MSLRP 10-13-2013

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served by the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Saint Barbara 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057 - www.sanluisreyparish.


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2013 Domingo 28o del Tiempo Ordinario

Luke 17:19
Then he said to him, Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.

bajo el cuidado de los Frailes Franciscanos de la Provincia de Santa Brbara 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057 -

Parish Directory/Directorio Parroquial

Oce Hours/Horario de Ocina: Tues.- Sat.: 8:00am - 4:00pm Tel. (760) 757-3250 | Fax. (760) 757-3299 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057 |

Prayer & Worship at MSLRP

Monday Saturday: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Saturday Masses/Misas: Serra Center - 5:00 p.m. & [7:00 p.m. Espaol] Sunday Masses/Misas: Old Mission: 7:00 a.m. and [7:00 p.m. Espaol] Serra Center - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Espaol], and 5:00 p.m.


Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Pastor (760) 757-3250 x114| Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM - Associate Pastor/Liturgical Coordinator (760) 757-3250 x123| Fr. Lus Guzmn, OFM - Associate Pastor (760) 757-3250 x107| Fr. Arturo Lopez, OFM - Associate Pastor (760) 757-3250 x128 | Guadalupe Lupe Rios: Director of Worship/Dir. De Alabanza (760) 547-0709| Kathleen Flanagan: Chief Opera ng Ocer (Old Mission & Parish) (760) 547-0713 | Lee Bickford: Facili es Manager (760) 547-0747 | Elizabeth Rose: Bookkeeper/Contadora (760) 547-0711 | Shirley Gonzlez: Parish Secretary/Secretaria (760) 547-0706 | Karen Willson: Digital Media/Medios de Comunicacin (760) 547-0701 | Carmen Parra: Social Concerns Director/Dir. de Asuntos Sociales (760) 547-0708 Maricela Rivadeneyra: Recep onist/Recepcionista (760) 547-0735 | Chris e Herrera: Recep onist & Scheduler/Calendario (760) 547-0734 | recep Mary Dorso: Rentals (760) 757-3250 x202 |


Saturdays/Sbados: Serra Center - 9:00 a.m. (Except on holiday weekends/Excepto en nes de semanas fes vos

1st Friday/1er Viernes: Parish Chapel - 8:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help with our Filipino Community: Wednesdays: Parish Chapel - 7:00 p.m.


Hispanic Prayer Group: Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. - Parish Chapel Intercessory Prayer: English: Sat., 8:15 a.m. - Rm. # 209; Spanish: Tues., 5:00 p.m. - Parish Chapel Centering Prayer: English: Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. - Rm. #12 McKeon Center. Culture of Life: 1st Thursday of the month from 10:0010:30am, peaceful rosary in front of Carlsbad Planned Parenthood. Respect Life: Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800712-4355 or 1-877-558-0333


Genevieve Wunder Tavale Tavale Elisa Ramirez (760) 757-2308 (760) 295-4088 (760) 439-6008

FAITH FORMATION OFFICE/FORMACION DE FE (760) 547-0734 / recep Ma Franklin: Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (760) 547-0702 | Larry LaGrasta: Coordinator of English Elementary/Jr. High (760) 547-0712 | Elena Zavala: Coordinator of Spanish Elementary (760) 547-0715 | Mary Dorso: Director of Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults (760) 547-0755 |


(760) 757-3651 |


Fr. Thomas West, OFM - Guardian Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM - Vicar Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Execu ve Director




Fr. Joseph Chinnici, OFM - President and Rector Br. William Short, OFM - Dean


Terry Hawthorne - Cemetery Director (760) 757-3651 x133 Fr. Michael Dallmeier, OFM - Cemetery Chaplain

(760) 583-3393

2 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California October 13, 2013


Its been a rela vely quiet week following the celebraons to mark St. Francis Feast Day last weekend. We had a beau ful Transitus Service in the Historic Church on October 3, Mass with the Franciscan School of Theology on October 4, Blessing of Animals on October 5 and Sunday celebra ons to honor St. Francis on October 6. Thank you to all who contributed to the fes vi es, liturgical and otherwise. Last Sunday was also Welcome Sunday at the parish. We blessed our new parishioners and held a Ministry Fair to a ract folks who might wish to get a li le more involved in the life of the faith community at San Luis Rey. On your behalf may I oer a big thank you to Marta Werner and her team of helpers for all the hard work that went into making our Welcome Sunday such a success. I know that our new parishioners were touched and delighted to be acknowledged with a blessing at every Mass and with the San Damiano Cross which each received as a small gi . A very kind and generous parishioner donated a at screen T.V. and Blu-ray DVD player for the use of the Religious Educa on Department. I want to acknowledge this kind gi and the contribu ons that others have made towards providing equipment for this ministry to our youth. We have a Theater Room upstairs in what is now St. Clares where our young people can watch a DVD as part of their religious educa on. We also have one in the Youth Center for the use of our Youth and Young Adult Groups. We really dont have the money for these things in our R.E. budget and so we are deeply grateful to our benefactors for their generosity. Our beloved Parish Secretary, Shirley Gonzalez, returns next week from maternity leave having given birth to a baby boy whom she and Marcos named Maxx. Congratula ons to all of you as you celebrated the bapsm of li le Maxx on Saturday last! Welcome back Shirley! We missed you and are very happy for your return. Chris e and Maricela did sterling work standing in for Shirley during her absence over the summer, and they too will be relieved to see Shirley back at her desk once again. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, went to Assisi as a pilgrim on October 4, the Feast of his namesake, St. Francis. Reec ng on St. Francis encounter with Christ before the Cross at San Damiano, the Pope said: Where did Franciss journey to Christ begin? It began with the gaze of the crucied Jesus. With le ng Jesus look at us at the very moment that he gives his life for us and draws us to himself. Francis experienced this in a

special way in the Church of San Damiano, as he prayed before the cross which I too will have an opportunity to venerate. On that cross, Jesus is depicted not as dead, but alive! Blood is owing from his wounded hands, feet and side, but that blood speaks of life. Jesus eyes are not closed but open, wide open: he looks at us in a way that touches our hearts. The cross does not speak to us about defeat and failure; paradoxically, it speaks to us about a death which is life, a death which gives life, for it speaks to us of love, the love of God incarnate, a love which does not die, but triumphs over evil and death. When we let the crucied Jesus gaze upon us, we are re-created, we become a new crea on. Everything else starts with this: the experience of transforming grace, the experience of being loved for no merits of our own, in spite of our being sinners. That is why Saint Francis could say with Saint Paul: Far be it for me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful week and may the Lord give you peace!

Fr. Adrian
Theme: Let Us Begin Again (St. Francis) When: November 22/23 (Fri.: 7:00 9:00 pm/Sat.: 9 am to 3:00 pm) Where: Serra Center Goals: To listen. To refocus. To move forward together. Facilitator: Fr. Michael Harvey, OFM (Former Pastor of St.
Simon and Jude, Hun ngton Beach, and Member of the Provincial Council of the Franciscan Province of St. Barbara)

Save the date all members of the SCCs at MSLRP!


The MSLRP Knights will be conduc ng its Annual Fundraising Drive to Benet People with Intellectual Disabili es, on October 19-20th. The Knights will be handing out Tootsie Rolls and collec ng dona ons a er Masses. If you would like to make a tax deduc ble dona on, please make your check payable to Columbian Founda on.

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MASS ATTENDEES ON OCT. 20TH: Trac coming to the 7am, 8am and 10am
Masses from Rancho del Oro, Benet and Airport Road will NOT be able to cross over the 76. They will be re-routed and have to take Mission Ave. October 13, 2013 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 3


You captured the Vision! Now share the Mission! Build Gods Kingdom! What a busy and amazing weekend it was for us here at Mission San Luis Rey Parish last week! Gods generosity is profound and we celebrate and give thanks for all that God has given us! Last Saturday, our parish family celebrated the great feast of St. Francis. The blessing of the animals was a total success! Our parish grounds were visited by many wonderful creatures from all over our area. They were all loved and blessed by our generous Friars, who paently took me to caress and bless each individual pet that came to them. The pictures tell the story of such a fun day! It was a beau ful sight! Please visit our parish website to view the pictures. Welcome Sunday came along with many new parishioners being recognized and receiving beau ful blessed San Damiano crosses as a token of Welcome to our parish family. We also rejoiced in the fact that our gi s are given to us by God to help us on our faith journey so that we may par cipate in the mission of Jesus in all aspects of our lives. Many of you responded to the call by taking a step on your journey of faith. Many ministries were blessed this past weekend by your prayerful considera on to join them in their commitment to the mission and ministry of Jesus. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who responded to our parish call. Our community is enlivened when each of us embraces the bap smal call to be the light of Christ for others. Thank you again for saying Yes to le ng your light shine by making a commitment to share your me and talent in our parish. These two events could have not been possible without the help of many parents of Mission Montessori School, Mission and Parish sta, Ministry Leaders, and loving parishioners, who spent countless hours of service coordina ng, transla ng, pu ng together the beau ful ministries brochures, se ng up, and tearing down these two events! My warmest thanks to all of you! We could have not done it without you! I am humbled by your generosity! May God Bless you in all facets of your life, as you connue to move forward on your faith journey, commi ed to develop, use and share what God has given you! We could have not done it without you! Marta Werner Hospitality and Volunteers Coordinator


Our calendar this year places these holidays rather close and so we are asking for help on both at once. Please sponsor an en re family, or however much you can aord, for a generous Thanksgiving and Christmas Food basket at $40.00 per family. The Basket will include everything necessary for a beau ful holidaydinner. We also accept any dona ons of turkeys, hams, and other holiday goodies, and canned goods. We greatly appreciate that you check your cans and eliminate all outdated, rusted, or dented cans. Please bring your dona ons directly to the Social Concerns Department in the Lore o House, across from the McKeon Center during normal Parish business hours. Thank you so much for your generosity. Families sponsored to date: 0 Thank you all, Carmen Parra, Social Concerns: 760-547-0708


Mass Schedule 7:30 a.m. - English | Serra Center 11:00 a.m. - English (with the OMMS) | Serra Center 12:00 p.m. - English | Old Mission 7:00 p.m. - Bilingual | Serra Center +++


Mass Schedule 7:30 a.m. - English | Serra Center *Adora on of the blessed Sacrament will be in the Parish Chapel a er Mass 12:00 p.m. - English | Old Mission 7:00 p.m. - Bilingual | Serra Center (A Vigil Mass for
Sunday with a Remembrance of the Dead/Una Misa de Vigilia para el domingo en Memoria de los Fallecidos. 5 PM Mass will be celebrated as a regular vigil Mass)

If you would like to add the name of a loved one to our Parish Scrolls, please call 760-757-3250, fax 760-757-3299 or email at with his/her name and correct spelling, plus the month of passing (from Nov. 2012 - to present) along with your name and phone number by Tuesday, Oct. 22. Scrolls will be displayed in the Parish Chapel and in the Serra Center rotunda for the month of November.

4 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California October 13, 2013


The Na onal 40 Days for Life Fall campaign started on September 25th and will con nue thru November 3rd. Please pray for the unborn, aborted babies, abor on clinic workers and parents of aborted babies. If it is possible, please fast and pray with us and join us at the abor on clinic on any Tues., Thurs., or Fri. from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Palomar Pomerado Health Building in San Marcos. For more informa on call Marge Collins at 760-967-5968

MSLRP Catholic Parents Community:

Come join other Catholic parents in the Parish as we grow in faith with each other and in our paren ng. Sundays from 9:00 9:45 a.m. in Rm#14 in the McK. Ctr. *Preschool ac vi es provided* And Tuesdays, from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. Discussions include: Prayer, Scripture, Faith sharing Paren ng ideas & connec ons Fellowship/ Family Social Ac vi es For more informa on Call Andy or Grace Domingo (760) 721-8131 or visit us on:


The Old Mission Retreat Center is always oering upcoming retreats. Please see the website for more informa on. Thursdays, Oct. 17, Nov 14, Dec. 5, 6:30 - 8:00 pm - Cooking with Kaitlin. Oct.: Indian Food; Basics like curries, Naan Bread, Samosas & Dessert, Nov.: Home-style Americana: Sides & Desserts for Thanksgiving Dinner, Dec.: Christmas Tamales! Hands on demonstra on on how to make a variety of tamales. Fee is $40 p/p per class or all three classes for $100. Preregistra on is required for each class, no walk-ins Saturday Oct. 19, 9-3 pm - Francis & the Lepers with Br. Bill Short, OFM. St. Francis credits his conversion to his service to the people with leprosy. During this Day of Prayer we will consider the importance of this experience in his life and its meaning for us today. The fee is $45 and includes lunch. Advent Retreat: Promise, Prepara on, Presence & Peace with Fr. Garre Galvin, OFM Using the Gospel of Ma hew and the Old Testament, Fr. Garre will enrich our Advent experience during this retreat as he turns our a en on to four themes that prepare and deepen our experience of the birth of Jesus Christ into the world. The fee is $135 for the Commuter op on; $185 per person for a shared op on; $225 for a private op on. Includes all meals and materials For ques ons or to register: 760-757-3659/ October 13, 2013 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time| 5

Mslrp Catholic Parents Community


High School Teen Center Hours:
The Teen center will be open 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Tues.Thurs. High school students can use this me for homework or simply hang out and enjoy each others company. Other opportuni es include:
Sunday group mee ngs a er the 5 PM Mass in the

Teen Center from 6:30-8:30pm. All high school students are welcome to a end.
A mid-week bible study tled: "Refuel." Thursdays at

7 p.m. - 9 p.m in the Teen Center. This will be a me for fellowship/praise and worship as well as a me to dive into the gospel of the upcoming Sunday liturgy.


Your Parish Library has a collec on of books and DVDs on the Franciscan religious community, which makes our parish unique. DVD selec ons include: Clare & Francis; The World of St. Francis; The Reluctant Saint; Blessed Junipero Serra; St. Anthony of Padua and St. Padre Pio We have G. K. Chestertons book, St Francis of Assisi, a biographical portrait of a very human St. Francis, Tales of St. Francis, Ancient Stories for Contemporary Living, and many more!


October 19 to October 26 (A Week Ahead)
Sat., October 19: 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Sp) Sun., October 20: 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 pm (Sp) 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Sp) Mon., October 21: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Tues., October 22: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Wed., October 23: 7:30 a.m. Thurs., October 24: 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Fri., October 25: 7:30 a.m. Sat., October 26: 7:30 a.m. SC SC OM SC SC SC SC OM +Richard Westhoven +Teresa Alvarez Paredes +Mary Louise Connolly +Raymond Taylor +Noe & Cecilia Suarez San ago Suarez +Helen Marinello Por Nuestra Comunidad Parroquial +Michael Collopy +Helen Grefe +Ma hew McCreary +Veronica Agnes Galvin +Mary Louise Connelly +Carlos R. Brillo Elizabeth Benfa (Healing)
+Richard Vernon


Happy Birthday To: Darlene Nacional 10/13, Joseph Rabello
10/13, Alma Martinez 10/14, Mary Rudick 10/14, Michelle Suarez 10/14, Gerarda Molina 10/16, Teresa Solorio 10/16, Theresa Borja 10/17, Denise Childs 10/17, Richard Miro 10/18, Hector Colon 10/19, Esthela Gatica 10/19, Jaide Simone McMahan 10/19 Wedding Anniversary: Dennis & Elizabeth Nazareno (10/18) Our Parishioners Asking For Prayers: [Please contact the Parish Off. to add or remove a parishioners name from the list.] Vincent Abate, Afasene Family, Linda Allen, Jos Ameli-Garca, Cathy Archuleta, Sylvia V. Bagon, Dorothy & Ricky Baker, Ernesto Bazua, Richard Becker, Ann Bernal, Ignacia M. Bill, Mary Fran Blankemeier, Geraldine Braun, Fr. Mel Bucher, Jackie Camp, Lucy Carroll, Candelaria y Felipe Castelln, Juan Chapa, Christian Chavez, Gregory Chvez, Mary Ann Chenard, Jim Clifford, Millie Colon, Rosie Concepcion, Julia Olga Corral, Guillermo & Gloria Cortez, Tess De Los Santos, Alyssa Dimas, Dee Dismuke, Agnes Douglas, Monica Duren, Einar Dyblie, Gunnery Sgt. Richard Grant Estudillo (Deployed 4/3/2010 to Afghanistan), Dulce Fajardo, Jean Feehan, Francisco Fernandez, Maurizio Fernandez, Flatau & Diaz Families, James & Filomena Flores Family, Robert Flores, Josephine Francisco, Mary Gall, Francisco & Mara Garca, Virginia Gies, Clare Giska, George & June Gray, Gonzalo Gonzalez, Jonathan Guerra, Amelia Guerrero, Jane Guinn, Genevieve Haase, Ron Habel, Carlos Harrison, Christine Harms, Jane Heim, Ramona Hernandez, Mary Jackson, Edith Jimenez, Helen Johnson, Ken Kaya, Lorene Kimbrel, Jeanne Kopp, Robert Kremer, Soledad Leong, Jim Long, Marilyn Macken, Angelina Manalo, Cassandra Marvin, Deirdre Marvin Cody, Ron McAfee, Barbara McCreary, Greg & Cynthia Mendez, Samantha Mendez, Rosalba Mendoza, Patrice Miller, Luz Mora, Herman Mosqueda, Dulce Maria Nieto, Sylvester Nwizu, Alice Ochwat, Steve Olivas, Leonora Petterson, Alesio & Elsie Pele, Sheila & Anastasia Pele, Imeleta Pele, Maria Pele, Gabriel Pele, Bro. Mo Peltier, George & Connie Pichel, Thelma Poorman, Julia Prendergast, Frank Quattrocchi, Doris Quinene, Madeline Raymond, Rose Marie Reno, Max & Eva Ruiz, Ed Sadkowski, Elsa Salas, Anita Saldaa, Jess & Victoria Sanchez, Gonzala Santos, Irene Sarrazin, Dottie Schultz, Joseph F. Schwartz, Anne Stillman, Dionisio Suarez, Rafaela Suarez, Dorothy Sweeney, Elizabeth Sweeney, Robert F. Szabad, Rosa Talavera, Roy Timerman, Andrew Toma, George Uribe, Myrna Uy, Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo Villafuerte, Sr., Leticia Villanueva, Zen Villacruz, Visesio Family, Victor Villa, George Weaver, Tim Weber, Janae & Linda Welch, Ann Williams, Joyce Williams, Patti Wiley. Family & Friends of Parishioners: [Unless an update is given to the Parish Office, names will be kept on the list for a month only.] Lucille A. Aiello 9/23, Keith Battle 9/12, L/Cpl. Marshall Beckham, USMC (deployed to Afghanistan), Elizabeth Benfatti 9/20, SPC Jeff-Eric Brinkley (US Army, deployed to Afghanistan), Bonifacio Borga Jr. 10/8, Boycie Calamiong 9/25, Martha Calamiong 9/25, Tyler Callahan 9/18, Alicia Carrion 10/8, Sgt. Taylor Clark (Afghanistan), Guillermo Cortez 9/18, Corporal Dustin Davis (Afghanistan), Howard Desflores 9/14, Theresa V. Flores 10/2, Peter Gall 9/25, Michael Giannelli 9/25, Gary Goltara 9/10, The Heath Family 9/25, Carmen Hernandez 9/25, Diane Jones 9/16, The Keith Family 9/25, Diane Kelly 9/12, Corporal Joshua Kite (Afghanistan), Mykel Luera(Afghanistan), Cassie Klobepanz 9/18, Atanacia M. Manibusan 10/8, Brian McArdle 9/24, Bill McCoy 9/18, Joe McKnight 9/17, Dee Dee Mecham 9/12, Rev. Robert Miller 9/17, Miguel Angel & Karen Mora 9/10, Christina Morales 9/25, Lydia Moreno 9/10, Maria Muoz 10/9, Juan Ortiz 9/25, Elizabeth Ramos 9/24, Jeremy Ratliff 9/24, Marlise G. Rede 9/25, Patsy Rede 9/25, Odette Robinson 9/12, John Sheridan 9/12, Jan Spires 9/25, Dennis Sullivan 9/24, Rosario M. Taitano 10/8, Nick Timerman 9/25, Sabrina Thomas 9/18, Chris Thorton 10/2, Tamara Tokorcheck 9/25, Arthur R. Vasquez 9/19, Carol Vickers 9/18, Melissa Widener 10/2, Christie Wright 10/9. Hospice: Gardenia Acosta, Ernestine Williams, Fred Martinez, Tom Whitley Hospital: Irene Garcia Orizaga Deaths: Ernestine Spirito, John Damiani Death Anniversary: Corazon Nazareno (10/15)


+Thomas Westhoven

SC - Serra Center; PC - Parish Chapel; OM - Old Mission


TODAY'S READINGS (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
First Reading Naaman, cleansed from his leprosy, returns gratefully to Elisha (2 Kings 5:14-17). Psalm The Lord has revealed to the na ons his saving power (Psalm 298). Second Reading If we have died with Christ we shall also live with Christ (2 Timothy 2:8-13). Gospel Ten lepers are healed by Jesus, but only one, a Samaritan, returns to give him thanks (Luke 17:11-19).
The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from the Lec onary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All rights reserved.


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41 Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9; Lk 11:42-46 Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk 11:47-54 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 4:2; Lk 18:1-8

6 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California October 13, 2013

W E E K LY C A L E N D A R / C A L E N D A R I O S E M A N A L
Sunday, October 13 through Saturday, October 19, 2013 Domingo 13 de octubre hasta el 19 de octubre del 2013
SUNDAY, October 13, 2013 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Green)
Sunday Masses: Old Mission 7:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Sp) Serra Ctr.: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Spanish], 5:00 p.m. Parish Library: PC Rm. #2 - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Faith Forma on Schedule - Parish & McKeon Buildings: English Elementary - 9:00-9:50a.m. Samoan Choir Food Sale - Donuts and Nachos A er Mass

DOMINGO, 13 de octubre del 2013 - 28 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (Color Litrgico: Verde)
MISIN ANTIGUA - 7:00 a.m. (ingls) y 7:00 p.m. (espaol - Padre Luis) Centro Serra - 8:00 a.m. (ingls), 10:00 a.m. (ingls), 12:00 p.m. (espaol - Padre Arturo) y 5:00 p.m. (ingls) Clases de Formacin de Fe: Grados 1-6: 10:40-11:45 a.m. Pre-escolar a knder: 12:00-1:00 p.m. Santo Rosario: 12:00 del medioda Capilla Parroquial

MONDAY, October 14, 2013 (OFFICES CLOSED)

[For Anoin ng of the Sick emergencies and/or funerals, call (760) 583-3393] Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Boy Scouts: McKeon Rm. #13 - 6:00 p.m.

LUNES, 14 de octubre del 2013 - Ocinas Cerradas

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (ingls): Misin An gua - 12:00 del medioda En caso de una emergencia, uncin para los enfermos o funeral, llame a un Sacerdote al 760-583-3393

TUESDAY, October 15, 2013

Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Charisma c Prayer Mtg.: Mission Clare Rm. - 10:30 a.m. Youth Faith Forma on/Conrma on Class Parish & McKeon Ctr.: 6:30 p.m.

MARTES, 15 de octubre del 2013

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (ingls): Misin An gua - 12:00 del medioda Oracin de Intercesin: Capilla - 5:00 p.m. a 6:15 p.m. Ensayo del Coro de Nios (Lupe Ros 760-547-0709): Centro Serra - 5:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. Formacin de Fe para Adolescentes/Conrmacin: Centro Parroquial y Centro McKeon - 6:30 p.m. Ensayo/Coro del Grupo de Oracin: Centro Serra-7pm-9 pm

WEDNESDAY, October 16, 2013

Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Bingo: McKeon Ctr.: A Doors Open - 9:30 a.m. | Games: 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Adult RCIA: PC Rm. #5 - 6:30 p.m. Centering Prayer: McKeon Center Rm. #12 - 7:00 p.m. Perpetual Help Devo on: Parish Chapel - 7:00 p.m.

MIERCOLES, 16 de octubre del 2013

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (ingls): Misin An gua - 12:00 del medioda

THURSDAY, October 17, 2013

Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon Parish Library: PC Rm.#2 - 10:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Parent Sacramental Program: PC Dining Rm. - 7:00 p.m.

JUEVES, 17 de octubre del 2013

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla - 7:30 a.m. Misa (ingls): Misin An gua - 12:00 del medioda Grupo de Oracin: Capilla Parroquial - 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.

FRIDAY, October 18, 2013

Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass: Old Mission - 12:00 noon

VIERNES, 18 de octubre del 2013

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (ingls): Misin An gua - 12:00 del medioda

SATURDAY, October 19, 2013

Daily Mass: Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m. Samoan Choir Rehearsal: Pablo Tac Rm. - 8:00 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: Rm. #209 - 8:15 a.m. Sacrament of Reconcilia on: Serra Center - 9:00 a.m. BINGO : McKeon Ctr.: Doors Open - 9:30 a.m. | Games: 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. MASSES: Serra Ctr. - 5:00 p.m. English & 7:00 p.m. Spanish

SABADO, 19 de octubre del 2013

Misa diaria (ingls): Capilla Parroquial - 7:30 a.m. Sacramento de Reconciliacin (Confesiones): Centro Serra 9:00 a.m. a 10:00 a.m. (favor de llegar puntuales) Bingo: Centro McKeon - 10:30 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. Misas: Centro Serra 5:00 p.m. (ingls) y 7:00 p.m. en (espaol - Padre Luis)

October 13, 2013 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 7

Del Padre Adrian

Con nuacin

Ha sido una semana rela vamente tranquila despus de la celebracin de San Francisco la semana pasada. El 3 de octubre tuvimos un hermoso Servicio de Transitus en la Iglesia Histrica, el 4 de octubre Misa con la Escuela Franciscana de Teologa, el 5 de octubre la bendicin de animales y el domingo 6 de octubre una celebracin en honor a San Francisco. Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron con las fes vidades, las liturgias y de otro modo. El domingo pasado tambin fue Domingo de Bienvenida en la parroquia. Le dimos la bendicin a nuestros feligreses nuevos y tuvimos una Feria de Ministerios para atraer a personas que a lo mejor quisieran envolverse ms en la vida de fe en San Luis Rey. En su nombre, le ofrezco un enorme agradecimiento a Marta Werner y a su equipo de ayudantes por todo el trabajo que hicieron para hacer del Domingo de Bienvenida todo un xito. Yo se que nuestros feligreses nuevos fueron tocados al ser reconocidos en cada Misa con una bendicin y al recibir una cruz bendecida de San Damiano como regalo. Un feligrs muy generoso don un T.V. de pantalla plana y un Blu-ray DVD para el uso del Departamento de Educacin Religiosa. Quiero reconocer este generoso regalo y las contribuciones que otras personas han hecho para proveer material a nuestro ministerio de jvenes. Tenemos un Cuarto de Teatro en el segundo piso que ahora se llama Santa Clara donde nuestros jvenes ahora pueden ver un DVD como parte de su educacin religiosa. Tambin, tenemos otro en el Centro de Jvenes para el uso de jvenes adolescentes y jvenes adultos. En realidad no tenemos el dinero en el presupuesto de Educacin Religiosa para estas cosas, as que estamos muy agradecidos a nuestros benefactores por su generosidad. Nuestra querida Secretaria Parroquial, Shirley Gonzlez, regresa la prxima semana despus de haber dado luz a un nio a quien ella y Marco le nombraron Maxx. Felicitaciones a todos los que celebraron el bau smo del pequeo Maxx el sbado pasado. Bienvenida Shirley! Te extraamos y estamos muy contentos por tu regreso. Chris e y Maricela hicieron un excelente trabajo cubriendo por Shirley en su ausencia durante el verano, y ellas tambin sen rn alivio al ver que Shirley regresa a su escritorio de nuevo. El Santo Padre, Papa Francisco, fue a Ass como peregrino el 4 de octubre, Fiesta de su tocayo, San Francisco. Reexionando en el encuentro de San Francisco con Cristo ante la Cruz de San Damiano, el Papa dijo: Con nua en la siguiente columna...

Dnde comenz el camino de Francisco a Cristo? Comenz con la contemplacin de Jess crucicado. De permi r a Jess vernos en el momento que l da su vida por nosotros y nos llama hacia s mismo. Francisco experiment esto en una manera especial en la Iglesia de San Damiano, al orar ante la cruz, la cual yo tambin tendr la oportunidad de venerar. En esa cruz, Jess es representado no como muerto, sino vivo! La Sangre corriendo por sus heridas en las manos, en sus pies y costado, pero esa sangre habla de la vida. Los ojos de Jess no estn cerrados sino abiertos, muy abiertos: l nos ve de una manera que toca nuestros corazones. La cruz no habla de derrota o fracaso; paradjicamente, nos habla de una muerte que es vida, una muerte que da vida, porque nos habla de amor, el amor de Dios encarnado, un amor que no muere, sino que triunfa sobre el mal y la muerte. Cuando permi mos al Jess crucicado contemplarnos, nosotros somos re-creados, nos conver mos en una creacin nueva. Todo lo dems comienza con esto: la experiencia de transformar la gracia, la experiencia de ser amados por ningn mrito propio, a pesar de ser pecadores. Es por eso que San Francisco junto con San Pablo poda decir: En cuanto a m, no quiero sen rme orgulloso ms que de la Cruz de Cristo Jess, nuestro Seor. Glatas 6:14-18. Que tengan una maravillosa semana y que el Seor les de paz! Padre Adrian

El Grupo de Oracin de la Parroquia San Luis Rey les Invita a una

Noche de Alabanza y de Sanacin Con el Seor Oscar Cuevas El Jueves, 17 de Octubre del 2013
a las 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla Parroquial.

30 Noviembre y 1 de Diciembre del 2013
En el Centro de Re ros de la Misin An ga con la par cipacin de Padre Arturo Lpez, OFM y Padre Luis Guzmn, OFM Ms detalles la prxima semana...


Si asistes a la Misa de 7am, 8am 10am o 12pm, se les avisa que no podrn cruzar a la autopista 76 de Rancho del Oro, Benet y Airport Rd. y tendrn que tomar Mission Ave. Debido a un evento depor vo.

8 | PARROQUIA MISION SAN LUIS REY, Oceanside, California 13 de octubre del 2013

Gracias Administradores de los Dones de Dios!

Si morimos con [Cristo Jess] viviremos con l; si nos mantenemos rmes, reinaremos con l. 2 Timoteo 2:11-12a Capturaste la Visin! Ahora comparte la Misin! Construye el Reino de Dios!
Que n de semana tan concurrido e increble tuvimos la semana pasada aqu en la Parroquia Misin San Luis Rey! La generosidad de Dios es profunda, nosotros celebramos y damos gracias a Dios por todo lo que l nos ha dado! El sbado pasado, nuestra familia parroquial celebr la gran esta de San Francisco. La bendicin de animales fue todo un xito. Todas fueron bienvenidos y bendecidos por nuestros generosos Frailes, quienes pacientemente tomaron el empo para acariciar y bendecir a cada mascota que se les acerco. Las fotogra as nos cuentan la historia! Visiten nuestro si o de web para verlas. El Domingo de Bienvenida llego con un reconocimiento a todos los feligreses nuevos, los cuales recibieron una Cruz bendecida de San Damiano como muestra de Bienvenida a nuestra familia parroquial. Tambin, celebramos el hecho de que nuestros dones son regalos de Dios que nos ayudan en nuestra jornada de fe para que par cipemos en la misin de Jess en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. Muchos de ustedes respondieron al llamado al tomar un paso en su jornada de fe. Muchos ministerios fueron bendecidos este pasado n de semana por su consideracin de unirse a ellos en su compromiso a la misin y al ministerio de Jess. Quiero tomar esta oportunidad para agradecer a todos ustedes quienes respondieron al llamado. Nuestra comunidad se aviva al nosotros responder al llamado bau smal de ser la luz de Cristo para otros. Gracias por decir que S de permi r que tu luz brille y hacer el compromiso de compar r tu empo y tu talento en nuestra parroquia. Estos dos eventos no pudieron ser posibles sin la ayuda de la Escuela Montessori, del personal de la Misin y de la parroquia, de los Lderes de Ministerios y feligreses, quienes dieron horas incontables de servicio coordinando, traduciendo, montando los hermosos folletos de ministerios, acomodando y limpiando. Mi agradecimiento a todos ustedes! No podramos hacerlo sin ustedes! Me siento muy honrada por su generosidad! Que Dios los bendiga en todas las facetas de su vida, al con nuar en su jornada de fe, comprome dos en desarrollar, en usar y compar r lo que Dios les ha dado! No podramos hacerlo sin ! Marta Werner, Coordinadora de Hospitalidad y Voluntarios.

Primera lectura Naamn, puricado de su lepra, regres a Eliseo (2 Reyes 5:14-17). Salmo El Seor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad (Salmo 98 [97]). Segunda lectura Si perseveramos con Cristo Jess, tambin reinaremos con l (2 Timoteo 2:8-13). Evangelio Despus que diez leprosos se encontraron curados por Jess, solamente uno, un samaritano, regresa para darle gracias (Lucas 17:11-19).

Lunes: Martes: Mircoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sbado: Domingo: Rom 1:1-7; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 11:29-32 Rom 1:16-25; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 11:37-41 Rom 2:1-11; Sal 62 (61):2-3, 6-7, 9; Lc 11:42-46 Rom 3:21-30; Sal 130 (129):1b-6ab; Lc 11:47-54 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9 Rom 4:13, 16-18; Sal 105 (104):6-9, 42-43; Lc 12:8-12 Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121 (120):1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 4:2; Lc 18:1-8

Haz una lista de las cosas por las que deseas dar las gracias a Dios. Da gracias!


Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Mircoles: Vigsimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Calixto I; Da de la Raza Santa Teresa de Jess Santa Eduviges; Santa Margarita Mara Alacoque; Da Nacional de los Jefes San Ignacio de An oqua San Lucas Santos Juan de Brbeuf y Isaac Jogues y Compaeros.

Jueves: Viernes: Sbado:


Tendremos una Reunin General para TODAS las Pequeas Comunidades Cris anas (PCC) de la Parroquia San Luis Rey el viernes, 22 de noviembre a las 7:00 p.m. y el sbado, 23 de noviembre de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. en el Centro Serra. Planicacin y elecciones se llevarn a cabo durante nuestra reunin. Por favor aparta estas fechas si eres miembro de una PCC o ests pensando unirte a nuestra comunidad.

Santo Rosario Llama de Amor del Inmaculado Corazn de Mara

Acompanos cada domingo despus de la Misa de 12:00 del medioda en la Capilla Parroquial. Para ms informacin, comunquense con Lydia Rodrguez al 760-532-5096.

13 de octubre del 2013 28 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario | 9

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