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Let's count the

number of times


Duffy makes this




Second time



Meaning it was
after business hours ____________________________________________________________________________
when he tried to file
for the first time.



Third Time
Betcha anything
they told him to


close and re-open

his browser


and that this solved


Most large scale

help desks make use
service desk software
to keep track of
who called, when,
and what they
needed. Most of the
time this software
is keyed to email the user a copy of their ticket.
I'd be very surprised if the ECF didn't make use of this sort of software.


Fourth Time!


which one?


Doesn't that rule

only apply to

______________________________________________________________ _____________

technical failures

4 and a half...

beyond the user's


control? Like


server crashes?

5th time


Of course not.


Just like he didn't


request FOUR


extensions before
finally being
ordered to produce
this brief.

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