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MOD033 - Leading Innovation and Change

From 22 Jul 2013 to 13 Oct 2013. Level and Credit rating: Level M, 30 credits Study Hours: 300 MODULE AIMS The aim of this module is to explore leadership theory and practice in relation to theories and processes of innovation and change. You will be encouraged to use your own experience in leadership roles to inform discussion, enquiry, critical thinking and reflection. LEARNING OUTCOMES By completing this module, you will be able to: 1. Critically review and appraise theories of creativity, innovation and change. 2. Apply theoretical models of leading innovation and change with your own experience as a leader 3. Critically review your own performance as a leader of innovation and change 4. Examine your strengths and areas for development ASSESSMENT DETAILS Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a clear structure with abstract, bibliography, appendices, and diagrammatic representation where appropriate. You must make appropriate use of journal articles, research papers and texts. The assignment should contain: 1. A critical review of theories of innovation and change, including the leadership of innovation and change 2. An evaluation of a successful and less successful innovation / change of which you have personal experience, related to relevant theory. 3. A reflection on, and assessment of, your own performance as a leader of innovation and change. To preserve confidentiality, please anonymise the organisation or organisations you discuss in the assignment, eg by calling them Company X, or Governmental Organisation Y, or International Organisation Z. Similarly, where you write about private individuals, call them manager A, or leader B. N.B. The word count will include quotations but exclude footnotes, bibliography, appendices, tables and graphs. See the link to word count limits regulations in the Module Handbook. See page 5 of this summary for assessment criteria. MODULE OUTLINE / TIMETABLE / KEY DATES

It is expected that this module will require a total of about 300 hours of study. For the detailed schedule see the Online Campus syllabus and forum RESOURCES - KEY TEXTS In support of this module, a pack of recommended reading will be made available through Moodle, which you can download as pdf files: the source texts are listed below. As you are studying at Masters level, you are also expected to explore and discover reading independently. Typically it is a good idea to start with a broad text that summarises key issues, then widen your research to include academic and practitioner sources. A number of journals contain useful material for this module, including: Harvard Business Review, Journal of Organization Change Management, Management Decision, European Journal of Innovation Management, and International Journal of Innovation Management.. All of these are available electronically through the University Library, and you can find and download articles from them. Core Reading If you were to buy one book to support your work on this module, we would recommend: Barbara Senior and Stephen Swailes 2010 Organizational change 4th ed FT/Prentice Hall: Harlow The Senior texts focus on change, rather than innovation. Some of the pack of readings available on Moodle, specialise in innovation. We would also recommend you download the following free reports; although they have been written for people who work in healthcare organisations, they summarises a wide range of ideas from general literature on change and innovation: Trisha Greenhalgh, Glenn Robert, Paul Bate, Olympia Kyriakidou, Fraser Macfarlane and Richard Peacock 2004 How to Spread Good Ideas A systematic review of the literature on diffusion, dissemination and sustainability of innovations in health service delivery and organisation NCCSDO Available at: Valerie Iles and Steve Cranfield 2004 Developing Change Management Skills NCCSDO: London, available free at: Valerie Iles and Kim Sutherland 2001 Organisational Change NCCSDO: London, available free at

Recommended Reading Chapters from the following texts are available to download from Moodle.

Paul Aitken and Malcolm Higgs 2010 Developing change leaders BH: London Julia Balogun and Veronica Hope Hailey 2008 Exploring Strategic Change, 3rd ed FT Prentice Hall Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria 2000 Breaking the Code of Change HBS Press: Boston AC Beerel 2009 Leadership and change management Sage: London D Buchanan and R Badham 2008 Power, politics and organisational change Sage: London Roger Fisher and William Ury, and Bruce Patton 1991 Getting to Yes, 2nd ed Penguin K Goffin & R Mitchell 2005 Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementation Using the Pentathlon Framework Palgrave Macmillan: New York John Hayes 2010 The theory and practice of change management, 3rd ed Palgrave R Heifetz and M Linsky 2002 Leadership on the Line HBS Press: Boston J Kotter and D Cohen 2002 The Heart of Change HBS: Boston RA Paton and James McAlman 2008 Change management : a guide to effective implementation Sage: London J Tidd and J Bessant 2009 Managing Innovation: integrating technological, market and organisational change, 4th ed Wiley: Chichester, B.Von Stamm 2008 Managing Innovation, Design & Creativity, 2nd ed Wiley See also: George Boak and David Thompson 2002 Mental Models for Managers, at Natasha Munshi, Adegoke Oke, Phanish Puranam, Maria Stafylarakis, Steve Towells, Kathrin Moeslein and Andy Neely 2005 Leadership for Innovation, Advanced Institute of Management Research: London, available free from in Publications/academic publications section E-books Items in the list below are available as e-books through the University library. Your ability to access these will depend on your internet connection bandwidth and availability (you must be connected while reading) please check on this early in the module. John Adair 2007 Leadership for innovation : how to organise team creativity and harvest ideas Kogan Page Colin Carnall 2007 Managing change in organizations FT/Prentice Hall

Linda Holbeche 2006 Understanding change: theory, implementation and success Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann John P Kotter 1996 Leading change, Harvard Business School Press JM Kouzes and B Posner 2004 The Leadership Challenge Jossey Bass: San Francisco Barbara Senior and Jocelyne Fleming 2006 Organizational change 3rd ed FT/Prentice Hall: Harlow

Videos Video lectures and other materials for the module are available on the Online Campus system.

This summary should be read in conjunction with the Module Handbook

Resources (click to expand)

MALIC Programme Handbook 2012/2013 MOD033 Handbook 2012/2013 MOD033 Module Summary 2012/2013 Scanned chapters of MOD 033 readings on Moodle Full reference for materials available as scanned chapters/papers on Moodle The roles and competencies of change agents: a review of the literature 7 Habits of Highly Successful Assignment Writers 7 Habits of Highly Successful Assignment Writers - PowerPoint Presentation Critical reading / writing

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