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Lsmw Project : ccpl Subproject : mm Object : create : give a name and create: vendor purchasing upload Name purchasing

data Then click on execute 1 object attributes: then execute Change and display Click on batchc input regarding Give name in the recording venpur , click on overview next to recording Click on create , recordin , give recording name and give the description , select, Then it will ask the t code name, eg mk01 It will takes u to mk01 screen Give the essential detaisl in that screen Vendor has been created for the required purchasing organization Clik on the default all Click on save Go back Again save Then again go back U will find the second step ie maintain source structure 2 soruce structure Goto change mode Create a source structure Here u will create a source structure and enter the fields for it

Give a name and description It creates a structure and save it Go back 3 maintain source fields Before execute the third step, go to object overview in the main screen, here u will find the table name and field name , Create a new excel sheet, copy the field in column wise in excel sheet, and everything displayed in the gui Execute

Goto change mode Click on structure and click on table maintainance Copy and paste as per the excel sheet ie field name, type, length , field description(will be copied from sytem) Click on save Go back and you will find the field names below the structure Again save it Go back You will be in fourth step 4. sturucture relations Click on execute, change to change mode Click on the structure and then create relationship, you will get a message popup and click on ok and again save it. 5. field mapping , click on execute , change mode , Ifyou want to make some thing constant ie repeating values for all the datas, you can maintain it in the same step. Enter the filed value and clik on constant and enter the constant value there, and save it.

Goto excel sheet and delet the column having the constant value 6, skip this step : maintain fixed values. 7. specify the files, execute, gogot change mode Click on the legacy data, then create ie add entry, you will need to upload the excel file,(save the excel file in the save as comma delimited .csv format on deskptop) Click some name there , clck comma on the delimiter box, click on field names at start of the file. Clck on ok Click on save button 8. assign the files Execute change mode. Click on structure , assignment, popup opens file already assignemd, click on ok. 9. Read the data. Just execute the button, popup opens, select as always allow and click on ok It will shows the results Goback, click on save 10. display the read data Execute and click on ok It will displays in yellow color of the read data Go back 11. convert the data Just execute , it will shows the convert datas Goback 12. display the convert data Clic on execute, and click on ok, you will find the converted data in the green color, go back. 13. click batch input Just execute , 17 transactions been created in one batch inpout 14, run batch input sessions

You will get the screen, select the line item, click on process, Cllik on background, click on process, 1 session transferred to background process, End of the lsmw

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