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Name of W&S Operator Contact Information


Address Telephone Fax Website E-mail Organization Head : WASA Head Office, Zahoor Elahi Road, Gulberg-II, Lahore : +92 42 99263142-43 : +92 42 99263147 : Nil : :Abdullah, Managing Director

Mission Statement

WASA Lahore would contribute towards making Lahore city cleaner and environment friendly. Potable water in sufficient quantities and at adequate pressures to satisfy domestic, commercial and industrial requirements. Collection of liquid waste from individual customers and its safe and proper disposal. Treatment of wastewater to meet National Environmental Quality Standards without hazard to the health of the community in a manner that will protect the environment. Planning and management of all storm water related functions within the city. Established year: 1976 Established under what law/legislation: Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Act, 1975. Administratively aligned to: Housing Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department through LDA. Original mandate of the operator (at the time of establishment): The Agency established under shall perform all functions and exercise all powers of the Authority with regard to water supply, sewerage and drainage with power to collect rates, fees and charges for water supply, sewerage and drainage (LDA Act 1975, Section-10 (3)).

Introduction about W&S Operator

Technical Data (2010-11)

Revised mandate of the operator (if any) : nil Geographical coverage (no. of towns/Union Councils (UCs)): 5 towns/120 UCs

Water source: i) Surface (distance from source to treatment plant) N/A ii) Ground Total no. of water connections:587,595 i) Residential: 551,514 ii) Commercial: 32,584 iii) Bulk/industrial: Nil iv) Charitable: 3,497 Total no. of sewerage connections:583,532 i) Residential: 543,664 ii) Commercial: 31,909 iii) Bulk/industrial (aquifer sewer) 4,603 iv) Charitable: 3,356 Total staff: 4,269 i) Professional: 208 (Basic Pay Scale (BPS) 17 and above) ii) Other: 4,06 1 (BPS IV to 17) Total Revenue (FY 2010-11) Annual revenue collections (through billing) a) b) Current bill Arrears collection : Rs. 1,977.500 million : Rs. 1,977.500 million : Rs. 1,582.000 million : Rs. 395.500 million : Rs. 109.000 million : Rs. 5,772.861 million : Rs. 2,167.184 million : Rs. 1,096.447million : Rs. 1,414.316 million : Rs. 1,368.938 million : Rs. 4,403.923 million : Rs. 1,464.300 million : Rs. 2,088.500 million : Rs. 2,000.000 million : Rs. 890.783 million : Rs. 880.479 million : Rs. 0.007 : Rs. 2,330 : 54.072 : Rs. 287.40 : 14 to 18 : 1,70,670 : 26,646 : 144,024 : 7.75%

Financial Data (2010-11)

Nontariff income Total Expenditure(FY 2010-11) Accumulative arrears (to be paid by consumers) Accumulative Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) / Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) arrears (to be paid by utility) Provincial Annual Development Plan (ADP) allocation Annual capital expenditure Annual operation and maintenance (O&M) expenditure Salary expenditure WAPDA/LESCO billed amount WAPDA/LESCO paid amount Releases Expenditures Average production cost of water/liter Average capital expenditure/connection/year Consumer Service (2010-11) Average monthly water consumption in m3 per household connection Average water bill/month/connection Average availability of water (hors/day) No. of water & sewerage services complaints No. of pipe breaks repaired No. of sewer blockages reported Metering ratio

The P-WOPs

W&S Operators Directory

Tariff Structure

(Effective from Year 2004) Monthly Charges (Rs./month) Area/Plot size 1- 5 Marla 5.1 - 10 Marla 10.1 - 20 Marla 20.1 - 40 Marla 40.1 and Above Water Supply 377.30 650.30 923.30 1,196.30 1,469.30 New Connection Fee Residential Commercial / Industrial Rs. 6,400 Rs. 6,500 Rs. 400 Rs. 500 264.11 455.21 646.31 837.41 1,028.51 Sewerage

Population Total population Population served Population growth rate Water Supply Annual production Total distribution pipes Number of water treatment plants Sewerage Total sewer pipes Sewage generated Wastewater collected No. of wastewater treatment plants Level of wastewater treated: : 4,940 km : 556 million m3/yr : 855 million m3/yr : nil : screening : nil : nil : 89% : 87.69% : 14-18 hours/day : 327 liter/day : Rs 6.73/m3 : 98% Financial Physical : 80% : 64.14 : 04 : 655 million m3 : 7700 km : nil : 6.152 million : 5.475 million : 2.36%

Annual Water Use (%)

2% 1%
Residential Commercial



Annual Billings (%)

0% 16%
Residential Commercial

Service Water coverage Sewerage coverage Water availability Per capita consumption Efficiency Average unit production cost Collection efficiency

Primary Secondary Tertiary



Annual O&M Cost (%)



Salary Power



Staffing ratio (staff/1,000 water & sewerage connections)

* For the FY 2010-11, total financial recovery is 93.73% but includes recovery of arrears too, so the net recovery against current demand is 80%.
Salient Features/Achievements of the Utility (if any)
1. 2. 3. 4. Six Year Business Plan (FY: 2010-11 to FY: 2015-16) has been prepared. Curtailment and saving in electricity expenditures and rationalization of O&M expenditures. Door-to-door survey for water connections. Efforts toward improvement in revenue collection efficiency.

The P-WOPs

W&S Operators Directory

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