Wu Nuwaupu

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NuwauPpU AAVAGE STUDIES 1-27 WU-NUWAUPU Nine Steps to Salvation. STUDY ONE WU-NUWAUPU Nine Steps to Salvation Each Step is Nine Studies or 9 x 9 =81; 8+1=9 Steps ask that as you study and apply each of the 9 steps; these steps will strengthen your desire to follow WU-NUWAUPU. The Holy Tablets Chapter 10, Tablet 10:6-1: “Nuwaupu is the science of sound right reasoning and its followers are sons and daughters of sound right reason. 7. Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly. 8. Also Nuwaupu is Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding. 9. If one has to believe, it means he or she does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance. 10. Hence, belief is ignorance and religious beliefs without the facts is ignorance; 11. So demand that anyone attempting to impose upon you their religious beliefs, they are to produce the facts.” Read: The “God” Series Read: 1, Mosesism 2. Christism 3. Muhammadism Read: The Holy Tablets ‘These studies will give you the facts you need to open your eyes to the truth of how you have been lied to for years. Religion is a trick to keep you blinded and under the control of six-ether (Leviathan). This is blind faith, which is an unfounded belief. You are taught as a child, raised in the West; that is to accept and believe myths and mythology which gave birth to theories and theology which is the removal of facts and reality. You also accept and believe the untruths that you are given that has no true culture and no real noble history; only fakers’ false teachings and man-made stories by those who have no real past except barbarianism and savagery, their past is composed of lying, stealing, killing, raping, homosexuality, war, racism, hate, envy and jealousy. He fears all others for they may step back and take a good look at him and see the devil in them and in all they do. They cannot be trusted; their smile is fake and Smiling Faces Tell Lies. Their word holds no weight, they live by lies and this is what is taught in the west for you to believe since childhood. They teach you to stay within the lines. Stay within the lines of religion, stay within the lines of race and if you step out of those Tines that they have created for you, then you are labeled an outcast. Just look at the many falsehoods that make up their Holidays: WU-NUWAUPU Nine Steps to Salvation. ‘The Fallacy of Valentine 1. Valentine’s Day is taught to be a day of giving chocolate hearts, eards, candy and flowers to someone you love. However, this is just another fake day because the truth is shrouded around death and grotesque acts. Saint Valentine is the name of a Caucasian a Roman Christian Martyr who was killed during the reign of Claudius II Gothicus (originally Marcus Aurelius Claudius, born May 10, 214 A.D., in Dardainia, upper Moesia and died January 270 A.D., in Sirmium) Claudius 1 was a Roman Emperor who strongly opposed the marriage of young men because he felt that single men were better for war. ‘The Christian’s Martyr St. Valentine, according to various accounts was a Roman Priest and a Bishop of a small province in Rome. However, the Priest and Bishop seem to be the same man, He secretly married young couples thus breaking the law of the land set by Claudius I. He believed that he was inspired by a so-called “angel” to rebel against Claudius I's tyrant rule. After Claudius I found out about the secret marriages, there was a massive search for all those who participated. Once the new grooms were found, they were castrated and their hearts were cut out. ‘These hearts Were sent to each of theif brides in a box. Valentine was beaten by clubs and later beheaded on February 14", during the last years of Claudius II’s reign. St. Valentine's hheart was also cut oui, then cooked and eaien by Claudius II. This is symbolic of the chocolate hearts given out on Valentine’s Day to a loved one because once the heart is cut out the blood is congealed and tums from red to brown like chocolate. It’s just another fake holiday and you practice it every year. ‘The Fallacy of Easter 2. Easter as you were taught and have been made to believe for many years is not the resurrection of the Har-Amun, Yasu’a, Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus in Christism. In reality, it is merely the translated English spelling of the name of the Ancient Assyrian and Babylonian Goddess Ishtar. The Phoenician name of this Goddess was Astarte or Asherah, wife of the Ugaric EL, and they birth BAAL “Lord of Wealth” as WEH as MOT and YAM and ANAT, SHAKHAR Dawn, Father of Lucifer and Shalem Dusk whose worship is denounced by ANU as the most abominable of all pagan idolatry, in his own Bible, it says, Judges 2:13, “And they (Israelites) forsook the LORD, Jehovah, (BES, ENLIL), Yahayyu, Yahweh, YHWH (Living One, The Israelite Lord), and served Baal, the Canaanite LORD and Ashtaroth.” Astarte is the same as Ishtar and they are both pronounced as “Easter”. According to the “New Webster's Library of Universal Knowledge”, Easter is defined as; Easter from Anglo-Saxon Eastre. Eostre; Old High German Ostara a Goddess of light or spring in honor of whom a festival was celebrated in April, whence the month was called Eastermonath, connected with Easter, Aster “Star”. Easter is also symbolic of Esther which is a Book in the Bible and you will find that word God meaning “Elohyeem (Gods, judges, angels)” is found nowhere in this Book, yet you are made to believe that Easter is symbolic of the resurrection in Christism of Hat-Amun, Yasu’a, Yashu’a, Isa, Jesus the Son of a Elohyeem “Gods, judges, angels” named Jehovah or YAHWEH, the LORD who to them became his own Father, Jehovah son of Jehovah, God Son of God, Lord son of the Lord, confusion. ‘The Fallacy of Halloween 3. Halloween is another fake holiday in which they make you believe it is just about children dressing up like witches and demons and getting free candy. Halloween, as we know can trace its roots to the Canaanite Celtics. October 31° was the most important day for these Celties for it was their New Year's Day and the eve of their festival for re

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