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Mata Kuliah Beban studi Prasyarat : -


Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang bahasa Inggris dalam kaitannya dengan pelayanan kesehatan/keperawatan, yang mencakup tata Bahasa Inggris, penulisan, penerjemahan dan berkomunikasi secara aktif dalam bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan belajar mahasiswa berorientasi pada pencapaian dalam mengaplikasikan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dalam tatanan pelayanan keperawatan.

Kompetensi Mata Kuliah Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran, mahasiswa akan mampu mempresentasikan kasus, mampu membaca dan memahami materi bacaan, mampu membaca dan memahami isi jurnal keperawatan, mampu membuat ringkasan dari film yang ditonton dan menulis essay dalam berbahasa Inggris.


Day: Topic Thursday Meeting:dat e I: 21/2/2013 Introduction Discussing syllabus, learning contract 2: Preparing for 28/2/2013 presentation About nursing topics referring to 5W+1H 3: 7/3/2013 4: 14/3/2013 5: 21/3/2013 6: 28/3/2013 7: 4/4/2013 8: 11/4/2013 9: 18/4/2013



3 x 50 Grouping students minutes based on topics given 3 x 50 Explaining how to minutes make the presentation clearer, how to open and close the presentation Day 1 Presentation (4 3 x 50 Presentation using groups, 30 minutes minutes LCD, discussion for each group) Day 2 Presentation (4 3 x 50 Presentation using groups, 30 minutes minutes LCD, discussion for each group) Day 3 Presentation (4 3 x 50 Presentation using groups, 30 minutes minutes LCD, discussion for each group) Day 4 Presentation (5 3 x 50 Presentation using groups, 30 minutes minutes LCD, discussion for each group) Day 5 Presentation (5 3 x 50 Presentation using groups, 30 minutes minutes LCD, discussion for each group) Mid Test Reading skills: 3 x 50 Students should Reading certain minutes read the text nursing journals and carefully then try summarize them to summarize them Speaking skills: retell 3 x 50 How to express the journals by minutes opinions paying attention to

10: 25/4/2013

11: 2/5/2013 12: 9/5/2013 13: 16/5/2013

some important ideas Watching movie Writing skill: Making a movie summary Discussion the summary, retell the movie Day 1 of Practicing Conversation Role play (3 groups)

3 x 50 LCD, essay writing minutes 3 x 50 How to minutes opinions express

14: 23/5/2013

15: 30/5/2013

16: 6/6/2013

3 x 50 Grouping students minutes and practicing writing to compose dialogue. Other groups will give some comments for the performed group Day 2 of Practicing 3 x 50 Grouping students Conversation minutes and practicing Role play (3 groups) writing to compose dialogue. Other groups will give some comments for the performed group Day 3 of Practicing 3 x 50 Grouping students Conversation minutes and practicing Role play (3 groups) writing to compose dialogue. Other groups will give some comments for the performed group Final test

Final Assignment: Making a Nursing Pocket Dictionary for Indonesian-English version. English-Indonesian version that you have submitted before should be attached onto your Indonesian-English pocket dictionary.

Passing Score: 85 100 = 4/A (Excellent) 70 84 = 3/B (Good) 50 69 = 2/C (Fair) 50 54 = 1/D (Fail) 0 49 = 0/E (Worst) NO REEXAM

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