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week 18 abortive: -an abortive military coup -an abortive attempt to reform local government accommodate: -He bought

a huge house to accommodate his library. -The ballroom can accommodate 400 people. -The island was used to accommodate child refugees. -We've made every effort to accommodate your point of view. -Her eyes took a while to accommodate to the darkness. barometer: -The skin is an accurate barometer of emotional and physical health. buff: -buff envelopes -Sandra was buffing her nails. -Smith buffed up for his role as Muhammad Ali. conjugal: -conjugal love crave: -an insecure child who deem: -They deemed that he was no longer capable of managing the business. -They were told to take whatever action they deemed necessary. -They were deemed to be illegal immigrants. -UK plans were deemed to infringe EU law. inherent: craves attention

-I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system. -Every business has its own inherent risks. -Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation. innate: -Children have an innate ability to learn language. -the innate conservatism of the farming community -the army's innately conservative values irrelevant: -We're focusing too much on irrelevant details. -Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant. -His age is completely irrelevant if he can do the job. -The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case. itinerant: -itinerant labourers latent: -The virus remains latent in the body for many years. -latent aggression modify: -The feedback will be used to modify the course for next year. -The regulations can only be modified by a special committee. -The seats can be modified to fit other types of vehicle. myraid: -the myriad causes of homelessness -We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies. -We're still studying a myriad of options. peregrination:

-His peregrinations took him to India. romp: -They could hear the children romping around upstairs. -The women's team romped to a 132-81 win over Ireland. -In 1906 the Liberal Party romped back to power. -The favourite, Badawi, romped home in the first race. -'A Royal Scandal' is an hour-long romp that pokes fun at British royal marriages. -the Yankees' 12-1 romp over the Red Sox spontaneous: -The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer. -My spontaneous reaction was to run away. -She laughed spontaneously. tortuous: -a tortuous path over the mountains to Kandahar -The book begins with a long, tortuous introduction. urbane: -Neil was urbane, witty, direct, and honest. veneer: -A thin veneer of politeness hid Lady Bride's growing anger.

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