Lesson Plan Format

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Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Myrna R.Milo Title: Literature Vocabulary I. Objectives To build vocabulary based on synonyms and antonyms. To review readings from The Rubiyt, The Gulistan and The counsels of the bird. II. Materials for Learning Activities Worksheets , Vocabulary sheets, overhead projector, transparencies, book, markers, eraser. III. Procedures for Learning Activities First, the teacher asked students if they had read the assignment given as a homework for this class. Students agreed on having it read and after this a few opinions were heard. The lesson began with the review of the vocabulary in Chapter 3 with a revision on their vocabulary workbook; after this a test was made to check knowledge on antonyms and synonyms (vocabulary previously revised). Then the teacher gave students 15 minutes to read from The Rubiyt and then they completed some critical thinking questions on a worksheet. Once students had finished with their worksheets they took another paper and started the open book test about the reading they had just made. The test included parts of vocabulary as well as literary analysis and critical thinking. Once students were done with their exams they continued to read their next class assignment until they were dismissed. IV. Assessment V. Open book test for the reading and practice of vocabulary on vocabulary workbooks. Grade Level: ENGLISH II_________


The teacher has no problem with differentiation in this particular lesson. Students read individually the assignments given by the teacher as she sets a specific amount of time (15mins) for them to analyze and then answer the open book test.


Reflection Because Im an ESL teacher, I think the procedure the teacher had for the class was very much different than things I do in the school where I teach. For instance I never teach grammar directly,or do tests on grammar the way she did I think the level of English and the fact that this was not like any other ESL class plays a very important role in the development of it.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Jacqueline Cecilia Blanco Carranza___________ Grade Level: English 12_________ Title: Literary Analysis of an excerpt from The thousand and One Nights Date: October 9th, 2009_ (Observed at Dr. Sherlie Scribners class) I. Objectives To analyze an excerpt from The thousand and One Nights (The fisherman and the Jinee) To find the moral message of the excerpt from The thousand and One nights (The fisherman and the Jinee) II. Materials for Learning Activities III. Vocabulary sheets, book, markers, eraser,

Procedures for Learning Activities The teacher started the lesson by eliciting from students (this in order to review) what they thought about the readings they had to do for homework. This was in order to refresh students on the previous reading and it included questions of vocabulary, characters and their actions, the setting of the story, etc. Once the brainstorming phase was over, students were given instructions to complete the vocabulary on verbs. Then the teacher checked the vocabulary with the whole class requesting for the answers as she read the sentences that required it, and students gave the correct or incorrect answer. Students were given a test to check understanding of the analysis of the excerpt they had read.


Assessment Open book test for reading.


Differentiation There is no differentiation in class. Students practically have a good level of English and they ask each other for vocabulary they dont understand, or they ask the teacher for words they do not know. Other than this, students mainly work alone.


Reflection This lesson was very short and there was really not much to seeStudents participation is the most important thing to highlight through the class.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Jacqueline Cecilia Blanco Carranza___________ Grade Level: ESOL 10th grade_ Title: Daily Activities/Daily Routines Date: October 15th, 2009_


Objectives Students will be able to name the days of the week Students will be able to say their favorite day of the week. Students will be able to say what the typical Salvadorian does everyday.


Materials for Learning Activities Flashcards for days of the week, bond paper, color markers, tape, board markers, dictionary, candies.


Procedures for Learning Activities The teacher starts the lesson by asking students to arrange pictures that best relate to the days of the week (Teacher brings own material). Once this is done, teacher and students together check if the answers to the pictures are correct. Teacher asks students to repeat the pronunciation of the days of the week. After this, teacher elicits students to say what Salvadorians typically do in an everyday basis. Students brainstorm and then teacher makes groups and asks them to make 5 small sentences using what they have said. Teacher monitors at all times. Teacher asks students to present their sentences with other groups and share what they have written. Teacher wraps-up the lesson by playing a ball game to review days of the week and small sentences about Salvadorians daily activities



Students are given Scrambled days of the week on the board and they have to organize them properly on their notebooks. The first to finish and has done it properly gets a lollipop. V. Differentiation Students work in groups made by the teacher. The teacher has to balance the level of English from students to form the groups so they can help each other understand and produce at the same pace.


Reflection For this lesson, whenever I have taken some of the procedures into consideration it has turned out to be very effective and fun. It keeps students involved in class.

Hibunauan National High School

Brain-Based Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Jacqueline Cecilia Blanco Carranza___________ Grade Level: ESOL 10th grade_ Title: Daily Activities/Daily Routines Objective: Students will be able to discriminate the use of Third person singular (he/she/it) and First person singular (I) in the use of the Simple Present. Students will be able to name daily activities. Date: October 16th, 2009_

Lesson 2: Daily routine (Part I) Warm up: At the beginning of the lesson teacher elicits from students the daily routines they know by acting them out. Each time a student guesses he/she gets a candy.

Transition: Teacher presents pictures of daily activities and puts them on the board. Teacher asks students for volunteers to pass in front and write the name of the daily activities they know. The rest of the class agrees or disagrees with their partners answers. Teacher corrects spelling after the activity.

Activity 1: Questioning. Teacher asks students to take one picture of the daily routines and to have it in their desks. Then the teacher writes on the board the question What do you do every day? for students to practice and memorize it. Once the class is ready, students stand up and ask this question to each other and they answer with the name of the routine they have in the picture. When they have finished asking and answering with their partners they exchange the daily routine and look for another partner to repeat the process.

Activity 2: Narrative

Students are given a narrative. They listen to the teacher as they read the narrative on the board and ask questions at the end if there is something they do not understand. Then students work in pairs and create the narrative for one of their partners and the routine they think their partner has. They share with the class and their partners correct the information that is not accurate about themselves.

Activity 3: My daily activity Teacher presents his/her daily activity to the class. Here students have a chance to see the daily routine, not in the third person but, in the first person singular. Teacher models every sentence he/she says. The daily routine teacher presents uses the same format that was presented in activity 2 with the narrative about Juan Gomez. Students ask questions if there is something they dont understand.

Differentiated instruction: Starting up: Eliciting daily routines (Warm-up) Beginning: Classifying daily activities (Transition) Developing: Narrative (Activity 2) Expanding: My daily routine (Activity 3) Bridging: Students read the sentences about daily routine, then match with the pictures and write the time in the clocks.

Assessment Students write five sentences about five things they do that are similar to the narrative on their journal under the heading Five things I do every day Closure: Students give an exit ticket with 3 daily routine activities.

Homework: Project: Students create their daily routine on a piece of cardboard and put pictures to identify them.


Brain-Based Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Jacqueline Cecilia Blanco Carranza___________ Grade Level: ESOL 10th grade_ Title: Daily Activities/Daily Routines Objective: Students will be able to write their daily routine. Students will be able to say the parts of the day. Students will be able to say what they do in the morning/afternoon/evening. Date: October 17th, 2009_

Lesson 3: Daily Routine (Part II) Warm up: Teacher writes Every day on the board and asks students to go to the board if they know anything that is related to that word. (Brainstorming)

Transition: Teacher uses the words students wrote in the Warm-up stage and writes a couple of sample sentences using that word (e.g. walk- I walk to school every day).

Activity 1: Parts of a day Teacher presents vocabulary Parts of a day with flashcards (Morning, Afternoon, Evening). Students repeat as teacher makes sentences adding to the sentences made in the transition stage. (e.g. I walk to school every day in the morning). Teacher uses students ideas if possible and encourages them to create their own sentences using the new vocabulary.

Activity 2: Questioning Teacher introduces the question What do you do in the morning/afternoon/evening? and gives examples of the things he/she does every morning, every afternoon and every evening. Then students write their questions and answer them with the things they do every day as they follow the teachers model. Once students have finished with the activity they stand up and in pairs ask t he question to their partners so they can use the sentences they have written. They change partners and continue the activity for 10 mins.

Activity 3: Project Presentation

Students were asked in the previous class to bring their daily routines on a piece of cardboard. The teacher also takes his/her daily routine poster and presents it to the whole class for students to have an idea of what they will have to do. They put their daily routines on the wall for everybody to see and then they pair up as they listen to their partners saying what they do every day.

Differentiated instruction: Starting up: Sentences using words from the warm-up stage (Transition) Beginning: Presentation of vocabulary parts of the day - (Activity 1) Developing: Questioning (Activity 2) Expanding: Project (Activity 3) Bridging: Students complete Jessicas routine.

Assessment Test on days of the week and daily routines.

Closure: Play a ball game where students pass the balls and once the music stops the student with one ball asks the question What do you do in the morning/afternoon/night?"; the student who has the other ball answers it with the daily routine he/she remembers.

Homework: Students write sentences saying what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening in their notebooks.


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