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October 21, 2001

Tell Gwen appears on Page 22.

State News Sunday

Page 21


Tom Weyant, left, and his son Mike wait for the doors to open Friday night at Dovers Schwartz Center for the Arts. Tom Weyants first job was as an usher in the 1940s at the Schwartz Centers previous incarnation, the Capitol Theater.

Gigi Windley and her daughter Tara, 12, arrive for Fri- After four years of renovations, Dovers former Capitol Theater held its grand opening Friday night as the Schwartz Center Phil Cherry, left, greets days Rosanne Cash per- for the Arts. The inaugural performance was a concert by singer Rosanne Cash, followed by a performance Saturday by Chazz Salkin after the show Friday night. formance. the Dover Symphony, above, and a reading by television and movie star Linda Hamilton.

Staff photos/Linda Laird

From left, Dover residents Albert Kerr, Dan Wolfensberger and Mary Davis enjoy the reception following Fridays opening night show.

Guitarist John Leventhal accompanies singer Rosanne Cash during Friday nights opening performance.

Television and movie star Linda Hamilton, right, stands with her sister Leslie, of Salisbury, Md., and Dover Symphony conductor Donald Buxton during Saturdays per- Dr. Michael Nelson plays a Celtic harp as Schwartz Center Director Jeff Mike Pelrine, Delaware State News executive editor, chats with Muriel Schwartz, for whom the Schwartz formance. Linda Hamilton narrated Lincoln Portrait Fulgham, left, and Jim and Pat Scoot of Dover enjoy the music Friday. Center is named, at Fridays grand opening. during the orchestras performance.

Milford historians reverence nets him an award

By Gwen Guerke
Senior editor that have made important contributions to historic preservation in Delaware. It was a great honor to be nominated by my friends and it was a great honor to receive the award from Preservation Delaware, Mr. Clendaniel said. He has had a scholarly devotion to history nearly all his life. At 25, he became a trustee of the Milford Historical Society in 1976, then served as secretary and treasurer for many years. His mentor, the late Edward Millis Hurley, trained him in the art and science of preservation. Mr. Hurley trained the next generation, he said. In 1980, the University of Delaware graduate worked on the research for the historic building survey conducted by the Milford Historical Society for the preparation of the Multiple Although he enjoys conducting genealogical research, he says his main interest is in theory and application, specifically procuring funds to preserve the Parson Thorne Mansion, the house museum owned by the Milford Historical Society since 1961. Mr. Clendaniel has been intimately involved with the project since 1976. He directed the 1985 preservation project on the original 1735 frame wing; the 1987 preservation project on the interior of the main plantation house; and supervised the 1993 roofing with wooden shingles of the wings of the mansion. Staff photo/Gwen Guerke He is now working directly The Rev. Lois T. Keen and F. Brooke Clendaniel look at the with the architect, Charles M. McKim journal in front of the Parson Thorne window in Weymouth of Wilmington, on the current $400,000 preserChrist Episcopal Church, Milford. vation project. He has helped Resource Nomination of the well as helping to research oversee and document the three National Register His- and edit comments in the his- preservation work. toric Districts in Milford. He torical significance section of In addition to his work for did actual street surveys, as the survey forms. the Milford Historical Society,

MILFORD F. Brooke Clendaniels reverence for history is demonstrated as he dons white gloves to open the journal of John L. McKim. The book chronicles birth, confirmation, marriage and death records of members of Milfords Christ Episcopal Church, starting in the mid18th century. Mr. Clendaniels lifelong dedication to history earned him one of the 2001 Preservation Honor Awards from Preservation Delaware earlier this month. Preservation Delaware is a statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Delawares architectural heritage and historic settings. The awards celebrate outstanding achievements by individuals, businesses, organizations and agencies

Mr. Clendaniel serves as historian and archivist for Christ Church in Milford, the historic Episcopal parish founded in 1704.

He is working on this research project started by the late Mr. Hurley. He is also producing an index to the McKim Journal, the early records of the parish kept by the Rev. John L. McKim and the Rev. J. Leighton McKim.

He and his wife, Deborah, reside in the Powell House in the Victorian South Milford National Register Historic District. They have two sons.

I have to say that my family has been gracious to allow me the time to do this, he said. My avocation has been worthwhile, and of course, this award is a tribute to (Mr. Hurleys) memory.

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