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Phone: 0371-63916446 郑州金水区经七路一号方远大厦六楼

Zhengzhou, Henan, P.R.C.

Jing Qi Road, Fangyuan Building, 6 Floor

Welcome to Zhengzhou! 郑州欢迎你

Located in the heart of China, Zhengzhou
is the capital of Henan Province – China’s
most highly-populated province. A
thriving metropolis and center of culture
– the world-famous Shaolin Temple and
the UNESCO World Heritage site
Longmen Grottoes are both nearby –
Zhengzhou is uniquely situated between
Shaolin Wushu New World and Old.

Pagoda Forest Want It All?

Zhengzhou is a blend of the best of Chinese cultures. Henan is traditionally associated with China’s great Central
Plains – and its trade. Nearby Kaifeng and Luoyang are – along with Zhengzhou – among China’s Eight Ancient
Capitals. Zhengzhou is an ideal entry point for people interested in Chinese
culture or languages; a rapidly-growing city, Zhengzhou still retains its more
traditional aspects: elderly men and women can be seen playing mah-jongg
in the streets and practicing tai chi chuan in parks. Zhengzhou also has some
of China’s best food: food from each of the Eight Great Traditions is found
and enjoyed here.

Professional Development
Join our team of dedicated, motivated teachers. English First Zhengzhou is
Zhengzhou’s premier language-training center; over four hundred students
of all ages choose English First to prepare for examinations, overseas travel,
or just to indulge in a love of the English language.
Er Qi Memorial Tower

English First is the world's largest private education company; specializing in language training, educational
tours and cultural exchanges. Teachers at English First Zhengzhou receive a competitive compensation package
including airfare, housing, a monthly salary and paid national holidays. We do our best to attract and retain talent
– teachers can work towards a TEFL certification through English First or advance into management positions
within EF’s within English First’s international network of schools.

Why delay? Contact us today

for more information

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