What Is Corporate Reputation

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CMCC5103: Tutors note

What is Corporate Reputation? Activities performed by individual or organization which attempt to maintain or create a certain frame of mind regarding themselves in the public eye. Reputation management is the process of identifying what other people are saying or feeling about you or your business; and taking steps to ensure that the general consensus is in line with your goals. Many people and organizations use various forms of social media to monitor their reputation. There are 3 elements to reputation, known as the reputational radar. Brand Reputation how the public perceives a brand. Organizational reputation what the public think about the organization as oppose to the brand. For example, Unilever PLC has a house of brands and also has individual sub brands. Therefore the public reputation of the company can be different to the reputation of the individual brands.

Stakeholder reputation the reputation that stakeholders have of the brand or the company that they are dealing with. (Stakeholder = person group or another organization that has a direct or indirect stake in a company.) Therefore when we talk about reputation we also need to be clear about whose reputation, from the list above, that we are talking about.

Definition of Reputation There are lots of different definitions of what reputation might consist of but the main point is that corporate reputation has to be earned. The company can create an image, but whether that image will lead to a reputation which is the same as the image, or a positive reputation, will depend on what the organization does. 1

Reputation is the sum values that stakeholders attribute to a company, based on their perception and interpretation of the image that the company communicates over time John Dalton, Managing Corporate Reputation. Reputation is the principal means through which a market economy deals with consumer ignorance Professor John Kay.

Corporate Reputation Framework Corporate Reputation is the endpoint in a chain, see image above. A chain that comes from the corporate image, with the corporate image coming from the corporate identity or brand; which will in turn come from the personality that the organization is trying to create. All of these elements are wrapped up in the corporate communications that the company is producing.

Benefits of Corporate Reputation Corporate Reputation acts as a lynchpin for all of these concepts in the reputation framework, with lots of things feeding into it such as the image and reputation and what the organization does to enhance the reputation. The benefits of having a solid reputation are things like trustworthiness and credibility. Corporate Reputation determines the levels of credibility, trustworthiness, responsibility and reliability that a stakeholder has with the organization. Its also worth noting that an organization may own a brand and may also try to create their image around that brand, but it is the stakeholder that owns and creates the reputation. In summary, it doesnt really matter what a company does, because what determines the organizations reputation is what the stakeholders think of it; managing Corporate Reputation is therefore all about managing the stakeholders perceptions.

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