Sept 29, Updates

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Updates from Sat.

, Sept 29, 6012 We would like to thank HatshaepSatakh (Sakiynah) for coordinating flights to see Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn every week. HatShaepSatakh, for all the struggles you go through coordinating the flights every week, we thank you and you are very well appreciated! We would also like to thank everyone who donates and has ever donated toward the flights. Because of your efforts, Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn gets a chance to get out of that cell every weekend and have human contact and thats worth everything to all of us, more than you know! If you would like to donate toward flights, contact the sister HatShaepSatakh in NY. Email: mother(underscore) Anything and everything small or large is appreciated. Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn was looking and feeling pretty good this weekend. He was slightly hoarse but he said he is okay. Here are some of his thoughts this week: 1) The National Pig Association in the UK is warning of a pork shortage of global proportions. Pigs are disappearing because Extraterrestrials want them. Because of the drought producing grass and hay shortage, and the worst corn harvest in six years, the cattle feed prices has skyrocketed. Many farmers are claiming that they cannot afford the expensive corn and grass feed for their cow and pig herds so they are now feeding them gummy candy, marshmallows, fruit Loops, and other candies. Now who likes sugar? The Greys! Thats who the beef and pork is really being sweetened for. 2) Speaking of Pork, when I was in Egipt as a Coptic Christian, I would hear this Muslim speak of how nasty the pig is. But he ate goat. Do you know what the goat eats? The same thing the pig eats! They eat anything. The chicken eats anything too. 3) Civil rights just means, Dont kick our butts for what we did to you! Its something given for you to turn the other cheek. You should look up nomenclature 1

(no-men-clay-chure) etymology- Nomenclature is the assigning of a word or phrase to a particular object. 4) There is no such thing as silence as true silence goes unspoken. There is no such thing as a secret because if I tell you this is a secret, then it is no longer secret. 5) American women dont have a culture to keep their mans attention. Just think if your man is watching House of The Flying Daggers and its on the part where the graceful girl is about to perform the drum dance as she starts out balancing on one leg with the other leg up in the air into a split and your man is looking at her, then he looks at you and youre sitting there in your house coat with rollers in your hair, whos going to hold his attention more? American women have no culture, no gracefulness. All they have to attract a man is tight clothes. No exotic attributes like a culture or a language that no one else speaks or a native dance that would make them alluring and attracting. These women with exotic cultures carry themselves like a lady, they dont cross their legs, they have a style of dance, tea rituals. They exude femininity. This is what I am giving back to you all. Your own culture, language, dress, music, dance, even holidays. Give others back theirs because you now have your own! 6) Our national dress is Budlah Nuwaupees for women and jalabea type garb with the jacket for men. 7) Paa Nabab Yaanuwn: Wants a big party for the little one this Prophets and Angels Day. Costumes should be done up really nice. Costumes should pertain to our culture. 8) Broadcasting. All cell phones open you up to frequencies of white noise. Your cell phone is like a Ouija board. Goes straight to your head. Every Sunday 100,000 more rogue spirits come into this realm. It is places like the Holiness Churches, Santaria followers, Mosques etc., is how they come in. For example, you see people in the Holiness churches falling out on the floor hosting rogue spirits into this realm. Ethanol inhaled in noses during Santaria rituals. You have to recognize these disagreeable forces if they make it inside you. If you are doing things you know you normally would not do, or you feel that you are being controlled to do disagreeable things by a force unknown to you, recognize what it is, and dont surrender to it.You will have to use your strong will power. Remember you are at 2

war with the devil. What you dont overstand is that it is the spiritual world controlling the physical. Not the other way around. This physical world is a temporary state of existence. 9) Our father who art in Heaven this is referring to the father, Anu, of their gods, Enqi would be the son who came down to aa Earth. 10) It is because of reverse polarity that people cant get along. When you are out somewhere you have no clue of who is really standing next to you. We are in 2012, and they have to keep blasting and advertising December 21 to make you think a certain specific thing is happening on that very day so when people do not see anything physically, they can debunk all the legends told of that day. But it is already happening! The new age is not about a specifi c day. Its this time period of your transformation. 11) Please make sure you are registered to vote. Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn said on the day of voting, make sure you pick each other up. Those of you who have cars. Make sure you pick the elders up and get everyone to the voting polls. The deadline for registering is October 8. Ask around to everyone you know this week. Hey are you registered to vote? And now Let my words be known. A message from Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn (You can all write down the Biblical quotes as I read) I greet you all with divine love from above as my time comes to a close on this planet yet with a smile, for the pain is too much to bear and the devil race and their evil actions world over only hurts. So many who dont see their nature as thei r time ran out and all that they do now to make contact with their dead who are trapped, (Revelation 18:2) Why? Because all races and nations drank his evil blood. (Revelation 18:3) So now most will fade with her, (Revelation 18:8-10) and her zombies will raise up from the graves, Earth. (1 Samuel 28:13) Evil Gods, Elohim. (1 Samuel 18:10 and 19:9) What will they do? Just as you see in the cinema, The Walking Dead. (Rev 19:16-19) Their Jesus is not the same as our own savior. (Rev 22:16) Their King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The Bright One, (Ezekiel 28:9) claims to be God (Ezekiel 28:13) cast from Heaven (Revelation 12:8-12) as the false Messiah or Anointed One (Ezekiel 28:14). Who is the Brightened One, (Ezekiel 28:17), the light of this world (Isaiah 14:12-17), the son of the God or 3

Elohim or, EnLil, the son of NanNar, The Bright One. I did return in 2012 aided with the moon eclipse to mark the final end of the moon cycle. Now their dead are coming up out of the graves as specters or orbs, white balls of light, and even some will become zombies to eat the flesh of those who trusted them and are staying close to them. Just look around as their youth loses their minds, kill, rape, and even murder their own family. These are the ones who opened themselves up by tampering with the evil white arts of Wiccanism in many forms. So for each, their ghosts may come up and take over their living bodies. Its all about blood offerings, be it crime, war, drugs, or killings of all kinds. Yet it is too late for the evil race. Their 6000 years is up and they will fade. Their own ghosts will come to take their breath away. Please be sure to learn your tones and visit Spread the word and let every family member know that class is on (click on classes)

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