Thesun 2009-07-21 Page06 Ministry Wont Compensate Fiilm Companies Over Ban

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6 theSun | TUESDAY JULY 21 2009

news without borders

Ministry won’t compensate

by Bissme S


Information, Communication
and Culture ministry will not
compensate local film and TV

film companies over ban

production companies affected
by the ruling against showing
scenes of illegal racing on
Its deputy minister, Sena-
tor Heng Seai Kie, said this
was neither the ministry’s
responsibility nor under its news for the Malaysian film our society,” he lamented. “Why only implement this who appear on screen should
jurisdiction. industry. On the ministry’s move ruling for local movies?” he be fully covered. But they are
“The ‘mat rempit’ or illegal The secretary to Malaysian to also ban cross-dressing in asked. not. Why only follow certain
racing culture must not be Film Producers Association films, Norman said though “Foreign movies have far Islamic rulings?” he asked.
encouraged because it would and chief operating officer of he understands why this has more daring scenes when it One film whose future
destroy the people’s morals KRU Studios Sdn Bhd, Norman come about, he does not fully comes to road thugs and men hangs in the balance is Norman ... feels films
and values,” he said after Abdul Halim, told theSun he support it. cross-dressing. Why this dou- Anu Dalam Botol, the latest get blamed unfairly
launching the Fifth Digital feels films get blamed unfairly “We are an Islamic coun- ble standard?” movie from producer Raja whenever there is an
Library Conference and the whenever there is an increase try and cross-dressing is not For cross-dressing come- Azmi Sulaiman. The movie, increase in social ills.
National Central Catalogue in social ills. permitted in Islam,” he said. dian Dee, the ministry’s ban about a man who goes for a
here yesterday. “We should look deeper “But we are moving to- on men dressing up as women sex change operation, was budgeted at RM700,000, and
He said this when asked to find the real reasons for the wards the 1Malaysia concept is a bit puzzling. scheduled to start shooting in said she will fight to have it
to comment on a news report rise in social ills,” he said. where we should have more Dee, who is famous for his October. Raja Azmi said she screened here.
on Sunday that the govern- “Instead, we take the easy tolerance. This ruling implies role in the hit sitcom Jangan has already spent RM50,000 On the ministry’s ruling,
ment would ban local films way out and blame films. we have no tolerance. ” Ketawa, feels cross-dressers in pre-production costs. she insists it is not practical in
or dramas which depicted Most commercial local films Award-winning actor are being singled out. “Is the government going these modern times.
illegal racing scenes. Also always showcase good mor- Rosyam Nor is supportive of “I admit Islam forbids to compensate me for the “The more you ban, the
banned were scenes of men als; they show good winning the government’s move to ban men from wearing women’s money I have spent,” she more people are curious to
dressing up as women and over bad. road thugs and cross-dressers clothes,” Dee told theSun. asked. see,” she said. “They can resort
transvestites. “The filmmakers are not on screen, but feels it should “But Islam also forbids Whatever the outcome, Raja to the internet and YouTube.
Meanwhile, the ban, if here to corrupt society but to be extended to foreign movies women from showing their Azmi insists she will continue Does the government plan to
enforced, is certainly bad depict what is happening in as well. skin. Therefore all actresses making the movie, which is control them too?”

Govt wants
for all
by Husna Yusop

SEPANG: More than 125,000 children of primary

school age in the country, mostly in remote and
isolated areas, are still not in school, Deputy
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.
Therefore, efforts need to be taken to ensure
that every child has equal access to education
including having a more responsive posting
policy for teachers that takes into account the
needs of the people.
“Emphasis or priority must be given towards
producing adequate number of quality teachers
especially to be placed in the remote and rural
“For this purpose, a teachers’ posting policy Reaching out ... Transport Minister Datuk Seri
which is responsive towards meeting the needs Ong Tee Keat puts a car sticker on a taxi after witnessing
of the people must be provided,” he said when the signing of an MoU by Bernama’s Radio 24, Sunlight
opening a workshop to review the National Radio Taxi and Malaysian Islamic Consumers’ Association
Education Development Masterplan 2006 – 2010 (PPIM) on a smart driving campaign. The campaign will
yesterday. provide listeners with the latest traffic information in the
Apart from improving the quality of teachers, Klang Valley under the “Info Trafik KL @ 939” slot from 6am
Muhyiddin also suggested that the school leader- to 10am and 4pm to 8pm, every Monday to Friday.
ship be strengthened further.
“It is timely for the selection of school heads
to be made not only based on seniority but also
through a more transparent and flexible process
to choose only the best, the (one with the) most
potential and those with dynamic leadership
Prosecution files for stay Stuntman feared
“A school head must be wise in interpreting
and understanding the task given, be committed
of execution in Anwar case drowned
KUALA LUMPUR: A 39-year-old
and capable of increasing his or her knowledge by S. Tamarai Chelvi and swabs taken from Anwar’s which will be tendered dur- Malaysian stuntman is feared to
so that he or she could translate the education former aide, Mohd Saiful ing trial have drowned in a pond during a
policies and provide the best education to the Bukhari Azlan and from the » the statement of facts fa- Bollywood movie shoot near the
Mines Shopping Centre on Jalan
children,” he added. KUALA LUMPUR: The pros- condominium unit where the vourable to the defence
Apart from providing quality teachers in the ecution in the sodomy case of incident allegedly occurred. » a copy of examination notes Balakong yesterday.
Another stuntman who declined
rural areas, Muhyiddin, who is also education Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim filed The judge said the original made by doctors at Hospital
minister, also made several other suggestions, for a stay of execution of a High DNA samples and swabs had Kuala Lumpur (HKL) who to be named said the missing man,
including holding a 1Malaysia camp every year Court decision which allowed been sealed by the Chemistry treated and examined Saiful identified as Kong Chai Meng, was
for both teachers and students to instil unity certain documents to be sup- Department. on June 28 acting out a scene for a foreign
and inculcate the eight values espoused by the plied to the defence team. Zabidin ordered the prosecu- » copies of photographs, notes Indian movie at the time.
He said the flick required Kong
concept. A certificate of urgency was tion to supply Anwar: and report of the proctoscopy
Muhyiddin said out of 13,014 rural develop- also filed together with the stay » a copy of the CCTV record- examination conducted on to fall from a passenger boat into
the pond after being “hit” by an
ment projects costing RM25.2 billion targeted application. ings taken from the condo- Saiful at the same hospital.
under the masterplan, 6,386 projects have been On Friday, the prosecution minium guardhouse and Anwar was also granted ac- imaginary shot fired from a fake
completed and nearly 300 action plans have filed the notice of appeal against at the lifts at Block 11 from cess to the report and examina- pistol.
reached between 80% and 100% completion the decision at the High Court June 25 to June 27, 2008 tion notes conducted on Saiful However, after he fell into the
stage. registry the day before, granting » copies of photographs, slides at Hospital Pusrawi. pond, which is behind the Wellness
Hotel, at about 4.30am, Kong who
“To reduce the digital gap, the ministry Anwar’s defence team access to of each sample Anwar is charged with sodo-
targeted to build 2,257 computer labs and 3,600 key documents in preparation of » a copy of notes made by the mising Mohd Saiful Bukhari is married with two children failed
to emerge from the water.
access centres in the rural areas and this will the opposition leader’s defence chemist, who conducted the Azlan, his former personal
benefit some 2.8 million students,” he said. against a sodomy charge. DNA testing and analysis aide, at Desa Damansara Con- The film crew alerted the Fire and
He also said the government’s effort to reduce However, High Court judge » a list of prosecution wit- dominium, Jalan Setiakasih, Rescue Department but until press
time the department’s frogmen had
the urban–rural gap in line with the Education Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Diah nesses, who will testify dur- Bukit Damansara, between
for All objective targeted by Unesco has been did not allow the defence access ing the trial 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26, yet to recover Kong’s body.
encouraging. to the original DNA samples » a copy of all documents last year.

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