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Thursdays, October 10, 17 and 31, 2013 9:30am - noon Trinity House (October 31: Shrine Residence) C.G. Jung was one of the first to unite psychology and spirituality in his work, and is often referred to as the father of the second half of life psychology. Speaking about the many patients he treated during his career, he noted, There had never been a person in the second half of life whose problem in the last resort was not finding a religious outlook on life. The second half of life has spiritual treasures yet to be discovered. Among the struggle of lifes bruises and losses, our spiritual treasures can get tarnished or buried. In this series, participants will explore their life to discover a new or deepened spiritual outlook. In our sacred and communal space, we may uncover our spiritual treasures, and then reflect on how we are being spiritually led during our golden years. Ultimately, we will encounter our wisdom and join with the secret of our ancestors: As the body declines, the presence of soul rises into consciousness. Participants are encouraged to participate in the full three week series.

DREAM WORKSHOP SERIES: Listening to the Voice of God

Thursdays, November 7, 14 and 21, 2013 9:30am - Noon Trinity House This series is similar in content to the day workshop described for November 1, 2013 (see description). However, the Series will provide an ongoing opportunity to share dreams and work weekly on dream interpretation. The Dream Workshop Series will provide a variety of skills and ways to interpret dreams to those who did not attend the November 1 workshop, while giving more opportunity for those who did to strengthen their skills and become more acquainted with the voice of God heard in dreams. Open also to those familiar with dream interpretation. Participants are encouraged to attend the full three-week series.

Jane Selinske, Ed.D.,LCSW

Fee: $15, $30 with luncheon (must be pre-arranged)


Monday, November 11, 2013 5:00pm - 9:00pm Trinity House If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough.(Meister Eckhart) Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It is a transformational tool; an attitude towards life in all circumstances and events. Its goal is to live in the present moment, to see everything as a word of God.

Jane Selinske, Ed.D.,LCSW

Fee: $15 or $30 with hot luncheon (must be pre-arranged)

DREAMS: Listening to the Voice of God

Open Retreat
Friday, November 1, 2013 9:30am - 2:30pm (Mass included) Retreat Room - Shrine Residence Throughout time, dreams have been experienced as the messengers of the divine, the voice of God. A path to wholeness and holiness opens before us when we listen to our dreams. Dreams speak in symbols; and learning how to listen and interpret their hidden language is an art. Participants will be provided a variety of skills and ways to interpret dreams. Ultimately, participants learn that dreams reveal the voice of God and bring one closer to wholeness and holiness. Please bring a dream you feel comfortable sharing in a group setting.

Father Peter Krebs, S.T., Ph.D. Sister Anita Constance, SC

Fee: $30 includes Light Supper


Open Retreat
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 9:30am - 2:30pm (Mass included) Retreat Room - Shrine Residence An opportunity to participate and experience a full day of gratitude reflections and prayer.

Jane Selinske, Ed. D., LCSW

Fee: $30 includes hot luncheon

Father Peter Krebs, S.T.,Ph.D. Sister Anita Constance, SC

Fee: $30 includes hot luncheon

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