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Congress of the Swiss Abroad

Davos, 16 - 18 August 2013 Australia was represented strongly at this years Congress of the Swiss Abroad in Davos with three council delegates attending, Beat Knoblauch (NSW), Marc Godat (Qld) and Roland Isler (Vic). At the meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad on 16 August, the following main items were on the agenda: Inauguration of the newly elected Council of the Swiss Abroad for the term 2013 2017 Consular Network Developments Electronic Voting Response to the 3rd report by the Federal Council Online election of the Council of the Swiss Abroad Inheritance tax agreement with France Presentation: The Swiss in Australia And probably the most important item: Law for the Swiss Abroad Adopting the OSA response to the draft proposal. You will recall that we arranged to have the draft proposal of the new law sent to all registered Swiss in Australia. The following is a summary of the Councils response to the draft proposal: Summary The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) welcomes the creation of the Law for the Swiss Abroad. It considers the draft proposal prepared by the commission as an important legislative and administrative simplification. The law will form the basis for a future-oriented, holistic, sustainable policy in the field of international mobility of Swiss citizens. However, the OSA strongly opposes the lifting of the compulsory enrolment requirement (Immatrikulationsobligatorium), and regards it as incompatible with the purpose of the proposal. Instead, the OSA advocated the networking of the consular missions abroad with the domestic departments for population control (Einwohnerkontrollen). To achieve a coherent Swiss Abroad policy, the ASO considers it necessary that the development of a political Swiss Abroad strategy is expressly stipulated in the Act and that the Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) is explicitly granted the competence to develop this strategy and coordinate the administrative activities in this area. The OSA further advocates that the Federal governments obligation to provide information to the Swiss Abroad is strengthened and that the cooperation between the Swiss foreign institutions, in particular the Council

of the Swiss Abroad, is enshrined in law. Finally, the ASO also advocates that a legal basis is created in the Law for the Swiss Abroad that facilitates the introduction of e-voting and for nondiscrimination of citizens living abroad. For the full text of the response and about the other agenda items, please go to Presentation: The Swiss in Australia although one of the last items on the agenda, it was nevertheless a very important one. It gave us the opportunity to present a picture of our Swiss communities in Australia. Underpinned with many interesting visuals we covered a wide spectrum business/science (SACCI, SAAN), folklore, history and main events (Swiss Festival etc). Beat organised a large number of copies of the book The Swiss in New South Wales: A History to be sent over to Davos. An issue of the book was presented to every Council member and also the OSA executive. Roland likewise handed a copy of the book The Swiss Club of Victoria: the First 100 Years and a copy of Roman Meyers SCV movie documentary to OSA president Jacques-Simon Eggli. These items will be included in the OSA archive. As part of the centenary celebration of the OSA in 2016, this extensive archive documenting the Swiss expatriate community will be included in the Federal archives. The presentation was very well received. The Congress the next day (17 August) attracted around 380 Swiss from around the world. The theme was Switzerland in time of Globalisation. Visitors were able to participate in three workshops exploring globalisation of institutions, the economy and of migration. Keynote speakers were Franz von Dniken, Past Secretary of State and Political Director of the EDA, Rudolf Wider, Director of the OSA, JacquesSimon Eggli, President of the OSA and guest of honour, Federal Councillor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. During a chat with us, the high-ranking politician revealed that she had family links to Australia and a visit downunder is on her agenda. Roland presented her with a copy of the SCV history book and movie documentary, which she gratefully accepted. This Congress was the last one attended by OSA Director Rudolf Wider as he will retire next year. He was duly honoured and thanked for his many years of exemplary service to the Swiss Abroad. In the evening we took the cable car up to the beautiful Hotel Schatzalp, were over dinner, many new acquaintances were made and old ones maintained. After two busy days, day three (18 August) was a one to relax. On the program was a scenic train ride on the Rhtische Bahn from Davos to Chur with lunch on top of the Muottas Muragl (2456m). Again presenting a great opportunity for networking and rounding up a most interesting and rewarding Congress in Davos. Roland Isler Council of the Swiss Abroad

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