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Academic Sciences Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Vol. 4, Suppl 1, 2011 ISSN - 0974-2441


P.G.Departmentofbiotechnology,Dr.Mahalingamcentreforresearchanddevelopment,N.g.m.College,pollachi. ABSTRACT ThepresentstudyinvestigatesthebenificialroleofanthocyaninextractedfromPithecellobiumdulcefruitpercarp.Thepericarpwhichisusedasa waste,itwasutilizedfortheextractionofanthocyaninandevaluatetheantioxidantactivity.Thedatarepresentedinthisstudydemonstratedthat anthocyaninextractedbyusingacidifiedmethanolshowedbetterresultswhencomparedwithmethanol. Keywords:Pithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp;anthocyanin;antioxidant;totalflavonoid;freeradicalscavengingeffect INTRODUCTION Flavanoid are common and widespread secondary plant metabolites,whichhaveawiderangeofbiologicalandphysiological activities. Flavanoid occur in plants (food products) as different glycosides, which is also preferred form for uptake in human intestine. After uptake the glycosides are converted in to aglycon and free carbohydrates in hydrolysis reaction. Flavanoid are polyphenoliccompounds,theyareeffectiveantioxidantsduetotheir capability to scavenge free radicals of fatty acids and oxygen, their flavonol content considerably decreases atherosclerotic process, inhibits cholesterol accumulation inthe bloodserumandenhances resistanceofvascularwalls.Flavanoid decreasesa riskofcoronary heartdiseases. Anthocyanin Thewordanthocyanin,derivedfromtheGreekword wasoriginally used to describe the blue pigments of the cornflower, Centaurea cyanus (Marquart, 1835). Anthocyanins are polyphenolic compoundsresponsibleforcyaniccolorsrangingfromsalmonpink through red and violet to dark blue of most flowers, fruits, leaves and stems. They comprise the largest group of the watersoluble pigmentsintheplantkingdom(StrackandWray,1994),andduring thelastfewyearsithasbeenanexponentialincreaseinthereportof new anthocyanin structures (Andersen and Jordheim, 2006). This can be explained by the use of improved analytical techniques, but thepotentialuseofAnthocyaninsashealthbeneficialcompoundsis another reason for the increased scientific interest in these pigments.Theyplayadefiniteroleinattractinginsectsinpollination andseed dispersal.Theymayalsohave aroleinthemechanism of plantresistancetopestattack(StrackandWray,1989). The anthocyanins consist of an aglycon (anthocyanidin), sugar(s), and,inmanycases,acylgroup(s).Theclassicalanthocyaninaglycon is based on a C15 skeleton (C6C3C6 skeleton) (Andersen and Jordheim, 2006). Anthocyanins are positively charged at acidic pH. Even though there are around 30 different anthocyanidins, approximately 90% of all anthocyanins are based on the six most common anthocyanidins pelargonidin, cyanidin, delphinidin, peonidin, petunidin and malvidin which only differ by the hydroxylation and methoxylation pattern on their Brings. The anthocyanins will differ with respect to glycoslyation of hydroxyl groups, nature of glycosyl units, substitution pattern, and potential aliphatic and aromatic acylation (Andersen and Jordheim, 2006). The3 deoxyanthocyanidins(non glycosides) foundinSorghum.In plants spagnorubins and rosacyanin B are the only anthocyanidins (aglycon)foundintheirnonglycosidatedform.AndersenJordheim, (2006) indicated the presence of cyanidin, peonidin and pelargonidin in black dried beans in glycosidated form ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Pyranoanthocyanins have been discovered in small amountsinwinesandgrapepomace(BakkerandTimberlake et al., 1997; Fulcrand et al., 1998; Mateus et al., 2004; Cheynier, 2006). More recently, glucosides of carboxypyranocyanidin have been isolatedfromredonion(FossenandAndersen,2003),andcarboxy pyranopelargonidin 3 glucoside from strawberry (Andersen et al., 2004) extractswhichareallinglycosidatedform. Antioxidants Antioxidants are widely used as a food additive to provide protectionagainstoxidativedegradationoffoodsbyfreeradicals.In ordertoprolongthestorageoffoodsseveralsyntheticantioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole(BHA)areusedcurrently.Butthesesubstancesmay be inappropriate for chronic human consumption. Hence the development of alternative antioxidants from natural origin has attractedconsiderableattentionanditsdevelopment. Pithecellobium dulce Benth. (Leguminosae) is a small to medium sized, evergreen, spiny tree up to 18 m height, native of tropical America and cultivated throughout the plains of India and in the Andaman.ItisknownasVilayatibabulinHindiandKodukkapuli inTamil.Thebarkoftheplantisreportedtobeusedasastringentin dysentery, febrifuge and it is also useful in dermatitis and eye inflammation.Theleaveshavebeenreportedtopossessastringent, emollient,abortifiacientandantidiabeticproperties. The presences of steroids, saponins, lipids, phospholipids, glycosides, glycolipids and polysaccharides have been reported in the seeds. The bark contains 37% of tannins of catechol type. Quericitin,kaempferol,dulcitolandafezilinhavebeenreportedfrom theleaves.Rootshavebeenreportedtopossessestrogenicactivity. Studies on alkylated resins from seed oil have been reported recently.Itisevidentthattheplanthasgreatpotentialsintreatinga numberofailmentswherethefreeradicalshavebeenreportedtobe themajorfactorscontributingtothedisorders.Inthepresentstudy thepithecellobiumdulcefruit pericarpwasusedfortheextractionof anthocyaninsandanalysisofantioxidantproperties. Objective The aim of the study was to determine the anthocyanin content in thepithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarpusingdifferentsolventsystem andtoanalysesitsantioxidantproperties. MATERIALSANDMETHODS SampleCollection Pithecellobiumdulcefruitwerecollectedfromthemarketandstored at20C. Extraction 500mgof Pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarp weretreatedwith 10 ml of 2 different solvents (methanol and acidified methanol). And

Devietal. AsianJPharmClinRes,Vol4,Suppl1,2011,4145 the mixture was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min and supernatantwastakenforanalysis(Lachmanet.,al.,2003). AnalyticalProcedures Flavonoidconfermationtest(Harbone1998) A.FeCl3 1ml of sampleextractionwasadded witha smallamount ofFeCl3, andresultswereobserved. B.AlCl3 1mlofsampleextractionwasaddedwith5%ofAlCl 3 solution,and resultswereobserved. TotalPhenolicAssay Total phenolic compounds inanthocyanin samples were quantified byusingFoliciocalteusmethoddescribedbyRonald et.,al(1998).50 l of Folinciocalteus reagent (50% v/v) were added to 10l of sampleextract.Itwasincubatedfor5min.Afterincubation50lof 20%(w/v)sodiumcarbonateandwaterwasaddedtofinalvolume of400l.Blankwaspreparedbyreplacingthereagentbywaterto correct for interfering compounds. After 30 min of incubation, the absorbancewasmeasuredusingspectrophotometerat760nm. StabilityatvariablepH Theanthocyaninstabilitywastestedbytreating1mlofsamplewith 1 ml of PH 1.0 and 4.5 solutions. The color change was observed. (Strack,1989). Determinatiomnoftotalanthocyanin

at 450 nm. Vitamin C concentration was expressed in terms of mg/gofsample Scavengingactivityofdpphradicals Scavenging activity of Anthocyanins against DPPH radicals was assessedaccordingtothemethodofLarrauri,SanchezMoreno,and SauraCalixto (1998) with some modifications. Briefly, 0.1 mM DPPHmethanol solution was mixed with 1 ml of 0.1mM DPPH methanol solution. After the solution was incubated for 30 min at 25 C in dark, the decrease in the absorbance was measured at 517nm. Methanol was used as a Control instead of antioxidant. AscorbicacidandBHTwereusedaspositivecontrols.Theinhibition of DPPH radicals by the samples was calculated according to the followingequation: DPPHscavenging activity (%) = [1(absorbance of the sample absorbanceofblank)/absorbanceofthecontrol]100 Hydroxylradicalscavengingactivity Thehydroxylradicalscavengingactivitywasdeterminedaccording to the method described by Singh et., al,(2002). 0.1 ml of the anthocyaninsampleextractswastakenintesttubes.1.0mlofiron EDTA solution (0.1% ferrous ammonium sulfate and0.26% EDTA), 0.5mlofDMSO(0.85%v/vin0.1MPhosphatebuffer,pH7.4)were addedtothesetubes,andthereactionwasinitiatedbyadding0.5ml 0f 0.22% ascorbic acid. Test tubes were capped tightly and heated onawaterbathat80900 Cfor15min.Thereactionwasterminated by the addition of 1 ml of ice cold TCA (17.5 %w/v), 3 ml of Nash reagent(75gofammoniumacetate,3mlofglacialaceticacid,and2 ml of acetyl acetone were mixed and raised to 1 L with distilled water)wasaddedtoallofthetubesandleftatroomtemperaturefor 15minforthecolordevelopment.Theintensityoftheyellowcolor formedwasmeasuredspectrophotometricallyat412nmagainstthe reagent blank. The percentage of hydroxyl radical scavenging activityiscalculatedbyusingtheformula: % of hydroxyl radical scavenging activity = 1absorbance of sample/absorbanceofblank100 Determinationofredisingpower ThereducingpowerwasdeterminedaccordingtothemethodofOyaizu (1986). A 0.25 aliquot of various concentrations of anthocyanins was mixedwith2.5mlof200mMsodiumphosphatebuffer(pH6.6)and2.5 mlof1%potassiumferricyanide. Themixturewasthenincubatedat50 Cfor20min.after2.5mlof10%trichloroaceticacid(w/v)wereadded, the mixture was centrifuged at 650g for 10 min. a 5ml aliquot of the upperlayerwasmixedwith5mlofdistilledwaterand1mlof0.1%ferric chlorideat700nmwasmeasured. DeterminationofsuperoxideradicalScavenginactivity Superoxide radicals were generated by the method of Ginnopolites and Ries (1977), described by Siddhurajuna et.,al (2000), with somemodificationsallsolutionswerepreparedin0.05Mphosphate buffer (pH 7.8). The photo induced reactions were performed in aluminium foillined box with two 30W fluorescent lamps. The distance between the reaction solution and the lamp was adjusted until the intensity of illumination reached about 4000 lux. A 30L aliquot of various concentrations of anthocycanins was mixed with 3ml of reaction buffer solution (1.3 mm riboflavin, 13 mM methionine,63Mnitrobluetetrazoliumand100MEDTA,pH7.8). The reaction solution was illuminated for 15 min at 25 C. The reaction mixture, without sample, was used as a control. The scavenging activity was calculated as follows: scavenging activity (%)=(1absorbanceofthesample/absorbance)100. Metalchelatingactivity The chelation of ferrous ions by the extract was estimated by the methodofDinis et.,al.(1994)withslightmodificationandcompared with that EDTA, BHT and that of ascorbic acid. The chelation test initially includes the addition of ferrous chloride. The antioxidants present in the samples chelates the ferrous ions from the ferrous chloride. The remaining ferrous combine with ferrozine to form ferrousferrozine complex. The intensity of the ferrousferrozin 42

Thetotalamountofanthocyanincontentwasdeterminedbyusingp differentialmethod.Aspectrophotometerwasusedforthespectral measurementsat210nmand750nm.(Fuleki&Francis,1968)[20]. theabsorbanceofthesamples(A)wascalculatedasfollows: Anthocyaninpigmentcontent(mg/liter)=(A XMW XDF X 1000)/ (X1). Where, A= (Absorbance vismaxA750) pH 1.0 (Absorbance vismax A750)pH4.5

Molecular weight of anthocyanin (cyd3glu) = 449, Extraction coefficient()=29,600,DF=Dilutedfactor. TotalFlavonoidContent The flavanoid content was determined according as the aluminum chloride colorimetric method described by Chang, Yang and Chern (2002).Briefly,aliquotsof0.1gof Pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarp samplewasdissolvedin1mlofdeionizedwater.Thissolution (0.5 ml)wasmixedwith1.5mlof95%alcohol,0.1mlof10%aluminium chloride hexahydrate (AlCl3), 0.1 ml of 1 M potassium acetate (CH3COOK),and2.8mlofdeionizedwater.Afterincubationatroom temperature for 40 min, the reaction mixture absorbance was measured at 415 nm against a deionized water blank on a spectrophotometer.Quericitinwasusedasastandard.Usingaseven pointstandardcurve(050mg/l), Pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarp thelevelsoftotalflavanoidcontentsinwasdeterminedintriplicate, respectively. The data was expressed as milligram quercetin equivalents (QE)/100 g fresh matter from fresh the pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarp AntioxidantAssays Quantificationofascorbicacid This assay was carried out by the method of Sadasivam and Manickam (1997). 0.1 ml of brominated sample extract was added with2.9mlofdistilledwater.Then1mlof2%DNPHreagentand1 2dropsofThioureawasaddedwithsample.Afterincubationat370c for 3 hours, the rangered osazone crystals that were formed were dissolved by the addition of 7 ml of 80% Sulphuric acid. Again incubatedfor5minutes.Afterincubationabsorbancewasmeasured

Devietal. AsianJPharmClinRes,Vol4,Suppl1,2011,4145 complexformationdependsonthechelatingcapacityofthesample and the colour formation was measured at 562 nm (Shimadzu UV Vis 2450). Different concentrations of standard and extracts (100 500 g/ml) were added to a solution of 100 l FeCl2 (1mM).The reaction was initiated by the addition of 250 l ferrozine (1 mM). Themixturewasfinallyquantifiedto1.3mlwithmethanol,shaken vigorously and left standing at room temperature for 10 min. after themixture hadreachedequilibrium,theabsorbanceofthesolution wasanalysisweredoneinduplicateandaveragevaluesweretaken. The percentage inhibition of ferrousferrozine complex formation wascalculatedusingtheformula;%=1As/AcX100.Where,Acis theabsorbanceofthecontrol,Asistheabsorbanceofthesample. Determinationofinhibitoryeffectondeoxyribosedegradation Inhibitory effect of the anthocyanins on deoxyribose degradation was determined by measuring the reaction activity between either antioxidants or hydroxyl radicals (referred to as nonsitespecific scavengingassay)orantioxidantsandironions(referredtoassite specificscavengingdeoxyriboseand100MLAscorbicacidpH7.4) andmeasuredspectrophotometrically.Theentiretestandincubated for1hat370 C.Amlof0.5%2thiobarbituricacidin0.025MNaOH and1mlof2.8%trichloroaceticacidwereaddedtothemixtureand itwasheatedfor30minat800C.Themixturewascooledoniceand the absorbance was measured at 532nm. Site specific scavenging activity, which represented the ability of anthocyanins to chelate iron ions and interfere with hydroxyl radical generation, was measured using the same reaction buffer without EDTA. % inhibition of degradation was calculated as %=( 1absobance of sample/absorbanceofcontrol)100. RESULTANDDISCUSSION Anthocyaninextractionandquantification The extraction of anthocyanin from pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarpwasdonebyusingmethanolandacidifiedmethanolsolvent system. A spectrum of the extract, especially the peek in visible regionwasrecordedat400nm,whereasinglepeekwasobservedin acidifiedmethanol extract and theabsorbance was also highin the caseofmethanolextract(Tsushidaetal1995). Table1:TotalAnthocyanin,FlavonoidAndPhenolContentIn PithecellobiumDulceFruitPericarp Pithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp Assays Solvents Methanol Totalanthocyanin (mg/g) Totalflavanoid(mg/g) Totalphenol(mg/g) 290.2 2.030.01 2040.3 Flavonoidconfermationtest In the presence of FeCl3 methanol and acidified methanol extract showedbrowncolorinthepresenceofAlCl3redcolorwasobserved in acidified methanol and pale yellow color was observed in methanol extract of pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp. (Sellappan.,(2002) Totalphenolicassay Phenolic content in pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp varies in different solvent system. The Figure 1 shows highest content was observedinacidifiedmethanol(204mg/g)extract.Prasenjitmanna et al,(2010)reportedthepresenceofphenolsinaqueousextractof pithecellobiumdulcefruit. TotalFlavonoid The anthocyanins are major class of flavanoids in plants. The total flavanoid content results were similar to total phenolic content where the acidified methanol extract showed higher content than methanol. Figure 1 shows total flavanoid content in acidified methanolwas(6.2mg/g)pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarpextract and(1mg/g)wasobservedinmethanolextract.Sascina et al(1999) reportedanewflavanoidfromPithecellobiumdulcestem. Determinationoftotalanthocyanin Acidified methanol extract of pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp resultedsignificantlyhighervaluesthanthemethanolextracts.The Figure1showstotalanthocyanincontentinacidifiedmethanolwas foundtobe32mg/gand29mg/ginmethanolextractsrespectively. Several authors reported that acidified methanol preserves the extracted anthocyanin in their original form better than the other solventsystem.Adinarayanaetal,1985andZasochnaja et al,1980 reportedtheanthocyaninlikeQuericitin,kaempferolintheleavesof Pithecellobiumdulce. StabilityatvariablePh ThesamplesappearinredcoloratpH1andthecolordisappearsat pH4.5Giusti,(2003)reportedthattheanthocyaninarestableinlow pH. The same result was observed in methanol and acidified methanol. AntioxidantAssays ScavengingactivityofDPPHradicals Acidified methanol(1%HCl) 320.3 6.20.01 2000.3 The ability of phenolic compound quench reactive species by hydrogen donation was measured through the DPPH radical scavenging activity assay. Activity is measured as the reactive decreaseinabsorbanceat517nmasthereactionbetweenDPPHand antioxidant progresses. (Huang et., al., and Singh & Ragini, 2004). Antioxidant activity was evaluated with percentage inhibition values, the concentration and the radical scavenging activity as listedinthetable2.Theresultsindicatesthepercentageofinhibited value of Pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp extractranging from 40%66%. The acidified methanol extracts showed a highest scavengingactivitythanthemethanol.Thisimpliesthattheacidified methanolisamorepowerfulsolventthanthemethanolinextracting Pithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarpantioxidant. Hydroxylradicalscavengingactivity
Methanol 100 50 0 Total anthicyanin Total flavonoid Total phenolic Acidifide Methanol


250 200 150

concentation in mg/g

The hydroxyl radical is extremely reactive free radicals formed in biological system and has been implicated as a higher damaging speciesinfreeradicalpathology.Capableofdamagingalmostevery moleculefoundinlivingcells.Thisspeciesisconsideredtobeoneof the quick initiators of the lipid peroxidation process, abstracting hydrogen atoms from unsaturated fatty acids (Kappus, 1991) (Figure3). The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the extract of two different solvent systems was given in the table 2. Methanol and acidifiedmethanolextractofanthocyaninexhibitedasimilaractivity 94.6% and 94.3% respectively (Chang et., al., 2002,). The ability of methanol and acidified methanol extract of anthocyanin to quench hydroxyl radical seems to be directly related in to prevention of propagation of the process of lipid peroxidation. The methanol 43

Fig.1:TotalAnthocyanin,FlavonoidAndPhenolContentIn PithecellobiumDulceFruitPericarp

Devietal. AsianJPharmClinRes,Vol4,Suppl1,2011,4145 extractseemstobeagoodscavengerofactiveoxygenspecies,thus reducing rate of chain reaction. A high positive correlation was observed between the polyphenol content and hydroxyl radical scavengingactivityoftotalphenoliccontentof Pithecellobium dulce fruitpericarpextracts. RedusingPower The potassium ferric cyanide reduction method was used to measure the ability of phenolic compounds to quench radicals through electron donation. The activity of total antioxidants of is measured by spectrophotometer and in which the change in absorbanceismeasuredwhentheantioxidantreducestheferricion cyanide complex to the ferrous form and resulted with higher absorbance value Figure 2 shows reducing power of two different anthocyaninextractPithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp. Table2:AntioxydantAnalysisOfDifferentSolventExtracts FromPithecellobiumDulceFruitPericarp Pithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp Antioxidantassays Solvents Methanol Ascorbicacid(mg/g) DPPHradicals(%) Hydroxylradicalscavenging activity(%) Reducingpower(OD) SuperoxideradicalScavenging activity(%) Metalchelatingactivity(%) Inhibitoryeffectondeoxyribose degradation(%) 320.1 40.33% 94.6% 0.084 55.42% 11.08% 78% Fig.4:AntioxydantAnalysisOfDifferentSolventExtractsFrom PithecellobiumDulceFruitPericarp In the present study, the acidified methanol extract of anthocyanin hasrevealedthehighestreducingpoweras0.108ofabsorbance at 700nm followed by methanol extract of 0.084. The reducing propertyare generallyassociated withthepresenceof reductones (Lee,J,C.,Kim, et.,al.,2002) which have been shown to exert antioxidant action by breaking free radical chain by donating a hydrogenatom. Determinationofsuperoxideradicalscavenginactivity Superoxide anion radicals are produced by a number of cellular reactions,includingvariousenzymessystemssuchaslipooxygenase, peroxidase, NADPH oxidase and xanthain oxidase. Superoxide anionsplaceanimportantroleinplanttissueandareinvolvedinthe formation of other cell damaging free radicals. (Bloknina e.,al., 2003).Inthepresentstudy,superoxideradicalcanbegeneratedby illuminating a solution containing riboflavin. Based on the results obtained as represented in the table 2 is clear that acidified methanolextractsof Pithecellobium dulce fruitpericarphasbetter superoxidescavengingactivityascomparetothemethanolextracts, which may be again due to the higher amount of total phenol content. Further superoxides are also known to indirectly initiate lipidperoxidationasa result of H2O2formation, creatingprecursor of hydroxyl radicals (Meyar and Isakser, 1995). Our result clearly shows that antioxidant activity of anthocyanin extracted from Pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp is also related to ability to scavengesuperoxides. Metalchelatingactivity The ability of antioxidants to form insoluble metal complexes with ferrousionortogeneratesterichindrancethatpreventinteraction betweenmetalandlipidisevaluatedusingtheionchelatingcapacity assay(Hsu et.,al.,2003).Theactivityismeasuredbymonitoringthe decreaseinabsorbanceoftheredferric(Fe2+)ferrozincomplexas antioxidants complete with ferrozin in chelating ferrous ion (Elmastas et.,al.,2003).Figure2showsthemetalchelatingpowerof Pithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp.Itisclearthatchelatingpowerof methanolextracts of Pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarpwas higher ascomparedwithacidifiedmethanolextract(Table2).Sothemetal chelatingactivityofanthocyaninextractedfrom Pithecellobiumdulce fruitpericarpisduetophenolicandnonphenoliccompounds.Non phenolic metal chelators include phosphoric acid, ascorbic acid, carnosin, some amino acids, peptides and proteins such as transferrin ovotransferrin are also responsible for metal chelation (Leeet.,al2004). Quantificationofascorbicacid It was observed that the vitamin C content was to be higher in acidifiedmethanolextract(60mg/g)wereasinmethanolextractit was found to be 32mg/g. (Figure2) Foyer, 1993 has reported that ascorbate has been found in chloroplast, vacuole and extra cellular compartmentsofplantcellandshowntofunctionasareluctantfor manyfreeradicals.

Acidified methanol 600.1 66.16% 94.3% 0.108 56.62% 92.95% 31%

Redusing power O p tic a l d e n s ity 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Methanol Acidified methanol
Fig.2:AntioxydantAnalysisOfDifferentSolventExtractsFrom PithecellobiumDulceFruitPericarp

Redusing power

Ascorbic acid assay C o n c e n tr a tio n in m g /g 80 60 40 20 0 Methanol Acidified methanol

Ascorbic acid assay


Devietal. AsianJPharmClinRes,Vol4,Suppl1,2011,4145 Determinationofinhibitoryeffectondeoxyribosedegradation Hydroxyl radicals can be formed by the Fentons reaction in the presenceofreducedtransitionmetalsuchasFe2+andH202,which isknowntobethemostreactiveofallreducedfromofdioxygenand thoughttoinitiatealldamage in vivo(RolletLabella.,et.,al1998).To determine whether anthocyanins reduce hydroxyl radical generation by chelating metal ions or by directly scavenging hydroxyl radical. The effects of the anthocyanin hydroxyl radicals generated by determining the degree of deoxyribose degradation. Table2 shows the inhibition of hydroxyl radicals induced deoxyribose degradation by anthocyanin through site specific and nonsitespecificanalysis.Relativelygreaterantioxidantactivitywas observed in the methanol extract (table 2) in the presence study, methanol extract shows 78% inhibition on nonsite specific deoxyribose degradation the acidified methanol extract. Similar results were reported for extracts of Opuntia ficusindica varieties (,al.,2002). Antioxidant activity of Pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp is well knownandwasfirstreportedintheliterature.Thedatarepresented the study demonstrated the amount of anthocyanin and phenolic compounds differ significantly between two different extracts and determining the free radical scavenging activity of Pithecellobium dulcefruitpericarp. CONCLUSION ThePithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarpcouldbeevaluatedasamajor source of anthocyanin, flavanoids and poly phenol antioxidants. Antioxidant activity of Pithecellobium dulce fruit pericarp is well known and was first reported in the literature. The study here indicated the amount of anthocyanin and phenolic significantly between two different extracts and determining the free radical scavengingactivityofPithecellobiumdulcefruitpericarp. AKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are grateful to Principal, Dr. Raj Kumar, Head of the Department R. 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