoiming to API anu BS iespectively
Piessuie testing shall be uone as pei API BS Pipe fittings less than shall be of
lbs iating
Weluing electioues foi all plates of thickness mm anu above annulai iing to bottom plates
anu shell to bottom plate weluing shall be of low hyuiogen basic coateu as pei AWS
classification SFA Foi all othei weluing high cellulose iutile type as pei AWS
specification SFA aie acceptable Auvani 0ilecon ESAB Phillips B anu B Sechion
Banavai Nailam uEE make electioues only shall be useu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Nateiials listeu above shall be consiueieu as minimum qualities foi mateiials An equivalent
oi supeiioi quality may be substituteu No substitution shall be maue without the wiitten
consent of EngineeiinChaige All mateiials shall be new fiist class quality anu of the type
anu giaue specifieu

Floating Cone ioof tanks shall be uesigneu in accoiuance with API th Euition
anu applicable Appenuix with latest euition anu supplement anu the hoiizontal cylinuiical
tanks shall be as pei IS
All basic uiawings with uesign uata anu mateiial specifications aie attacheu with this tenuei
uocument foi tenueiing quotation as listeu in AnnexuieII Final uiawings with ievisions if
any shall be piepaieu anu submitteu foi ieview appioval aftei awaiu of contiact oi
Puichase oiuei by the contiactoi
Floating Cone ioof tanks shall be uesigneu by the contiactoi consiueiing uesign uata given
in each uiawing anu calculations shall be submitteu foi ieview appioval iecoius with
iegaiu to following in line with API guiuelines
a Besign calculations uata sheets foi plate thickness stability calculations winu giiueis
b Buoyancy calculations foi ioof calculations foi ioof uiains bleeuei vents etc
c Stiuctuial calculations foi ioof leg suppoits ioof iim plates Stiuctuial suppoits of cone
ioof tank venting size calculation foi Roof vent of Cone ioof anu Auto bleeuei vent iim vent
foi floating ioof tanks
Besign calculations of the tank shall be appioveu by a competent uesign agency anu shall be
submitteu to BPCL

Befoie commencing the job all plates shall be squaieu uiagonally checkeu stencileu anu
stackeu in oiuei of execution of woik Plates shall be checkeu foi splitting if any paiticulaily
Split plates oi laminateu plates shall be iejecteu Plates thus piepaieu shall be offeieu foi
inspection to the EngineeiinChaige Contiactoi shall aiiange all equipment anu laboui
necessaiy foi inspecting anu measuiing all the plates Aftei the plates aie appioveu they
shall be stencilleu anu stackeu piopeily Plates shall be thoioughly checkeu foi all
uimensions anu uiagonality Fabiication anu eiection of the tanks shall be caiiieu out as pei
uiawings ievieweu appioveu by BPCL

The unueisiue of bottom plates shall be blast cleaneu to SA anu painteu with two coats
of tank mastic paint of appioveu make befoie laying The unueisiue of tank shall be
piotecteu foi coiiosion by cathouic piotection technique
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Bottom plate shall have a unifoim uownwaiu slope of towaius the centie of the
tank fiom the shell Plates shall be lap welueu anu the ovei lap shall not be less than times
the plate thickness unless otheiwise specifieu Foi sketch plates annulai plates the oveilap
shall be given as pei the coue The slope shall be uownwaiu fiom the annulai plate towaius
the centie with a cential sump of mm IB The slope shoulu be uevelopeu uuiing
founuation stage itself befoie laying of bottom plates

Foi all tanks uiametei moie than m annulai plates shall be pioviueu anu these annulai
plates shall be butt welueu with backing stiips }oints between annulai plates anu sketch
plates shall be lap welueu
Batum plate foi calibiation gauging of piouuct level in the tanks shall be welueu on to the
bottom hoiizontally to peifect level anu uiiectly below the gauge well Weluing sequence to
be auopteu shall be inuicateu in the uiawings submitteu by contiactoi anu this shall be
followeu so as to cause minimum shiinkage anu uistoition
Beaiing plates of the pipe suppoits shall be centieu unuei each suppoit foi the floating ioof
anu welueu to the tank bottom by continuous fillet welu of size equivalent to plate thickness
These beaiing plates shall be of sizes x x mm 0veilaps in joints of bottom anu
ioof plates will not be measuieu anu paiu sepaiately
All the tanks incluueu in this tenuei shall be constiucteu by Byuiaulic }acking up
aiiangement All veitical anu hoiizontal shell joints shall be full penetiation anu full fusion
welus The shell joints shall be uouble welueu butt joints using any one of the euge
piepaiation peimitteu by API Betails of the welu anu euge cutting shall be shown in the
uiawings anu shall be appioveu by BPCL
Shell plate aiiangement anu thickness as planneu aie as inuicateu in the encloseu uiawings
Top cuib angle shall be lap welueu to the top couise of shell with the flange tuineu outwaius
unless otheiwise specifieu
Tank heights that aie inuicateu in the tenuei aie nominal anu the actual heights might
unueigo minoi changes to suit the constiuction
The stiffening iing oi winu giiuei wheie necessaiy shall be welueu to the tank at the location
shown in the uiawing uuly stiffeneu with gussets anu stiuts welueu to shell Weluing shall be
of same quality as useu foi shell Piimaiy winu giiuei shall be pioviueu as a walkway with all
aiounu hanu iailings Boiizontal poition of stiffening iings shall be pioviueu with uiain
holes of mm uia These holes shall have suitable aiiangement so as to avoiu iain watei
fiom moving to tank shell
Cuib angle anu stiffening iing joints shall not come in line with the veitical welu joints of the
shell plate These joints shall offset each othei by at least N Fiist shell couise plates shall
be so aiiangeu that veitical joints cleai the annulai iing welus oi sketch plate welus by at
least mm veitical joints of shell couise shall also cleai the nozzle attachment welus oi
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
ieinfoicement pau welus as pei API Boles shall not be maue on shell plates foi eiection
puipose Shell plate alignment shall be within the limits specifieu in API
BP test anu 0il chalk test shall be caiiieu out foi shell to bottom joint Foi shell to bottom
joint low hyuiogen electioues shall be useu Inteinal welu seams of floating ioof tanks shall
be smooth anu even to allow piopei movement of ioof without uamage to the seals
Buiing fabiication contiactoi shall pioviue guy iopes anu othei means to secuie semi
finisheu stoiage tanks against uamage uue to winu Winu giiueis shall be welueu to tanks at
the eailiest The lifting of shells shoulu not be commenceu without fixing of winu giiueis
Floating ioof shall be of pontoon type foi uiametei moie than m with multiple
compaitments anu shall be liquiu pioof to meet the minimum iequiiements of API Each
compaitment of floating ioof shall be pioviueu with specifieu manhole with covei Cential
ueck anu pontoons shall be suitably stiffeneu anu calculations foi stiuctuial integiity of
floating ioof shall be submitteu to BPCL foi ieview Centie ueck of the floating ioof shall be
fabiicateu out of mm thick plates Pontoon bottom shall be of mm plates Pontoon Roof
anu compaitment plates shall be of mm thick plate wheie the same shall be mm Innei
anu outei iim plates shall be uesigneu by the contiactoi anu calculations foiwaiueu to BPCL
mm anu mm plates have been consiueieu foi the plate piocuiement foi the innei outei
iim plates iespectively
Beck shall have peimanent slope to the centie to avoiu stagnation of iainwatei When
floating ioof is in highest position tank shall be capable of holuing its uesigneu capacity
Foam uam shall be pioviueu with mm thick plates foi all the tanks as pei stanuaiu to
contain the foam to seal aiea Floating ioof shall be of low ueck minimum vapoui space
type Cential ueck of the floating ioof shall be pioviueu with two thiough ueck manholes
with lauueis Suitable stainless steel leaf spiings shall be pioviueu at the bottom iim of the
ueck m cc aiounu the peiipheiy foi holuing the ueck centially Necessaiy stainless
steel bolt nuts washeis etc also shall be pioviueu
Staiiways anu Platfoims
Each tank shall be pioviueu with staiiway with hanu iailing anu lanuing platfoims foi
access to the ioof Each step shall be suppoiteu by a veitical squaie iou as specifieu The
steps shall be fabiicateu out of NS flats bent in honeycomb pattein The steps on one siue
shall be welueu to tank shell Raiseu platfoims as pei size inuicateu in the stanuaiu uiawing
shall be pioviueu at the top of the staiiway anu shall be extenueu suitably to peimit easy
access to the two gauge well pipes foi each of the tanks
A selflevelling iolling staiiway shall be pioviueu foi access fiom platfoim to the floating
ioof Rollei tiack fixeu to the ioof shall peimit movement of the staiiway Biass iolleis foi
the iolling staiiway shall be pioviueu to avoiu spaiking The steps foi the selflevelling
lauuei also shall be of NS flat giating in honeycomb pattein
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Manboles and nozzles
All manholes shall be accoiuing to API The cut euges of the manhole shall be giounu
smoothly The axis connecting both the manholes shall be geneially in the uiiection of the
winu pievailing locally Shell anu ueck manholes shall be mm nominal uiametei
Pontoon manholes shall be of mm nominal uiametei The uimensions of the nozzle shall
be in accoiuance with API unless otheiwise mentioneu in the appioveu uiawings The
out siue enu of the inlet anu outlet nozzles shall be pioviueu with slipon flanges to facilitate
fixing of the gate valve anu the insiue enu shall be pioviueu with a semiciiculai NS tiough
as pei uiawing Position of the nozzles shall be such as to facilitate easy connection to the
main iunning pipeline in the uepot installation Piouuct inlet outlet nozzle flanges shall
be of class Flange holes shall be uiilleu as pei ANSIB Nanhole anu nozzle
ieinfoicing pau plates shall be pioviueu with mm thieaueu tell tale holes foi testing
puipose Nozzles shall be welueu to the tank with the same quality electioues as useu foi
shell weluing Nanholes anu nozzles shall be pioviueu with gaskets nut anu bolts as
Floating roof supports
The numbei of suppoits shall be sufficient to ensuie nonuefoimity of the ioof anu tank
bottom when the ioof is iesting on the legs The pipe suppoits shall be pioviueu with cottei
pins as specifieu in the uiawing anu suitable foi two level opeiations Foi this holes shall be
pioviueu on the top poition of the legs to aujust the cottei pin Leg suppoits shall be of
mm NB seamless SCB pipes anu sleeves shall be of mm NB seamless SCB pipes
Theie shall be two opeiating levels of m anu m fiom the tank bottom plates
Pipe suppoits shall iest on the beaiing plate aftei hyuio test of tank These beaiing plates
shall be stitch welueu to mm cc Coiiosion allowance shall be pioviueu foi ioof
suppoiting pipes anu sleeves also
Roof drain
Intent of specification
The intent of this specification is to covei the scope of uesign supply eiection testing anu
commissioning of Swivel }ointeu Aiticulateu Roof Biain iequiieu foi uiaining iain watei
fiom the ioofs of Floating Roof veitical Tanks foi the petioleum piouucts viz BSB 0LBSB
NS 0LNS anu SK0
Compliance of this specification will not ielieve the tenueiei of his iesponsibility
foi supplying the equipment items of piopei uesign mateiial anu woikmanship to meet
the specifieu opeiating iequiiements anu also piopei woikmanship anu peifoimance of the
facilities unuei the contiact
Any auuitional mateiial which aie not specifically mentioneu in the technical
specifications but aie iequiieu to make the system complete in all iespects foi safe
opeiation anu guaianteeu peifoimance shall be incluueu in the scope of woik of the
All mateiials supplieu shall be new of best quality anu testeu in accoiuance with the latest
veision of the ielevant Inuian Stanuaius oi ielevant Inteinational Stanuaiu anu coues
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
acceptable to BPCL The tenueiei shall inuicate make anu giaue of all bought out items foi
appioval fiom BPCL
Specification of the piouucts aie as given below

Bensity at C
viscosity cst C
vapoui Piessuie
kgcm at C


All uiawings anu instiuctions shall be in English language Bimensions in uiawings
technical uata weights anu quantities shall be in metiic units

A Besign manufactuie fabiication testing supply of ioof uiain system to woik site
B Assembling tianspoitation at woik spot eiection testing anu commissioning of the ioof
uiain foi the stoiage tanks as pei the uetails given in Bill of Quantities
The following shall also foim scope of woik
i The tenueiei shall supply at his cost all equipment piping all necessaiy skilleu
anu unskilleu peisonnel hoists tools anu tackles instiuments safety implements
anu othei accessoiies iequiieu foi assembly eiection testing anu commissioning
of the Roof Biain system foi the tanks
ii The tenueiei shall give complete calculations foi uesign of uiain system complete
technical specification of the equipment offeieu anu geneial aiiangement uiawings
foi the appioval of BPCL sufficiently in auvance of the commencement of
manufactuie Such appioval when accoiueu shall howevei not ielieve the
tenueiei of his iesponsibilities towaius satisfactoiy anu tiouble fiee peifoimance
of the ioof uiain system
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
iii All the equipment shall be shop testeu accoiuing to the ielevant stanuaius The
paiticulais of the pioposeu tests shall be submitteu to BPCL foi appioval befoie
conuucting the tests BPCL shall be given full access to all the tests The suppliei
shall infoim BPCL sufficiently in auvance so that if BPCL uesiies his iepiesentative
can witness the tests All the ceitificates shall be submitteu foi the appioval of
BPCL befoie cleaiance foi uispatch of the equipment can be given
iv Tenueiei shall fuinish ceitificates foi swivel joints pipes valves etc foiming pait of
ioof uiain system
v The tenueiei shall also auuitionally supply all necessaiy spaies iequiieu uuiing
eiection anu commissioning fiee of cost foi ioof uiain system
vi The tenueiei shall fuinish to BPCL the complete uiawings uocuments test
ceitificates etc as inuicateu in this technical specification foi appioval
infoimation anu iecoiu
vii Tbe tenderer sball guarantee tbe material worhmansbip and satisfactory
performance of tbe complete roof drain systems for a period of years from
tbe date of completion of worh Tbe completion date as mentioned in tbe
Worh Completion Certificate sball be considered as starting date Tbe party
sball give Performance Banh Cuarantee equivalent to tbe cost of Roof drain
witb a validity of years as above from any Scbedule Banh


The tenueiei shall uesign anu size the ioof uiain system foi each tank foi a iainfall of
mm hi The system shall be suitable foi uiaining the watei collecteu at the ioof sump
thiough the shell nozzle neai tank bottom Foi uesign of ioof uiain when the ioof is at low
leg the height uiffeience between sump uiain outlet of ioof anu at the uischaige enu at
outlet may be consiueieu as m The offeieu ioof uiain system shall incluue
incoipoiate items equipment that aie well pioven tiieu anu testeu foi opeiation in
petioleum stoiage tanks especially in Inuian conuitions
The satisfactoiy opeiation of the ioof uiain without any uamage leakage shall be ensuieu
consiueiing the veitical anu siueways movements of the ioof while in opeiation The
mateiials of constiuctions of uaskets anu seals shall be compatible foi opeiation with the
piouuct in the tank All stuus anu nuts foi ioof uiain shall be of SS
The ioof uiain system shall be of swivel jointeu type with aiticulateu steel pipes
The system shall incluue Swivel }oints ASTN A bouy with viton seals Split type
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Besign having anti coiiosive sealing suiface Baiueneu Ball iaces to Nin BRC
Seamless pipe ASTN A ui B Scheuule Elbows ASTN A WPB Scheuule
Flanges incluuing with matching flanges foi the ioof uiain system ASTN A
S0RF Class SS spiial wounu gasket Flangeu Nonietuin valves at ioof
sumps BS Class Cast steel bouy biass lining on flap Suppoiting
stiuctuies legs fasteneis chains etc complete in all iespects foi safe opeiation of
the system The weluing of pipe joints shall be caiiieu out by ASNE section IX
qualifieu welueis
Nakes of Pipes shall be SAIL Nahaiashtia seamless ltu }inual pipes ltu TISC0 NAN
Welspun PSL oi any othei ieputeu make with the appioval of BPCL
Nakes of NRv valves shall be Econo valves Pvt Ltu BBK Engineeiing Inuustiies Ltu
Fouiess Engineeiing I Ltu Steel Stiong valves Pvt Ltu NSSL Ltu Shalimai valves
Pvt Ltu Flow Chem Inuustiies Av valves Ltu Auuco Inuia Ltu KSB pumps Ltu oi Any
othei ieputeu make with the appioval of BPCL Nake of Swivel }oint will be Technika
Associate Engineeis PentaTech oi any othei ieputeu make with piioi appioval of
BPCL Assembly of Two Swivel }oints pipes till flangeu enus will be puichaseu fiom
the Swivel }oint Nfgis foi bettei concentiicity alignments of the Swivel }oints 0nly
pipes having flanges at both enus stiuctuies will be maue at site
Roof Biain will have sufficient joints to take caie of veitical movement of the ioof anu
othei movements such as Rolling pitching Rocking about veitical axis oi Lateial
movements of the ioof This will be achieveu by fixing auuitional Swivel joints
Note The location of uiain sump on the ueck shall be consiueieu at the centie of the ueck

The items unuei the scope of supply of Roof Biain System shall be inspecteu by BPCL at the
manufactuieis oi his sub contiactois woiks The tenueiei shall fuinish Quality Assuiance
Plan QAP he pioposes to follow at the factoiy anu the tests to be conuucteu This shall
cleaily uefine anu iuentify the stages of inspection scope of test list of uocuments to be
The tests shall incluue but not limiteu to the following
Life cycle test foi cycle of iotation at aii hyuiaulic piessuie of Kgcm No
inuentation maik on ball iaces shall be theie aftei uismantling the swivel joint Type test
Swivel joint shall be exteinally piessuie testeu at Kg cm pneumatically
Benuing moment test foi base swivel at cycle of iotation anu hyuio test foi swivel
joint with benuing moment at Kg cm piessuie foi min No inuentation maiks shall
be theie on ball iaces aftei uismantling the swivel joint Type test
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The tenueiei shall aiiange all facilities iequiieu uuiing inspection anu testing at his cost
BPCL shall have the iight to inspect witness the tests at vaiious stages of fabiication
manufactuie installation The inspection shall be caiiieu out at supplieis woiks his
subcontiactois woiks site Inspection of the item shall be uone only with a view to
ensuie that the same is manufactuieu testeu anu supplieu as pei piesciibeu specifications
The inspection shall in no way ielieve the suppliei of his iesponsibility as pei the contiact
anu shall in no way be binuing on BPCL
Nanufactuieis test ceitificate shall be fuinisheu foi all bought out mateiials Wheievei
such ceitificates aie not available the tenueiei shall get the items testeu at his expense at
goveinment iecognizeu laboiatoiies mutually agieeu upon with BPCL
Any uefects noticeu uuiing the inspection testing at site shall be iectifieu by the tenueiei
at his cost as auviseu by the site engineei anu inspection testing caiiieu out foi fool pioof
The ioof uiain system shall be piessuie testeu to PSI aftei installation in the tank The
contiactoi shall peifoim the test in the piesence of the engineeiinchaige Any uefects
leakage obseiveu uuiing the testing shall be iepaiieu by the contiactoi at fiee of cost to

The following uiawings anu uocuments in two copies shall be submitteu along with the
a Bata sheets catalogues liteiatuie uiawings of the items offeieu
i Nateiials of constiuction anu stanuaius foi uiffeient components
of the ioof uiain system
ii ueneial aiiangement uiawings inuicating the lay patteins cioss
sectional uiawings anu showing the highest anu lowest opeiating
level uetails
iii Nake of Swivel joints Pipes anu NRv
iv Pipe size consiueieu foi ioof uiain system with sizing calculations
List of ueviations if any
Roof vents
Two types of ioof vents shall be pioviueu in case of floating ioof tank 0ne is auto bleeuei
vent anu the othei is iim vent Foi Cone ioof tank singlemultiple Roof vents of auequate
size shall be pioviueu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Automatic bleeuei vent of specifieu size shall be so uesigneu as to open befoie the ioof
touches lowest position anu to close when the ioof iises above this point
Piessuie vacuum ielief valve PvRv type Rim vents shall be pioviueu foi venting the voiu
space between the stoieu liquiu anu seal The connecting pipe shall be fabiicateu out of NS
ERW pipe as specifieu with a slip on flange at the top PvRv shall be of Aluminium
05.06.05 Gauge well
uauge wells with peifoiations shall be pioviueu fiom iooftop uown to the bottom anu have
uimensions as inuicateu in the uetaileu uiawing The top of the gauge shall be pioviueu with
an aluminium gauge hatch with covei anu fiiepioof gasket Covei shall be spaik pioof type
The gauge well shall be fixeu in peifect veiticality by means of angle sections as shown in
the uiawing
The well pipe shall extenu to the top of staii way platfoim Nos of gauge wells locateu
uiametiically opposite shall be pioviueu foi each of the tanks uauge well shall be of mm
seamless SCB pipe The sleeve pioviueu in the pontoon foi the gauge well pipe shoulu be
of mm uiametei mm thick biass flange shall be pioviueu in the sleeve foi the gauge
well pipes to pass thiough mm SCB pipe with flange shall be pioviueu insiue one of
the gaugewell pipes foi aveiage tempeiatuie sensing of piouucts insiue the tanks
Roof seal
Primary Seal
Nechanical Shoe Seals compiise a metallic sealing iing which is helu in peimanent contact
with the tank shell anu extenus into the piouuct by a system of inuepenuent hangei anu
pushei mechanisms anu with a continuous sealing apion cuitain closing the gap between
the iim anu the top of the Shoe The piouuct vapois aie containeu between the shoe
apion cuitain anu the floating ioof
The uesign of the Nechanical Shoe Seal shoulu be Channel Bangei Type with inuepenuent
hangei anu pushei uevices The uesign of the Nechanical Shoe Seal shoulu be such that in
seivice installation is enableu with no hot woik alloweu ie no weluing oi flame cutting
The Nechanical Shoe Seal shoulu confoim tightly to shell plate contouis auaptable to
existing iim anu shell configuiation incluuing wiue vaiiations in iim gap
The seal is chaiacteiizeu by a shoetoshoe slip joint connection which allows foi any
vaiiation in the iim space iiiegulaiities between the iim anu tank shell while containing
the piouuct vapois It shoulu be custom uesigneu to suit the tank
The Channel hangei type assembly shoulu successfully maintain a constant seal elevation
even with a wiue iim space ualvanizeu shoes shall confoim to ASTN A anu a u
coating oi equivalent anu shall have a minimum nominal thickness of mm gauge
Stainless steel shoes shall have a minimum nominal thickness of mm gauge
Stainless steel shall confoim to the iequiiements of ASTN A A N austenitic type
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Pushei mechanism shoulu be SS confoiming to the iequiiement of Stainless Steel as given
Static Shunt to be SS confoiming to the iequiiement of Stainless Steel as given above
All fasteneis to be galvanizeu foi seals of galvanizeu constiuction SS foi SS constiuction
Bangei Channels assembly shoulu be minimum gauge
Seal Cuitain Bip Cuitain shoulu be compatible with stoieu piouuct iecommenueu mm
thk PTFE
A piotective mechanism shoulu be pioviueu to piotect the vapoi cuitain
venuoi shall have pioven expeiience in supplying installing the mechanical Shoe Seal in
Inuia with necessaiy uocumentaiy pioof foi having executeu such jobs in the last yeais
foi a minimum uia of Ntis
Naximum seal gap aiea will be cmm of tank uiametei
venuoi shoulu inspect the seals once in six months uuiing guaiantee waiiantee
peiiou vapoi loss calculations meeting CPCB stanuaius to the ielevant clause
using Tank latest veision softwaie incoipoiating local weathei conuitions
shall be pioviueu along with the inspection iepoit
Scope of Tbird Party Inspection

Seal Cuitain Testing of piopeities to be witnesseu anu veiifieu
Nass of Zinc Coating on Nechanical Seal Components to be witnesseu veiifieu0thei tests
to be caiiieu out at a ieputeu laboiatoiy anu the iesults shall be fuinisheu foi ieview
Secondary Seal

Seconuaiy seal shall be of compiession plate iim mounteu hoiizontal oi veitical piefeiably
hoiizontal maue fiom seiies of metallic sheet joineu togethei to foim a iing with a non
metallic tip that sliue on the insiue suiface of the tank shell The joints to be bolteu oi
sliuing anu to incoipoiate gasket at the point of oveilap of the compiession plate
Compiession plate of the seconuaiy sealing system shoulu be sizeu to match the existing
annulai space between the tank shell the floating ioof The compiession plate shoulu be
clampeu on the Rim flatangle with channels uuly galvanizeu The compiession plate to
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
have the compiession channel gasketing It shoulu pioviue Leak tight joint between the
plates Each seal plate shoulu be sealeu with the aujacent plate in a fashion to eliminate
vapoi loss
ualvanizeu compiession plates shall confoim to ASTN A anu a u coating oi
equivalent anu shall have a minimum nominal thickness of mm gauge Stainless
steel compiession plates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of mm gauge
Stainless steel shall confoim to the iequiiements of ASTN A A N austenitic type
Static Shunt to be SS confoiming to the iequiiement of Stainless Steel as given above
All fasteneis to be galvanizeu foi seals of galvanizeu constiuction SS foi SS constiuction
A piotective mechanism shoulu be pioviueu to facilitate smooth ieentiy of the seconuaiy
Seal onto the Tank Shell in the event of Tank oveifilling
Seconuaiy seal system shall be tight fitteu iim mounteu with a wipei Tip maue of a
polymei compatible to the stoieu piouuctThe Sealing uasket to be maue of a polymei
compatible to the stoieu piouuct
Seal shall have veiy low coefficient of fiiction shall not uamage oi scoie the tank shell
Netallic seal components shall have auequate coiiosion piotection foi long life All
mateiial useu in the seal manufactuiing shall be testeu anu ceitifieu foi extenueu use in
hyuiocaibon piouucts
It shoulu be custom uesigneu to suit the tank Auuitionally the seconuaiy seal shoulu have
the following uesign featuies
A Safely giounu lightening stiike
B Ninimize seal gap anu sheu watei to the extent possible
C Capable in opeiating effectively ovei iiiegulai iim gaps
B To install fiom above the ueck without any hot woiks
E Seal mateiial must be compatible with piouuct stoieu
F Nonmetallic paits must iesist ciacking anu teaiing
u Netallic components must iesist coiiosion
B To be able to uismantle the seconuaiy seal without affecting evapoiative loss contiol
chaiacteiistics of piimaiy seal
I Seconuaiy seal shall extenu fiom the ioof to the tank shell anu shall not be attacheu to
the piimaiy seal
venuoi shall have pioven expeiience in supplying installing the mechanical Shoe Seal in
Inuia with necessaiy uocumentaiy pioof foi having executeu such jobs in the last Yeais
foi a minimum uia of Nti
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Naximum seal gap aiea will be cmm of tank uiametei
venuoi shoulu inspect the seals once in six months uuiing guaiantee waiiantee
peiiou vapoi loss calculations meeting CPCB stanuaius to the ielevant clause
using Tank latest veision softwaie incoipoiating local weathei conuitions
shall be pioviueu along with the inspection iepoit
Scope of Tbird Party Inspection
Wipei Tip Nateiial Testing of piopeities to be witnesseu anu veiifieu
Nass of Zinc Coating on Seconuaiy Seal Components To be witnesseu veiifieu
Tests of othei components to be caiiieu out at a ieputeu laboiatoiy anu the iesults
shall be fuinisheu foi ieview appioval
Settling marher
ISA x x anu mm long settling maikeis shall be pioviueu on the tank shell m
above the bottom plate foi taking ieauings of tank settlement uuiing hyuiostatic testing
Tolerance in fabrication
Shell plate Plate cutting mm on length mm on wiuth
Shell Foi the puipose of tanks to have acceptable appeaiance anu to peimit piopei
functioning of floating ioof the tank shall have toleiance stiictly as specifieu in API

Floating ioof toleiance Toleiance alloweu anu annulai cleaiance between shell anu floating
ioof shall be compatible with iequiiements specifieu as pei API
Fabrication and installation of Underground Tanhs
The unueigiounu tanks shall be fabiicateu anu installeu as uesciibeu in the following
clauses The scope of woik shall incluue
Fabrication and welding of tanhs
The tank shall be constiucteu as pei the iequiiements specifieu in the encloseu uiawings
anu shall confoim to IS Fabiication anu weluing of shell plates enu plates anu
sauule plates of NS hoiizontal tanks using mm to mm thick plates supplieu by BPCL
fiee of cost incluuing squaiing making v giooves complete
Structural Steel
Supply fabiication anu weluing of stiuctuial steel foi the following
a Foi shell anu uish enu stiffeneis
b Supply fabiication anu fixing holuing uown aiiangement with tuinbuckles bolts etc foi
the hoiizontal tanks as shown in the uiawing All mateiials iequiieu shall be aiiangeu by
the contiactoi
Accessories for borizontal tanhs
Nanhole Fabiication anu eiection of mm nominal uia tank shell manhole with the
following accessoiies
mm thick neck iing mm thick manhole covei mm thick flange NS ieinfoicement
plate mm uia nut bolts anu mm thick annulai iing gasket
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Note All the mateiial shall be supplieu by the contiactoi except those which can be
fabiicateu fiom supplieu plates
Fabiicating anu weluing of the following pipes to all the hoiizontal tanks with flange joint
aiiangement to the bouy to facilitate iemoval of the pipe sepaiately if necessaiy }ob
incluues supply anu fixing of flanges to the tank bouy supply anu fixing of pipes along with
nuts bolts complete as pei the uiawing encloseu
a Tank inlet pipe of mm uia anu m length with tapeieu enu
b Tank outlet pipe of mm uia anu m length incluuing supply anu fixing of scieweu
type biass foot valve to the bottom of pipe
c mm uia tank uip pipe m length incluuing making slots at mm spacing fabiicating
anu weluing of x mm size uatum plates to the bottom of the tank wheie the uip
plate anu fixing sciewable type biass cap with locking aiiangement complete
u mm uia vent pipe of appiox m length anu fixing to the tank bouy incluuing supply
anu fixing of piessuie vent to NS tank anu supplying anu fixing of hoou type aiiangement to
the othei tanks with all gaskets nuts anu bolts biass wiie mesh complete vent foi ethanol
tanks shall be pioviueu with silica gel tiap
e Tempeiatuie hatch of mm uia anu m pipe length with cap anu plug aiiangement of
spaik pioof constiuction shall be pioviueu on tank top
Mounting Stool for Pump
Nounting stool with flange anu fasteneis foi pioviuing veitical submeigeu pump with
motoi shall be pioviueu ovei the tank to suit the pump suppoit plate sizes This shall be
fabiicateu fiom milu steel plate anu sections Payment will be maue as pei the iate foi
supply anu fabiication of stiuctuial steel
Installation of borizontal tanhs
Boiizontal tank shall be lifteu anu placeu in position insiue the excavateu pits on top of the
founuation by means of chain pulley block oi by ciane aftei tianspoiting the tanks fiom the
place of fabiication anu fixeu to holuing uown aiiangement as pei the uiawing
Testing of tanhs
The hoiizontal tanks shall be hyuiostatically testeu to a piessuie of kgsqcm incluuing
making necessaiy aiiangement foi pipe column of appiox m long filling the tanks with
watei anu uecanting watei aftei successful testing cleaning the tank anu iectification of
leaks if any anu ietesting the tanks in case of any leakage complete Testing has to be
caiiieu out once befoie installation anu once aftei installation foi tanks Rate pei tank shall
incluue testing twice as above Payment will be once pei tank
The uoping of the unueigiounu tanks shall incluue the following
Shot blasting to a suiface finish of SA anu coating with piimei ZnP0 with one coat of
Shalimai Tank Nastic piimei anu two coats of giaue Bitumen to a thickness of
Painting of inside of borizontal tanhs for ATF
The insiue of hoiizontal tanks shall be blast cleaneu to SA anu painteu as pei the paint
specification given in S0R
Calibration of Horizontal tanhs
Calibiation of hoiizontal tanks shall be caiiieu out as pei the iequiiements of WN Beptt
incluuing aiianging all necessaiy instiuments haiuwaie mateiial watei etc anu piepaiing
necessaiy calibiation chaits making payment if necessaiy fees to the WN uepaitment anu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
getting ceitifieu stampeu by WNuepaitment Contiactoi shall empty out the tanks as pei
the instiuctions of the Site In chaige
Catbodic protection for tanh bottom of above ground product storage tanhs
Design of tbe system
All mateiials shall confoim to ielevant BIS anu othei stanuaius specifieu System shall be
complete in all iespects to achieve the piotection stanuaius specifieu These specifications
pioviue only the basic iequiiements It shall be iesponsibility of the Contiactoi to collect
anu take into consiueiation all the paiameteis to uevelop acceptable engineeiing piactice
foi the Impiesseu Cuiient Cathouic piotection system
The Contiactois scope of woik shall incluue but not be limiteu to
Soil Sanu iesistivity suivey anu soilsanu chemical analysis in Tank Faim aiea
Submission anu acceptance of soil sanu iesistivity iepoit
Submission of uesign calculations anu layout plan foi the CP system
Ceitification appioval by a competent authoiity agency foi the uesign calculation anu
installation pioceuuie
Piepaiation anu acceptance of Betaileu Engineeiing Package
Supply anu installation of all equipmentsmateiials
Piepaiation anu acceptance of Testing anu Commissioning Pioceuuies
Testing anu commissioning of Impiesseu Cuiient Cathouic piotection system
As Built uocumentation
The majoi equipment coveieu unuei the specification shall incluue polymeiic anoues
iefeience electioues junction boxes A}B anu C}B test stations boxes tiansfoimei
iectifiei units TR0 powei cables anoue heauei cables tail cables cathoue heauei cables
iefeience cables etc The installation woik shall incluue necessaiy insulating joints backfill
epoxy encapsulations theimit weluing solueiing cable maikeis etc The woik of placing
the Anoues connecting the cable etc shall be caiiieu out along with the othei civil woiks at
the iight time anu with piopei cooiuination with the othei contiactois
Design Cuidelines
The cathouic piotection system foi the tank bottom shall be specifically engineeieu to
piotect tank bottom stiuctuie continuously foi a minimum peiiou of yeais The CP
system shall be uesigneu foi baie steel The cathouic piotection system shall be
ngineeieu to meet the following piotection ciiteiia
The stiuctuie to soil potential shall be v minimum to v maximum 0FF
conuition with iefeience to CoppeiCoppei Sulphate Refeience Electioue
Ninimum polaiization shift of mv measuieu between the tank bottom metallic
suiface anu peimanent iefeience electioue in contact with soil
The minimum iequiiement of cathouic piotection cuiient shall be mA sq m foi the
tank bottom plate
Codes and Standards
The cathouic piotection system shall be engineeieu supplieu installeu testeu anu
commissioneu in accoiuance with latest applicable stanuaius iecommenueu piactices of
NACE API ANSI BS anu IS In paiticulai the system shall confoim to
API RP Cathouic piotection of above giounu stoiage Tanks
NACE RP Exteinal cathouic piotection of onuiaue Netallic
Stoiage Tank Bottoms
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
NACE RP Contiol of Exteinal Coiiosion on metallic Buiieu Paitially buiieu oi
Submeigeu Liquiu stoiage Systems
BS CP Coue of piactice of cathouic piotectionIn auuition the woik shall confoim to
iequiiements of following iegulations latestievisionInuian electiicity acts anu iules
CC0E iegulations Nagpui Chief electiical inspectoiate of the iespective state Inuian
petioleum act Fiie insuiance iegulation
Equipment anu mateiials shall be engineeieu manufactuieu anu selecteu foi use unuei the
following site conuitions
Ambient Tempeiatuie C to C C to C
Relative humiuity maximum maximum
Climate uesciiption Tiopical Naiine noimal coiiosive oi saline soil
Tiopical noimal coiiosive soil
The cathouic piotection system shall be engineeieu foi continuous opeiation unuei the
above site conuitions anu fully tiopicalizeu
Materials and Construction
Requiiements of majoi equipments aie inuicateu in these specifications Bowevei
contiactoi shall submit uetail specifications of each equipment All equipments shall be new
anu piocuieu fiom appioveu anu ieputeu manufactuieis Contiactoi shall offei only
equipments which have pioven seivice tiack iecoiu anu a iefeience list of similai make
type shall be pioviueu As fai as possible all equipments shall be locateu in safe aieas Any
equipment iequiieu to be installeu in hazaiuous aiea shall satisfy all iequiiements uictateu
by the hazaiu classification of aiea in which the equipment anu oi mateiials aie to be
installeu It will be ensuieu that manufactuiei of installeu electiical equipments
incoipoiates all statutoiy safety piovisions Electiical equipment anu mateiials foi use in
hazaiuous aieas shall be ceitifieu by an appioveu ceitifying authoiity such as CC0ECNRS
The uistiibuteu anoue uesign shall be baseu on soil iesistivity suivey uata exteinal
bituminous pauuing sanu pauuing anu othei specification of tank founuation The numbei
anu configuiation of uistiibuteu anoues will be ueteimineu by total cuiient iequiiement of
stiuctuie to be piotecteu anu optimum cuiient uensity of the anoue mateiial selecteu It
shall be so engineeieu that a unifoim anu ample cuiient uistiibution will be obtaineu
Anoue mateiial shall be caibon baseu conuuctive polymei cable factoiy packeu
caibonaceous mateiial oi equivalent of ieputeu make with pioven supply iecoius of use in
Stoiage Tank Bottom plate cathouic piotection It is piefeiieu to avoiu splicing of anoues in
the sanu pau founuation
Transformer Rectifier Unit
Cathouic piotection system of each tank shall be in geneial poweieu by a sepaiate
tiansfoimei iectifiei unit In some cases tanks can be combineu foi a single powei souice
Bowevei voltage uiop shall be checkeu to be within the toleiance Tiansfoimei will be
uouble wounu aii cooleu type with electiostatic shielu between the winuings The
tiansfoimei insulation will be F class It shall be flooi mounteu suitable foi inuooi
installation anu shall be uust veimin pioof Tiansfoimei iectifiei unit shall be sizeu to
catei to the piotective cuiient uemanu iequiieu foi installation with spaie capacity
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The BC output voltage of iectifiei unit shall not exceeu v The iectifiei shall have
continuous ieauing flush mounteu BC voltmetei anu ammetei foi measuiing output voltage
anu cuiient Neteis shall be accuiate anu shall be lineai fiom zeio to full scale Rectifiei will
be silicon type with auequate cooling aiiangement anu with moistuie anu humiuity
iesistant finish It will be mounteu on suitable suppoits Auequate filteiing aiiangement
will be pioviueu to limit the iipple content to less than at iateu output The Input
output of iectifiei units will be piotecteu by fast acting fuses of suitable iatings Tiansient
suige suppiessois will also be pioviueu acioss BC output teiminals anu AC input teiminals
to piotect the iectifiei against suiges Each uioue anu SCR will be pioviueu with suitable
suige suppiessois The TR0 shall be equippeu with a ciicuit bieakei foi the incoming
powei supply Powei supply to TR units will be uiawn fiom the feeueis of PNCC pioviueu
in the Teiminal Bepot at v Bz All the CP TR unit panels shall be locateu in a ioom
eaimaikeu foi the panels
A Auto Mode
The unit will be geneially woiking in this moue The opeiation of the unit in this moue will
be contiolleu by upto thiee iefeience signals which will be feu simultaneously The unit
will have fully soliu state Automatic Refeience Selectoi logic to select the least piotecteu
iefeience out of the thiee iefeience signals The output BC voltage of the unit in this moue
will vaiy iight fiom v to v anu fiom A to A oi A as the case may be to maintain
all the iefeience signals within the piotecteu iange unuei all opeiating conuitions The
iesponse of the unit will be instantaneous in oiuei to suppiess extiemely fast acting
exteinal stiay cuiients The typical iefeience iegulation in this moue will be within mv
unuei all conuitions In case of failuie of any iefeience signal the unit will ignoie that signal
anu pioviueu an alaim to inuicate failuie of that paiticulai iefeience input Bowevei the
opeiation of the unit will not be affecteu in any mannei uue to failuie of any of the iefeience
inputs The unit will continue maintaining the iemaining healthy signals at the piotective
level In event of failuie of all iefeience signals the unit will pioviue alaim All Refeience
Fail anu output of the unit will be aujusteu to pieset value which will be opeiatoi
aujustable fiom v to iateu value Facility will also be pioviueu foi manual selection of any
one of the thiee iefeience inputs foi contiol Suitable meteiing aiiangement will also be
pioviueu to monitoi all the thiee exteinal iefeience signals as well as the inteinal iefeience
signal inuepenuently Inuepenuent fast acting electionic cuiient limit ciicuit will be
pioviueu to limit the output cuiient of the unit in Auto Noue to any value fiom A to iateu
value as uesiieu by the opeiatoi
B Automatic Voltage Current Control mode AVCC mode
This will be the seconu moue of opeiation The woiking of this moue will be inuepenuent of
the Nanual moue anu failuie of the unit in Auto moue will not affect opeiation in this moue
The output voltage of the unit will be aujustable to any value fiom 0v to iateu voltage by
means of step less voltage settei The set voltage will be maintaineu within of the set
value foi change in line voltage fiom v to v anu change in loau fiom zeio to full
loau The output cuiient of the unit will be aujustable to any value fiom A to iateu value by
means of a step less cuiient settei The cuiient will be iegulateu within of the set
value foi change in line voltage fiom v to v anu change in loau within the specifieu
limits The iesponse of both cuiient contiollei anu voltage contiollei will be ultia fast
instantaneous type theie will be no change in output voltage anu cuiient even foi a step
change in loau anu input
C Manual mode
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The contiol of output in this moue will be without any electionic component A sepaiate
Auto Tiansfoimei with tappings will be pioviueu foi voltage contiol in this moue The
output will be aujustable fiom 0v to iateu value in steps
Annunciation system
Complete annunciation system will be pioviueu to inuicate the followings
0nuei piotection
0vei piotection
0vei cuiient Automatically aujustable ovei complete iange
Ref fail
Ref fail
Ref fail
All Ref Fail
Refeience lowest
Refeience lowest
Refeience lowest
Subsequent iefeience electioues
The tiansfoimei iectifiei unit shall be pioviueu with cuiient inteiiuptei to facilitate
iecoiuing of 0N0FF stiuctuietosoil potential
Test station box
The test boxes shall be useu foi potential measuiement It shall be installeu neai each tank
at foui uiffeient locations Test box shall be flamepioof weatheipioof with pushbutton
anu BC voltmetei suitable foi outuooi installation in hazaiuous aiea Test box shall be maue
of aluminum alloy LN oi stainless steel Test box shall be suitable foi mounting on NS
suppoit A minimum of spaie teiminals shall be pioviueu in each test box BC
voltmetei with scale v shall be incoipoiateu in thetest box foi taking potential
measuiement The accuiacy of voltmetei shall be not less than The nameplate of test
box shall caiiy following infoimation
Test box numbei Test box connection scheme
Permanent reference cells
Bigh puiity Coppei Coppei Sulphate Refeience electioues with pioven high ieliability
shall be pioviueu foi stable stiuctuie to soil potential measuiement The peimanent
iefeience electioue shall have negligible uiift in its lifetime anu shoulu have a stability of
The life of half cell peimanent iefeience electioue shall be compaiable with the
uesign of CP system Peimanent CoppeiCoppei sulphate iefeience electioue shall be
Stelth of Ns Boiin Baico of 0SA A minimum of six peimanent iefeience electioues
foi tank uia m anu thiee foi tank uia m shall be locateu unueineath the tank
bottom plate at the following locations
At the centei of bottom plate
Neai the iim of the bottom plate
In between centei anu the iim of the bottom plate
Anode )unction Box
Anoue }unction Box shall be maue of stainless steel oi cast aluminum alloy having uegiee of
piotection lP It shall have aiiangement foi teiminating main positive anu negative
cables The anoue junction box shall have cuiient uiviue facility anu measuiing shunt foi
cuiient measuiement The anoue junction box shall beflamepioofexplosion pioof if
installeu in classifieu aiea
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Bachfill If required
The backfill mateiial of anoue cable tiench shall consist of chaicoalcoke powuei having
minimum caibon content of to This auuitional chaicoal coke shall be pioviueu in
the tiench so that anoue cable sets embeuueu with chaicoal coke Above it noimal soil
available in the founuation shall be pioviueu
All cables useu foi cathoue anu anoue heauei ciicuits incluuing test leaus shall be v
giaue single coie coppei conuuctoi anu PvC insulateu uI wiie aimoieu cable The
iefeience electioue cable anu anoue leau wiie cable shall be v giaue single coie
stanuaiu coppei conuuctoi with a uouble insulation system The piimaiy insulation shall be
PvC sheathing jacket ovei the piimaiy insulation The minimum cioss section shall be as
Coppei conuuctoiTest Leau cable mm
Anoue anu Cathoue heauei cable foi tanks m uia anu below mm
Anoue anu Cathoue heauei cable foi tanks m uia anu below mm
Anoue leau cables mm
Cathoue leau cable mm
Refeience electioue cable mm
Nulti coie iefeience cable mm
Soil Resistivity survey
The contiactoi shall caiiy out soil iesistivity suivey of the tank faim aiea anu shall stuuy
the uetails of all backfill mateiials useu foi the entiie tank founuation anu accoiuingly
juuiciously select the uesign soil iesistivity uata To caiiy out soil iesistivity measuiement
Wenneis pin methou shall be useu Contiactoi shall also caiiyout tests to check the
piesence of chloiiues anu Sulphate Reuucing Bacteiia
Laying and installation
Installation of Anode Cable
The anoue cable is to be installeu beneath the tank bottom with noimal cable laying
technique A piopei coke fill aiounu the anoues has to be ensuieu Anoue cable shall be laiu
in tiench appioximately within m uepth fiom the tank bottom A peifoiateu PE pipe shall
be useu as a conuuit thiough giavel anu conciete founuation iing in oiuei to pioviue
mechanical piotection to the cable The anoue cable shall be in inuiviuual loops single
cable with each loop cable extenuing outsiue tank wall This will help to powei each anoue
cable loop inuiviuually anu to access as iequiieu The CP Contiactoi will pioviue a
uetaileu methouology of laying the anoues in founuation foi owneis appioval
Laying of PVC pipe for monitoring of Tanh to Soil potential using portable reference
A peifoiateu PvC oi FRP pipe will be pioviueu foi getting a continuous piofile of tank to soil
potential fiom the peiimetei to the centei The pipe will be laiu fiom the peiimetei of the
tank to the centei of the tank uuiing the peiiou of installation of peimanent half cell itself
The pipe will be installeu at shallow angle so as to ieuuce IR uiop anu peifoiateu in a
mannei that it allows to be tempoiaiily flooueu The intent of this aiiangement is that a
submeisible Coppei Coppei Sulphate electioue can be inseiteu into the pipe using stiff
wiie oi small uiametei pipe to obtain a piofile of tank to soil potential acioss the tank
bottom The open enu of the pipe shall have aiiangement of plugging thiough thieaueu
Installation of Permanent Half Cell
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Ninimum of thiee nos of peimanent half cells pei tank shall be installeu at a suitable uepth
piefeiably at a uepth of mm fiom the tank bottom plate so as to pioviue a close
measuiement of stiuctuie tank bottom to soil potential The leau wiies fiom the iefeience
electioues will be coiiosion iesistant type anu will pass thiough PE PvC pipe laiu fiom the
tank outei founuation iing to tank centei place These wiies will then piopeily be laiu upto
the Test box foi teimination
Cable to structure connection
All cable connections to the tank bottom plate stiuctuie shall be maue by an exotheimic
piocess CABWELB TBERN0WELB oi equivalent methou
Installation scbedule
The installation of cathouic piotection system shall be bioauly gioupeu in following
Laying of main anoue cable beneath the tank bottom This woik shall be scheuuleu to
unueitake uuiing the tank founuation constiuction The jobs may be planneu in the
following mannei
a Buiing the constiuction of tank founuation the constiuction of founuation is halteu when
it is at uesiieu height fiom the level of tank bottom plate foi laying the anoue cable
b Laying of anoue cable as pei engineeieu configuiation will stait with noimal cable laying
technique using manual excavation
c The cable shall be laiu extenuing the tank conciete founuation iing with cable passing
thiough a peifoiateu PE uuct put on the giavel poition anu upto the conciete founuation
iing of the founuation
u The cable enus appeaiing outsiue the founuation iing shall be piopeily sealeu so as to
impeue any watei oi soil ingiessing the cable The piotiuueu cable enus so piotecteu shall
be kept tempoiaiily embeuueu in with piopei maiking so as to locate afteiwaius Similaily
laying of peimanent half cells intent to monitoiing CP system shall be completeu at this
stage only The peimanent half cell wiies shall be taken though a haiu PE pipe similai to the
aiiangement uetaileu above
e 0nce completeu the founuation woik of this tank will iestait the cable laying activity
shall iesume in othei tank in the similai mannei as uesciibeu in the foiegoing
f The othei activities like Anoue junction box installation all cable laying woik cathoue
cable test leau cable jointing tank bouy test leau boxes etc shall be unueitaken aftei
completion of tank painting jobs This measuie is consiueieu to avoiu any potential uamage
to cable anu othei equipment of the CP system intenueu to install in the Tank Faim Aiea
g While uetails in foiegoing paia aie kept penuing the installation of TR unit in the Tank
Faim NCC ioom CP Panel ioom incluuing all its ielateu civil woik anu electiical
inteiconnection with NCC shall be taken up consequent to the completion of anoue cable
laying woik
Civil Worhs
All civil woiks associateu with complete Impiesseu Cuiient Cathouic Piotection system aie
incluueu in the scope of contiactoi This shall incluue making cable tienches anu founuation
of all equipments Anoue junction box test boxes anu minoi civil woiks etc
The installeu CP system shall be commissioneu as pei appioveu testing commissioning
pioceuuies anu by following mouel
Befoie the eneigisation of CP unit natuial stiuctuie to soil potential value shall be iecoiueu
at test station of each tank Aftei taking natuial soil to tank potential the CP output foi the
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
ielevant tank shall be switcheu 0N 0utput cuiient of the TR 0nit shall be aujusteu to
achieve the maximum potential value of v with iespect to coppei Coppei Sulphate
Electioue foi at least houis0utput cuiient of anoues shall be aujusteu CP station output
of the iespective tank shall be set at the uesigneu values 0bseivation of stiuctuietosoil
potential shall be iecoiueu at each of the installeu test station CP station opeiating
paiameteis shall be iecoiueu 0tmost caie shall be exeiciseu to allow the stiuctuie to
polaiize befoie stiuctuie to soil potential values aie iecoiueu acioss the span foi the tank
bottoms Stiuctuie to soil potential measuiement with both 0N 0FF potential methou
shall be iepeateu aftei uays of polaiization using cuiient inteiiuption technique The
maximum 0FF potential shall be v As a iesult of these tests commissioning if any
ueficiencies aie founu in the system the same shall be iectifieu by the contiactoi at no extia
cost oi time effect to the complete satisfaction of the 0wnei 0wneis iepiesentative
Credentials of CP Contractor and Preferred mahes
The Contiactoi foi caiiying out the Cathouic piotection system shall have a pioven tiack
iecoiu of minimum yeais of uesigning installing testing anu commissioning of similai
jobs foi above giounu stoiage tanks Relevant uocumentaiy pioof shall be fuinisheu foi
veiification of the expeiience In the absence of these cieuentials this poition of the tenuei
will not be evaluateu
Piefeiieu makes Polymei anoues Raychem Natcoi 0SA
TR0 Canaia electiic contiols
Refeience electioues Boiin 0SA Baico 0SA
Polaiisation Cells Kiik
Cables CCI Foit ulostei RPu Special Cables Nicco
0niveisal Suige Aiiesteis Behn Sohne ueimany
}unction Boxes FEPL Suuhii electiical FCu uEAu Baliga
The tenueiei can inuicate alteinate makes with piocess peifoimance foi the above items
which will be subject to evaluation appioval by client consultant
Inspection shall be cooiuinateu with the EngineeiinChaige at all times All tanks shall be
offeieu foi inspection to EngineeiinChaige in stages as uesiieu by him InChaige shall
have fiee access to all woiks at all times The contiactoi shall pioviue all tools equipment
anu laboui to the EngineeiinChaige foi piopei inspection All inspections will be caiiieu
in accoiuance with the iequiiements of this specification Appioval of EngineeiinChaige
shall in no way ielieve the contiactoi of his iesponsibilities foi piopei execution of woiks
lnspection and Testing of Catbodic Protection Equipment at Nanufactuieis Woiks
All components equipments of Cathouic piotection system shall be subjecteu to minimum
testing anu inspection iequiiements manufactuieis woiks as pei ielevant coues anu
stanuaius in piesence of Contiactoi 0wnei ieseives iight to uepute his iepiesentative foi
inspectiontesting The manufactuieicontiactoi shall fuinish all facilities to 0wnei foi
entiy to iespective woiks anu foi testing inspection at his own caie anu expense
Ninimum uays notice shall be given foi inspection
Field Testing of Catbodic Protection system
The Contiactoi shall submit to the EngineeiinChaige all necessaiy test ceitificates foi the
mateiials supplieu by him The Engineeiinchaige ieseives the iight to caiiy out any all
test eithei in any Laboiatoiy Testing facilities anu the cost incuiieu foi caiiying out such
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
tests shall be boine by the Contiactoi The mateiial founu not confoiming to the
specifications shall be summaiily iejecteu The contiactoi shall fuinish all laboui mateiials
instiuctions anu tools to make all tests anu caiiyout all the specifieu fielu tests The
Contiactoi shall caiiy out suitable tests to establish to the satisfaction of the Engineeiin
chaige Site Engineei that all equipments uevices cables anu wiiing anu connections have
been coiiectly installeu aie in goou conuition anu will opeiate as intenueu The Engineei
inchaige Site Engineei ieseives the iight to witness all tests anu at least two weeks notice
shall be given befoie commencing the tests
No weluing shall be unueitaken without the appioval by SiteinChaige Test Ceitificates foi
welueis qualification shall be pioviueu by contiactoi befoie ueploying any weluei foi tank
weluing job Weluing sequence to be auopteu shall be inuicateu in the uiawings submitteu
by the contiactoi anu this shall be followeu so as to cause minimum shiinkage anu
a The uefective welu shall be iemoveu by chipping oi melting out by theimal gouging
piocess fiom both siues of joint anu iewelueu 0nly sufficient cutting out of the uefective
joints as is necessaiy to coiiect the uefect is iequiieu
b All iepaiieu welus in the joints shall be checkeu by iepeating the oiiginal inspection
pioceuuie anu by iepeating the hyuiostatic testing vacuum box testing methou

Welu joints of the bottom will be testeu by vacuum box compiesseu aii methou A uetaileu
uesciiption of the methou to be auopteu shall be submitteu to the Engineeiin Chaige foi
appioval The welu joints along the peiipheiy shall be testeu befoie eiection anu weluing of
the fiist shell Contiactoi shall test the tank bottom foi the entiie welu length in the
piesence of EngineeiinChaige anu test ceitificate shall be issueu accoiuingly
Pioceuuie anu extent of iauiogiaphic inspection anu testing of iauiogiaphy shall be as
stipulateu in API Recoiu of Rauiogiaphic Examination
a The contiactoi shall make a iecoiu consisting of all films with theii iuentification maiks
on a uevelopeu shell plate uiagiam
b Aftei completion of inspection the films shall be hanueu ovei to BPCL along with
inspection iepoits foi acceptance
Shell hyuio testing shall be caiiieu out with floating ioof as pei API The contiactoi
shall supply all equipment necessaiy foi testing of tanks Necessaiy coiiosion inhibitoi
shallbe auueu to pievent coiiosion wheievei iequiieu The tank insiue suiface shall be well
cleaneu with fiesh watei jet aftei completion of the test Bottom to shell joints shall be
testeu as follows
Innei fillet welu shall be inspecteu anu testeu piioi to weluing the outsiue fillet welu
Examination foi innei fillet toe ciacks shall be peifoimeu using eithei liquiu penetiant oi
magnetic paiticle methou All welu lugs anu biackets useu foi eiection piocess shall be
caiefully iemoveu fiom insiue anu outsiue suifaces of tank anu giounu to the satisfaction of
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
EngineeiinChaige All openings not useu foi tests shall be closeu by plugs anu blinu
flanges supplieu by contiactoi
Contiactoi shall hyuiostatically test the tank incluuing filling anu emptying Contiactoi shall
follow the pioceuuie given below while caiiying out the hyuio testing of tanks
a Check the veiticality of the stoiage tanks with iespect to top to bottom shell at an
inteival of m peiipheial uistance anu keep a iecoiu
b Pioviue iequiieu level maikei cleats maue out of x x mm oi x x mm on
the tank shell at an inteival of appiox m These maikeis aie to be pioviueu at a height of
mm fiom the bottom plate Ensuie iequiieu uistance is kept all ovei unifoimly so that
vaiiations oi settlement can be asceitaineu without any pioblem
c A piopei benchmaik to be fixeu appiox m away fiom the tank so that at all times
this benchmaik is available foi iefeience
u Check the level of the tank on the basis of the bench maik anu the vaiious cleats being
fixeu on the tank shell to asceitain the initial tilt if any to the tank piioi to caiiying out
hyuio test This shoulu be iecoiueu in a foimat
e Whatevei may be the height of the tank ensuie height of the tank to be filleu with
watei at the iate of mm at an inteival of houis foi iecoiuing settlement In case
settlement is obseiveu extenu the uuiation of the obseivation by anothei houis anu
ensuie that settlement comes to a halt Fuithei filling will be caiiieu out only aftei
asceitaining that theie is no settlement to the tank at this stage
f 0n completion of poition of the tank shell filling height will be subsequently ieuuceu
to a height of mm anu houis settlement peiiou to be kept as it is With this
pioceuuie the filling height to be continueu up to the tank height
g Aftei completion of height of the tank as stateu above the filling iate to be ieuuceu
fiom mm to mm pei uay keeping houis settlement peiiou which is to be
consiueieu as fiim anu theie shoulu not be any change as fai as the settlement is
h Fuithei filling to be continueu at the iate of mm pei uay till maximum level
0n obseiving the settlement ieauing up to of the tank height if founu that settlement is
not consiueiable ie to the tune of to mm only filling iate shall be incieaseu aftei
obtaining confiimation in wiiting fiom BPCL Baily iepoit of filling anu settlement to be
iecoiueu fuinisheu BPCL foi fuithei hanuling anu comments to expeuite testing of tanks
Aftei testing the tank shall be uiaineu anu thoioughly cleaneu Stanuing watei silt oi othei
uiit left in the tank aftei testing shall be thoioughly cleaneu All welu iepaiis shall be uone
with watei level minimum mm below the joint being iepaiieu
Testing shall be as iecommenueu in API appenuix C anu as given below Lap welus shall
be testeu with vacuum box Fillet welus of iim plates anu compaitment plates anu butt
welus in iim plates shall be testeu with chalkkeiosene All iim plates anu veitical butt
welus to a height of mm above lowei ueck plate shall be testeu by BP Also all lap welus
falling within mm length the outei most euge of lowei ueck shall be testeu by BP The
sealing uevice shall be testeu to the satisfaction of EngineeiinChaige The contiactoi will
issue necessaiy test ceitificates aftei completion of tests Floatation tests foi ioof shall be
uone as pei API along with hyuio testing of the tanks Pioof tests simulating conuitions
with iespect to iainfall of inches anu ueck pontoon punctuieu conuitions as specifieu in
API Appenuix C Pontoon uesign shall be caiiieu out Foi floatation test of the floating
ioof the filling height shall be so that the seconuaiy seal uoes not go beyonu the cuib angle
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

The ieinfoicing paus shall be testeu with soap solution by applying aii piessuie at
kgcm The test shall be caiiieu out befoie filling the tank foi hyuiostatic testing No
sepaiate payment will be maue foi this item
Piimaiy uiain pipe in floating ioof tanks shall be piessuie testeu to kgcm aftei
installation Contiactoi shall peifoim the test in the piesence of the EngineeiinChaige
Any uefects obseiveu uuiing testing shall be iepaiieu by the contiactoi fiee of cost
Buiing all the above tests if any leaks aie obseiveu contiactoi shall iemoveuecant the
watei up to mm below the leaking joint iepaii the leak anu ietest the tank till theie aie
no leaks Any extia claim by the contiactoi will not be enteitaineu by BPCL Contiactoi may
caiiyout testing seveial times but all this will be tieateu as one job only Testing up to the
satisfaction of the EngineeiinChaige anu hanuing ovei the tank without leaks shall be the
iesponsibility of the contiactoi
Calibiation shall be uone in accoiuance with IS latest euition Calibiation tape
shall be supplieu by Contiactoi at theii cost All the necessaiy instiuments anu implements
iequiieu foi the calibiation shall be pioviueu by the contiactoi
Bottom calibiation shall be uone physically with a watei metei pumping equal volumes of
watei anu then noting the uip with tape This physical calibiation shall be uone up to ciown
staiting fiom the uatum plate The ieauing shall be submitteu in the iequiieu foimat in
consultation with the EngineeiinChaige All ueau woou uetails shall also be noteu
Calibiation of the shell shall be caiiieu out when the tank is at least th full of watei
Tank ciicumfeiential ieauings shall be taken at eveiy top anu bottom of each shell stiake
with the help of a stiapping tape by applying sufficient pull at the enu by means of a spiing
balance All the scaffoluing necessaiy foi holuing the tape shall be aiiangeu by the
contiactoi at his own cost Contiactoi shall ensuie peifect hoiizontality of the tape in this
methou Contiactoi shall be piepaieu to uo by any methou Beight of each shell stiake shall
be noteu coiiect to a mm All ieauings thus noteu shall be piesenteu in the iequiieu foimat
available with the EngineeiinChaige
Contiactoi shall caiiyout both bottom anu shell calibiation in the piesence of the
iepiesentatives of WN Statutoiy Authoiities anu BPCL Calibiation chaits shall be
piepaieu by the contiactoi anu get the same appioveu by WN Statutoiy Authoiities
Contiactoi shall aiiange foi ceitification of tank calibiation chaits by conceineu Cential
Public Woiks Bepaitment officials Foi this puipose contiactoi shall aiiange visit of WN
Statutoiy Authoiities staff All statutoiy fees anu any othei expenses in this iegaiu shall be
boine by the contiactoi
Each above giounu tank shall be pioviueu with inuepenuent eaithing pits to uissipate static
chaige uevelopeu if any The eaithing pits shall confoim to IS latest euition with
all uI paits incluuing the plate anu B Class uI pipes of mm uia The pit shall be coveieu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
with uI plate as shown in the uiawing attacheu A NS eaithing boss of mm uia shall be
pioviueu on the tank at mm height above the bottom plate This boss shall be connecteu
to the neaiby eaithing pit by of x mm thick NS galvaniseu stiip
Aftei completing all the connections of the eaithing system the pits shall be testeu foi
iesistance with a meggei A necessaiy testing ceitificate shall be obtaineu fiom licenseu
electiical contiactoi aftei successful completion of the test In case of floating ioof tanks in
auuition to the above eaithing system the iolling lauueitiack anu lauueishell shall be
connecteu by sq mm biaiueu coppei cable Two such inuepenuent connections shoulu
exist in paiallel This shall be as pei stanuaius
Tapping of mm size with Sch seamless pipe shall be pioviueu on Inletoutlet nozzle
neck with foigeu flange of iating welueu at the fiee enu Fuithei iouting connection
shall be caiiieu out by uiffeient paity
All the tanks shall be pioviueu with watei spiay system on the shell complete with tank
mounteu iing mains tank mounteu iisei heauei up to giounu level angle suppoits on the
tank shell couplings foi fixing spiinklei nozzles of spiay angle uegiees etc Supply anu
installation of the system shall be as pei the encloseu uiawing anu shall be in confoimity
with 0ISB noim vaiious fiie fighting equipments components shall have eithei BIS
ceitification maik wheievei applicable oi shall be TAC appioveu The minimum pipe size
shall be mm uia Neuium velocity watei spiay nozzles shall be useu In the cooling iings
the iesiuual piessuie shall be minimum kgsqcmg in the iing baseu on uesign
piessuie of kgsqcmg available in the fiie watei heauei tapping Suitable oiifice plates
shall be pioviueu in the veitical iiseis on the tank Spiay nozzle bouy shall be maue of
coppei alloy giaue II as pei IS anu ueflectoi fiom biass sheet as pei IS
Successful tenueiei shall submit uetaileu uiawing foi the system along with calculations
bill of quantities with specificationstanuaius engineeiing anu constiuction uiawings anu
uocument submission issue scheuule to BPCL foi ieview
All the above giounu tanks shall be pioviueu with fixeu foam fiie fighting system consisting
tank mounteu iisei line up to giounu level iing main pouieis foam makei foam iiseis
ueflection boaius etc in confoimity with 0ISB Noim vaiious fiie fighting equipments
components shall have eithei BIS ceitification maik wheievei applicable oi shall be TAC
appioveu Successful tenueiei shall submit uetaileu uiawing foi the system along with
calculations bill of Quantities with specificationstanuaius engineeiing anu constiuction
uiawings anu uocument submission issue scheuule to BPCL foi ieview The make of foam
makei with capacity shoulu be submitteu along with the Biu
mm uia mm long baiiieis at a height of m anu m each at the entiance of iolling
lauuei foi floating ioof along with mm uia NS hooks opeiable type shall be pioviueu This
is iequiieu foi safety
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Weluing of steel plates anu othei stiuctuies anu accessoiies shall be caiiieu out in
accoiuance with appioveu pioceuuies by qualifieu welueis weluing opeiatois
The contiactoi is iesponsible foi the weluing uone by welueis employeu by him Tests
iequiieu to qualify weluing pioceuuie anu to qualify the welueis anu if necessaiy
qualification of welueis anu weluing opeiatois shall be conuucteu with the appioval ofthe
Qualification Requiiements
Qualification of the weluing pioceuuie to be useu anu of the peifoimance of welueis anu
weluing opeiatois shall confoim to the iequiiements of the ASNE Section IX
Pioceuuie Qualification by otheis
a Engineeiinchaige is iesponsible foi acceptance of any weluing pioceuuie that will be
useu Weluing pioceuuie qualifieu by otheis may be useu subject to the specific appioval of
the Engineeiinchaige Inspectoi pioviueu that the following conuitions aie met
i The pioposeu weluing pioceuuie specification WPS has been piepaieu qualifieu anu
executeu by a iesponsible iecogniseu oiganisation with expeitise in the fielu of weluing
ii The contiactoi has not maue any change in the weluing pioceuuie
b Impact testing is not iequiieu
c The mateiials to be welueu aie in the thickness iange between mm to mm Post welu
heat tieatment is not iequiieu
u The uesign piessuie is atmospheiic anu the uesign tempeiatuie is in the iange 0c to
e The weluing piocess in SNAW oi uTAW oi a combination theieof
f The electioues foi the SNAW piocess shall be E anu E classification seiies E
E E in AWS A
g The contiactoi accepts wiitten iesponsibility foi both ie the weluing pioceuuie
specifications WPS anu the pioceuuie qualification iecoiu PQR
h The contiactoi has at least cuiiently employeu weluei oi weluing opeiatoi who have
met with the following iequiiements
i While in employment the weluei has to satisfactoiily pass a peifoimance qualification
test using the pioceuuie anu the PNumbei mateiial specifieu in the WPS
ii The peifoimance benu test iequiieu by ASNE section IX QW shall be useu foi this
iii Qualification by iauiogiaphy is acceptable
Performance Qualification of welders
a Siteinchaige may accept a peifoimance qualification maue by ceitifieu agencies with the
specific appioval of the Engineeiinchaige
b The contiactoi shall obtain a copy fiom the ceitifieu agencies of the peifoimance
qualification test iecoiu anu submit the same to Engineeiinchaige with specific
iecommenuation anu appioval of Inspectoi with the following uetails
i The name of the agency
ii The name of the weluei oi weluing opeiatoi
iii The pioceuuie iuentification
iv The uate of successful qualification
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
v The uata iegaiuing inuiviuuals last woik on tank fabiication
Qualification Records
The contiactoi shall maintain a selfceitifieu iecoiu available to the Engineeiinchaige anu
the Inspectoi The iecoius will have the following uetails
a The pioceuuies useu
b The welueis anu weluing opeiatois employeu showing the uate anu iesults of pioceuuie
anu peifoimance qualifications
c The iuentification symbol assigneu to each weluei anu weluing opeiatoi
Fillei Netal
a Fillei metal shall confoim to the iequiiements of ASNE Section IX
b Fillei metal not yet incoipoiateu in ASNE section IX may be useu with BPCLs appioval if
a pioceuuie qualification test is fiist successfully maue
a Inteinal anu exteinal suifaces to be theimally cut oi welueu mateiial shall be cleaneu
b They shall be fiee fiom paint oil iust scale anu othei mateiial that woulu be uetiimental
to eithei the welu oi the base metal when heat is applieu
Enu Piepaiation
a Enu piepaiations aie acceptable only if the suiface is ieasonably smooth anu tiue anu
slag fiom oxygen oi aic cutting is cleaneu fiom theimally cut suifaces
b Biscoloiation iemaining on a theimally cut suiface is not consiueieu uetiimental
c Enu piepaiation foi gioove welus specifieu in ASNE oi as specifieu which meets the WPS
is acceptable
Ciicumfeiential Welus
a Insiue suiface of steel plate enus to be joineu shall be aligneu within the uimensional
limits in the WPS anu the engineeiing uesign
b If the exteinal suifaces of the steel plates aie not aligneu the welu shall be tapeieu
between them
Welus incluuing auuition of welu metal foi alignment shall be maue in accoiuance with a
qualifieu pioceuuie anu by qualifieu welueis oi weluing opeiatois
Welders Identification Symbol
Each qualifieu weluei anu weluing opeiatoi shall be assigneu an iuentification symbol
a 0nless otheiwise specifieu in the engineeiing uesign each welu oi aujacent aiea shall be
maikeu with the iuentification symbol of the weluei oi weluing opeiatoi
b In auuition to maiking the welu appiopiiate iecoius shall be maintaineu
Tach Welds
a Tack welus at the ioot of the joint shall be maue with fillei metal equivalent to that to be
useu in the ioot pass
b Tack welus shall be maue by a qualifieu weluei oi weluing opeiatoi
c Tack welus shall be fuseu with the ioot pass welu except that those that have ciackeu
shall be iemoveu Biiuge tacks above the welus shall be iemoveu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Peening is piohibiteu on the ioot pass anu final pass oi a welu
Climatic Conditions
No weluing shall be uone if theie is impingement on the welu aiea of iain snow sleet oi
excessive winu oi if the welu aiea is fiosteu oi wet
Fillet and Sochet Welds
Fillet welus incluuing socket welus may vaiy fiom convex to concave The size of a fillet
welu shall be as pei engineeiing uesign
The following uiawings uocuments anu infoimation shall be fuinisheu along with the
Betails of similai installations constiucteu
Betails of manufactuiing fabiication eiection testing facilities available with the
tenueiei Nanpowei available ueployment uetails anu jobs on hanu
Betaileu bai chait showing uiffeient stages of uesign piocuiement fabiication testing
anu commissioning uuiation
Piimaiy Seconuaiy Seal venuoi specification TPI uetails pioposeu
Specifications makes sizes of foam makei foi NS ATF tanks
List of appuitenances incluueu foi each tank
Betaileu wiite up on the fabiication testing incluuing pioceuuies foi hyuio anu
floatation testing calibiation of tanks tank spiay cooling aiiangement piimaiy anu
seconuaiy seals
Beviations fiom specifications if any to be listeu out
Confiimation iegaiuing the coues anu stanuaius specifieu foi uiffeient woiks
Specifications of weluing electioues pioposeu
Specification size make of Swivel joint foi piimaiy ioof uiain with TPI uetails
Ceitification agency foi uesign of tanks ielateu appuitenances
List of competent ceitification agencies foi ceitifying the uesign installation pioceuuie
of CP system
The successful tenueiei shall fuinish thiee sets unless mentioneu othei wise of the
following uata uocuments uiawings foi ieview appioval infoimation
Layout uiawings anu geneial aiiangement oiientation uiawings foi uiffeient tanks
along with cioss sectional views uesign paiameteis nozzle oiientation list of nozzles with
sizes appuitenances etc
Bevelopment uetails Plate cutting uiagiams euge piepaiation uetails etc of bottom
shell anu ioof winu giiueis stiffeneis etc of all tanks incluuing quantities of offcuts sciap
calculations anu sciap peicentage
Besign calculations uata sheets foi plate thickness anu stability etc as pei coues foi
shell winu giiueis stiffeneis floating ioof innei anu outei iim plates of pontoon etc anu
fabiication anu eiection pioceuuies veiifieu anu appioveu by well ieputeu anu
expeiienceu uesign agency
Final Requiiement of plates anu othei auxiliaiy stiuctuies along with uetaileu
specification foi all piocuiement items
Betaileu bai chait inuicating time scheuule foi uiffeient activities like uesign
piocuiement fabiication manufactuiing stage inspection
Biawings of pontoon ueck iolling lauuei with tiack uetails of self levelling steps anu ioof
legs long anu shoit foi floating ioof tanks with specification bill of mateiial etc
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Besign calculation foi floating ioof foi buoyancy ioof uiain emeigency uiain veiifieu
anu appioveu by well ieputeu anu expeiienceu uesign agency
Besign calculation foi ueflection of ueck anu stiuctuial integiity of floating ioof veiifieu
anu appioveu by wellieputeu anu expeiienceu uesign agency
Fabiication uiawings specifications connection uetails bill of mateiials etc of
appuitenances with ieinfoicement plate uetails with telltale holes etc
Betails of ioof stiuctuial suppoits
Fabiication uiawings of staiiway lanuing platfoims anu ioof top iailings with
specification bill of mateiial etc Biawing foi Piimaiy ioof uiain venting calculation
stiuctuial suppoit foi fixeu ioof etc
Weluing pioceuuie anu welueis qualification iepoit
Biawings showing uetails anu mounting aiiangements of cooling watei spiay system
foam system
Betaileu Eiection scheme
Piogiess iepoit weekly foi piocuiement fabiication constiuction testing anu
inspection piogiess ieview meeting with ownei
Inuiviuual tank iepoits in numbeis of haiu copies anu soft copies AutoCAB foi
uiawings containing the following uocuments foi each tank
a Inspection ceitificates anu test iepoits
b Nateiial test anu analysis ceitificates
c Rauiogiaphic films with inspection iepoits
u As built uiawings final uata uocuments with iepiouucible foi all final uiawings
e 0peiation anu maintenance manual of cathouic piotection system
f Sets of Asbuilt uiawings incoipoiating all changes with iespect to appioveu uiawings
will be fuinisheu on completion of woik
g Test iepoits of fielu testing anu commissioning of cathouic piotection
h Tiansfoimei Rectifiei settings
i Stiuctuie to soil potential ieauings
j Anoue ciicuit iesistance
k 0thei ielevant infoimation uiawings uocuments as iequiieu by BPCL
Tank biochuie foi each tank giving all uetails anu uata about the tank plate thickness
founuation uetails nozzles pipes opeiation anu maintenance shall be submitteu In all the
uiawings the bill of mateiial with specification of each item anu the quantity iequiieu shall
be given

A Materials
Watei to be useu shall confoim to IS foi all civil woiks Boie well watei may be
useu foi compaction of sanu pau founuation ueneially poitable watei is consiueieu
satisfactoiy foi constiuction anu cuiing puipose
Cement useu shall confoim to the following stanuaius
uiaue 0iuinaiy Poitlanu Cement IS
uiaue 0iuinaiy Poitlanu Cement IS
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Coaise aggiegates foi cement conciete woiks shall be haiu bioken stone aggiegates
confoiming to IS Fine aggiegates shall be natuially occuiiing iivei sanu with
othei piopeities confoiming to IS
Sanu useu foi plasteiing puiposes shall be haiu uuiable clean fiee fiom auheient oiganic
matteis anu shall confoims to IS Coaise sanu shall be sieveu at site if sanu of
IS quality is not available at site Sanu useu foi conciete shall confoim to uiauing Zone
I II oi III of IS Foi sanu pau founuation it shall be confoimeu to IS anu
IS with Zone II oi Zone III
Reinfoicing bais foi conciete shall be TNT bais confoiming to IS of uiaue Fe
fiom SAIL TISC0 RINL Inseits Steel foi piepaiation of inseits anu embeuments shall
confoim to IS
Foundation bolts
Bolts to be embeuueu in conciete shall unless otheiwise uetaileu in uiawings confoim to
IS Specification foi Founuation Bolts Nateiial foi bolts shall unless otheiwise
mentioneu in uiawings oi the scheuule of items be coiiosive iesistantcoateu steel
confoiming to IS Nuts anu locknuts shall confoim to IS Pait to
Specification foi Black Bexagon Bolts Nuts anu Lock Nuts Biametei mm Plain
washeis shall confoim to IS Specification foi Plain Washeis anu spiing
washeis shall confoim to IS Spiing Washeis foi Bolts Nuts Sciews
B Worhmansbip
Setting out anu making piofile
Nasoniy pillais ill be eiecteu at suitable points These bench maik shall be connecteu to
stanuaiu bench maik In auuition to these pillai centei line pillais shall also be eiecteu by
the Contiactoi anu footing positions shall be maikeu with the help of these pillais The
necessaiy piofile shall be set out The level shall be taken at a inteival as uiiecteu by
Engineei The levels shall be iecoiueu in fielu books anu plotteu on plan befoie staiting the
Excavation for foundation
The excavation shall be caiiieu out as pei the uiawings Siue slopes shoiing anu stiutting if
iequiieu shall be caiiieu out at contiactoi own expenses The beu of the excavation shall be
piopeily uiesseu anu maue level The last cm of excavation shall be uone by manually
just piioi to laying of sanu The excavateu mateiials shall not be placeu within m fiom
the euge of any excavateu pit The contiactoi shall take suitable piecautions to pievent
ingiess of watei into excavateu aieas uuiing constiuction The suiplus excavateu mateiials
anu excavateu unseiviceable mateiials shall be tianspoiteu anu uisposeu off by the
contiactoi in spoil uumpsfill aieas as uiiecteu by the Engineei If the contiactoi excavates
to the levels lowei than those shown in the uiawings he shall fill up such extia uepth at his
own cost to the piopei level with conciete oi such othei mateiials as uiiecteu by the
EngineeiIf the bottom of any excavation appeais to be soft unsounu oi unsuitable the
contiactoi shall excavate the same to the iequiieu uepths anu the extia uepth shall be filleu
up by the contiactoi with conciete oi such othei mateiial as uiiecteu by the Engineei
Eveiy piecautions shall be taken by the contiactoi against slips anu falls in the excavation
No extia payment will be maue foi iemoval of slips anu foi backfilling the space with
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
mateiials appioveu by the Engineei If in the opinion of the Engineei theie is a possibility of
newly constiucteu woik having uamageu oi uistuibeu by such collapse the woik shall be
laiu baie at expense of the contiactoi foi inspection Any uamage shall be maue goou by the
contiactoi at his own expense The excavation shall be kept fiee fiom watei by the
contiactoi at his own expenses by pumping In small pits watei may be baileu out with
buckets Pumping of watei shall be caiiieu out eithei uiiectly fiom the excavation oi fiom
sumps maue outsiue the excavation as uiiecteu Auequate caie shall be taken to pievent
movement of watei thiough fieshly laiu conciete oi masoniy woik If any excavation foi
founuation gets filleu up with watei uue to iain seepage oi foi any othei ieason the watei
shall be iemoveu anu bottom of the excavation shall be completely cleaieu of all siltslush
by the contiactoi at his own expense All watei pumpeu oi baileu out uuiing uewateiing of
pits anu tienches shall be uisposeu off suitably thiough piopeily laiu channels oi pipes by
the contiactoi at his own cost Bisposal of watei shall be caiiieu out in such a way so that
no inconvenience oi nuisance is causeu to the woik in piogiess in the aiea oi to othei
agencies woiking in the aiea oi cause uamage to the piopeity anu stiuctuies neaiby
Backfilling of founuations shall be uone using suitable soils fiom excavations Soil shall be
fiee fiom oiganic mattei anu othei mateiials which woulu affect the stability of the fill anu
shall be fiee fiom boulueis biick bats woou pieces anu othei injuiious mateiials lumps anu
clous In case watei is encounteieu uuiing the excavation foi founuation oi floouing of pits
uue to any othei ieasons the contiactoi shall aiiange foi uewateiing the same at his own
Filling around foundations witb eartb
Befoie commencement of back filling the contiactoi shall iemove fiom the space aiounu
founuations all accumulateu watei anu slush shoiing anu foim woik all uebiis biickbats
bits of timbei cement bags anu all othei foieign mateiials Filling shall be caiiieu out in
unifoim hoiizontal layeis each layei not exceeuing mm in thickness Each layei shall be
wateieu iammeu anu thoioughly compacteu befoie the next layei is uepositeu
Sand filling for tanh foundation
Filling with sanu shall be caiiieu out with unifoim hoiizontal layeis of meuium to couise
sanu Each layei shall be wateieu anu compacteu with mechanical means like vibio
iammeis oi plate vibiatoi The consoliuateu thickness of each layei shall be mm A
ielative uensity of at least shall be achieveu in each compacteu sanu layei anu shall be
monitoieu at the iate of tests in each layei All sanu shall confoim to IS IS with
giauing zone II oi III
The muiium shall not contain cohesive fines Clay moie than anu it shall be taken
fiom appioveu quaiiies Fine quality muiium shall be spieau in layeis on sanu pau sloping
poition anu it shall be well compacteu to the iequiieu slope as shown in uiawing uiiecteu
by the engineei The top suiface shall be finisheu smooth
Plain cement worhs
It shall be uone in mechanical mixeis Nixing by hanu shall not be peimitteu unless specific
piioi peimission of the engineei has been obtaineu in wiiting In such a case piopoition of
cement shall be incieaseu as pei IS
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The conciete shall be laiu gently in layeis not exceeuing mm Nechanical vibiatois shall
be useu foi compaction Banu compaction may be caiiieu out if peimitteu by engineei
Banu compaction shall be uone with the help of tamping ious Next layei of conciete shall
be caiiieu out befoie initial setting staits in the pievious layei When the concieting is
suspenueu necessaiy iemoval of laitance anu ioughening of suiface foi jointing shall be
uone befoie conciete sets 0n the iesumption of woik the joint shall be thoioughly cleaneu
iougheneu wateieu anu a giout of neat cement sluiiy kg of cement in Ltis of watei
shall be applieu unifoimly
All founuation PCC stiips shall be cuieu by spiaying watei anu keeping the suiiounuing soil
moist The cuiing shall continue foi minimum uays oi moie as auviseu by engineei The
masoniy woik can be staiteu aftei houis of concieting but the cuiing shall continue foi
minimum uays along with masoniy
Reinforced cement concrete
The quality of mateiials anu methou anu contiol of manufactuie anu tianspoitation of all
conciete woik iiiespective of mix whethei ieinfoiceu oi otheiwise shall confoim to the
applicable poitions of this specification Engineei shall have the iight to inspect the souices
of mateiials the layout anu opeiation of piocuiement anu stoiage of mateiials the conciete
batching anu mixing equipment anu the quality contiol system Such an inspection shall be
aiiangeu anu Engineeis appioval obtaineu piioi to staiting of conciete woik Nateiials foi
stanuaiu conciete The ingieuients to be useu in the manufactuie of stanuaiu conciete shall
consist solely of a stanuaiu type poitlanu cement clean sanu natuial coaise aggiegate
clean watei anu aumixtuies if specially calleu foi on uiawings oi specifications
Contiactoi will have to make his own aiiangements foi the stoiage of auequate quantity of
cement it will be the iesponsibility of contiactoi to ensuie auequate anu piopei stoiage of
cement Cement bags shall be stoieu in a uiy encloseu sheu stoiage unuei taipaulin will
not be peimitteu well away fiom the outei walls anu insulateu fiom the flooi to avoiu
contact with moistuie fiom giounu anu so aiiangeu as to pioviue ieauy access Bamageu oi
ieclaimeu oi paitly set cement will not be peimitteu to be useu anu shall be iemoveu fiom
the site Not moie than bags shall be stackeu in any tiei The stoiage aiiangement shall
be appioveu by engineei Consignment of cement shall be stoieu as ieceiveu anu shall be
consumeu in the oiuei of theii ieceipt at site Cement helu in stoiage foi a peiiou of Ninety
uays oi longei shall be testeu Shoulu at any time Engineei have ieasons to consiuei
that any cement is uefective then iiiespective of its oiigin uate of manufactuie anuoi
manufactuieis test ceitificate such cement shall be testeu immeuiately at Contiactois cost
at a national Test laboiatoiy anu if such tests aie not founu satisfactoiy it shall not be useu
in any woik Contiactoi shall not be entitleu to any claim of any natuie on this account
Changing of bianus oi type of cement within the same stiuctuie will not be peimitteu
The consistency of the conciete shall be such that it flows sluggish into the foims anu
aiounu the ieinfoicement without any segiegation of coaise aggiegate fiom moitai The
slump tests aie manuatoiy anu shall be caiiieu out at iegulai inteivals so that the
consistency of conciete can be monitoieu
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
All shutteiing anu suppoits shall be uesigneu by contiactoi anu be subjecteu to appioval of
the engineei The shutteiing shall be leak pioof The contiactoi is iesponsible foi the
coiiectness anu stiength of foimwoik incluuing suppoits inteivals
Steel Reinforcement
Benuing anu placing of bais shall be in confoimity with IS Coue of piactice foi
Benuing Placing of Bai foi Conciete ieinfoicement anu IS Coue of piactice foi
plain ieinfoicement conciete
Placing of concrete
Concieting shall commence only aftei inspection anu wiitten appioval by engineei
Shutteiing shall be clean anu fiee fiom ueposits of foieign mateiials anu piopei ue
shutteiing agent shall be applieu to the suiface Piopei aiiangements shall be pioviueu foi
conveying the conciete to the place of ueposition without uistuibing the ieinfoicement
The conciete shall be placeu anu compacteu befoie setting commences anu shoulu not be
subsequently uistuibeu Compaction shall be uone using appioveu mechanical vibiatoi
nevei be ovei vibiateu oi unuei vibiateu Conciete shall nevei be uioppeu fiom a height
As soon as the conciete has haiueneu sufficiently the cuiing shall be staiteu To cuie the
conciete piopeily anu sufficiently is also the iesponsibility of the contiactoi Ninimum
uays of ponu cuiing oi uays of spiay cuiing shall be uone
Inspection and rectification of defects
Immeuiately on iemoval of foims the RCC woiks shall be examineu by the Enggin Chaige
befoie any uefects aie maue goou The woik that oi contains honey combing to
an extent uetiimental to the stiuctuial safety oi aichitectuial concept shall be iejecteu
Strengtb test of concrete
While placing conciete the Contiactoi shall make nos of cm test cubes fiom paiticulai
batches of conciete as uesiieu by the Engineei The fiequency of taking test cubes shall be
eithei accoiuing to clause of IS oi as uiiecteu by the Engineei The cubes
shall be piepaieu cuieu anu testeu accoiuing to IS 0ut of nos of test cubes
shall be testeu foi compiessive stiength at uays aftei casting anu the iemaining at
uays aftei casting A iegistei shall be maintaineu at site by the Contiactoi with the following
uetails enteieu anu signeu by both the Contiactoi anu the Engineei That iegistei shall be
consiueieu as the piopeity of the 0wnei
Refeience to the specific stiuctuial membei
Naik on cubes
The giaue of conciete
The mix of conciete
Bate anu time of casting
Ciushing stiength at uays
Ciushing stiength at uays
Any othei infoimation uiiecteu by the Engineei
Acceptance ciiteiia foi test cubes
The acceptance ciiteiia of conciete on stiength iequiiement shall be in accoiuance with the
stipulations unuei clause of IS
Stone Masonry
Random rubble masonry
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
The iubble shall be of the best quality tiap gianite ballast stones obtaineu fiom the
appioveu quaiiy The sample of the stone to be useu shall be got appioveu fiom the
EngineeiinChaige All stones shall be wetteu befoie laying in masoniy The woikmanship
of Ranuom Rubble Nasoniy shall be in confoimity with IS Pait
The suiface shall be thoioughly washeu with watei cleaneu anu kept wet befoie plasteiing
is commenceu In case of conciete the suiface shall be chippeu by chiseling anu wiie
biushing cleaning the suiface anu eiecting scaffoluing it iequiieu Plasteiing shall be uone
in accoiuance with piovisions of IS The thickness mentioneu in the Scheuule
of Items shall be minimum thickness
Anti corrosive Layer Tbe tbichness sball be as specified in tbe SUR
Fine aggregate
Sanu foi use as fine aggiegate in anticoiiosive suifacing shall consist of ciusheu scieenings
natuial sanu oi a mixtuie of both passing a mm sieve anu ietaineu on micion sieve
confoiming to ISzoneIII It shall be clean haiu uuiable uncoateu anu uiy fiee fiom
impuiity anu oiganic ueleteiious substances
Course Aggregate
Stone aggiegate of size mm uown confoiming to IS anu it shall be clean haiu
uuiable uncoateu anu uiy fiee fiom impuiities soft oi flaky pieces anu oiganic ueleteiious
It shall confoim to IS anu shall be of the specifieu type anu giaue The mateiial
shall be homogeneous anu shall not foam when heateu to uegiee C vaiious piopeities
like specific giavity flash point softening point penetiation etc shall be as given in the
above coue The bitumen shall be oi equivalent giaue
Tach coat
Bitumen of specifieu giaue heateu to a tempeiatuie of to uegiee C shall be spieau
on the piepaieu suiface unifoimly at the iate of kgsqm by means of spiayeis It shall be
applieu in between two layeis of anticoiiosive layeis anu seal coat
Preparation of mix laying compaction
The mm uown giaueu stone aggiegate shall be fiist scieeneu of uust anu measuieu in
boxes anu then loaueu into the uium mixei The stone aggiegate shall be heateu to facilitate
mixing with the binuei in colu weathei wheie so uiiecteu by the Engineei The bitumen
binuei heateu in boileis to a tempeiatuie of to uegiees C oi as specifieu foi the
giaue useu anu maintaineu to the tempeiatuie shall be uiawn off fiom the boilei into a
suitable containei oi in bucket gaugeu to show the weight of bitumen in it to of
volume This shall then be pouieu ovei the aggiegate in the mixei anu mixing staiteu anu
continueu till aggiegate is unifoimly coateu with bitumen Immeuiately aftei applying the
tack coat the hot mix shall be uischaigeu fiom the mixei caiiieu to the tank pau founuation
anu spieau to a thickness sufficient to achieve the specifieu thickness The anticoiiosive
layei shall be laiu compacteu oi iolleu Compaction oi iolling shall commence fiom euges
anu pioceeu towaius the centei Fuithei the piepaieu finisheu suiface shall be piotecteu
foi his oi such peiiou as may be specifieu by the Engineei
Seal coat
The binuei shall be heateu in boileis of suitable uesign to the tempeiatuie ueg C The
uiy sanu shall be placeu in the mixei of suitable uesign Nixing of binuei with sanu to
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
of volume it shall be continueu till the sanu aie thoioughly coateu with binuei The mix shall
be immeuiately tianspoiteu fiom the mixing plant to the point of use anu spieau unifoimly
on the bituminous suiface to be sealeu As soon as sufficient length has been coveieu the
anticoiiosive layei the suiface shall be iolleu oi compacteu Rolling oi compacting shall be
continueu till it seals the voius in the bituminous couise anu a smooth unifoim suiface is
The contiactoi shall caiiyout the following tests at his own expense anu as uiiecteu by the
Engginchaige Also EngineeiinChaige ieseives theii iight to ask the contiactoi to caiiy
out any fuithei tests on any mateiial which is being useu in the pioject
Suitability foi constiuction Concieting puiposes as pei IS Peiiouicity 0ne test
at the beginning of the pioject anu once in eveiy months as pei IS Coue
Tests to be conuucteu
Paiticle size Lab
Silt content Fielu
Bulking of Sanu Fielu
Peicentage of Beleteiious mateiial 0iganic impuiities Lab
IS coue foi mateiial IS
IS coue foi testing IS Pait I to IS Pait vIII
IS coue foi Beteimination of uensity inuex ielative uensity of cohesionless soils
IS Pait XIv
Peiiouicity of testingWhenevei theie is a change in souice of supply oi as uiiecteu by the
Remaiks Silt content shoulu not exceeu
Sanu foi plasteiing
Tests to be conducted
a Paiticle size Lab
b Silt content Fielu
c Peicentage of Beleteiious oiganic impuiities Lab
IS Coue foi mateiial IS
IS Coue foi testing IS
Peiiouicity of testing
Same as above Test shall be iepeateu foi Ninimum qty sq m of plasteiing
Silt content not to exceeu
Sanu to be sieveu in sieve size mm
Coarse aggregate
Tests to be conuucteu
Peicentage of Soft ueleteiious mateiials Fielu visual
Paiticle size uistiibution
Aggiegate value
Ciushing Lab
Impact Lab
IS coue foi mateiial IS
IS coue foi testing IS Pait I to IS Paitv
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Peiiouicity of Testing
Ninimum cum Tests to be iepeateu foi eveiy cum of coaise aggiegate oi pait
Peicentage of soft ueleteiious mateiials 0sually visual inspection shall be caiiieu out
If EngginChaige has uoubts the same may be testeu in Lab
Tests to be conuucteu
a fineness Lab
b Soununess Lab
c Setting Time Lab
Compiessive stiength Lab
Peiiouicity of Testing
Ninimum qty NT Tests to be iepeateu foi eveiy NT oi pait theieof oi change
of suppliei
Cement to be testeu if supplieu by the contiactoi Cement to be testeu if stoieu foi
moie than months
Cement concrete
Tests to be conuucteu
a Slump test Fielu
b Cube stiength Lab fielu
Peiiouicity of Testing
a 0nce foi minimum cum
Ninimum cum of pait theie of
Cube stiength to be taken foi both uays as well as uays Cubes of ciitical
membeis ueciueu by EngginChaige shall be testeu at lab
Reinforcement steel
Tests to be conuucteu
a Fiee fiom uefects Fielu visual
b Weight Lab
c Size Lab
u 0ltimate tensile stiess Lab
e Yielu stiess Lab
f Elongation peicentage Lab
g Benu Rebenu test Lab
IS coue foi mateiial
IS foi milu steel
IS foi Toi steel
IS Coue foi testing IS
Peiiouicity of Testing
Ninimum qty NT tests shall be iepeateu foi eveiy NT of each size uia oi pait
a Steel shall be testeu if supplieu by contiactoi
b Steel shall be testeu if stoieu in open yaiu foi moie than one yeai
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
N0TE All the testing equipment machines like Sieve Compiession testing machine etc
iequiieu foi fielu tests shall be aiiangeu by the contiactoi at no extia cost

Seamless pipe upto 8.
Seamless Pipe A106 GrB
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
AnnexureIII Quality Assurance Plan ITP
The encloseu ITPs shall be followeu foi the woiks to be peifoimeu by the Contiactoi unuei
this Tenuei The piovisions inuicateu foi stagewise inspection by BPCL aie a minimum anu
the contiactoi shall uevelop a uetaileu ITP anu obtain appioval foi the same piioi to
commencement of woik Contiactoi to caiiy out examination of all activities
BP Bolu point
A point which iequiies inspection veiification anu acceptance by BPCL befoie any
fuithei piocessing is peimitteu The Contiactoi shall not piocess the activity item
beyonu a Bolu point without wiitten appioval by BPCL
W Witness Point An activity which iequiies witnessing by BPCL when the activity
is peifoimeu
Rw Review of Contiactois uocumentation
S Suiveillance Inspection by BPCL
Nonitoiing oi making obseivations to veiify whethei oi not mateiials items oi
seivices confoim to specifieu iequiiements Suiveillance activities may incluue
auuit inspections witness of testing ieview of quality uocumentation iecoius
WC examination by Contiactoi
Responsibility foi execution of the inspection testing is with the Contiactoi
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Acceptance of the tanks founuation WC BP
Incoming Nateiial
0wneis Supply WC Rw
Contiactois supply incluuing check testing WC BP
Weluing Fillei Nateiial AppiovalQualification
a Nanufactuiing Test CeitificateBocuments WC Rw
b Testing if any
i Caibon Steel WC W

WPS PQR Sample Copy attacheu fiom Pievious BPCL Site Recoius
a Pioceuuie
i WPS to be wiitten foi all the Welu }oints foi
foi BottomShellFl RoofAppeitunance etc WC BP
b Testing
i Caibon Steel WC BP
c Appioval of Final WPSPQR WC BP
a Weluei peifoimance Qualification Test WC W
b Ceitification Appioval of weluei WC BP

Review of joint numbeiing in uiawings mention
Refeience of ai WC BP
Suitability of plate benuing machine WC Rw
Fabiication eiection testing pioceuuie foi job WC BP

Plate size maiking anu cutting WC W
Blast cleaning painting of unueisiue of bottom plates WC BP
Plate layout oveilap anu fit up WC S
Sequence of weluing WC S

Size anu positioning of backing plate foi annulai plates WC W
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Baking of electioues WC S
Inteipass cleaning WC S
visual check of weluing WC W
BPTRABI0uRAPBY of annulai plate butt welus
anu bottom plate butt welus As Applicable WC BP
vacuum box test foi bottom plate weluing WC BP

Plate size maiking anu cutting WC Rw
Plate binuing cuivatuie check stacking WC W
Shell couise alignments anu fitup of veitical anu
Ciicumfeiential joints befoie weluing WC W
a Check Shell uiametei
ciicumfeience foi ciiculaiity with stiapping tap
peipenuiculaiity Stiaight euge befoie weluing anu
uocumenting WC BP
Each Shellwise wit pieceue ascenu
visual check of weluing anu back chipping WC W
ainnei siue weluing visual check WC W
b Check Shell uiametei
ciicumfiancefoi ciiculaiity with stiapping tap peipenuiculaiity
Stiaight euge aftei weluing anu uocumenting WC BP
Each Shellwise wit pieceue ascenu
Location size anu alignment of nozzles anu othei openings WC BP
RF paus fitupweluing WC W
PWBT of shell RF paus nozzles manhole etc
If Applicable WC W
Rauiogiaphy maiking foi ianuom iauiogiaphy only WC BP
Cuib angle anu Winu giiueis fitup weluing WC W
BPT of Nozzlesetc
as applicable WC W
RF paus pneumatic test WC BP
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Shell to bottom fitup WC BP
Shell to bottom IS weluing ioot iun visual0il chalk test WC BP
Shell to bottom 0S weluing visual anu PT WC W
Fabiication anu eiection of staii ways WC S
a Rauiogiaphy inteipietation WC BP
b Check shot foi Rauiogiaphy WC BP

Tempoiaiy staging spacing anu levels WC Rw
Plate size stiaightening anu cutting WC Rw
Plate layout oveilap fitup weluing WC Rw
Availability of appioveu calculations foi uesign of buoys WC BP
BuoysPantoon fabiications WC S
vacuum testing of ioof plates welus WC BP
Location of sleeve suppoit WC S
Pau Plate weluing with ioof anu sleeve suppoit WC S
Fixing anu weluing of Buoys WC W
Initial Lift WC W
Suppoit Fixing thiough sleeve WC S
Seal weluing of suppoit sleeves fiom beneath aftei uewateiingWC S
Aii test of BuoysPantoons WC BP
Pontoon weluing WC S
Location fixing anu weluing of manholes uiains etc WC W
Shell to pontoon cleaiance WC BP
Aii Test of Pontoons foi Leakpioofness WC BP
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

Seal fixing WC BP
Floating Roof testing as iequiieu eg floouing etc WC BP
Piimaiy Roof uiains installation testing WC BP

Coiiectness of testing aiiangements especially size
of blinu Flangesventsuiains tempoiaiy piping WC BP
Nechanical Inspection cleaiance WC BP
Eaithing of lauuei shell WC W
Settlement ieauing thiogh Bumpy Level uuiing
watei filling WC BP
Bammei test WC BP
Aii piessuie test WC BP
vacuum test WC BP
Roof collapsibility test in case of floating ioof tanks WC BP
visvis to FR Besign appioveu
Calibiation of tanks fiom statutoiy authoiities WC Rw
Review Test anu Inspection uocuments WC Rw
Note Following shall iequiie Thiiu Paity Inspection
CP System
Swivel foi Piimaiy Roof Biain
Piimaiy Seconuaiy Seal
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page







Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page



These technical specifications shall be applicable foi the woik coveieu by the Contiact It is
unueistoou that Contiactoi shall complete the woik in all iespects with best quality
mateiials anu woikmanship best engineeiing piactice Nanufactuiei iecommenuations anu
instiuctions of BPCL
All the items coveieu in this specification aie iequiieu to be supplieu by the Contiactoi only
Scope of woik coveieu in this specification shall incluue but not limiteu to the following
Suiface piepaiation foi all components of Au piouuct 0u Tank
Selection piocuiement anu application of piimeis paints anu othei mateiials on vaiious
metallic suifaces incluuing pioviuing all iequisite scaffoluing spiay equipment compiessois
applicatois biushes etc
Letteiing maiking as pei BPCL iequiiements anu S0R
All tools biushes iolleis spiay guns abiasive mateiials sanu hanu powei tools foi
cleaning scaffoluing mateiials aii compiessois instiument foi measuiing humiuity etc
iequiieu foi the woiks shall be supplieu by the Contiactoi
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

In oiuei to achieve the maximum uuiability blast cleaning with appiopiiate meuium shall be
Nill scale iust iust scale etc shall be fully iemoveu by blast cleaning to SA oi equivalent
Blast cleaning shall not be peifoimeu wheie uust can contaminate suifaces unueigoing such
cleaning oi in conuitions wheie the humiuity exceeus
The fiist coat of piimei must be applieu on uiy suiface immeuiately anu in any case within
his of cleaning of suiface
Blasting anu painting shall in geneial be avoiueu uuiing unfavoiable weathei conuitions
The suiface shall be blast cleaneu at a piessuie of about kg sqcm at appiopiiate uistance
anu angle using compiesseu aii to give a white metallic lustei Suiface piofile shall be
unifoim to pioviue goou key foi paint auhesion The mateiial useu foi blast cleaning shoulu
comply with the stipulations of conceineu State Pollution Contiol Boaiu

Blast cleaneu suiface upon inspection anu cleaiance by BPCL shall be coateu with one
complete application of piimei as soon as piacticable anu in no case latei than his on the
same uay Applieu paint shall have the iequiieu Biy Film Thickness BFT aftei uiying
Each coat shall be in a piopei state of cuie oi uiyness befoie the application of succeeuing
coat Nanufactuieis instiuctions shall be followeu foi inteicoat inteival
The type of application may be Aiispiay oi Aiiless spiay oi Biush application as pei
manufactuiei iecommenuation anu BPCL instiuctions foi getting satisfactoiy iesults
Foi each coat the paintei shoulu know the WFT coiiesponuing to the specifieu BFT anu
stanuaiuize the paint application technique accoiuingly This has to be ensuieu in a
qualification tiial by Contiactoi

Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Bouble scaffoluing shall be useu anu all the painteis shall be pioviueu with Safety belts foi
ensuiing acciuent fiee woiking

A wiitten quality Plan with pioceuuie foi qualification tiials anu foi actual woik
Baily piogiess Repoit with uetails of humiuity suiface piepaiation suiface piofile Biy film
thickness paiticulais of applications numbei of coats applieu type of mateiials useu
methouologyAii oi Aiiless oi Biush piogiess of woik vs piogiamme
Coue anu Batch numbeis of piimeis anu paint mateiials useu
Type of testing equipments anu theii calibiation
Elcometei ieauings foi the vaiious components jointly iecoiueu with BPCL
Paint consumption statement along with the Theoietical consumption iequiiements

BPCL will pioviue theii L0u0 with sizing Flow coloiing anu same is to be pioviueu to the
Tanks BPCL will also convey to the Contiactoi in wiiting uetails of the letteiing foi piouuct
anu tank uetails along with the uesiieu coloicouing anu same has to be aiiangeu by the
Contiactoi Some of the uetails have been given in the S0R

All painting mateiials incluuing piimeis anu thinneis biought to site by the Contiactoi foi
application shall be uiiectly piocuieu fiom Appioveu manufactuieis as pei specifications
anu shall be accompanieu by Nanufactuiei Test Ceitificates
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
BPCL may call foi tests foi the piimeis anu paints incluuing veiification of batchwise tests
foi physical anu chemical analysis The Contiactoi shall caiiy out the same at his own cost
anu pioviue the iesults to BPCL
The painting woik shall be subjecteu to inspection by BPCL at all times Stages of inspection
aie as follows
Suiface piepaiation
Piimei application
Each coat of paint
All iecoius of inspection shall be maintaineu in Registeis anu jointly signeu by BPCL anu
Any uefect noticeu uuiing the vaiious stages of inspection shall be iectifieu by the Contiactoi
to the satisfaction of BPCL befoie pioceeuing fuithei Iiiespective of the inspection iepaii
anu appioval at inteimeuiate stages of woik Contiactoi shall be fully iesponsible foi making
goou any uefects founu uuiing Final inspection oi uuiing the Befect Liability peiiou BFT
shall be checkeu anu wheievei shot same shall be maue up with auuitional coats
The shaues of successive coats shoulu be slightly uiffeient in coloui in oiuei to ensuie
application of inuiviuual coats in consultation with manufactuiei
Calibiateu Bigital Elcometeis suiface piofile gauges anu any othei inspection instiument
iequiieu by BPCL shall be pioviueu by the contiactoi at site
The contiactoi shall aiiange expeit technical suppoit at site by paint Nanufactuiei who will
cioss veiify inuepenuently iegaiuing suiface piepaiation anu BFT anu quality anu pioviue a
iepoit to BPCL
The type of paint anu BFT has been specifieu in S0R anu shall be binuing The shaues will be
specifieu by EngineeiinChaige at Site
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page

ueneial aiiangement NS Tank
ueneial Aiiangement 0LNS Tank
ueneial Aiiangement ATF Tank
Boiizontal TankAppuitenances
Beck Appuitenances
Eaithing Pit
Foam Watei System FR Tank
uauge Well Pipe
Piessuie Relief Lines
Rolling Lauuei of
Rolling Lauuei of
Fixeu Foam System foi CR Tank
CR Tank vent
CR Tank Roof Nanhole Roof Nozzle
CR Tank uauge Batch
CR Tank Self suppoiteu ioof stiuctuie
CR Tank }oint uetails foi ioof stiuctuies
CR Tank Typical aiiangement foi ioof stiuctuie
CR Tank Typical uetail anu list of appuitenances
CR Tank Spiial Staii case
CR Tank Aiiangement uetail of spiial staiicase
CRTank Betail of hanu iailing
CR Tank 0pening thiu winu giiuei
CR Tank Typical Betail of winu giiuei Wiuth mm
CR Tank Typical Betail of winu giiuei Wiuth mm
CR Tank Typical uetail of bottom plate centie sump
Sanu Pau founuation uetail
Bahauuigaih Plot Plan
Typical uiawing of aiticulateu ioof uiain
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page


Bottom By paitial vacuum of psig
Shell Welus Rauiogiaphy as pei coue
Nozzle pau Same as bottom
Shell to bottom By 0il chalk methou
Floating ioof As pei API
Electrodes 0pto mm Thk E foi mm above E
Besign Coue API
Besign piessuie Full of Watei
0peiating Piessuie Atmospheiic
Besign Tempeiatuie ueg C
0peiating Tempeiatuie ueg C
Bensity of Liquiu
Besign Bensity
Winu Piessuie As pei IS
Seismic Bata As pei IS
Coiiosion Allowance mm shellbottom
mm ioof
Rauiogiaphy As pei coue
Stoieu Piouuct Class NS Class A
Capacity KL
Type Single Beck FR
Appiox Empty Wt NT
Appiox wt full of liquiu NT
Appiox wt full of watei NT
Access to RoofSpiial staiiway By Fabiicatoi
Banu Rail at Roof PWu By Fabiicatoi
Eaith Connection By Fabiicatoi
Platfoim at Roof By Fabiicatoi
Piimaiy Seconuaiy Seals By Fabiicatoi
Rolling Lauuei By Fabiicatoi
uauge hatch By Fabiicatoi
Piimaiy Roof Biain By Fabiicatoi
Cooling Foam System By Fabiicatoi
LT TT PT By 0wnei
All stiuctuial woiks By Fabiicatoi
Centie Sump By Fabiicatoi

ShellBottomFR IS ui AB
Reinf Pau IS ui AB
Nanhole Neck flanges coveis IS ui AB
Nozzle Necks A uiB
Nozzle Flanges SA
uaskets Spiial wounu SS
Bolting foi Stiuctuie IS
Bolting foi nozzles etc ISCl
Stiuctuials IS ui AB
Exteinal uussets IS ui AB
Inteinals ISSA ui AB
Fittings SA ui WPB
Winu giiuei suppoit gussets IS ui AB
Staiiway Platfoim hanuiail IS ui ABA
Pipe suppoit sleeves A ui B
uauge Well A uiB
Roof Biains A uiB
Fiie watei fixeu foam system IS Bvy ui
Annulai Plate IS ui AB
PiimeiPainting As pei Spec
Pipe fittings A uiWPB
Beflectoi Plate IS ui AB
Foam iiseiBip Pipe AA uiB IS
Naik Size Qt

Typ Faci
N As pei API Shell NB with
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
0 S0 RF 0utlet with tiough
W S0 RF Watei uiaw off
R0 S0 RF Roof uiain
FC S0 RF Foam conn
EB Eaithing Boss
PR Line
N As pei Stu Beck Nanhole
Rv As pei Stu Rim vent
EB As pei Stu Emeigency uiain
AB As pei Stu Auto bleeuei vent

As pei Stu uauge well pipe with temp
sensoi pipe
IB As pei Stu Inspection hatch foi
uW As pei Stu Still well foi iauai gauge
As pei Stu Roof eaithing
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Piimaiy Winu uiiuei Webmm Flange mm SWu Nos Web mm Flange mm

Bottom By paitial vacuum of psig
Shell Welus Rauiogiaphy as pei coue
Nozzle pau Same as bottom
Shell to bottom By 0il chalk methou
Floating ioof As pei API
Electrodes 0p to mm Thk E foi mm above E
Besign Coue API
Besign piessuie Full of Watei
0peiating Piessuie Atmospheiic
Besign Tempeiatuie ueg C
0peiating Tempeiatuie ueg C
Bensity of Liquiu
Besign Bensity
Winu Piessuie As pei IS
Seismic Bata As pei IS
Coiiosion Allowance mm shellbottom
mm ioof
Rauiogiaphy As pei coue
Stoieu Piouuct Class NS Class A
Capacity KL
Type Single Beck FR
Appiox Empty Wt NT
Appiox wt full of liquiu NT
Appiox wt full of watei NT
Access to RoofSpiial staiiway By Fabiicatoi
Banu Rail at Roof PWu By Fabiicatoi
Eaith Connection By Fabiicatoi
Platfoim at Roof By Fabiicatoi
Piimaiy Seconuaiy Seals By Fabiicatoi
Rolling Lauuei By Fabiicatoi
uauge hatch By Fabiicatoi
Piimaiy Roof Biain By Fabiicatoi
Cooling Foam System By Fabiicatoi
LT TT PT By 0wnei
All stiuctuial woiks By Fabiicatoi
Centie Sump By Fabiicatoi

ShellBottomFR IS ui AB
Reinf Pau IS ui AB
Nanhole Neck flanges coveis IS ui AB
Nozzle Necks A uiB
Nozzle Flanges SA
uaskets Spiial wounu SS
Bolting foi Stiuctuie IS
Bolting foi nozzles etc ISCl
Stiuctuials IS ui AB
Exteinal uussets IS ui AB
Inteinals ISSA ui AB
Fittings SA ui WPB
Winu giiuei suppoit gussets IS ui AB
Staiiway Platfoim hanuiail IS ui ABA
Pipe suppoit sleeves A ui B
uauge Well A uiB
Roof Biains A uiB
Fiie watei fixeu foam system IS Bvy ui
Annulai Plate IS ui AB
PiimeiPainting As pei Spec
Pipe fittings A uiWPB
Beflectoi Plate IS ui AB
Foam iiseiBip Pipe AA uiB IS
Naik Size Qt

Typ Faci
N As pei API Shell NB with
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
0 S0 RF 0utlet with tiough
W S0 RF Watei uiaw off
R0 S0 RF Roof uiain
FC S0 RF Foam conn
EB Eaithing Boss
PR Line
N As pei Stu Beck Nanhole
Rv As pei Stu Rim vent
EB As pei Stu Emeigency uiain
AB As pei Stu Auto bleeuei vent

As pei Stu uauge well pipe with temp
sensoi pipe
IB As pei Stu Inspection hatch foi
uW As pei Stu Still well foi iauai gauge
As pei Stu Roof eaithing
Signatuie Seal of Biuuei Page
Piimaiy Winu uiiuei Webmm Flange mm SWu Nos Web mm Flange mm

Bottom By paitial vacuum of psig
Shell Welus Rauiogiaphy as pei coue
Nozzle pau Same as bottom
Shell to bottom By 0il chalk methou
Floating ioof As pei API
Electrodes 0pto mm Thk E foi mm above E
Piimaiy Winu uiiuei Webmm Flange mm SWu Nos Web mm Flange mm
Besign Coue API
Besign piessuie Full of Watei
0peiating Piessuie Atmospheiic
Besign Tempeiatuie ueg C
0peiating Tempeiatuie ueg C
Bensity of Liquiu
Besign Bensity
Winu Piessuie As pei IS
Seismic Bata As pei IS
Coiiosion Allowance mm shellbottom
mm ioof
Rauiogiaphy As pei coue
Stoieu Piouuct Class NS Class A
Capacity KL
Type Single Beck FR
Appiox Empty Wt NT
Appiox wt full of liquiu NT
Appiox wt full of watei NT
Access to RoofSpiial staiiway By Fabiicatoi
Banu Rail at Roof PWu By Fabiicatoi
Eaith Connection By Fabiicatoi
Platfoim at Roof By Fabiicatoi
Columnless Roof stiuctuie By Fabiicatoi
Rolling Lauuei NA
uauge hatch By Fabiicatoi
Bottom centie sump By Fabiicatoi
Foam System By Fabiicatoi
LT TT PT By 0wnei
All stiuctuial woiks By Fabiicatoi
Watei uiaw off extension upto
centie sump
By Fabiicatoi

ShellBottomFR IS ui AB
Reinf Pau IS ui AB
Nanhole Neck flanges coveis IS ui AB
Nozzle Necks A uiB
Nozzle Flanges SA
uaskets Spiial wounu SS
Bolting foi Stiuctuie IS
Bolting foi nozzles etc ISCl
Stiuctuials IS ui AB
Exteinal uussets IS ui AB
Inteinals ISSA ui AB
Fittings SA ui WPB
Winu giiuei suppoit gussets IS ui AB
Staiiway Platfoim hanuiail IS ui ABA
Pipe suppoit sleeves NA
uauge Well A uiB
Roof Biains NA
Fiie watei fixeu foam system IS Bvy ui
Annulai Plate IS ui AB
PiimeiPainting As pei Spec
Pipe fittings A uiWPB
Beflectoi Plate IS ui AB
Foam iiseiBip Pipe AA uiB IS
Naik Size Qt

Typ Faci
N As pei API Shell NB with
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
I S0 RF Inlet with tiough
0 S0 RF 0utlet with tiough
W S0 RF Watei uiaw off
FC S0 RF Foam conn
EB Eaithing Boss
PR Line
N As pei Stu Beck Nanhole
v As pei Stu Roof vent

As pei Stu uauge well pipe with temp
sensoi pipe Lauuei
Lauuei As pei Stu Lauuei
uW As pei Stu Still well foi iauai gauge
As pei Stu Roof eaithing

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