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v=yxtUgTLqMAk&list=FL354LhLIi6qPoZv7W9NtHUw&index=1 UTOPIA Video Series from vforscandal

"Any talk of the future must first confront globalization as its has any number of synonyms, marx called it Universalization, The New Wolrd Market, as a stage in Capitalism I call it Late-capitalism, while others call it flexible or informational. Globalization = americanization (slightly misleading), something that is noting new going back to the neolithic trade routes(true, but more useful to establish historic originalities), the new freedoms that postmodernity brought were brought on by artisitic relativism and destruction of the western canon and non-western art.. Publishing Companies determine what textbooks we have and what counts as museums determine what art is worthy to view... Globalization still determines the center, and the pull of gravity of american goods still affects politics and other countries. There is still in many parts of the wordl the instinctive desire to be 'read by the west'...and for the west to be read by the OTHER...this asymetry or imblance leads us to a less materialistic base of cultural globalization which has to do w/ the fear of universal standarization, universal commodification marx would have calle dit, and its a feature he claims of capitalism. All is reified according to Marx. The utopian impulse is prevalanet wherevr people have lost their sense of historicity, their sense of past and future....those who live in a world in which it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. the utopian impulse expresses itself in distorted or unconscious forms... I think it's precisely the task of current an dfuture theoyr and cultural analysis to do just that...and to make visible the omnipresence of the utopian impulse in all of our post-utopian, apolitical, cynical practices... "...where there is enthusiams there is also utopia, and these romances of global entrepurnealism are probably powered less by the excitement of money to be made, than they are by the reopoening of the possiblies of action and invention in a postmodernity striken by the overwhelming feeling everywhere that individuals have no control over their socieites and institutions. The exicement of entremepuralism is in itself a coded or distorted expression of the utopian longing to recover possiblities and practice of action of activity. POssiblities almost sometime alluded to in the

ideological distortions of teh rhetoric of democracy itself."

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