Thesun 2009-07-21 Page09 Saudi Princess Given Secret Uk Asylum

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theSun | TUESDAY JULY 21 2009 9

news without borders

Thousands flee western

ern Canadian wildfires Anger in US over
VANCOUVER (British Columbia): been threatened,
Emergency crews battled rugged
terrain on Sunday to contain two
large wildfires that have forced
according to local
About 17,000
hostage video
thousands of residents of a western people have been LONDON: The American the military applied pressure
Canadian community to flee their told to either leave military yesterday condemned to find him.
homes. their homes or be the Taliban for releasing Afghani and US troops
Wind and dry conditions were ready to evacuate on a propaganda video that have been searching for Pte
fuelling the large blazes that broke a moment’s notice if showed a captured soldier Bergdahl for two weeks and
out on Saturday in the hills along asked to do so by pleading for US troops to be have offered a reward for help.
Okanagan Lake west of the city emergency officials. withdrawn from Afghanistan. Locals have told them Taliban
of Kelowna, British Columbia The Glenrosa The Pentagon named the fighters initially planned to
where housing subdivisions have fire, which was the did not believe them to be related. Smoke from private as Bowe Bergdahl, 23, smuggle the soldier across the
encroached on the surrounding first to erupt on Saturday, had Helicopters and aircraft nearby from Idaho. border into Pakistan, but ruled
forest in recent years. grown to 350ha, while the Rose dropped water and fire retardant forest fire A 28-minute video of Pte that out because of US missile
“The winds are definitely add- Valley Dam fire, which broke out on flames to back up the more and evening Bergdahl was posted on the strikes and Pakistani bombing
ing to the fire activity,” said Elise a few kilometers to the north had than 200 firefighters working on cloud mix internet, showing the soldier attacks against militant targets
Riedlinger, a spokeswoman for the grown to 150ha, Riedlinger said. the ground. as residents in good health but saying he in the area.
British Columbia Forest Service, A third fire northwest of Kel- Adding fuel to the fire were gather on was scared and missing his “I am scared. I’m scared
which has not estimated when owna was also burning out of trees that have died in recent the shores family. It is believed to be the I won’t be able to go home.
the fires can be brought under control, but did not threaten any years because of an infestation of of Okanagan first time in more than two It is very unnerving to be a
control. populated areas. mountain pine beetles. Lake to watch, years that a US serviceman prisoner,” Pte Bergdahl says
No injuries or deaths were Kelowna, in south-central Brit- Emergency officials were deal- in Kelowna, has been captured in either in the video. He is dressed in
reported, but as many as nine ish Columbia, is about a 400 km ing with the situation using plans British Iraq or Afghanistan. loose Afghan clothing, appear-
buildings are feared to have been drive east of Vancouver. developed after the Kelowna area Columbia “We condemn the use ing with a shaved head and a
destroyed. Police said the cause of fires was struck by massive wildfires northeast of of this video and the public light beard, drinking tea and
Crews were able to protect a was under investigation, but the that destroyed more than 200 Vancouver on humiliation of prisoners. It is eating – but he is clearly being
large sawmill complex that had provincial fire service said they homes in 2003. – Reuters Sunday. against international law,” a directed in what to say.
US military spokesman said. “I have my girlfriend who
“We are doing everything is hoping to marry. I have

Saudi princess given

we can to return this soldier my grandma and grandpas. I
to safety.” have a very, very good fam-
The Taliban said the video ily that I love back home in
was dated 14 July, although it America,” he says, and then
was impossible to verify the a voice off camera prompts
date. The military in Afghani- “miss them”.
stan has been distributing The soldier continues:
leaflets calling for the return “And I miss them every day

secret UK asylum
WOMAN FEARS SHE WILL BE STONED AFTER The Home Office yesterday declined
of Pte Bergdahl, who said he
was picked up by the Taliban
after falling behind while on
Last week, Mawlavi Sangin,
a Taliban commander in Pak-
tika province, the south-east-
that I’m gone. I miss them and
I’m afraid that I might never
see them again and that I’ll
never be able to tell them that
I love them again. I’ll never be
able to hug them.”
Later, the voice prompts:
to discuss the case. A spokesman for ern area where Pte Bergdahl “Any message to your peo-
the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in went missing ple?” Pte Bergdahl then adds:
GIVING BIRTH TO AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD London said that he would call back but on 30 June, “Yes. To my fellow Americans
subsequently became unavailable. said his who have loved ones over
LONDON: A Saudi Arabian princess – during a visit to London. They struck The Middle East state has been men were here, who know what it’s like
who had an illegitimate child with a up a relationship. shrouded in controversy over oppressive holding the to miss them: you have the
British man has secretly been granted She became pregnant the following policies against women and homosexu- soldier and power to make our govern-
asylum in this country after she claimed year and worried that her elderly hus- als. Secrecy surrounds much of the Saudi would kill ment bring them home.
she would face the death penalty if she band – a member of the Royal Family of legal system, but in a recent report on him if Pte Bergdahl’s father, Bob
were forced to return home. The young Saudi Arabia – had become suspicious the use of the death penalty in the king- Bergdahl, said yesterday: “We
woman, who has been granted anonym- of her behaviour, she persuaded him to dom, the human rights group Amnesty hope and pray for our
ity by the courts, won her claim for let her visit the UK again to give birth International highlighted its extensive son’s safe return
refugee status after telling a judge that in secret. She feared for her life if she use against men and women. to his comrades
her adulterous affair made her liable to returned to Saudi Arabia. Adulterers face public stonings and and then to our
death by stoning. She persuaded the court that if she floggings and, in the most serious cases, family. – AFP
Her case is one of a small number of returned to the Gulf state she and her beheadings and hangings.
claims for asylum brought by citizens child would be subject to capital punish- The high numbers of executions in
of Saudi Arabia which are not openly ment under Syariah law – specifically Saudi Arabia in 2007 continued into Bergdahl
acknowledged by either government. flogging and stoning to death. She was 2008. There were at least 102 executions watches as one
British diplomats believe that to do so also worried about the possibility of an of men and women last year – at an av- of his captors
would in effect be to highlight the perse- honour killing. erage rate of two every week. Amnesty displays his
cution of women in Saudi Arabia, which Since she fled Saudi Arabia, her is aware of at least 136 individuals cur- identity tag to
would be viewed as open criticism of the family and her husband’s family have rently awaiting execution. the camera at
House of Saud and lead to embarrassing broken off contact with her. In 2007, King Abdullah II of Saudi an unknown
publicity for both governments. The woman has been granted per- Arabia was jeered during a state visit location in
The woman, who comes from a very manent leave to remain in the UK after to Britain as dozens of demonstrators Afghanistan on
wealthy Saudi family, says she met her the Immigration and Asylum tribunal turned out to protest at his country’s hu- Sunday.
English boyfriend – who is not a Muslim allowed her appeal. man rights record. – The Independent

Solar eclipse pits superstition against science

MUMBAI: Indian astrologers are Shivani Sachdev Gour, a gynaecolo- the West and Iran is likely to increase, “Primarily, what we see with all Ajay Talwar, president of the SPACE
predicting violence and turmoil across gist at the Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, escalating into possible US military these soothsayers and astrologers Group of companies that promotes
the world as a result of this week’s said a number of expectant mothers action after Sept 9, when fiery Saturn is that they’re looking for opportuni- science and astronomy.
total solar eclipse, which the supersti- scheduled for caesarian deliveries moves from Leo into Virgo. ties to enhance their business with “It’s coming in the middle of the
tious and religious view as a sign of on July 22 had asked to change the “The last 200 years, whenever predictions of danger and calamity,” monsoon season. On the ground,
potential doom. date. Saturn has gone into Virgo there has he said. there’s a 40% chance of seeing it in
But astronomers, scientists and “This is a belief deeply rooted in been either a world war or a mini “They have been very powerful in India. On the aircraft you have almost
secularists are trying to play down Indian society. Couples are willing to world war,” he said. India but over the last decade they a 90% chance of seeing the eclipse,”
claims of evil portent in connection do anything to ensure that the baby is It is not just in India that some have been in systematic decline.” he added.
with tomorrow’s natural spectacle, not born on that day,” Gour said. are uneasy about what will transpire Astronomers and scientists are Siva Prasad Tata, who runs the
when the moon will come between Astrologers have predicted a rise because of the eclipse. also working to educate the public Astro Jyoti website, straddles the two
the Earth and the sun, completely in communal and regional violence In ancient China they were often about the eclipse. worlds.
obscuring the sun. in the days following the eclipse, associated with disasters, the death of Travel firm Cox and Kings has “There’s no need to get too
In Hindu mythology, the two particularly in India, China and other an emperor or other dark events and chartered a Boeing 737-700 aircraft alarmed about the eclipse, they are a
demons Rahu and Ketu are said to Southeast Asian nations where it can similar superstitions persist. to give people the chance to see the natural phenomenon,” the astrologer
“swallow” the sun during eclipses, be seen tomorrow morning. “The probability for unrest or war eclipse from 12,500m. told AFP
snuffing out its life-giving light and Mumbai astrologer Raj Kumar to take place in years when a solar Experts will be on board to explain But he added: “During the period
causing food to become inedible and Sharma predicted “some sort of attack eclipse happens is 95%,” announced it to passengers, some of whom have of the eclipse, the opposite attracting
water undrinkable. by (Kashmiri separatists) Jaish-e-Mo- an article that attracted a lot of hits paid 79,000 rupees (RM5,600) for forces are very powerful. From a spir-
Pregnant women are advised to hammad or Al Qaeda on Indian soil” on the popular Chinese web portal a “sun-side” seat on the three-hour itual point of view, this is a wonderful
stay indoors to prevent their babies and a devastating natural disaster in flight from New Delhi. time to do any type of worship.
developing birth defects, while prayers, Southeast Asia. Sanal Edamaruku, president of the The eclipse’s shadow is expected “It will bring about good results,
fasting and ritual bathing, particularly An Indian political leader could be Indian Rationalist Association, dis- to pass over the aircraft at 15 times much more than on an ordinary day.”
in holy rivers, are encouraged. killed, he said, and tension between missed such doomsday predictions. the speed of sound (Mach 15), said – AFP

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