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Tel (Editorial): 03-7784 6688

speak up! Managing Editor: Chong Cheng Hai
Consultant Editor: Zainon Ahmad
Executive Editor: Lee Boon Siew
General Manager, Advertising and Marketing: Charles Peters
Senior Manager, Production: Thomas Kang
Senior Manager, Distribution Channels: Joehari Abdul Jabbar
Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
Deputy Editor: Patrick Choo (Production), Tel (Advertising): 03-7784 8888
Editor: R. Nadeswaran (Special Reporting and Investiga- Fax: 03-7784 4424
tions) Email:

Do we have what it takes?

all to do the right thing? never put their money
There are many silent where their mouths are.
ones in the system who They are susceptible to
want to do what’s right intimidation and compla-
but lack the confidence cent towards making their
because no one would voices count, such as the
stand by them – not their courageous minority who
THE big news in the when the “perintah” Perhaps, if the society the system is bigger than superiors, not the ministers want to see an improved
UK over the weekend is questionable or that they serve also has a us and allow people with and not even the public. public service, responsible
is the chief of the downright stupid. low tolerance level for questionable motives and Yes, the public are to be politicians and accountable
armed forces taking The officials I questionable priorities, credentials to call the shots blamed for the situation we enforcement agencies, and
on the government know, like Dannatt, abuses of power and cor- and determine what’s best are in. It is true that we are put themselves out there to
for ill-equipping Brit- who had stood up ruption such as the Brits, for 27 million people. a tolerant society. We are realise this idealism.
ish troops serving in to their bosses and then our politicians and When civil servants tolerant to corruption, we I’m sure once we as
Afghanistan. political masters had officialdom would also pull who have the guts to stand are tolerant to bureauc- taxpayers give them the
Sir Richard Dan- been transferred and up their socks. up against injustice and racy, we are tolerant to confidence that they will be
natt has been vocally in one case subject to Unfortunately, Malay- bad decisions are cut down even deaths in custody. supported all the way, we
livid over the deaths a criminal charge. sians are a complacent lot. to size and risk losing their Am I wrong? I’m willing will be able to unearth our
of 16 servicemen Down2Earth Despite Chief Don’t want to rock the boat, pensions, what motivation to take a bet that within very own Richard Dannatts
in the frontline this by Terence Fernandez Secretary to the resigned to the fact that is it for others to risk their weeks the outcry over the and from what I have seen,
month alone and Government Tan Sri last death in custody will there are many.
has broken with Sidek Hassan’s ad- be forgotten as we go back
protocol, openly questioning vice to his subordinates that they Yes, the public are to be blamed for the to our mundane routines, Terence says bad things hap-
the government’s commitment should stand up to wrongdoings situation we are in. It is true that we are a our guilt relieved by the pen because good people do
in ensuring that the UK’s 7,000 by their bosses, it seems that it is tolerant society. We are tolerant to corruption, thought that others will be nothing. He is deputy editor
troops are fitted out with the easier said than done. doing the dirty work. (special reports & investiga-
equipment needed to serve in When the system does not we are tolerant to bureaucracy, we are tolerant Malaysians like to tions) and is reachable at
the war zone. support the Richard Dannatts to even deaths in custody. whine but will seldom or
Since eight servicemen died for speaking up against abuses
in a day last week, the British then one cannot blame civil
public have been giving their servants for clamming up and
government a hiding for com- obediently carrying out suspect
mitting to an ill-conceived war instructions.
and at the same time stinging Unlike Dannatt, who still
on support systems that had managed to make it to the high-
resulted in soldiers returning est echelons of the armed forces
to their families in Union Jack- despite speaking out against his
draped caskets. bosses for the last four years – a
Dannatt had said if he had testimony of the maturity of the
received the helicopters that he British system and the British
asked for, there was a possibil- public who allow and appreciate
ity that some, if not all of these educated and informed dissent.
men would be alive today since Dannatt had been accused as
they would not need to ply the a closet Tory by elements in the
treacherous roads of Afghani- New Labour government but on
stan, which are riddled with Friday, Secretary of Defence Bob
mines and crude bombs. Ainsworth ordered junior min-
Dannatt had also chastised isters to refrain from moving a
his political masters for not motion to censure the armed
paying the troops their worth forces head.
declaring “they are paid less In the meantime, Prime
than traffic wardens.” Minister Gordon Brown, who
Back home, I have met very had slashed defence spending,
few public servants with the had also acceded to Dannatt’s
backbone to call a spade a spade request for additional funds to
and take to task their political kit out his troops.
masters for wrong and question- Do we dare hope that our
able policies and decisions. politicians and government offi-
Official letters always end cials would be as magnanimous
with the line “saya yang menurut as their British counterparts to
perintah” and all these officials put their ego aside and admit to
follow the letter to the “T” even mucking up?


Concerned parents unable

to attend meeting
THIS letter is written on behalf girls school in Petaling Jaya are
of about a hundred parents who very much for the continuation
are unable to attend today’s of using English in the teaching
public meeting initiated by the of maths and science. This we
Education Ministry concerning believe is in the best interests of
the policy reversal on the teach- our children.
ing of maths and science. At the same time we would
While we applaud the gov- also like to hear the views of the
ernment for taking the initiative education experts which will be
to provide a comprehensive presented at the meeting just to
explanation of its decision to be sure that our stand is correct.
reverse the policy, we parents However, the scheduling of the
are disappointed and curious meeting on a working day pre-
as to why it is being held on a vents most of us parents from
working day. attending. This, plus the short
As parents, we are respon- notice also makes it difficult for
sible for our children’s future parents from outside the Klang
and place great importance on Valley to attend the meeting at
their education. As parents too, Putrajaya.
we monitor their educational Indeed the manner that the
development and progress on whole event is arranged does
a daily basis. Hence, we more look suspicious. Hence in the
than others know the difficulties spirit of 1Malaysia we parents
they face concerning a particular appeal that the government
subject; be it the methodology reschedule the public meeting
of teaching or our children’s to a more appropriate time and
weakness in fully comprehend- date. Please be fair to us parents,
ing the subject matter due to the for we are after all not only the
communicative and teaching guardians of tomorrow’s Malay-
language used. sians but are also a significant
A great number of parents voting group.
including myself who have
children studying in a govern- Shamsudin
ment-aided missionary primary Parents Action Group

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