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School of Communication and Media


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Every 3rd Tuesday of the month KIC- social, Caf De Doos 20 en 21 june Logeion seminar 5 july Multimedia Awards 10 july Graduation CS 11 july Graduation IDM 12 july Graduation CO 29 September Graduation IC




We will not only present trophies and vouchers. All nominated products are being shown and demonstrated. In between you will be presented with multimedia tricks of teachers. Last year, Martin Kloos demonstrated his dance rug and Frank Daalder made videos in students homes. Which teachers will perform this year? That is to be a surprise.

Saidia generates their income by conducting fundraisers such as creating events and parties for students. In 2005/2006 Saidia brought their first student from Ghana: Joseph Oduro. Now back in Ghana, Joseph has established a local branch that handles the processing of the next potential student to come. Together, Saidia Groningen and Saidia Ghana are building a bridge for opportunity. Presently, Saidia is more than half

On Thursday July 5 the Multimedia Awards will be presented for the second time, by initiative of teachers of the study Communication Systems. We hope to have started a tradition that gives students extra motivation and inspiration. Even when you are not nominated, you shouldnt miss it. And of course all other ICM-students are very welcome to join the awarding of these ICM-Oscars.

The Multimedia Awards 2007 are adjudged to products of the theme blocks Educational Multimedia, Commercial Multimedia and Film and Animation. Each class-group brings forward a nominee by vote. A jury of teachers will make the final choice. This year an award is also granted to a production made in the specialisation Gaming and Simulation.

Saidia: You can make it happen!

In June 2005, a group of ICV students formed a student organisation known as Saidia. In Swahili Saidia means help. The main intent of the organisation is students helping students who are financially less fortunate to study at the Hanze University Groningen. The objective is to completely finance a student from Cape Coast, Ghana to study at the School of Communication & Media for one semester.

way in bringing their 2nd student from Ghana to study here. Saidia is currently promoting its Donation Campaign where its mission could be supported at a steady pace. The success of Saidia would not have existed without everyone participating in its events and believing that with their support they can really make it happen.

Second life in one afternoon

Thursday may 10 CKM Extended (the company of teacher Corn Kox) along with DMA studios organised a seminar on Second Life (SL), together with Organicers and the School of Communication & Media. An interesting and diverse programme.

Second Life on Wheels

The event was streamed live in Second Life; for the occasion the new Groninger Forum building was open for public. The real forum will not be ready until 2012, in Second Life it already exists. On the rooftop people could watch the cast and enjoy a virtual drink, served by a robot-waiter. Next year the School of Communication & Media offers an elective on Second Life.

Networking in Ghana

In 2006 Time Magazine voted YOU most important person of the Year. Web 2.0 applications have enabled several target group to create self made content (like web logs). Especially large companies will need to consider this development in their communication strategies. Getting into Second Life is just a step further.

The seminar also addressed possibilities for Health Care in SL. The author of the web log Second life on wheels who is in a wheel chair himself, chooses to walk in Second Life. He experiences a more normal approach by people than in real life. Virtual worlds enable people with a disability to be like anyone else. Because of the distance and because you are not side tracked by someones looks or way of talking, you can develop warm and intimate friendships. Friendships, that last even after meeting in real life.

Virtual drinks at the Groninger Forum

Lecturers Corn Kox and Babz Mook taking a motor cycle tour through the virtual Groninger Forum.

for the

Adjoa Foundation
You have to know what youre talking about
The actual construction of the house is taken care of but Adjoa still needs funding to create a well-operating multifunctional house. Frank will go to Ghana for six weeks to do extensive field research. Effective communication means that you know what you are talking about. You need to know how to communicate in Ghana, what kind of roles people from the community can play in the project. With all this information you can show professionalism to the funding organisations who you want to reach.

Last month Frank Odijk left for Ghana for 6 weeks. Frank is a fourth year Communication student and will write his thesis about how to develop fundraising activities for the Adjoa Foundation. Adjoa has a noble goal: offering development aid to Ghanese adolescents. The Adjoa Foundation wants to aid adolescents from Childcare, a home for children placed in Ahotokurom, a former leprosy village. These adolescents are getting too old to stay in Childcare, but they do not have a social structure to fall back upon. Usually they and/or their parents had leprosy, their parents might have passed away and the community wasnt able to take care of them. Now, once they have grown, they have to stand on their own feet and need to be self-sufficient. Multicultural meeting point
The Adjoa Foundation wants to build a multifunctional guesthouse that will offer a home for a few students per year, giving them a safe place to study, work and live. It will be a guesthouse for tourists who will be paying for the project and a social workplace where small tasks for the guesthouse can be taken care of. On top of that students, residents and students from the neighbourhood can attend an internet class, so they can learn how to use computers and the internet. The house will become a meeting point for rich and poor, Ghanese or foreign, all different people coming together.


Finding Information in
The phrase unstructured information seems a contradiction. Information is about data that contain news and market value! But, can information then be unstructured? That was the focus of the seminar that was held in the Mediacentrale on April 24. The seminar was organised by the Business Intelligence lectorate of the Hanze University in cooperation with the national organisation for BI specialists (BI-kring).

unstructured data
amounts of data are present in all kinds of documents or in peoples heads. To disclose that unstructured data properly and especially to obtain information from it, that is an art. In many organisations, that is the main task of Information Specialists, graduates from IDM/ Media & Information Management! field who give you an inside view on your own future profession. Especially stories about their career developments gave me a better view on what my future possibilities will be on the job market. The future is bright for the IDM graduate. During the seminar Intelligence goeroe Joseph Rodenberg and Google expert Eric Sievert presented a whole world of information which has to be made accessible to the information consumer. Many interesting subjects were addressed: the World

The art is to obtain information from the data

Information starts to exist because we analyse and interpret data. However, data only become interpretable when there is a frame of reference. Only then we can judge its value and speak of information. In the past, organisations have often added a frame of reference with great

difficulties, the frame existing implicitly. And although there is a frame, a question about the definition of a customer can lead to extensive discussions.

A good view on the job market

The seminar was free of charge for ICM students. Lianne Martens, second year student IDM/ Media & Information Management: What I liked about this day was meeting people from the work

The future is bright for the IDM graduate.

On top of that, many organisations experience almost daily that the world isnt structured at all. Large

What I liked about this day was meeting people from the work field who give you an inside view on your own future profession.
Beyond Google, Second Life and the ever growing amount of videos and its tagging on the internet.

The seminar was recorded on video by ICM students. Go to to watch the seminar online.

The BI Lectorate will organize a succeeding seminar where the BI work field and the School of Communication and Media will discuss project possibilities for IDM students.

KIC searches busy bees!

Just a few months old and student association KIC is working on various activities for all the ICM students: a huge end of the year party and activities during the introduction week next year. Do you have great ideas for great activities, do you excell in making promotion materials

and do you just know how to organize a superbe event? Please inform the KIC-board! On top of that we are always looking for ICM students who want to organize other events like lectures, company visits or seminars. Its a relevant contribution to your CV, so it might come in handy in your future career development.

Do not hesitate and visit our social evening, the KIC-social, every 3rd Tuesday of the month in Caf de Doos, visit the KIC office in the F-building or mail us at

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