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1. All of the following statements about communication are true except: - A good listener is always a good communicator 2.

First impression refers to: - Ones thoughts on a person within the first few minutes of meeting 3. All of the following are positive results of effective listening except: - People imitate your presentation style 4. For true communication to happen - Ideas have to be shared and understood among communicators 5. To recognize your own communication strengths and weaknesses, you should: - Understand your own communication style 6. All of the following are categories of communication style, except: - Passive-assertive 7. The statement about passive communicators is most true: - They avoid expressing their own opinions 8. The passive communicator is likely to use all of the following statements, except: - I know whats best 9. Aggressive communication is utilized to: - Protect ones own ideas and opinions 10. The passive-aggressive communicator tends to: - Go along with the decisions of others but does so in order to get revenge later 11. The passive-aggressive communicator often employ this tactic: - Sarcasm 12. This statement characterizes a passiveaggressive communicator: - thats fine with me, but dont be surprised if someone else gets mad 13. Assertive communications involves: - Sharing of opinions as well as advocating for ones own rights 14. All of the following statements about assertive communicators are true, except: - They use intimidating expressions 15. Advantages of assertive communication include all of the following, except: - It makes aggressive communicators concede 16. According to the lesson, the basis of socialization is: - Language 17. All of the following are components of verbal communication, except: - Gestures 18. The primary tool of verbal communication is: - Voice 19. All of the following are important things to consider in regard to word choice, except:

20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25.


27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32.

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35. 36. 37.

Word choice has a lot to do with stressing syllables This is defined as the pattern of stress in oral speech: - Inflection The most important faculty that sets us apart from other animals is our ability to communicate through: - Language The stated most volatile component of verbal communication is: - Tone Tone is used primarily to convey: - Emotions Verbal cues are: - Non-words that convey meaning through sound In regard to verbal communication, all of the following are important things to consider, except: - Attempts to translate thoughts and emotions into words are often successful All of the following are improper communication patterns for a supervisor, except: - Authoritative but not stern All of the following are forms of non-verbal communication, except: - Inflection This statement about non-verbal communication Is most true: - Non-verbal communication reflects cultural norms In western cultures, crossing ones arm over the chest may mean that: - One is keeping something in Body language includes all of the following, except: - Cues This body language conveys a lot about what a person is thinking - Facial expression All of the following are facial expression that are universal throughout the human race, except: - Depression When using mirroring technique, one should: - Not mimic the other person exactly This technique involves subtly mimicking the other persons gestures, body language, and even speech patterns: - Mirroring During a conversation, looking at the clock repeatedly may mean: - Boredom All of the following non-verbal cues may be interpreted as aggression, except: - Drumming ones finger This nonverbal cue may mean boredom:

- Slouching 38. The most popular methods of communication in todays technological age include all of the following, except: - Telegraph 39. According to the lesson, written communication has existed for more than: - 5,500 years 40. Written communication refers to: - The use of written words to communicate or convey meaning 41. All of the following are things to consider in business writing, except: - Adopt a more florid style 42. A personal message in generally not appropriate for: - A business memo 43. All of the following are factors to consider when communicating through writing, except: - Compliance 44. All of the following are disadvantages of written communication, except: - The message can be easily tampered with 45. To avoid miscommunication in writing, one should do all of the following, except: - Use figures of speech in business writing 46. Tips for avoiding misunderstandings in written communication include: - Avoiding slang 47. Being a good conversationalist may result in all of the following, except: - You being seen as someone who is authoritarian 48. To be effective in a conversation, one should: - Know how to conduct oneself 49. According to the lesson, active listening is most useful when: - Learning a new skill 50. Active listening is a way of interacting with others in which one makes a point to: - Comprehend what is being said 51. This refers to the tendency of people to favor information that supports their own beliefs and values: - Confirmation bias statement about effective 52. This communication is most true: - It is a skill that can be learned 53. To improve your ability to talk to others, all of the following are things to consider except: - Be a know-it-all 54. To improve ability to talk to others, all of the following are things to consider, except: - Practice impromptu speaking 55. Groups can be categorized as all of the following, except: - Referral 56. In this group category, the members share a common interest:

- Reference 57. All of the following are examples of a reference group, except: - Alumni association 58. This refers to our desire to identify with others: - Need for inclusion 59. The way a message is delivered refers to its: - Relationship message 60. According to William Schutz, interpersonal communication occurs due to the need for all of the following, except: - Attention 61. John Deweys agenda for reflective thinking includes all of the following, except: - Criteria implementation 62. All of the following are things to remember to be effective in group communication, except: - Provide handouts 63. When all group members agree on the same decision, it is called a/an: - Consensus 64. All of the following are traditional communication means, except: - Email 65. This is often used to send important documents like contracts and documents that require a hard signature: - Faxing 66. Snail mail refers to: - Letters, postcards, and documents sent through the Postal Service 67. Benefits of communications technology include all of the following, except: - Economies of scale 68. Much of the responsibility for dealing with physical impairments to communication fail on the: - Person with impairment 69. This is an example of a physical impairment to effective communication: - Speech disorder 70. All of the following are things to remember in order to effectively communicate with a person with physical impairment, except: - Ask them to write it down 71. If two people in conflict must work together, it is best to: - Add a senior to the group 72. All of the following are examples of environmental impediments to effective communication, except: - Speech disorder 73. One of the most obvious downsides of technology in terms of effective communication is that: - It can fail 74. All of the following are downsides of technology in regard to effective communication, except:

- The internet is not anonymous 75. All of the following are downsides of technology in regard to effective communication, except: - The content message can be overlooked 76. Intercultural communication is: - A field of study that looks at how people from different societies and cultures communicate 77. According to the lesson, cross-cultural communication explores questions of how people communicate, including all of the following, except: - How individuals use culture to form language 78. According to the lesson, culture is: - Anything and everything that makes a person unique 79. All of the following are steps to maintain an effective relationship with people of different cultures, except: - Attempt to change a culture only when necessary 80. If you have ascertained that cultural barriers are presenting a problem in effective communication, the first instinct is usually: - To place the blame on the non-dominant culture 81. These are the ingrained practices that dictate how one should think, act, and respond to certain situations: - Cultural norms 82. According to the lesson, all of the following are issues to consider when communicating across cultures, except: - Interpretation 83. In regard to communicating across cultures, the issue of individualization goes hand-inhand with the issues of: - Authority 84. When communicating across cultures, potential hotspots of contention should be identified, which include all of the following, except: - Engineered status 85. Conflict resolution refers to: - The use of techniques, once a disagreement has occurred, to avoid escalating the problem 86. All of the following statements about conflict in the business setting are true, except: - Conflicts are an ideal scenario in the workplace 87. Conflict becomes bad when: - It escalates to a real problem 88. This statement best describes healthy conflict: - It is a type of conflict in which difference are shared and encourage, as long as respect plays an equally starring role

89. All of the following are proper ways to avoid conflict, except: - Setting boundaries 90. Avoidance of conflict characterizes: - Passive communication 91. All of the following are things to remember when trying to solve a conflict, except: - Avoid taking a cool-off period 92. In conflict, people often use generalizations to: - Place the blame on the other party 93. All of the following are thing to remember when trying to solve a conflict, except: - React emotionally and assertively 94. In regard to negotiation, the goal of the advocacy approach is: - To get the best possible outcome for yourself 95. Negotiation involves: - The use of conversation to resolve disputes 96. Win-lose negotiation can also be referred to as the: - Advocacy approach 97. Starting with the easiest topic during a negotiation will: - Keep tension from mounting early on in the process 98. When negotiating, all of the following are things to keep in mind, except: - Use the complex logic when explaining your side 99. Being assertive means: - Speaking up for oneself without excluding others 100. Compromise when: - Each party gives up something so that the basic interest of the group can be served

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