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Biofortification is the idea of breeding crops to increase their nutritional value. This can be done either through conventional selective breeding, or through genetic engineering. Biofortification differs from ordinary fortification because it focuses on making plant foods more nutritious as the plants are growing, rather than having nutrients added to the foods when they are being processed.[1] This is an improvement on ordinary fortification when it comes to providing nutrients for the rural poor, who rarely have access to commercially fortified foods.[2] As such, biofortification is seen as an upcoming strategy for dealing with deficiencies of micronutrients in the developing world. Contents 1 Methodology 1.1 Selective breeding 1.2 Genetic modification 2 Uses 2.1 Developing world 2.2 Developed world 3 Problems 4 See also 5 Notes 6 External links Methodology Plants are bred using one of two main methods: Selective breeding Using this method, plant breeders search seed or germplasm banks for existing varieties of crops which are naturally high in nutrients. They then crossbreed these high-nutrient varieties with high-yielding varieties of crops, to provide a seed with high yields and increased nutritional value.[3] Crops must be bred with sufficient amounts of nutrients to have a measurable positive impact on human health. As such, they must be developed with the involvement of nutritionists who study whether the consumers of the improved crop can absorb the extra nutrients, and the extent to which storage, processing, and cooking of the crops affect their available nutrient levels.[4] This method is prevalent at present, as it is quicker, cheaper, and less controversial than genetically engineering crops. For example, HarvestPlus, a major NGO in the development of biofortified crops primarily use conventional breeding techniques, and have not yet spent more than 15% of their research budget on genetically modified crops when conventional methods fail to meet nutritional requirements.[5][6] Genetic modification Golden Rice is an example of a GM crop developed for its nutritional value. The latest version of Golden Rice contains genes from a common soil bacterium Erwinia and maize, and contains increased levels of beta-carotene which can be converted by the body into vitamin A.[7] Golden Rice is being developed as a potential new way to address vitamin A deficiency.[8] Uses Developing world Deficiencies of various micronutrients, including vitamin A, zinc, and iron are common in the developing world and affect billions of people. These can lead to, amongst other symptoms, a higher incidence of blindness, a weaker immune system, stunted growth and impaired cognitive development.[2] The poor, particularly the rural poor, tend to subsist on a diet of staple crops such as rice, wheat and maize, which are low in these micronutrients, and most cannot afford or efficiently cultivate enough fruits, vegetables or meat products that are necessary to obtain healthy levels of these nutrients.[9][10] As such, increasing the micronutrient levels in staple crops can help prevent and reduce the micronutrient deficiencies in one trial in Mozambique, eating sweet potatoes biofortified with beta-carotene reduced the incidence of vitamin A deficiency in children by 24%.[11] This approach may have advantages over other health interventions such as providing foods fortified after processing, or providing supplements. Although these approaches have proven successful when dealing with the urban poor, they tend to require access to effective markets and healthcare systems which often just do not exist in rural areas.[9] Biofortification is also fairly cost effective after an initial large research investment where seeds can be distributed, the implementation costs [of growing biofortified foods] are nil or negligible,[12] as opposed to supplementation which is comparatively expensive and requires continued financing over time, which may be jeopardized by fluctuating political interest. Research on this approach is being undertaken internationally, with major efforts ongoing in Brazil, China[13] and India.[14] Developed world Biofortified foods may also be useful for increasing micronutrient uptake in high-income countries. An example of this trend would be research into grain with higher levels of selenium, which, amongst other benefits, helps prevent prostate cancer. Researchers at the University of Warwick have been looking for ways to boost the low selenium levels in British grains, and have been working to help develop a grain to be used in making bread biofortified with selenium.[1

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12-10-2013 23:44

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