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Cognizant Recent Question Papers, Feb 21st 2004

Bijaya Kumar Pradhan

Total Questions 40,Time 60 minutes (0.25 negative marking for each incorrect answer,Booklet color=Blue) 1)The face of the Clock is divided into three equal parts by two straight linessuch that each part is equal to the sum of the other two parts.Determine the Value.(Some options were given) 2)The Speed of A with respect to B is in the ratio 4.3:1.If A gives B a start of 45m, at what distance should the pole be placed so that they can be reached at the same time? 3)There were Four Boxes Red,Green,Yellow,Pink such that no boxes containsthe ball of the same color.The red ball was in the same color box as that of the ball in the Yellow box.Determine the color of the ball in the Yellow box? 4)2 problems with graph.There they have given some conditions regarding the edge of the node(12,10) such that the first value(12)determines the value of the total capacity of the liquid flow throughthe channel and the second one determines the transportation cost(10)The questions are very easy and U can easily solve it.

The above mentioned is just model of the one they asked 4.1) Determine the shortest route from a to h in transporting ...... 5)Regarding Tower of Hanoi problem. There were 6 stones U have to move from to a to b with c as destination. Condition given were i)The larger stone should not reside on the smaller one.ii)At a time only one stone should be transmitted. A C B(source) (Intermediate) (Destination)The stones are arranged such that the smaller one resides on the top and the larger one resides on the last. Determine the number of moves require to transfer all the stones from A to B 6)In a Ice cream Parlor there were 9 different flavors of Ice creams available.A group of children order for two flavors of Ice creams each such atleast any one flavor weren't alike for each of the children.Determine the number of children in the group. 7)There were four persons from different nationalities Indian,Japanese,American,Englishmen. They taught four different subjects History,Mats,Philosophy and English.They lived in four different colored Houses not in that order.The Indian lived in the White House.Indian professor never taught Mats. The man in the green house taught History.The only house adjacent to the green was the professors house who taught the English was there.Such conditions were given and 2

questions based on it.i) Name the subject by Indian.ii)Which house is adjacent to the White House. 8)They have given some small passage on the English section and the asked about what the Author want to infer from the passage(very easy)-4 questions were based on this type. 9)There were four persons namely A,B,C,D (I don't know the exact names) and they practice different profession not necessarily in that order policeman,banker,architect,druggist.A is living adjacent to B so both of them goes to the work by cycle. Architect takes Rickshaw for his work.The policeman don't lives adjacent to the druggist.The only time he met the architect was when he was caught for over speeding. U have to determine the profession for each one ( 3 questions) 10)A figure was given and asked to find out the area of the Quadrilateral. (I don't remember the exact figure) 11)A series was given and asked to find out the sum of the series 1/1.2.3+2/2.3.4 ..................... (I don't remember exactly) 12)There were four persons each playing different instruments violin,tabula,star,harmony not necessarily in that order . some conditions were given and asked 2 questions from it. (Very easy) 13)There were 3 different weights A,B,C.The different in weights between A and B is 2 and the difference in weight between B and C is 5.Determine the maximum difference in weight between any two weights. 14)There were 10 urns each contains n balls.The weight of the balls in each urn is of 100 grams except only one urn that contains the ball of the weights 90 grams.A group of ball is taken from the urns and weighed. m=the number of balls to be taken so that u can get 90 gram balls. i)n=2,m=? ii)n=9,m=? iii)n=10,m=? 15)Another question regarding to find number of steps required to climb the qutub minar tower. I don't remember the question exactly. I am sending more than 24 to 28 questions to U all including the sub questions.I think the second phase will be held on March. Do well and be placed in Cognizant Technology. I

was hurly-burly in solving the problems and I haven't cleared the Test.Don't make the same mistake.Very easily U can clear the test. concentrate more on combinations,permutations,logical inferencing.... we were given blue set todayi.e.,21 problem on finding the cost of shortest path..given a graph diagram.also some of maths calculating areas... 1)THere r two types of people.(R & W).R category people are always right about themselves and about judjing others.W people are always wrong about themselves and others as well. a) X says "I am always right".which type does he belong to....R, W ,either of them,cant say,? couple of questions on the same topic 2)4 boxes and 4 balls are there of clours pink yellow red box can have same colour is in yelow box.yellow ball is in the box as of colour the red bal is in.where is Y ball. 3)A bug jumps 1m distance in all four directions NORTH,East,West,South therby making a ink mark on every position it sits.then after again from rvey mark made,it repeats the totally how many marks are left at end.........dont forgetto count to initail position. 4)two lines are drawn on a clock,dividing the nos into three parts.the sum of all nos in each part is equal to other parts.what is the total sum of any of the parts. 5)motorist starts from postoffice to airport to collect mail.the plain arrives the parcel is sent on a cart.after half an hour the motorist meets the cart ,collects it,and returns to postoffice therby saving 20 mins.HOwmuch early does the plain arrive? The test wasnt difficult but you should work out faster.I didnt clear the test. But i think i can give some questions that i got so that others can make use of it. 1) The face of a clock is divided into 3 parts by two straight lines such that the sum of the numbers of each part is equal to the sum of the other two.What is the sum of each part? 2)A graph was given with vertices in each node(Like (2,3) ), where first element denotes the cost(in RS) of carrying one litre of liquid in between the nodes and second element denotes litres of liquid that can be carried between the nodes in 1 day by the medium. Based on the graph 3 questions were asked to find out (i) the min cost to carry from a particular node to another (ii) minimum cost of all possible routes 4) A passage was given like ...

There were two types of inhabitants W and X.Assumptions made by W about others and also by themselves are always correct.Assumptions made by X about others and themselves are always wrong. Based on the above questions were I cant remember the questions but they were easy to answer. 5) A man has to go to airport from post office to collect mails.One day the airplane arrived very soon than the usual time to the airport and delivered the mails. The mails were carried by the horse.After half an hour travel by the post man he meets the horse on the way,collects the mails and returns with the mail to post office thus saving 20 minutes. How soon the airplane arrived the airport than the usual time? choices: a)10 mins b) 20 mins c) 30 mins d) Indeterminate 6) There are 4 colours of balls red,yellow,pink and green.Each ball is put into 4 bags of colour red,yellow,pink, and green not necessarily in that order.Two conditions were given(i dont remember exactly,so dont want to confuse others).Based on that one question. But it was easy to answer. 7) Another figure question to find out the area of the shaded region. 8) p,q,r,s tells the time as 15 to twelve,10 past twelve,5 to twelve,2 past twelve(Cant remember exactly but similar).None of them correct and all the watch differs by 10 mins.No two watches gives the same time.Which one among the 4 shows very drastic difference in the time? 8-10 questions were of critical reasoning type which needs attention to details and inference and understanding to answer the questions.Should read in between the lines. Most of the question were puzzle like but not exactly like from shakuntaladevi's books.But they must give practice,idea and approach. All the best for all those who are going to attend the test in March.

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