E Sen Beta Admixtures

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Admixtures for Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

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Definition of Admixture
Material, other than water, aggregate, and hydraulic cement, used as an ingredient of concrete, mortar, grout, or plaster and added to the batch immediately before or during mixing.
Admixtures for Concrete

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Two Classes of Admixtures

Chemical admixtures

Usually liquid

Mineral admixtures

Usually solid but can be dispensed as slurry

Admixtures for Concrete

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Types of Chemical Admixtures

Air-entraining admixtures Water-reducing admixtures Plasticizers Accelerating admixtures Retarding admixtures Hydration-control admixtures Corrosion inhibitors Shrinkage reducers ASR inhibitors Coloring admixtures Miscellaneous admixtures

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-1. Liquid admixtures, from left to right: antiwashout admixture, shrinkage reducer, water reducer, foaming agent, corrosion inhibitor, and air-entraining admixture. (69795)

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Chemical Admixtures:
Why are they used?

Admixtures for Concrete

Improve workability Reduce water content Reduce cement and cost Entrain air Accelerate or retard setting and strength development Reduce shrinkage Inhibit corrosion of steel in concrete Reduce alkali-aggregate reaction

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In other words we dont have to choose between:

Admixtures for Concrete

Strength and workability Durability and workability Use of Type II, IV, V and blended cements and slow setting time Use of pozzolans and slow setting time Fast setting at high temperatures or slow setting at low temperatures

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Air-Entraining Admixtures
ASTM C 260

Improve durability in concrete exposed to

Freeze-thaw Deicers Sulfates Alkali-reactive environments

Improve workability

Admixtures for Concrete

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Air Entrainment

Used to prevent freeze-thaw distress of concrete by providing room for the increased volume of frozen water. Usually 4 to 8 % by volume of the concrete.

Admixtures for Concrete

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Frost Damage

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-2. Frost damage (crumbling) at joints of a pavement (left), frost induced cracking near joints (bottom), and enlarged view of cracks (right). (61621, 67834, 67835)

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Scaled Concrete Surface

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-3. Scaled concrete surface resulting from lack of air entrainment, use of deicers, and poor finishing and curing practices. (52742)

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Air Entrained Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

Evenly distributed air bubbles of varying sizes, mostly small (0.05 to 1.25 mm)

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Spacing Factor

It is the most critical parameter for air-entrained paste It is the average maximum distance from any point in the paste to the edge of an air void Maximum spacing factor for frost protection is 0.20 mm

Admixtures for Concrete

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Non-air Entrained Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

The voids are entrapped air bubbles

And here is another. You can see that the aggregate is very different, the color of the cement paste is different--just to name to most observable features. [click]

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Water-Reducing Admixtures:
Primary Uses


Reduce mixing water required to produce a certain slump Reduce water-cement ratio Reduce cement content Control slump without segregation

Maintain workability while increasing strength Increase strength Reduce cost, reduce shrinkage In improve workability and placeability

Admixtures for Concrete

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Water Reducing Admixtures

ASTM C 494

Type A
reduces water content at least 5% tends to retard accelerator often added

Type D

reduces water content 5% min. retards set reduces water content 5% min. accelerates set

Type E

Admixtures for Concrete

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Water Reducer:

Slump loss can be an issue

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-4. Slump loss at 23C (73F) in concretes containing conventional water reducers (ASTM C 494 and AASHTO M 194 Type D) compared with a control mixture (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Effect of Type A Water Reducers on Setting Time (Initial Set)

Note that the effect of admixtures is cement-dependent

Admixtures for Concrete

L & H: Conventional water reducers N, M, B, & X: high-range water reducers

NFig. 6-5. Retardation of set in cement-reduced mixtures relative to control mixture. Concretes L and H contain conventional water reducer, concretes N, M, B, and X contain high-range water reducer (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Effect of Type A Water-reducing Admixtures on Setting Time (Final Set)

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-5. Retardation of set in cement-reduced mixtures relative to control mixture. Concretes L and H contain conventional water reducer, concretes N, M, B, and X contain high-range water reducer (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Mid-Range Water Reducing Admixtures

Reduce water content 6% to 12% Reduce cement content Reduce water-cement ratio No retardation Improve placeability and finishability

Admixtures for Concrete

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Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-6. Low water to cement ratio concrete with low chloride permeabilityeasily made with high-range water reducersis ideal for bridge decks. (69924)

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High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures

ASTM C 494 Type F Water Reducing Type G Water Reducing and Retarding

Reduce H2O content 12% -30% Reduced W/C & produces concrete with:
Compressive Strength > 70 MPa Increased early strength gain Reduced Cl ion penetration

Admixtures for Concrete

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High-range Water Reducer or Superplasticizer and Workability

W/C = 0,45


W/C = 0,55

W/C = 0,45 W/C = 0,45

Admixtures for Concrete

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Pumpable Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

High strength concrete that can be pumped like a fluid but with low w/c

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Segregation of Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

Trying to achieve workability by adding water, can lead to segregation and bleeding.

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Stiff but Moldable Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

The consistency of concrete must be consistent with the placement method.

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High-Range Water Reducers and Slump Loss (at 23 C)

Admixtures for Concrete

C is control with no admixture

Fig. 6-7. Slump loss at 23C (73F) in mixtures containing high-range water reducers (N, M, B, and X) compared with control mixture (C) (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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HRWR and Air Loss

Mixture Control Water reducer High-range water reducer Admixtures for Concrete Initial air Final air Percent Rate of air loss, content, content, air %* % retained %/minute 3.0 56 C 5.4 0.020 L 7.0 4.7 67 0.038 0.040 H 6.2 4.6 74 N M B 6.8 6.4 6.8 4.8 3.8 5.6 71 59 82 0.040 0.065 0.048

*at point where slump falls below 25 mm for lower cement content concrete

Table 6-2. Loss of Air from Cement Reduced Concrete Mixtures Whiting and Dziedzic 1992.

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Plasticizers for Flowing Concrete

Also known as

ASTM C 1017
Type 1 Plasticizing Type 2 Plasticizing and Retarding
Admixtures for Concrete

Essentially High-Range Water Reducer

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Plasticizers for Flowing Concrete

ASTM C 1017

Produce flowing concrete with high slump ( 190 mm [7.5 in.]) Reduce bleeding Extended-slump-life plasticizer reduces slump loss.

Admixtures for Concrete

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Flowing Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-9. Flowable concrete with a high slump (top) is easily placed (middle), even in areas of heavy reinforcing steel congestion (bottom). (47343, 69900, 47344)

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Flowing Concretes and Slump Loss at 32oC

Admixtures for Concrete

TC is the control mix

Fig. 6-11. Slump loss at 32C (90F) in flowing concretes (TN, TM, TB, and TX) compared with control mixture (TC) (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Retardation of Flowing Concrete (Initial Set)

Admixtures for Concrete

Retardation relative to control mix

Fig. 6-12. Retardation of set in flowing concrete with plasticizers (N, M, B, and X) relative to control mixture (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Retardation of Flowing Concrete (Final Set)

Admixtures for Concrete

Relative to control mix

Fig. 6-12. Retardation of set in flowing concrete with plasticizers (N, M, B, and X) relative to control mixture (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Compressive Strength Development in Flowing Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

C is the control mix

Fig. 6-13. Compressive strength development in flowing concretes. C is the control mixture. Mixtures FN, FM, and FX contain plasticizers (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Bleeding of Flowing Concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-14. Bleeding of flowing concretes with plasticizers (N, M, B, and X) compared to control (C) (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Retarding Admixtures
ASTM C 494 Type B

Delay setting or hardening rate for:

Hot-weather concreting Difficult placements Special finishing processes

Admixtures for Concrete

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Slump Loss at Various Temperatures

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-15. Slump loss at various temperatures for conventional concretes prepared with and without set-retarding admixture (Whiting and Dziedzic 1992).

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Accelerating Admixtures
ASTM C 494 Type C Accelerate the rate of: Hydration (setting) Early-age strength gain Calcium chloride accelerators: Increase drying shrinkage Potential reinforcement corrosion Potential scaling Darken concrete

Admixtures for Concrete

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Maximum Chloride-Ion Content

Maximum water soluble chloride-ion (CI) in concrete, percent by mass of cement
0.06 0.15 1.00 0.30

Type of member
Prestressed concrete Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service Reinforced concrete that will be dry or protected from moisture in service Other reinforced concrete construction

Admixtures for Concrete

Table 6-3. Maximum Chloride-Ion Content for Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement*

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Corrosion Inhibitors

Control Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement Dosage dependent on anticipated chloride level

Admixtures for Concrete

Chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete parking structure

Fig. 6-16. The damage to this concrete parking structure resulted from chloride-induced corrosion of steel reinforcement. (50051)

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Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-17. Shrinkage cracks, such as shown on this bridge deck, can be reduced with the use of good concreting practices and shrinkage reducing admixtures. (69883)

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ASR Inhibitors Lithium Carbonate

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-18. Expansion of specimens made with lithium carbonate admixture (Stark 1992).

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Coloring Admixtures (Pigments)

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-19. Red and blue pigments were used to color this terrazzo floor. (69873)

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Liquid Admixture Dispenser

Admixtures for Concrete

Fig. 6-20. Liquid admixture dispenser at a ready mix plant provides accurate volumetric measurement of admixtures. (44220)

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Mineral Admixtures:

Fly ash & natural pozzolans (ASTM C 618)

Class N (natural pozzolans such as volcanic ashes) Class C (Fly ash with pozzolanic and cementitious properties) Class F (Fly ash with pozzolanic properties)

Admixtures for Concrete

Silica Fume (ASTM C 1240)

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Fly Ash

Admixtures for Concrete

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Concrete without silica fume

Admixtures for Concrete

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Concrete with silica fume

Admixtures for Concrete

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Benefits of Mineral Admixtures

Water requirement in concrete is generally reduced Improved workability Improved pumpability Reduced bleeding and segregation Reduced heat of hydration

Admixtures for Concrete

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Side-effects of Mineral Admixtures

More difficult to entrain air with fly ash Longer setting times Lower early strength but higher ultimate strength

Admixtures for Concrete

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Admixtures for Concrete

Are made of steel and synthetic materials Used as reinforcement for improved crack resistance Provide improved ductility Improved cohesiveness of mortar and concrete Steel fibers can replace reinforcing steel used in slabs and pavements

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Steel & Synthetic Fibers

Admixtures for Concrete

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To determine the suitability of an admixture for a given concrete mix, you must make trial batches.
Admixtures for Concrete

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Admixtures for Concrete

A given admixture does not produce the same result with different cements, supplementary cementitious materials, aggregates or temperature conditions.

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Note that a system of admixtures is often used to achieve the desirable result.

Admixtures for Concrete

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