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stress engineering services

Identifying & Achieving

innovative and costeffective solutions

Real Cost Savings Fast

SES has reduced development time and saved over $1 billion for our customers. We can help you save time and money in four critical areas.

1. Making Connections Others Cant Product Innovation

Stress Engineering Services serves a broad range of industries and as a result, we have a wide base of experience. SES regularly takes non-confidential lessons learned and technology developed for one industry, and reapplies them to the solution of similar problems in another. As an example, SES developed improved plastic bottle closures based on lessons learned about drilling riser threaded connectors and sealing design for the oil industry.

2. Reducing Cost on New Product & Package Development

Companies plan for a project to take X amount of time and cost Y amount of money. However, unforeseen issues often arise, requiring more time and money to x. The key to successfully reducing costs, containing development time and minimizing failures is to do all the homework up front.

s t r e s s

e n g i n e e r i n g

s e r v i c e s

and schedule can result from mapping the critical path and reducing trial and error product development. Savings that result from following the SES physics-based approach pay for the process.

3. Reducing Cost on Current & Next Generation Products

SES can help you find where the cost savings are. We apply the latest innovations in technology and materials science to optimize your products performance while simultaneously reducing costs.
This chart illustrates the cost to x a problem in the development process. The later in the development cycle that a problem is discovered, the more expensive it is to x. The goal is to nd out what you dont know early in the process, when it is a fraction of the cost to address.

Using cost modeling, we help clients understand and take advantage of economies of scale as well as understand the right price to pay suppliers for materials and components. You should know more about these costs than your supplier. We have techniques to quickly evaluate product performance relative to product requirements. The end result is a right-sized package. The bottom line is that you need to know where the cost savings are hidden in order to take advantage of them.

Successful products are characterized by eye-catching design, functional performance, problem-free manufacturability and predictable cost. The SES approach brings together art and science by considering product design as an integral part of the engineering process. By combining industrial design expertise with proven technical and analytical capabilities early in the development process SES delivers superior solutions that are both innovative and actionable. The earlier in the development process a problem is identied, the less costly it will be to resolve. Once a product reaches production, the cost of resolving design and engineering problems increases dramatically. Much of SES business is built around helping customers avoid these costly mistakes and changes. Our long history and expertise in failure remediation is especially valuable to clients developing non-core products/ packages, because we can help get a new, high-quality product/package to market faster. Signicant reductions in cost

4. Improving the Bottom Line by Improving Quality

It always costs less to do it right the first time. Acquiring a new customer can cost ve to ten times more than retaining an existing customer, and recalls are even more costly. When quality problems arise, getting the right data is essential. SES has the broad base of failure analysis, instrumentation and testing expertise required to get the data that drives the problem. We work alongside our clients to solve product quality problems before they effect the loyalty of repeat purchase customers.

To Find the REAL Cost Savings

Call SES today at 513-336-6701
on the web at &
Cincinnati Houston N e w O r l e a n s B a t o n R o u g e
2011 Stress Engineering Services, Inc.

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