Russian Christmastide

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Russian (Christmastide or Winter Festival)

Christmas in Old Russia

1000 year history Celebrated December 25th from Dec. 25th to Jan. 7th (Christs birth to baptism) 2nd only to Easter in holiness Mix of Christian and Old Slavic traditions

Magical ritualsprotection, fortune, health Divination, prophetic songsmarriage, future Omens, signsabundant harvest, live or die (carols)folk songs, some with Christmas themes Mumming Christmas trees, homemade ornaments Grandfather Frost

Religious Services

Russian (Eastern) Orthodox Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Daily through c Hymns and Communion Celebration of Christs birth Procession around church Patrons stand Lasts several hours

39 days without meat (pre-Christmas) Fast on Christmas Eve until first star 12-course Christmas Eve dinner
Fish instead of meat One course for each day of (OR for 12 apostles)

Feast (with meat) on Christmas Day

New Years Day

Originally September 1st Peter the Great
Made January 1st (1699) Ordered special church services Bonfires on New Years Eve Doorposts and houses decorated with evergreens People commanded to display their happiness by loudly congratulating neighbors Illumination and feasting for 7 days

1917Year of Change

February Revolution Nicholas II overthrown Bolsheviks eventually seize power

Switched to Gregorian Calendar Orthodox Church maintained Julian Calendar Suppressed religious celebrations Penalties for those who attended church openly

New Years (Jan. 1st ) and Old New Years (Jan. 13th) define Christmas (January 7th) much less important New CustomsSnow Maiden, New Years Boy, Annual Kremlin Childrens Party Loss of customs (ex. ) Christmas customs moved to New Years
New Years Tree Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden and New Years Boy (replace Holy Family?) Gifts on New Years Eve or Day

Situation Today
New Years still very important Christmas became official holiday (1991) Effort to reclaim some Christmas customs
Fasting till 1st star on Christmas Eve No meat at Christmas Eve meal Religious Services (Putin attends Christmas liturgy)

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