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Unit I Unit The established standard used for comparison for measurement of a quantity.

. seven fundamental units in SI system of measurement. Scalar and Vector The scalar quantities have magnitude only. Example: length, mass, time and speed. The vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. Example: Displacement, velocity, acceleration and force. Speed It is the distance traveled in unit time. It is a scalar quantity. Displacement The shortest distance between the initial and final position is the displacement. vector quantity. Velocity The rate of change of displacement is velocity. Velocity = Acceleration If the magnitude or the direction or both of the velocity changes with time, then the particle is under acceleration. Acceleration = Force Force is that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body. Unit of force is Newton. Gravity The mutual attraction between all masses in the universe. Escape speed It is the minimum speed with which a body must be projected to escape from the gravitational pull of the planet. Planetary motion Rotating on their own axis, then planets also revolve round the sun in long elliptical orbits. Satellites Astronomical systems revolving round the planets. various purposes. Temperature Temperature is the degree of hotness of a body. centigrade or in Fahrenheit scale. Range: 0 C to 100C 32F to 212F Temperature is measured either in Artificial satellites are launched for Change in velocity time taken displacement . time taken It is a There are

Conduction The flow of thermal energy through a substance from a higher to a lower temperature region is conduction. Convection The transfer of thermal energy by actual physical movement from one location to another location of a substance in which thermal energy is stored is convection. Radiation The energy radiated by solids, liquids and gases in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Boiling Point The temperature at which a liquid and its vapour can exist together in equilibrium at a given pressure is its boiling point. For water it is 100C at normal pressure. Melting Point The temperature at which both solid and liquid states of a substance can exist together in equilibrium is its melting point. For ice it is 0C at normal pressure. Thermal expansion All objects change size with change in temperature. Sound Sound travels in the form of waves in material medium. medium and lowest in gaseous medium. Ultrasound Sound of frequencies above 2000 Hz. It has scientific, industrial and biological applications. Unit II Atom The building block of every matter in the universe is called an atom. Atom consists of nucleus and electrons. It is electrically neutral and is the fundamental constituent of matter. Nucleus Nucleus is the most massive part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons. Fission The process of breaking up of heavy nucleus into two or more fragments with release of enormous energy is nuclear fission. This process is used in the atom bomb and nuclear power reactors. Fusion The process of fusing two light nuclei into a heavier nucleus with release of enormous energy is nuclear fusion. This process is used in the hydrogen bomb. Mass-Energy relation The energy equivalence of mass is given by E=mc 2, where m is the mass, E is the energy in joules and c is the velocity of light. Nuclear reactor It is a device used to generate large amount of nuclear energy with controlled nuclear fission. Its velocity is highest in solid

Visible light It gives us the sensation of sight. It travels at a speed of 3x108 m/s. Reflection and refraction When a ray of light is incident on a mirror, it is reflected back into the same medium. It is called reflection. When a ray of light passes from one medium into another, the direction of ray changes. It is called refraction. Primary colors Red, Green and Blue are called primary colors because other colours can be made by combining the primary colors in suitable proportions. LASER LASER is expanded as Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The LASER beam is highly coherent, monochromatic and extremely intense and it does not diverge at all. Optical fiber It is a piece of very thin highly pure glass used to transmit light. It is otherwise called Light guide. It works with the principle of total internal reflection of light and suitable for digital communication. Optical lens Optical lens is glass with concave or convex surface which is used to focus or diverge an object at a definite distance. Periscope An optical instrument used to provide a raised line of vision where it may not be practical or possible, as in entrenchments, tanks, or submarines; the raised line of vision is obtained by the use of mirrors or prisms within the structure of the item; it may have single or dual optical systems. Microscope It is an instrument through which minute objects are enlarged by means of a lens or system of lenses. Saccharometer It is an instrument for measuring the amount of sugar in a solution, by determining either the specific gravity or the gases produced by fermentation. Solar Cell The solar radiation that falls on a solar cell is converted into electricity. suitable for solar cells are GaAs, CdTe and CdS. Potential difference Potential difference between any two points in an electric field is measured in volts. Voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference. Current The rate at which electric charge flows in a material is called electric current. The unit of current is amperes. Ammeter is used to measure electric current. The materials

Electric power The rate at which electric work is done is called electric power. Watt is the unit of power. One kilo watt hour (KWH) is the energy consumed at the rate of 1000 watts in one hour, it is commercially called as one unit of electricity. Conductor Materials carry current without appreciable loss of energy. copper, iron etc. Resistance When a potential difference is established across the ends of a material, it offers a resistance to the flow of current. Heating effect Heat energy produced by a current (I) through a resistance (R) in time t is given by I 2Rt joules. DC and AC If the direction of electric current is not reversed, then it is called direct current. If the polarity or direction of current is changed periodically, then it is called alternating current. The number of times the polarity changes per second is called frequency. Unit III MRI Expanded as Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the technique is used to diagnose tumours and blockage in human body. ECG ElectroCardiogram is used to diagnose heart problems. X-Ray X-Ray is basically an electromagnetic radiation which can be used to find fracture in human bones. Microwave Microwaves is also an electromagnetic radiation which when focused by appropriate lens system heats up objects. It is used in Microwave Ovens. Pacemaker A pulsed battery-operated oscillator implanted in the body to deliver electric impulses to the muscles of the lower heart, either at a fixed rate or in response to a sensor that detects when the patient's pulse rate slows or ceases. Also known as cardiac pacemaker; heart pacer. Diode Diode is a semiconductor device which is made up of two semiconductor materials. Diode allows current in only one direction and hence it is used in rectification of ac voltages. LED Light Emitting Diode is a special purpose diode which when given electric current glows in varieties of colours from Red to blue and also white. Nowadays LEDs are used in cars. LCD Liquid Crystal Display is made up of semicrystalline electroactive materials which is extensively used in Calculator display, TV and computer monitors. Example: Silver, aluminium,

Binary numbers A number system using only two different digit symbols i.e., 0 and 1. Logic Circuits The basic switching circuit used in digital computers and other digital electronic devices. The three basic logic circuits are NOT, AND and OR gates. SIM Card Subscriber Identification Module used in Cell phones. It contains permanent memory. Cell Phone Cellphone is used for wireless communication and data transfer system. Laptop It is a hand held computer which is used for mobile office purposes. Tablet PC It is one type of computer which has interactive touch screen monitor and easily portable. RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) is used in detecting moving objects and velocity of the objects. It is used to tactically by traffic police to identify persons riding motor vehicles above the speed limit. A system using beamed and reflected radio- frequency energy for detecting and locating objects, measuring distance or altitude, navigating, homing, bombing, and other purposes; in detecting and ranging, the time interval between transmission of the energy and reception of the reflected energy establishes the range of an object in the beam's path. Frequency modulation (FM) It is a form of modulation which conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its frequency Throughout the world, the FM broadcast band falls within the VHF part of the radio spectrum. Usually 87.5 to 108.0 MHz is used[1], or some portion thereof, with few exceptions: Radio receiver A device that converts radio waves into intelligible sounds or other perceptible signals. Also known as radio; radio set; receiving set. Radio transmitter The equipment used for generating and amplifying a radio-frequency carrier signal, modulating the carrier signal with intelligence, and feeding the modulated carrier to an antenna for radiation into space as electromagnetic waves. Also known as radio set; transmitter.

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