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Form 98s Assembly Script Cast: -Host 1= Thantawan -Host 2= Esam -Host 3= Zeeshan -Host 4= Usman -Host 5=Nadia

-Host 6= Maisha -Host 7= Ramisa -Host 8= Jamela -Host 9= Hasna -Host 10= Sumaya -Ray Charles= Yusuf -Ray Charles mum= Tasnia -Piano Player= Naoshin -Martin Luther King= Humza -(4) Black Slaves= Ishtyak, Samuira, Nafisa, Salman -(4) White People= Taazim, Enayat, Arslan, Awais - Derek Redmond= Waqeef -Dereks dad= Aadil -Runners= Hassan, Hajira,________, _________ Host 1 (Thantawan) - Hello everyone, and welcome to form 98s assembly. Host 2 (Esam) - Today our assembly will be about 'Perseverance'. Perseverance means never giving up, never losing hope and never denying belief. [SCENE 1] Host 1 (Thantawan) - Our first act will be about Ray Charles. Ray Charles was a man who became an inspiration. He was blinded as a child & found it difficult to find his way around things, but with his help from his mum and many more, he never gave up and became a successful musician. (Host 1 & 2 leave stage)

(Naoshin enters stage) *she plays a part of hit the road jack as a background music, whilst Tasnia and Yusuf perform* Mum (Tasnia): Ray, come along dear, you have to learn how to use your memory and walk down those stairs. Ray (Yusuf): But I can't mum *cries* Mum (Tasnia): Stop it, stop it now, we ain't got no time for tears. Now tell me how many steps are there? Ray (Yusuf): 4 Mum (Tasnia): Well done. Now use your hands as if they were your eyes. *Tasnia guides Yusuf down the stairs* Ray (Yusuf): I did it mum! Mum (Tasnia): Remember, I will show you once; help you the second time, but on the third time youre on your own, cause life aint that simple. *Naoshin stops playing and walks back behind stage* *Yusuf and Tasnia exit by walking to the doors of the hall; In betweenhost 3 enters the stage* Host 3 (Zeeshan) - Even though Ray was blind; he never gave up, he persevered and that is what led him to who he is today. (Host 3 exits stage)

[SCENE 2] (Host 4 enters stage) Host 4 (Usman) - Our next act is about Martin Luther King who was a man of dreams who believed in human rights. He never fought with violence, he fought with words. He persevered until he was heard and given justice. (Host 4 leaves stage) *4 black slaves walk in from the left side of the hall and begin cleaning the floors* *4 white people walk in from the right side of the hall and bully the slaves* White person 1 (Taazim): Come on; put in some effort in there! White person 2 (Enayat): These filthy creatures don't know anything. White person 3 (insert name): Of course they don't; they're black! White person 4 (insert name): Filthy! (Martin Luther King enters stage) Martin Luther king (Humza): Freeze! I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. So let freedom ring because I have a dream!

*White people shake hands with the black slaves, and walk out together from one side of the hall* (Humza leaves stage) [SCENE 3] (Host 5 & 6 enters) Host 5 (Nadia) - Our final act is about a great athlete known as Derek Redmond who is still remembered for his perseverance. Host 6 (Maisha) - He was on the edge of giving up after having an injury during the Olympic 400m race, but with the help of his dad, he managed to cross the line together. (Both hosts exit stage) *Back door of the hall opens and all athletes are running towards the stage* * Derek Reymond (Waqeef) falls on the ground, whilst all other runners run up the stairs and behind the stage* (As Waqeefs on the floor, Dereks Dad (Aadil) comes out of the audience and walks towards Waqeef) Dereks Dad (Aadil): Son! Son! *Aadil takes hold of waqeef, and they slowly make it to the finish line. When they walk up the stairs, which is the finish line; Aadil holds Waqeefs hands in the air, to show victory* (They leave the stage) (Host 7 & 8 enter stage)

Host 7 (Ramisa) - As you can see, without perseverance; nothing would ever be complete. Host 8 (Jamela) - The segregation would still continue and the greatest musicians would be gone from this world; people like Derek Redmond, Martin Luther King and Ray Charles Host 7 (Ramisa) - In a years time, we will be sitting down on a chair to see nothing but a desk, pen and paper and it will be that moment you will need persevere and do your best to aim high in your GCSE. Host 7&8 (Ramisa & Jamela) - So persevere, aim high and never give up. (Host 9 & 10 enter stage) (All form members walk on the stage, make a line, and take a bow) Host 9 (Hasna)- Year 9 please bow your heads. *Everyone bows head* Host 10 (Sumaya)- Remember everything is not easy. In life you will get knocked down by obstacles but it is your choice to choose whether you will get back up. Host 9 (Hasna) - Perseverance is not a long race, it is one short race one after the other. It is the secret to all the triumph. Host 10 (Sumaya) - so stay strong, don't give up and persevere. Thank you.

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