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12 theSun | TUESDAY JULY 21 2009

speak up!

Scene: Restoran Al Da’fah, PJ.

Wiser to steer a steady course

MOHAN: So it’s muktamad?
Azman: What is muktamad?
Mohan: The reversal of the
policy of English for the teaching
of mathematics and science, or
ETeMS, or PPSMI, the abbreviation
of the policy in Bahasa Malaysia. Zain: About those hind the government’s his family members, who are all ones who are being blamed for the
Azman: But why shouldn’t it be academicians. They move to introduce Catholics, speak Spanish mostly failure of the PPSMI in the rural ar-
final? said ETeMS is against PPSMI. Having success- and very little Chinese. Their names eas, how can they – now that PPSMI
Mohan: You see after the re- the National Education fully opposed a single have long been Latinised. Yet they is to be abandoned – improve the
versal was announced by Deputy Policy, which stipulates education system, they are Chinese and proudly declare English proficiency of their pupils
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyid- all subjects in national are suspicious of any- so. They celebrate Chinese New even if the hours are extended.
din Yassin, who is also education schools to be taught in thing that may lead to Year without fail every year. But Azman: And you can’t deny that
minister, on July 8 some people Bahasa Malaysia. They the implementation of with the Internet they are slowly there are poor science and maths
thought the government could also said that the acqui- a common system via getting connected to other Chinese teachers too. They too should be
still reverse the reversal before it sition of new knowledge the backdoor. in different parts of the world. By blamed for the failure of PPSMI in
is implemented in 2012. And that’s is best done through the Mohan: So they the way, my two children are in an the rural schools. Imagine asking
why the government had to come mother tongue. And they WhatTheySay object to PPSMI not international school. them to teach the two subjects
out to say that the decision is final, said that PPSMI favours because their children Azman: Why not. You can in English when they weren’t so
muktamad. by Zainon Ahmad
those children in the cannot cope but more afford it. good at teaching them in Bahasa
Azman: I never thought the urban areas where the because they don’t want Chong: Because I know Eng- Malaysia.
policy would be reversed. After six environment to acquire English is to lose their Chineseness. Is that it? lish is important. All of us –you Chong: Your stand Cikgu?
years one should think it is a done better than in the rural areas. And Chong: Yes. Former PM Tun Azman and Mohan – know the Zain: The policy should con-
thing, fait accompli. And from the so the rural children – the Malays, Dr Mahathir Mohamad once said importance of English. We were in tinue. Of course it was abruptly
way then Education Minister Datuk the Kadazans, the Ibans and the that the Chinese have no problems school when the switch to Bahasa announced in mid-2002 and imple-
Seri Hishammuddin Hussein was Orang Ulu – would be at a disad- studying anything as their language Malaysia took place. At that time mented in haste in 2003. But billions
talking about it throughout last vantage while those in the urban has been a functional one for a long there were still a lot of good English of ringgit have already been spent.
year, I thought the policy would areas would not have much of a time. Because Bahasa Malaysia is language teachers, Malays as well Teachers undergo a lot of training
stay. problem. the national language they have as non-Malays. So we benefited. periodically and those in the rural
Mohan: That’s right. Many Chong: Ah, you forget. Our mastered it. And now that English But gradually as these teachers areas get all kinds of remedial help.
people thought so, too. And because Chinese educationists also cam- is a global language, they quickly retired the new teachers, product of They cannot complain of the hard-
of that the language nationalists paigned. They see that the wider gained proficiency in it too. And the Bahasa Malaysia medium, were work they have to put in as they
– those who feel that PPSMI under- usage of languages other than because of that the Chinese will mostly Malays. Today about 90% are being paid extra. With constant
mines the sovereignty of Bahasa Chinese in Chinese schools as always be ahead. of the teachers in national schools monitoring, their capabilities have
Malaysia which they strongly feel threatening their identity and cul- Azman: What about you? are Malays. I think this is one rea- been improving. So why stop? I
is a functional language as well ture. From the very beginning they Chong: Me? No worries, man. son why the standard of English think it is reversed not because it
– went all out early this year to insisted that making it compulsory Those things like culture don’t deteriorated so badly. cannot be done but more because
have it reversed. Some of our for English to be the medium for bother me. I know I am Chinese. Mohan: So it’s the teachers. of other considerations.
national literary luminaries were teaching mathematics and science Nothing can change that. I recently Azman: It’s always the teach- Azman: An Umno politician
in parliament campaigning for a is one sure way of reducing the use visited a distant relative in Cuba, a ers. told me it is a popular decision. He
reversal. Among them were also of Chinese in Chinese schools. They shopkeeper whose ancestors had Chong: Poor English teachers. said it explains why the BN nearly
some academicians. Yes, Cikgu? said that it was the real motive be- been these since the 1880s. He and Zain: Exactly. If they are the won in Manek Urai.

the majority preferred. and give such schools the freedom to

Look at neighbouring countries which develop as they see fit and not constrain
became independent much later than us them in any way.
and see how they have advanced. The final decision should be left
Since the announcement of the new to the parent-teacher associations of

Open up English medium schools education policy, many blogs have been
conducting surveys to find out the views
of the public. All these blogs show that
these schools and not the civil servants,
whose decisions are guided mostly by
the politicians.
THE recent announcement on the It is the right of such parents a young age, thus destroying their family most of the population are against such This will then show to the world
reversal of the education policy by to expect such an education from life. Even now most are forced to send a policy reversal mainly because the that the government does not play to
the government had taken many Ma- the government, as they are also their children overseas but when they government did not consider the wishes the tune of the “interest groups” for
laysians by surprise. One doesn’t have taxpayers just like all the others who are older. of the average parent whose interest votes and that it is truly democratic in
to be a rocket scientist to understand are clamouring for the national, Tamil A proper assessment of what medium in his child’s future is not only of para- meeting the aspirations of all Malaysians
the reasons behind the government’s and Chinese schools. The government of instruction to be adopted by schools mount importance to him but also to the especially the parents of schoolchildren,
decision. Of course it cannot be de- cannot deny them such an opportu- should have been done among parents government because if such children’s who have the interest of not only their
nied that there are parents who like nity and force them to receive an of schoolchildren. Unfortunately the edu- brain power is not used fully the country’s families but also their communities
their children to go to a Malay medium education which they consider will cation minster depended on feedback human capital, as well as the country’s and the future prosperity of the whole
or Chinese medium or Tamil medium not develop their children’s full mental from various “interest groups”. economy stands to suffer. country at heart.
schools, but there are also many par- capabilities. The minister came to a decision Why are our politicians still unable to This is the humble opinion of a
ents who want their children to go to If forced to do so most such par- after several meetings with such groups see the advantages of an English medium retired politician with two degrees who
English medium schools for reasons ents will have no alternative but to but nowhere is it mentioned that he of instruction in our schools? had succeeded in life mainly because of
they and most of the world know. send their children overseas even at had done a survey of the population to The government could convert the English language and who does not
find out what the majority preferred or certain schools in areas where many want his children and grandchildren to
that he had consulted highly educated parents want schools which use the leave this wonderful country which we
groups such as the Malaysia Harvard English medium (with Bahasa Malaysia so dearly love, only to settle and earn
community, etc. as a compulsory subject) to develop in their livelihood elsewhere without their
The country has been experimenting parallel with schools using other medi- parents and relatives.
with our education system for about ums of instruction.
30 years, all of which based mainly on Over time we will be able to see Datuk S.S. Subramaniam
political considerations, but not on what which schools are most in demand Petaling Jaya

A taste of Old Trafford near home

AS an ardent supporter of Manchester venue was teeming with fans and the the names of the players. To be at the
United, I would wake up early in the atmosphere was electrifying. venue to watch the match from the first
morning to watch their matches. It didn’t It was surreal to see the players in the minute to the final whistle, to go crazy
matter if I only got an hour’s sleep before flesh. When they came out to the pitch, with the crowd in rapturous applause
travelling to work. to thunderous applause and deafening when Rooney, Nani and Owen scored
So when it was announced that the cheers, I had to pinch myself to make was simply thrilling.
Red Devils would be in Malaysia, I was sure I wasn’t dreaming. Here was Rooney To the organisers and the manage-
ecstatic. I realised this was as close as I (my favourite), Ferdinand, Giggs, Scholes, ment and players of Manchester United
would ever get to the team and bought Van der Sar and the rest of the team. – thank you for giving Malaysian fans a
my ticket on the first day of sales. This time, instead of cheering from taste of Old Trafford.
On July 19, I was part of a huge throng my living room, I was presented with
of Man Utd faithfuls who made our way a rare opportunity to join other fans in Sheila Palmer
to the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil. The doing the Mexican wave and in chanting Sepang

Don’t neglect physical education

MORE and more schoolchildren are be less among children from well-to-do convert a suitable room into a gym for
becoming obese. It appears that more families compared to children from less use by the students to stem the growing
emphasis is being placed on academic well-to-do families. This no doubt largely trend towards obesity and prevent the
development of the child rather than due to well-to-do parents being able to early onset of a host of related diseases
physical development. take their children during the weekends such as diabetes, hypertension and heart
Some schools have been built with- to gyms and swimming pools for work- disease.
out proper fields for outdoor games and outs in the clubs in which the parents
physical activities. are members. M.G. Deva
The incidence of obesity appears to Schools without playing fields could Kuala Lumpur

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