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Gazette's Voting Guide

<< My Entry in Gazette's Voter's Guide >>

House of De le gate s, Dist. 47 Candidate name: Jole ne Ive y Party affiliation: De m ocrat Place of residence: C he ve rly Date of birth: July 30, 1961 Place of birth: W ashington, D.C . Occupation: Pre ss office r

Jolene Ivey Welcome to my website. If you have questions about voting, need assistance or require a ride to your polling place, do not hesitate to contact my campaign. We will help you exercise your right to vote. Please feel free to contact me with your ideas and concerns.

Education: Graduate of High Point High; B.A. Towson Unive rsity; M.A. in Journalism , Unive rsity of Maryland Community associations, involvement: C o-C hair of Advisory C om m itte e for the Fam ily C risis C e nte r; C o-Founde r and form e r Pre side nt of Mocha Mom s, Inc. (support group for at-hom e m othe rs of color); Board Me m be r C he ve rly Young Actors Guild Board Me m be r C he ve rly Swim & R acque t C lub; Family: Husband, Gle nn Ive y; Five sons Campaign office address and telephone: P.O . Box 85, Blade nsburg, MD 20710; 301385-9629 Link to candidates website: www.Jole ne Ive

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Link to state Board of Ele ctions cam paign finance database What are your top three priorities for the next four years, if elected? Im prove Public Education by re quiring atte ndance through age 18 and focus on le arning proble m solving sk ills m ore than te st tak ing, while addre ssing the opportunitie s of both our brighte st and m ost challe nge d stude nts. R e duce C rim e and R e cidivism through quality e nforce m e nt program s (while safe guarding civil libe rtie s) He alth C are R e form - this is a big one . Le ts se e what we can le arn from the Massachuse tts program and othe rs that im ple m e nt a unive rsal cove rage pool. The we ak ne sse s in se niors he alth care also ne e ds to be addre sse d. How would you rate the performance of the current representatives of your district: excellent, good, fair or poor? Why? W e have had som e succe sse s, particularly with bringing in funding for the District. The re are m any challe nge s that we face , including with im proving the e ducation our childre n re ce ive , as we ll as public safe ty issue s, and incre ase d focus, e ne rgy, and cohe sive ne ss will he lp solve the m . Do you support amending the constitution to give the legislature more budget authority? Ye s, the le gislature is be tte r able to re cognize prioritie s and local conce rns than the e x e cutive . Is the rate of growth in Maryland too fast, too slow or about right, and why? That varie s by re gion. Social se rvice s and infrastructure de ve lopm e nt ne e d to k e e p up with growth.

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Gazette's Voting Guide

What programs would you like to add or cut from the state budget? How would you pay for additional programs? What would you do with the money from any cuts you make? I would lik e to he lp county and m unicipal gove rnm e nts e ithe r cre ate or fill e x isting code e nforce m e nt office r vacancie s and im prove com m unitie s by e nsuring e ve ryone live s is a safe , care d-for ne ighborhood. I would lik e to le arn from the ne w adm inistration e x actly what Marylands fiscal standing is. It is difficult to say what m one y ne e ds to be cut or ge ne rate d whe n we dont have a cle ar vie w of whe re the state stands fiscally. Gove rnor Ehrlichs re pe ate d claim s that we would be bank rupt without his slot m achine s has prove d base le ss. Spe culating on how I would act is pointle ss without this inform ation. What must be done to ensure the long-term success of Prince Georges Hospital Center? Sufficie nt financing to cove r its m ission of se rving the unde rse rve d, while allowing it to de ve lop high quality program s and spe cialtie s through e x ce lle nt m anage m e nt. Is there adequate federal emergency and preparedness support for Prince Georges County given its proximity to the nations capital? I am a re side nt and I dont k now what our e vacuation options are in the e ve nt of an e m e rge ncy. O ur prox im ity to the Nations C apital re quire s the C ounty to be pre pare d and that include s providing citize ns with the k nowle dge ne ce ssary to re spond prope rly. If the re is a proble m with funds to m ak e that happe n, it should also be com m unicate d to the de le gation. I dont want to be in a position whe re I m ust inve stigate what we nt wrong afte r the fact. W e should focus on program s that stre ngthe n our com m unitie s and we lcom e ne wcom e rs in by providing he althcare , e ducation and a safe e nvironm e nt to all. A re there specific taxes or fees that you would cut? Incre ase d fe e s (lik e a car re gistration) is an unfair tax - ofte n burde ning our se niors and low incom e fam ilie s far m ore than the we althy who can e asily afford fe e s. This is one way that Gove rnor Ehrlich has hurt work ing fam ilie s. I would lik e to se e a rollback of som e , if not all of the se fe e s. Each ye ar, de spite dire pre dictions of de ficits, we have surpluse s. And e ach ye ar, we he ar dont e x pe ct this ye ars surplus to last. Not only is it im possible to m ak e a de claration about cutting tax e s, any candidate who doe s is not le ve ling with you. Not only the Le gislature , but citize ns also ne e d to re ce ive com pe te nt inform ation about the state s budge t and incom e . Do you support slot machines for Maryland? Why or why not? No. The y draw a crim inal e le m e nt, am ount to a tax on stupidity, and do little to e nhance positive com m unity de ve lopm e nt while e nriching the (m ostly out of state ) inte re sts that control the gam ing industry. If we are to se riously conside r slots, the state should be the only be ne ficiary of the funds, not the horse racing industry. Do you support giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants? Ye s, if the y are othe rwise qualifie d, it is not appropriate for the State of Maryland to act as a prox y for fe de ral im m igration e nforce m e nt, and drive rs lice nse bure au doe s not have the e x pe rtise to e fficaciously and fairly im ple m e nt a program of re vie w of im m igration status. Ille gal im m igrants m ust also have acce ss to auto insurance . It he lps no one whe n involve d in a crash with an uninsure d drive r. Do you support in-state tuition to illegal immigrants? Tuition is traditionally base d on re side ncy, not citize nship. This re m ains appropriate . What is the biggest problem facing higher education and what would you do to solve it? Ke e ping high quality, world-class public highe r e ducation acce ssible to lowe r and m iddle incom e re side nts. Where would you get more money for the Transportation Trust Fund? De voting so m uch m one y to Montgom e ry C ountys IC C highway ce rtainly is not fair to othe r are as of the state . What specific transportation projects do you see as priorities for the state? I would lik e to se e m ore atte ntion to the be ne fits of Purple Line de ve lopm e nt. Should there be a dedicated funding source for Washington and Baltimore mass transit? Each of the se are as should have the opportunity to we igh in on this ve ry im portant issue se parate ly.



Gazette's Voting Guide

Would you re-regulate the electricity industry? The industry is not the sam e as it was back in the 90s. You sim ply can not re re gulate . I would give the ne wly constitute d Public Se rvice C om m ission an opportunity to re port back to the Le gislature the ir re com m e ndations to prote ct consum e rs from arbitrary rate incre ase s. Do you believe Marylands gun control laws are too strict, not strict enough or just right? Not strict e nough. Le ts outlaw handguns and se m i-autom atic we apons, re taining acce ss to re asonable hunting we apons lik e single shot rifle s and shot guns. What is your position on abortion? Acce ss should be e asy and subsidize d for those who ne e d and want one . Adoption and support ne twork s should be e stablishe d for pre gnant wom e n and girls who pre fe r to place the ir childre n for adoption or k e e p the m . Should the Maryland constitution be changed to allow same-sex marriages? O f course sam e se x m arriage s should be allowe d. Not cle ar it re quire s a constitutional am e ndm e nt as oppose d to a clarifying statute on the e qual prote ction language alre ady the re . This will re quire som e le gal re se arch. Does the state need stricter controls to protect the environment? The state is the custodian of the C he sape ak e and we m ust e nsure the bay re m ains he althy. W e all bre athe in far too m any pollutants e ach day, including m e rcury. W e m ust e nsure we continue to cle an our e nvironm e nt to re duce the e le vate d incide nce s of asthm a, cance r and m any othe r illne sse s.

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