Sex Article II 8-17-2011

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Lets Talk About Sex By Roy Daniel English August 18, 2011

One of the major issues danced around in southern culture is discussion of sexuality. Sexuality is one of those taboo subjects that we talk about in hushed whisper. This lack of public discourse has led to increased sexually transmitted disease, sexual stereotypes, and an over all ignorance. Sex in itself is not a terrible thing. Sex is a normal as well as enjoyable experience. It is natural no matter how badly religious leaders preach against it. Lets face it sex is a reality of life no matter your social or sexual orientation. College is often a major point in sexual exploration for young adults. It is during this period that people often form lasting romantic relationships as well as multiple sexual relationships. In embracing sexuality as a whole there is a need for rational discussion. We have skirted the issues of sexuality for far too long for the sake of social acceptance. Abstinence only sex education is an arcane view of the world. If adults were truly honest with themselves they would admit that young adults have sex just like they do. As students some group or individual probably already has or will pressure you to remain celibate. However, being as realistic as possible this celibacy only view is an impractical one. As young people we must move away from these bygone views that sugar coat things. There is nothing wrong with enjoying sex in an educated safe manner. When we side step sexual topics and education we are doing a disservice to society as a whole.

I have friends who have been infected by the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other diseases due to this cycle of ignorance. I have seen young heterosexual and homosexuals risking their health when they didnt have to do so. As well as young men and women who became parents overnight due to not using contraceptives. There have been labels dropped and misnomers used by individuals when it comes to sex. Often sexual issues are linked with some moral judgment. However, morality does not really factor into the equation. There have been many good and bad people depending upon your value system to come down with HIV or found themselves young parents overnight. Punishing people for doing what comes natural to them by ostracizing them or placing a moral judgment upon them is sadistic in itself. Being abstinent does not prove you are holier than someone else or morally on a higher ground it only proves you follow orders. This abstinence only view of sexuality is really born of religious bias. According to an organization which works to avert HIV, As a result of the strong faith basis for their beliefs about sex, supporters of abstinence education see the main objective as being to equip (and encourage) young people to refuse or avoid sex altogether, and they may exclude from their programmes any other information that they believe conflicts with this view. What if that material excluded would have saved their life? The advocates of these programs are fossils of a past moral age. Issues such as sexual disease, pregnancy, and etc do not go away due to the fact religion wishes us to sidestep the realities of human nature. So as one student to another I hope that in your college years you face sexuality in an well-informed manner. I hope you embrace sex with a mind towards protecting

yourself physically as well as mentally. I hope you ultimately standup for your rights as individuals to control your own sexual futures free of antiquated religious bias.

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