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HIMA: Good Morning to everyone! This is Hima Aishwarya and my group members are Divya.k, Divya.S, Elakiah, Ezhil Nilavu, Gokula Ranjini, Jeyapriya, Kamali, Kannabhiran and Yuvapriya. The topic given to us is Indian cities vs. villages-which contributes more to the development of nation. Well, we all know that India is a developing country which occupies second place in the population rate. I think a city contributes more towards the development of nation. Cites currently contribute around 58% to the country gross domestic product, which is expected to grow 70% in 2030. DIVYA.S: I also feel that cities contribute more than the villages, Due to the lack of knowledge and unawareness, population is more in villages than cities, so this leads to decrease in literacy and economy rate of our country. ELAKIAH: I agree with her, cities have a contribution towards the development of our country but they also play a major role in bringing down our economy. Cities mode of transport is always energy consuming since they prefer fast and easy way. Every individual has his/her own bikes or car. They dont use the public transport. This eventually leads to the import of petroleum from other countries. In return, India has to pay a lot. This hinders the development of our country. EZHIL NILAVU: I support city life because online business are quite improved in cities compared to village because in village the people are unaware of online business and so at business level, cities contribute more in development than village. Moreover at education level, I think cities are best because in villages the schools are normal and the education system is simple but in cities there are different education system so most children in cities are exposed to knowledge. DIVYA.K: I dont agree with her Agriculture is a backbone of our country agriculture is the major occupation in village. The exports and imports of various agricultural products leads to the development of our nation. GOKULA RANJINI: I agree with Ezhil because in cities, people have more opportunities to express their talents in various fields but in villages even though they have lot of talents, they dont have opportunities to express. This might be due to lack of better knowledge too. I feel if

more opportunities are given to the village people, then it will be in addition more helpful in developing our nation.

JEYAPRIYA: I disagree with Gokul, because now- a-days electricity is the major problem in India. When we compare the consumption of electricity in village & city, Cities consume more than village. So my view is villages contribute to the development of the country than cities KAMALI: According to me, villages and cities both have some issues towards the development of India. For example, if we take technology, it is good in cities, but the village people dont have that much awareness about technology. Even though the technology is good in cities, villages are more popular for their milk and agricultural products. So, my point is that both are involved in the development. KANNABHIRAN: I agree with everyone because their points were valid and true, but I would like to see this discussion from a different perspective. I think that it is also essential to talk about the obstacles that stop us from developing. Corruption is one of the major factors that affect our development and if I am not wrong corruption is on at higher degree in cities than in villages. Hence most of the economy contributed by cities is overshadowed by corruption. Moreover by industrialization, though we are generating employment we are indirectly destroying the villages. Though we say that we have enough industries to sustain our development our major export is tea which is also from the villages. I fear that if we rely completely on cities for our development we might lose our villages. YUVAPRIYA: My view is that village people play a vital role in developing our country. Because village people wish to buy products which are made in only India, but more than 50% of city people prefer only the foreign products. HIMA: I agree with everyone. When it comes to development of nation, one should not forget about the IT industries. The IT industry in India has gained a brand identity of a knowledge economy due to its IT & ITES sector. The growth in service sector in India contributes substantially to increase the GDP, employment and exports. Today, Bangalore is known as the

silicon valley of India & it contributes to 33% of IT exports. Thus cities contributes more towards the development. DIVYA.K: yes Hima, I do agree that IT companies have led to the development of our nation, but morally city people are more selfish because they see only for their profit & dnot think about the development of country. DIVYA.S: In villages the people are not aware about recent schemes & basic rights, but in cities the people are communicate with the government by these schemes & rights. ELAKIAH: Though villages contribute to the development of our nation, the education in village has not reached to everyone whereas in cities everyone are educated. This gives them a chance to think and proceed in whatever they do. For example the construction of building are in such a way that they can be prevented from damage area to natural and other calamites, whereas village are less safe which leads to lots of causalities ultimately leading to loss in our economy. EZHIL: I agree with hima that employment is more in cities while in villages we can see unemployment and due to IT companies in cities everyone are employed including women are employed in cities than in villages GOKUL: Our villages preserve our cultures & tradition which includes various customs and festivals which are chief point of attraction for tourists. This ultimately increases our economy. KAMALI: Though Rice, wheat, grains are cultivated in villages, rural people depend on urban people for export purposes. Hence, both the city and village are interlinked with one another and have their effects towards the development of India. KANNABHIRAN: I disagree with Divyas point because we all know that china has an abundant population than India. If it can attain the position of a developed nation, why cant we? I think the reason is that we are not using the available human resources in a fruitful way. The fault does not lie with the people but with the government. YUVA PRIYA: You have got a very good point, I also state that India is gifted with many natural resources but government is not utilizing it in a proper way. It is one of the major drawbacks for the reason that India has not become a developed country.

HIMA: Let us come to conclusion. We had a very lively discussion on what contributes more to the development of nation, cities or villages. Everyone came have their own point of view. The answer to this is debatable but we have to accept the two sides of the same gain. Cities and villages (i.e.) the urban and rural areas contribute to the nations development in some way or the other. One should give equal importance to cities and villages and should also initiate agriculture in large extent.

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