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Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

1. Ttel
Good afternoon! Good afternoon! My name is Nikolett Kovcs from the foundation for the Sick Children. We are organising a charity evening which aims to help the children staying in hospitals. The evening takes place at 7 p.m. on 20 January 2003. The venue of the event is Ybl Palota, Budapest. Our guests are among others: Kiss Pter the director of Heim Pl Hospital, Kovcs Lajos president, Horvth gnes the mayor of fifth district, Salamon Balzs and Fodor Zoltn. We count on your appearance. Will you be available to attend? Yes, of course. Would you agree if your name were indicated on the invitation card? Yes. Thank you very much, we are going to post the invitation within two weeks. Good by! Good by! Dictionary count on szmt valakire foundation alaptvny charity evening jtkonysgi rendezvny organise szervezni with the aim of (doing sg) cl to invite meghvni invitation meghvs accept the invitation eleget tesz a meghvsnak guest vendg accept elvllelni indicate feltntetni appearance megjelens to take place megrendezsre kerl venue helyszn event esemny


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

2. Ttel
Good afternoon! This is Nikolett Kovcs. I am calling from General Electric. You have just sent us a fax. The fax is illegible, please be so kind as to send it again. OK! I would like to inform you that we are going to move in a new office within two weeks. Our new address, telephone and fax numbers will be sent to you via mail. Some in convenience may occur during the highly appreciated. Thank you! Good by! Good by! Dictionary inconvenience knyelmetlensg illegible olvashatatlan ask for krni once more mgegyszer occur felmerl relocation kltzs contact details elrsi lehetsgek to inform tjkoztatni via mail postn appreciated - mltnyol


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

3. Ttel
Mr. Smith! May I disturb you? Yes, come in! I would like to give in my notice. Ohh... But why? You know, I have got a better job offer. This new job offers me better prospects for the future and a possibility for promotion. In addition, my salary will be higher. I am sorry to hear about it. I am a little sad, because I liked to work in this team. My colleagues are helpful, kind and reliable. I am sorry, but I hope you will reach your aim. Please, can you write a reference letter for me? Yes, of course. Thank you very much! You re welcome! Dictionary disturb zavarni notice felmonds offer ajnlat prospects kilts salary fizets aim cl reach one s aim elri a cljt reliable megbzhat kind kedves reference letter referencia


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

4. Ttel
I have just ph oned Ferihegy Airport and they confirmed that Mr. Briston s plane is 30 min. late, so I m afraid, Mr. Briston won t arrive at the meeting in time. I can t contact Mr. Briston, but I know, when his plane lands he will get in touch with us. Would you like some coffee, tea or cookies? We could go to the restaurant, opposite the office on the company s expenses. Dictionary confirm megerst in time idben opposite szemben expenses kltsg


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

5. Ttel
Good afternoon! Good afternoon! My name is Nikolett Kovcs. I am calling from General Electric. Our firm reserved six singlebed rooms from 18 February to 21 February in your hotel. I would like to modify the reservation. We would need seven rooms instead of six singlebed rooms, since it has just turned out that once more colleague of ours is to travel to the conference. We will modify the reservation. Thank you for your help. Good by! Good by! Dictionary conference konferencia quarter szlls reserve lefoglal modify mdost hotel reservation szobafoglals instead of valami helyett be discovered kiderl reservation foglals colleague kollga once more mg egy


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

6. Ttel
Good afternoon. My name is Nik olett Kovcs. I a m Mr. Johns secretary. Welcome to Budapest! Good afternoon. I am John Smith. How was your flight? Thanks... Have you ever been to Budapest? Yes, I was h ere last Christmas. I re member the Andrssy street was very beautifully decorated. Have you ever been to the Buda Castle? Unfortunately, I have never seen that. But I would like to. OK. Now, we are going to the Continental Hotel and than we are going to the Heroes square and than to the Vrosliget, Buda Castle. After dinner we are going to the Irish Pup. Ohh, we are here. Your room is on the fifth floor. The room number is 112. Dictionary Welcome to Budapest! dvzlm Budapesten! flight repls decorate dekorci


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

7. Ttel
Good morning! This is Niko lett Kovcs from General Electric. I would like to speak Mrs. Dzsi. Good morning! Speaking! Mr. Smith would like to atten d the Economic Evening advertised in the Economic magazine. Would you be so kind as to send us the information about the evening by fax. Our fax number is: 222-6699. I would like to ask, wher and when will be the event? The evening takes place at 7 p.m. on 20 January 2003. The venue of the event is Ybl Palota, Budapest. Thank you very much! You re welcome! Good by! Good by! Dictionary to take place megrendezsre kerl venue helyszn event - esemny economic gazdasgi advertise hirdet


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

8. Ttel
Good morning! Nikolett Kovcs is speaking! Good morning! What is the problem? Unfortunately I feel sick, I have caught a flu. I have high temperature and my nose is running. I have a bad headache and stomach pains. My doctor told me to stay in bed for a week. I am sorry to hear about it! I wish quick recovery to you! If there is anything I can do during my stay home, please let me know. Perhaps I could do some translation or typing. No thanks. Take a rest! Thank you! Good by! Good by! Dictionary I wish quick recovery to you! Jobbulst! feel sick betegnek rzi magt caught a flu influenzt kapni temperature lz during alatt let me know tudassa velem pain fjdalom


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

9. Ttel
Perhaps youd like to start by telling us a little bit about yourself? My name is Nikolett Kovcs. I am twenty years old. Im single. I took the school-leaving exam two years ago. I h ave a manager assistant certificate. I have a basic-level language exam in German and a medium-level language exam in English. I have good PC skills. What would you say are your strong points? I am inexperienced, because I m young. I have good command of English both spoken and written. I am said to be, reliable, creative and helpful. I have good communication skills. Im punctual and precise. I am very ambitious. And your weak points? I do not have any experience and sometimes I m t oo sensitive. My parents say Im a bit comfortable. I get on well with my colleagues. I am disciplined and calm. Can you work under pressure? Time pressure for example. I get a bit nervous when I work under pressure, but this nervousness increases my power of work. I admit, if I make a mistake. How do you take direction and criticism? I take directions well. I would like people to appreciate me and my work. So what short of challenges are you looking for? I like th e challenges because they strengthen my character. I wou ld like to make decisions by myself. And what are your career objectives? I would like to take a managing position. Are you willing to go where the company sends you? I am willing to go where the company sends me, as long as I m not married. Dictionary reliable megbzhat punctual pontos ambitious felfel trekv lack of experience gyakorlat hinya a bit comfortable kicsit knyelmes sometimes too sensitive nha tl rzkeny intermediate kzp elementary alap to get on well with sb. jl kijnni valakivel calm nyugodt disciplined fegyelmezett admit beismerni makeing decision dntst hozni leading position vezet pozci


Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

10. Ttel
General Electric, Mr John s office. I m afraid there s nobody in the office at the moment, but if you leave your name and telephone number we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please, speak after the tone. Good afternoon! This is Niko lett Kovcs. I am calling from Creative Advertisement. I am phoning about the Summer Project. We should discuss some more details about the advertising. I will give you the company s telephone number so that you can contact us as soon as po ssible for furth er information: 666-1234. Thank you! Good by! Dictionary I m afraid attl tartok leave hagyni contact kapcsolat advertisement reklm after the tone a spsz utn detail rszlet possible lehetsges further tovbbi



Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

11. Ttel
Mr Smith! May I disturb you? Yes, come in! I have a little problem. I have just received a call from the teacher of the kindergarten that my son is ill. I must go to take him to the doctor, because his father is abroad on business. I would like to have a day off for today. Tomorrow I am going to phone you, when can I work again. OK! Take care! I wish quick recovery to your son! Than you! Good by! Good by! Dictionary received kapni kindergarten ovoda on business zleti ton I wish quick recovery to you! Jobbulst!



Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

12. Ttel
Good morning. General Electric, Mr. Bristons office, this is Nikolett Kovcs. Good morning, I am John Smith, I would like to speak to Mr. Briston. I m afraid he is being busy at the moment, but if you leave your telephon number, he will get back to you as soon as possible. OK. could you tell him, to ring me up as soon as possible. My number is: 0620/555-7777. All right, Mr. Smith. Mr. Briston will contact you as soon as he is available. Thank you very much! Good by! Thanks your calling! Good by! Dictionary busy efoglalt possible lehetsges available rendelkezsre ll



Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

13. Ttel
Miss Kovcs, please come in! Yes sir. I have to go to the country for 3 days on business, and I would like to ask you, to come with me, because I need an assistant to do the typewriting work. You should abro bring your laptop as it will certainly be needed. Ohh... I cant go with you sir, because my husband is on business too, and I have to take care my son. Can t your mother look after your son while you are away? I m afraid, she can t because she is in hospital as she has recently undertaken on operation. I m sorry, I wish quick recovery to your mother. All right, never mind! I ll ask someone else to accompany me. Please make sure that the laptop is not rotected by a password and leave it in my office when you got home. Thank you, that s all. Thank you very much! Dictionary on business zleti t certainly felttlenl recently mostanban operation mtt Never mind! Ne bnja!



Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

14. Ttel
Good afternoon! This is Nikolett Kovcs. I am calling from General Electric. I would like to speak with Mrs. Smith. Speaking! I would like to inform you that we moved in a new office. Our new address is Blaha Lujza square 3. Our new telephone number is: 3821773 and the fax number is: 3831776. Our contact details will be sent to you via mail. OK! Thank you very much. Good by! Good by! Dictionary contact details elrsi lehetsgek to inform tjkoztatni via mail postn



Angol kommunikci

1. ttel

15. Ttel
Mr. Smith! May I disturb you? Yes of course, come in! How can I help you? I would like to attend an English course. I think it would be provide me, with an excellent opportunity to improve my command of English. You know, my aim is to take a state examination in the near future. OK! It is a good idea! When does the course start? It begins next month. Would it be possible to get financial support from the company? Yes, of course! That is lovely! Thank you very much! You re welcome! Dictionary disturb zavarni attend rszt venni possible lehetsges excellent opportunity kivll alkalom state examination llami nyelvvizsga financial support pnzgyi hozzjruls


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