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DYING of MONEY Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations Jens ©. Parsson Watrsprine Passs * Bostox 1974 Copyighe © s974 by Wellepeing, ne Labvry of Camere Cato Cad Nambor 78-0232 All sights reserved No past of this book ay be reproduced or Sransmised in ny foem oy ao) eae, eletoaie oF tea, ltclading pasoeopring recording ot by ay Information wrage ot ‘ec tem, whose permit io wang fm the Pole Contents Foreword PROLOGUE The German Inflation of 1914-1923 ‘The Ascent The Desent ‘The Gains and Loses The Roos ‘The Great Prosper of x920-152" Police The Lesions ACT ONE The Rise of the Great American Inflation The War Grappling with Stabiley ‘The Great Proper of 1962-2968 “The InfaonarySyndeome Clprits and Scapegots ‘The Open Questions Contents INTERLUDE The General Theory of Inflation Welcome to Economic Theory Prices Inflation Velocey Aggregoe Values Real Vales ‘Government Debt ‘The Record Inepeeed Money The Creation of Money Depresion ‘The Economics of Keynes Inflationary Economics Inert ad the Maney Wealth The Economice of Disier TheCrox Tanes American Taxes Goverment Expenditure: The National Dividend Employment Investment and Growth Dogme THE LAST ACTS The American Prognosis ‘Act Two, Sesne One: President Nixon Begins ‘Act Two, Scene Two: Price Controls and Other Follies ‘The Way Out “The Way Abead Democrtce Political Reorganizrion Self Defense ‘Self Defense Continued: The Seack Masket ‘A World of Neions Tneersripe Nores

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