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Brisbane Northside News

Newsletter of the Brisbane Northside Masters Swimming Club August - September 2013

South Burnett Swim Meet Nanango 27 July

Story by Shelly Parrish, Photos by Nicki Hansford

Seriously competitive by day

The South Burnett Aussi Masters held their Wine Nutters swim meet on 27 July 2013. Four members travelled out to Nanango this year Bev Stubbings, Shelley Parrish, Nicki Hansford and Grant Hoskins. The last time South Burnett held this carnival was in 2010 and Brisbane Northside took out the small clubs trophy that year. This year Nanango were running a Memorial Dash for Cash in honour of Russell Wendt who lost his fight with cancer. The event was the 50m Fly and our own Grant Hoskins came very close to winning it. His second placing won him $50.00 cash. This meet was Nickis first Masters swim meet - she swam two postal events, the 800m Freestyle and 400m Freestyle and three on the day 100m Free, 25m Breast and 25m Back. Well done Nicki!

Grant won his age group, Bev came second in hers, Shelley 4th and Nicki swam 5 PBs. Our club placed 3rd in the small clubs trophy, with only two points between 1st and 3rd placings. There were plenty of raffle prizes. Nanango put on their usual Pyjama- themed dinner and dance after the swim, held as usual at the local Darts Club. Once again they served a delicious three-course meal and upheld their reputation for entertaining visiting swimmers. During the night there were various dance competitions. Bev in a very natty black number, and Sharon from Redcliffe, entertained everyone on the dance floor to the tune of The Stripper, winning them both a bottle of wine. Nicki won the limbo contest, though I think she had an unfair advantage in her height, which helped her to come in ahead of Bev. Next morning the kitchens opened to lay on a breakfast feast. I lost count how many times Grant went up for seconds. Next year maybe we could look at making this a club event.

Seriously partying by night

Great Barrier Reef Masters Games Cairns 9 11 August

Tony Baker competed in the inaugural Great Barrier Reef Masters Games, held in Cairns in early August. He reports that he achieved 4 golds in the 4 Breaststroke events and 1 silver in the only freestyle event he entered. Tony also got involved with 4 mixed club relays, all in the 240 years age group, which added another 4 golds to the tally. Tony says he will need to go back in two years to defend times set in this inaugural event!

QBN Swim Meet Valley Pool 24 August

Our big event for the year is the QBN swim meet in August. President Richard Sargent kicked off the planning much earlier and many members took on their usual or new volunteer roles. In order to make the event run smoothly, there is a lot of effort before-hand in organising the venue, advertising the event, processing entries, printing programs, organising raffles and making food for Caf Noah. On the day, jobs include announcing, marshalling, check start, timekeeping, entering data, selling raffle tickets and running Caf Noah. Many thanks to QBN club members, who made this all work. Thanks also to volunteers from other clubs who helped with timekeeping. Thank you to the officials in white from Masters Swimming Queensland who made the competition possible. Thanks also to the 3

data processing operators. And thanks to God/Nature (whomever you believe in) for the great weather! Most importantly, thanks to the swimmers from 21 clubs who participated and made it a fun and competitive day. Story by Shirley Kerr, Photos by Grant Hoskins (and others?) Our swim meet in August, although smaller than previous years, was again successful. The weather was fine and sunny with a slight breeze, which made it pleasant for swimming. 108 swimmers from 21 clubs and 6 from QBN competed for the two Trophies. 72 awards were presented - 36 First, 20 Second, 16 Third. 9 State Records were broken. The DON FOWLES TROPHY for highest average points was won by Sunshine Coast. The SMALL CLUB TROPHY was won by Redcliffe. QBN RESULTS - Jennifer and Grant gained 1st place in their age groups. Janice Norman - 55-59yrs group 42 points 5th 1st 5th 3rd 3rd 1st

Jennifer Leutenegger - 50-54yrs group 50 points Melanie Rickets - 30-34yrs group Katherine O'Connor - 25-29 yrs group Tony Baker - 55-59yrs group Grant Hoskins -45-49yrs group 26 points 40 points 46 points 50 points

Melanie, Colleen and Harry @ Caf Noah Shirley and John looked after the announcing and results.

Nicki and Peter sold raffle tickets

Bev marshalled the swimmers, Sally recruited volunteers and Richard kept it all on track on the day.

Straddie Ocean Swim 7 September

Story and Photos by Nicki Hansford

Simon Smale and Grant Hoskins competed in the Weekend Warriors ocean swim, the Straddie 1000 at Cylinder beach, Stradbroke Island on September 7th. Tough conditions with a very strong drift along the beach meant any swimmers who could get out to the first turning buoy had a fast swim to the finish. Simon came in third male overall in 12 minutes 34 seconds. Grant placed 12th male overall, in 14 minutes 04 seconds.

Bike ride Monday 7 October

Story and Photos, Bev Stubbings What a great day, and a great way to spend our time out of the pool. Tracy and Richard decided to try out their new bikes and were joined by Colleen, Frank, Harry, Shelley and Bev for a 26 k bike ride along the shores of Sandgate. Before starting off Shelley had to have running repairs to her bike tyre. It was a very hot day, but we all peddled our bikes and enjoyed the activity going on around us. We headed to the Hotel for lunch and were joined by Shirley and John. We all enjoyed our lunch, chat and some laughs, and quenched our thirst, for the ride back. But behold, as we were about to head back, Shelleys tyre decided it had had enough. Harry was out with the bike pump and started pumping, but nothing was happening. Shelleys luck was with her after all, as Shirley and John came to the rescue and took Shelley and bike back to Sandgate. The rest of us had to do it the hard way back to Sandgate, where we had a cold drink, before heading home. We all had a lovely social outing and would like you to join us next time.

Coming up
Kayak Trip, Saturday 12 October
Where: Breakfast Creek Boat Ramp, Sandgate Rd, Albion, plenty of parking When: 10.00am, Sat 12 October What to bring: kayak, hat, sunscreen, water, snacks, The Plan: Paddle up Breakfast Creek into Enoggera Creek, which takes you under the Inner City Bypass, past the Royal Brisbane Hospital, behind Ballymore and if the tide is high all the way through to Kelvin Grove Road. 5km each way and theres plenty of water. Should be a quiet trip and there are a couple of small flying fox roosting areas Im told to view along the way. If you havent done the trip its a good first time experience. Here is a link to see where it is: Please can people indicate their interest in going on this trip by contacting Shelley Parrish;

General Meeting, Sunday 13 October

A short general meeting will be held this Sunday 13/10/2013 @ 10am @ Valley Pool after training, with Harry's great breakfast afterwards.

New Member
We welcome Katherine OConnor as a new member. Katherine quickly got to work by swimming in the QBN meet, well done!

Check out our Facebook page. Grant is doing great work keeping it current! Keep up to date with events and notices on:

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