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Informatii adunate, traduse si aranjate impreuna de Dorin Pele-Christ4ro


Source: UNAIDS, 2004

Asezarea geografica :
Partea de sud a Asiei , invecinata cu Marea Araba si Golful
Bengal, intre Burna si Pakistan. Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea
and the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and Pakistan . (CIA-The World Factbook )

Populatia : 1.2 miliarde . (July 2007 est.) (CIA-The World Factbook )

Religia: Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%,
unspecified 0.1% . (CIA-The World Factbook )

Grupuri etnice:
- O tara in care convietuiesc impreuna 2334 grupuri
etnice. ( Joshua Project )
- In nici o tara din lume nu se vorbesc atatea limbi ca si in
India – 15 limbi principale si alte cateva sute de limbi secundare
si dialecte. India has more languages than any other country - fifteen main
languages and hundreds of other languages and dialects. ( World InfoZone)
- Mai mult de 600 de milioane de oameni traiesc in
saracie crunta. "over 600 million people in India live in deep poverty"
( Operation World)
- India este casa spirituala a hinduismului. Din cei 820 de milioane de
oameni ce imbratiseaza hinduismul – 96% traiesc in India." India is
the spiritual home of Hinduism. Of the 820 million people in the world
who follow Hinduism – 96% of them live in India.” ( Operation World)
- Milioane de copiii sunt exploatati prin munca sau sunt vanduti ca
sclavi si astfel sa plateasca datoriile parintilor lor . " Millions of
children work sweatshops or are sold into slavery to pay off their
parents debts.
( Operation World)
( World InfoZone)

Provocari pentru rugaciune:

1) Biserica din India este in crestere. Sa ne rugam ca Biserica sa

dezvolte modele de ucenicizare si moduri de inchinare care sa
reflecte cultura lor propie. ” The church in India is growing. Pray that the
church will develop models of discipleship and ways of worship that reflect their
own culture.” ( Operation World)

2) Multumim lui Dumnezeu pentru ca s-a gasit o noua

deschidere in zonele afectate de Tsunami, unde crestinii pot
sa dea o mana de ajutor. In satele in care inainte era opozitie
fata de Evanghelie acum se costruiesc noi Biserici. Sa ne
rugam pentru pastorii acestor Biserici ca sa ramana integri si
pentru intelepciune. “Thank God for the new found openness in the
Tsunami affected areas, where Christians helped after the devastation. In
villages previously resistant to the gospel new churches are starting - pray for
wisdom and integrity for the pastors of these churches. ” (Operation World)

3) Un numar impresionant de indieni aud de Isus in fiecare zi

prin intermediul filmului Isus – aprox. 100.000. Sa ne rugam
ca Dumnezeu sa continue sa protejeze echipa de evanghelisti
care duce acest film in toata tara. “An amazing 100,000 Indians find
out about Jesus everyday through the Jesus film. Pray that God would protect
the teams of evangelists who are taking this film around the country.” (Operation

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