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16PF Competency Report

Interpretation Tips
To help you maximize the value of the 16PF Competency Report, weve pulled together a recommended process for reviewing it. Use the attached sample report for Ella Explorer as you follow these steps: 1. Review and Define Pages 45-47 spell out the 20 competencies that the report measures. Review the list and choose the competencies that best fit the target job. We suggest that you use 7-8 competencies at most. 2. Results - High-level Summary Page 4 contains a high-level summary of the results for all 20 competencies. The color coded bars tell you how closely Ellas profile matches all of the factors that make up that competency. For example: In general, Ella is effective at Analytical Problem Solving, but doesnt do everything equally well. Ella is stronger, overall, in Innovation and in Strategic Vision. Her Written Communication skills are weaker. 3. Results Detailed The detailed competency results start on page 5. First, review the Indicator statements. You will see that Ellas Analytical Problem Solving skills are best when looking at the big picture (+ sign). Shes somewhat less effective at relying on logic and at working carefully (o signs). The development tips are unique to Ellas profile. A results section which contains no development tips means that the persons scores for that competency were not extremely favorable or unfavorable. Page 8 is an example. A minus () in front of a bullet point means that the behavior gets in the way of performance. See the middle bullet on page 9, for instance. 4. Interview Questions Interview questions are provided for each competency starting on page 25. The two lead questions (For example, Can you tell me and Tell me about a time) are always the same. The specific bulleted probing questions under them are geared to the persons unique competency profile. You may choose to ask either question, or both. There is writing space for your interview notes. Remember, the key task is to narrow your focus by identifying the most job-relevant competencies first. Then review the detailed results for those competencies. These 20 competencies fit a wide variety of jobs and industries. If desired, IPAT can produce a shorter, tailored report which will require an additional financial investment in computer programming. This investment in a customized report is worthwhile if your organization will use the same competencies with a large applicant pool over time.

800 225 4728

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