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Microsoft Navision Axapta V3.

Balanced Scorecard

Microsoft Navision Axapta V3.0

Balanced Scorecard

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Lesson 1 Business Background and Axapta Balanced Scorecard

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:


Understand the business background and the concept of the Balanced Scorecard. Understand the Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework.

DocID: AX-300-ILT-118-v01.00-ENUS

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard



The Balanced Scorecard Concept Harvard Professor Robert S. Kaplan and management consultant David P. Norton first introduced the idea of a Balanced Scorecard in 1996 as a strategic performance management system, and have since then developed the concept, as we know it today. The need for such a tool has emerged from a growing recognition that financial measures alone are insufficient for managing modern organizations. Financial reporting has traditionally been performed using a retrospective accounting model that was developed centuries ago. Unfortunately, this model does not incorporate valuation of a companys intangible and intellectual assets, such as skilled employees, internal processes, and satisfied and loyal customers. One could argue that these intangible assets are more critical to the long-term future of the company than traditional physical and tangible assets. The Balanced Scorecard, in fact, complements financial measures of past performance by measuring the drivers of future performance. Many companies have mission statements and visions, which are translated into business strategies. However, often these strategies never leave the boardroom, and are therefore never fully implemented in the organization. The Balanced Scorecard is a tool that can help translate visions and strategies into an integrated set of performance and action measures that cascade down through the organization from divisions to departments, through operational units down to the individual employee. The Balanced Scorecard concept as introduced by Kaplan and Norton measures organizational performance across four balanced perspectives: Financial perspective, Internal Business perspective, Learning & Growth perspective and Customer perspective (Source: Kaplan & Norton 1996. Translating Strategy into action) Financial Perspective: Financial objectives serve as the focus for the objectives and measures of the other three perspectives. Every measure should be part of a causeand-effect relationship culminating in long-term, sustainable financial performance. The following illustration is an example of cause-and-effect relationships: Improving employee skills (Learning & Growth perspective) leads to reduced cycle times (Internal Business perspective) which, in turn, leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty due to shorter delivery times (Customer perspective) thereby increasing sales revenue, leading to an increase in return on capital employed (Financial perspective).

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


The Balanced Scorecard itself is an illustration of this strategy. Beginning with long-term financial objectives linked to customer focused initiatives, internal operational processes and investments in employees and systems that are combined to produce the desired economic performance. Customer Perspective: Financial success is closely linked to customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers mean repeat business, referrals and new business, and thereby contribute to the financial results of the company. Internal Operations Perspective: Customer satisfaction is directly achieved through the operational activities of the company. The objectives and measures for this perspective thus enable a company to focus on maintaining and improving the performance of processes that deliver the established objectives that are key to satisfying customers, which in turn satisfy shareholders. Learning & Growth Perspective: The ability, flexibility and motivation of staff support all of the financial results, customer satisfaction and operational activities measured in the other three quadrants of the Balanced Scorecard.

By summarizing Kaplan and Nortons four perspectives of management

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


you get a picture of the vital elements of the Balanced Scorecard concept. The integrated cause-and-effect relationship between the four perspectives is well illustrated in Norton and Kaplans own definition of the Balanced Scorecard concept:

Balanced Scorecard tell you the knowledge, skills and systems that your employees will need (learning and growth perspective) to innovate and build the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies (internal processes perspective) that deliver specific value to the market (customer perspective) which will eventually lead to higher shareholder value (financial perspective). Source: Kaplan & Norton 1996

The Balanced Scorecard example shown below illustrates how the overall strategic objectives are translated into the performance drivers that the company has identified as critical success factors. The performance drivers are translated into more tangible measures that allow the company to quantify the performance drivers mentioned just above. Measurements should continue over time allowing comparisons.

Source: Kaplan & Norton 1996

The Overall Process The top-down implementation model suggests that the Balanced

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


Scorecard is initiated and shaped at top-levels in the organization, and then over time cascaded down through the organization. By employing this succession, alignment can be easier to obtain. Commitment to the Balanced Scorecard project at top level in the organization is crucial for the long-term successes of the project.

However, many organizations choose to perform the implementation from the bottom-up, building their first Balanced Scorecard, for example, for an operational unit or division within the business. Starting little-by-little can make grasping the project of implementing a Balanced Scorecard easier. By letting each division or unit review the Balanced Scorecard first and report back to executive management, the organization can be better positioned for a future full-scale deployment.

The flowchart below illustrates how the major steps in the Balanced Scorecard project might progress. As you can see, the majority of the steps involve non-system work in preparation for the implementation. Careful preparation and design of the Balanced Scorecard is critical for a successful project, but one should never underestimate the system dimension of the project. The implementation process, and the training of

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


the employees in the system are critical as well, and should not be overlooked.

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard



The Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework is based on the Norton & Kaplan concept described above. While the Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework employs slightly different terminology, the fundamental elements and functionalities remain similar to Kaplan & Nortons framework. The Axapta Balanced Scorecard is based on the concepts of the traditional Chart of accounts as found in Axaptas General Ledger-module Great advantages can be obtained by applying the Balanced Scorecard module together with the other modules in the Axapta ERP-platform. For example, data can be fed to the four perspectives described above from the CRM-module (Customer), General Ledger-module (Financial), Production-module (Internal) and HRM-module (Learning & Growth). The automatic receipt of data from the system provides a dynamic and updated scorecard, which means that, for example, managers are always looking at updated cockpits. To collect intangible information such as customer and employee satisfaction, the Questionnaire-functionality in Axapta can be employed to gather valuable soft measures. The Balanced Scorecard is also integrated with the Business Process Management and the Human Resource Management modules, since Strategic planning can be linked to Knowledge accounts as well as organization units. Due to the Data-link function, the Axapta Balanced Scorecard can easily be employed as a stand-alone-system. The Data-link function allows you to provide the system with external data from, for example, spreadsheets and other applications or databases, or the system can be fed manually via the Knowledge-journal function.

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard



Exercise 1

Group discussion

Discuss the Balanced Scorecard concepts in groups of two or three persons. Use one of your companies as the starting point of this exercise.


Find out what your companys strategy is for the future. Formulate the overall strategy in bullet points. Considering Kaplan and Nortons four perspectives, which performance drivers are relevant to achieving your strategic goals?


Lesson 2 Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

This lesson provides instructions on how to perform basic setup in Axapta Balanced Scorecard. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to: 1 2 3 Set-up Focus Groups Set-up Knowledge Periods Set-up Analogmeters

DocID: AX-300-ILT-119-v01.00-ENUS

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation



In Axapta Balanced Scorecard, the Focus group-concept is used similarly to Kaplan & Nortons Perspectives that was described in the first lesson of this material. Focus groups are groups of strategic measurement areas in the company, and are used to group Knowledge accounts in the Balanced Scorecard. You can group all Knowledge accounts related to the same focus area in the same focus group. This includes, for example, an estimation of process capital and innovation capital, regardless of whether or not the individual Knowledge accounts have comparable values. The purpose of the Focus groups can be compared with the ledger chart of accounts account type, which divides the ledger accounts into operating and balance accounts.

You cannot delete a focus group that is attached to a Knowledge account in the Chart of knowledge accounts.

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation



Knowledge periods define when data is to be collected in the Knowledge account, and are used when generating knowledge reporting statistics. You cannot delete a Knowledge period that is attached to a Knowledge account in the Chart of knowledge accounts.

To create a Knowledge period


Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge periods. Press CTRL + N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new line. Type a code for the period in the Period field. Type a short description in the Description field.

3 4

Example (General tab folder) Imagine that you want to define a Knowledge period as a half-year: Start date: 01-07-2002 Unit: Month(s) Per: 6 (refers to the Unit) Once you press tab to go to next field notice that the rest of the date fields are filled in automatically. Now the calculation period is defined.

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation



An Analogmeter is a graphic representation of the value of a Knowledge account. Analogmeters are attached to Knowledge accounts only after their appearance has been defined. Analogmeters can be customized to fit any type of Knowledge account, depending of the type of measurement used. Example - Analogmeter

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation


General tab page:

Field Minimum Maximum Action Minimum value of the axis on the Analogmeter Maximum value of the axis. This value must match the Unit you select. E.g. if the Unit is percent the Maximum value could be 100. Size Size of the Analogmeters in degrees. 180 degrees corresponds to a semicircle. A semicircle is the most frequently used size. Unit Symbol for a unit that is placed after the transactions value, for example USD, %, Minutes etc. Text color Background color Select a text color for the Analogmeter. Select a background for the Analogmeter.

Lines tab page:

Field Area Action Interval sequence. 1 is the first interval in the Analogmeter, 2 is the next and so forth. Description Value Type a short description of the interval. The intervals end value. End value for the last interval should be the same as the Maximum value stated on the General tab page. Color Select a color for each interval. If you use the color red to identify the critical or poor interval and green to identify the excellent interval be aware of the type of Analogmeter, For example a low value on Customer complaints is a positive thing whereas a low value on Customer Satisfaction is a negative thing.

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation



Function Creating a Focus group Procedure

Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Focus groups.

Press CTRL+N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new line.

Click in the Focus group field and enter the name of the Focus Group.

In the Description field, type a short description of the group.

Creating an Analogmeter

Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Analogmeter.

Create new Analogmeter Press CTRL + N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Analogmeter.

In the Analogmeter field, enter identification for the Analogmeter.

In the Description field, type a short description of the Analogmeter.

Testing an Analogmeter

1 2

Select the Analogmeter you wish to test. Click test.

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation


Exercise 2 Focus Group (Perspectives)

The company wants to focus on: The percent of its employees possessing a High School education Course evaluation

In preparation of your Balanced Scorecard and implementation of Knowledge accounts (Key Performance Indicators) and Performance measures, you must set-up the following:

Create a focus group named Education

Exercise 3

Knowledge Period

Create a Knowledge period. You have to be able to measure KPIs for each half year, starting with 01.01.2002.

Exercise 4


Create a new analogmeter to be used for a Knowledge account, which will measure percent of employees with a High School education. You have to define success criteria, critical factors and design for the analogmeter. A suggestion for description of areas is: very low, low, middle, high, very high. Experiment using different setups, areas, and colors, and then test the results. Create another new analogmeter to be used for a Knowledge account, which will measure course evaluation.

Set-up and Preparing a Balanced Scorecard Implementation


You have to define success criteria, critical factors and design for the analogmeter. Suggested descriptions for the areas are: not acceptable, improvement needed, meets requirements, exceed requirements, outstanding. Experiment using different setups, areas, and colors, and then test the results.

Lesson 3 Knowledge Accounts

This chapter provides a business understanding of the concept of KPIs, and how they are handled in the Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

Understand the concept of Key Performance Indicators Create a Knowledge account Create targets for Knowledge accounts

2 3

DocID: AX-300-ILT-120-v01.00-ENUS

Knowledge Accounts



The preliminary work of preparing the Balanced Scorecard is by far the most demanding and time-consuming aspect of the project. However, it is also the most critical factor for successfully using the Balanced Scorecard. Before we can focus on the Key Performance Indicators, we need to understand the importance of the preliminary processes to an Axapta Balanced Scorecard implementation. The business strategy drives the rest of the processes in the Balanced Scorecard, thus the strategy must be clear and contain concise objectives and targets. Once the strategy has been communicated, the organization needs to identify the areas that are absolutely critical for achieving the objectives and business success. Otherwise, the organization may find itself without a clear focus. This requires that the strategic focus of the organization be confined to a few (Norton & Kaplan employs four) key areas. In Axapta these areas are termed Focus groups which correspond to Norton & Kaplans Perspectives. (Lesson 2 describes the setup of Focus groups). Within each Focus group you should define strategic objectives, and make certain that everything links back to the strategy, vision and values. It is extremely important that a cause-and-effect relationship is maintained throughout the entire process, as shown in the illustrated below. The Mission, Vision and Values statements must be directly reflected by the strategy. There must also be a chain of causeand-effect between the various objectives and measures through all of the Focus groups.

Knowledge Accounts



The Balanced Scorecard translates an organizations vision into a set of performance objectives distributed among the different Focus groups. Some objectives are maintained in order to measure an organizations progress toward achieving its vision. Other objectives are maintained to measure the long-term drivers of success. Through the use of the Balanced Scorecard, an organization can monitor its current performance (financial, customer satisfaction and business process results), its efforts to improve processes, motivate and educate employees, and also its ability to learn and innovate.
Look to see how performance measures link to the strategic plan. Ensure that there are specific and direct linkages Source: Dr. Kaplan

When creating Knowledge accounts (Performance measures) it is important to make sure that they are directly linked to the strategic vision of the organization. Knowledge accounts must focus on the outcome necessary to achieve the organizational vision and the objectives of the strategic plan. When creating Knowledge accounts and setting Budgets (Targets), it is important to ask whether or not achievement of the specific goals will help achieve the overall organizational goals. It is also important to include a mix of quantitative and qualitative measures. Quantitative measures provide more objectivity than qualitative measures; nevertheless, qualitative measures are an integral part of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. Here are some basic guidelines for constructing Knowledge accounts: Knowledge accounts communicate what is strategically important by linking back to your strategic objectives Knowledge accounts should be maintained over a length of time, allowing comparisons Knowledge accounts should be used for establishing targets, leading to future performance Knowledge accounts should be reliable, verifiable and accurate

Knowledge Accounts



The Chart of knowledge accounts is the core of the Balanced Scorecard module. Knowledge accounts have to be set up for transactions in the companys Balanced Scorecard. There are many ways in which you can build a Chart of knowledge accounts. One way is to create a Knowledge account for each combination. Example If you had a Focus group for customer satisfaction, you would create a Knowledge account for each organization unit where you want to measure customer satisfaction.

A Knowledge account describes the following: The organization unit to which the Knowledge account belongs The Focus group to which the Knowledge account belongs The Knowledge account period, including information on the last period posted in, and the next period Queries, which determine how the basis for the knowledge item is searched for and valued The Analogmeter, which is used to graphically show the value of the accounts items The budget figure

To create Knowledge accounts


Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and then on Chart of knowledge accounts

Note The Chart of Knowledge accounts form is comprised of two main areas: A data filtering element (top section), and a data management element. Data filtering allows you to sort Knowledge accounts by organization unit, focus group and by status (active/inactive). The green field in left side of the form

Knowledge Accounts


indicates that the Knowledge Account is due.

Press CTRL + N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Knowledge account. Fill in the fields on the Overview tab page. Go to the General tab page. Select the accounts Analogmeter in the Analogmeter field. Make sure that the Analogmeter is designed to measure the outcome of the Knowledge account. Tick off Locked in journal if you do not want the account to be used in Knowledge journals. (Knowledge journals are used for manual postings to the Knowledge account more on that in Lesson 4). Tick off Closed if you do not want to allow posting to the account. If the Knowledge account is attached to a Strategic plan from the Business Process Management module, the Strategic plan can be selected in the Plan field. Go to the Periods tab page. Select a period from the list. The period determines the calculation period for the Knowledge account in other words how often the account is being updated. The Periods start date is defined in the setup for the Knowledge periods (see Lesson 2). Though the already defined start date can be changed into a new start date if suitable. The Last period fields are not filled in since this is a new Knowledge accounts and hence there are no previous periods.

3 4

6 7


Knowledge Accounts



The Next period fields will be filled in when the first transaction has been posted to the Knowledge account or the account has been simulated (See Lesson 5). The Formula tab page is described in Lesson 4.3 The buttons in the right side of the formula will be explained in the coming chapters.

12 13

Deleting a Knowledge account There are two ways to delete a Knowledge account:

The traditional Axapta delete-functionality: Select the Knowledge account you want to delete and press ALT + F9 or click Delete record on the toolbar. You cannot delete a Knowledge account if transactions are attached to it or its indicators.

The second approach, explained below, permits you to delete transactions.


There is a more advanced way of deleting the entire Knowledge account, or just a portion of it. Click the Functions button in the right side of the screen and select Delete knowledge account. The Delete knowledge account form will appear:

Knowledge Accounts


Budgets for Knowledge accounts You should think of a Balanced Scorecard as a management system, not just another performance measurement program. It is not enough just to measure results; targets must accompany the measurements. Targets, or Budgets as they are called in the Axapta Balanced Scorecard, are designed to stretch and push the organization in meeting its strategic objectives. When creating Knowledge accounts and setting Budgets (Targets), it is important to ask whether or not achievement of the identified goals will help achieve the organizations vision. Again, we must remember the chain of cause-and-effect. Note Budgets should be mutually agreed upon between management and the person or team held responsible for hitting the target.

Budgets for Knowledge accounts You can record a budget for all knowledge accounts. The Budget is compared to realized transactions upon reporting and to graphic representations of a knowledge account's value. One budget item can be specified per Knowledge account per period. The Knowledge item's period is allocated automatically based on either the Knowledge account's period or the previous forecast item's period. The newest Budget item can be deleted, preventing in-between periods without forecast items.

The black line illustrates the Budget on the Analogmeter.

Knowledge Accounts



Function Creating Budgets for Knowledge accounts Procedure

Double-click on Balanced scorecard, then Chart of knowledge accounts, select an account and click the Knowledge budget button in the right side of the form.

The start and end date is filled in automatically according to the period defined for the Knowledge account.

Enter the value for the Budget in the Value field

On the General tab page you can select the employee who is held responsible for the Budget. If you specified a responsible employee for the Knowledge account, that employee is the default.

Knowledge Accounts



Exercise 5

Knowledge Accounts (Key Performance Indicator)

Create two new Knowledge account in the Chart of knowledge accounts to measure: The percentage of employees with a High School education Course evaluation The Focus group is Education for both Knowledge accounts. The measurement should be taken each half year starting 01.01.2002, for both Knowledge accounts. The Responsible person for both Knowledge accounts is JCL, June Cleary.

2 3

Exercise 6

Budgets for Knowledge accounts

Create budget transactions (target) for the first two periods for your new Knowledge accounts. The first two periods will be 01.01.2002 30.06.2002 and 01.07.2002 31.12.2002.

Lesson 4 Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:


Understand the concept of Knowledge journals Understand the concept of Indicators Retrieve data from Axapta tables Retrieve data from Axapta queries

2 3 4

DocID: AX-300-ILT-121-v01.00-ENUS

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Knowledge journals are used to post transactions to Knowledge accounts. The purpose of the Knowledge journal is: To manually post transactions that cannot be updated automatically To correct errors in existing transactions. Errors can be corrected for both manually and automatically posted transactions

You can post one item per knowledge account per period. The item can be posted via the journals or updated automatically. If you settled the Knowledge account's transaction in a period, you can post a new transaction in the period, since the account's vouchers cancel each other out. There must be transactions in all of the account's periods. For example, if for four consecutive periods you only posted in the first period, then you cannot post in the third or fourth period from the journal as long as there are no transactions in the second period. If you have no values for the account's second period, you need to post an item with the value zero before you can post in the third and fourth periods. When you post transactions from the journal, you do not use the account's indicator. They are only used when you update the accounts automatically. In terms of the approval procedure and displaying all, open, or only posted journals, Knowledge journals contain the same functionality as the Posting journal in the General ledger module.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


Overview tab page:

Field Name Action The name for the Knowledge journal that has been defined in the Setup Journal A numeric identification of the journal. This is filled in automatically when creating a new Knowledge journal and refers to Axapta number sequence. Description A short description of the Knowledge journal. An example could be Re-calculation or simply Knowledge account transactions. Posted The Posted field is ticked off automatically when the Knowledge journal is posted. A Knowledge journal is posted when the button Post in the right side of the form is pressed.

Creating Knowledge journals A Knowledge journal consists of one or more Lines, which generate transactions to the different Knowledge accounts. As in the traditional financial general ledger, for each Line (transaction) a Voucher is automatically generated to document the purpose of the transaction. Before you can enter Journal lines to the Knowledge journal, you need to create a name for the Knowledge journal. A suitable name could be, for example, Knowledge journal postings. On the General tab page, it is important to tick off the Active field in the Approval procedure. This allows the Knowledge journal to be approved before it is posted. Approval rights can be affiliated with User groups, such as Administrators. General tab page:
Field Posted on Delete lines after posting Action This field tells you the date the journal was posted If you want the lines to be deleted after posting, the tick box should be ticked off.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


History tab page: Once the Knowledge journal has been posted (and the approval procedure has been activated and employed), you can track the history of the approval process.
Field Reported as ready Approved Action This field tells you which User group has reported the journal as ready. This field tells you which User group has Approved the journal for posting. Rejected This field tells you which User group has rejected the journal for posting.

Journal lines Once the Knowledge journal has been created, you can start creating Lines (transactions). You can post lines for different Knowledge accounts and for different periods in the same journal. In daily management of the Balanced Scorecard the transactions will probably be posted both automatically and manually to Knowledge journals. One could imagine that one Knowledge journal is created each month collecting the different Lines (transactions) for the different Knowledge accounts. When creating Lines you can choose from the following types: Next period: The line is posted in the period specified as the next period for the Knowledge account. The next period is determined automatically based on the accounts period setup. Settlement: The line settles a posted item, for example an incorrect posting. You can choose those periods where items exist that can be settled, and select the line you want to settle. Settled period: The line is posted in a previously settled period. You can choose from periods where the items have been settled or where a line in the Settlement type journal settles a transaction.

Note The process of using the three different types will be described in more

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


details in Lesson 5.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Setting up Indicators is one of the more technical processes in the Axapta Balanced Scorecard. However, setting up the Indicators is not a continuous process, once the Indicators have been defined they can be used for an unlimited period of time.

A Knowledge accounts indicator is a query that describes the table, criteria and fields included in the computation of a transaction, as well as the type of computation. In other words, an Indicator is a way of telling the system where to get the data and how to use the data for an automatic posting of a transaction to a Knowledge account. Examples of computations are sum, average and maximum. You can create any number of indicators you like for each account. In the Knowledge account you specify the formula that expresses how the value of the accounts transaction is calculated with the help of the indicators. All the indicators you create must be used in the formula, or you will not be able to simulate or update automatically.

As long as transactions have not been posted to an Indicator it can be deleted. However, if you have already posted transactions you can make the Indicator inactive. An inactive Indicator may not be used in the Knowledge accounts formula. When setting up an Indicator, the Wizard will help guide you through.

To set-up an Indicator:

Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of knowledge account.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


Select the Knowledge account you wish to create an Indicator for and press the Indicators button in the right side of the field Select the Indicator name. It is a good idea to have a fixed structure for prefixing the names. An example could be 1000-100 (1000 is the name of the Knowledge account and 100 indicates that it is the first indicator for the account). Click Next. Select how you want your Indicator to be composed, then click Next. Axapta table: You can choose which Axapta table the Indicator should be based on. The most frequently used table-groups are Header and Transaction. The Header group is a good example of a table group related to Focus groups in the Balanced Scorecard, as it contains the employee-table (EmplTable), customer-table (CustTable) and ledgertable (LedgerTable). The Transaction-group contains transactions in Axapta such as amount, time and size of different areas such as salesorders, invoices, and projects

Axapta query: As an alternative to creating your own query, you can choose from a list of predefined queries. Queries can be combined in the Formula field on the Knowledge account. External query: If the data you wish to measure on is not contained in Axapta, you can setup an external data-link to an external database (Creating data links is described in Lesson 9). When data links have been created, you can select which data link the Indicator should be based on. Press the Inquiry icon, and select the criteria for the table/query you chose in the previous process step. Note that if there are date fields in the table you selected, you should select the date field(s) from the tables items whose date is within the period calculated when the account us updated. If you selected Axapta table in the previous step, you can create your own query by joining two or more different tables.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


To join tables: Right click on the table you selected in Step 4. Now you can select 1:n (one-to-many-relations) or n:1 (many-to-one-relations) tables. The available tables are all related in some way to the main table selected in the previous step.

Create a new Range and select the table you want to join with and select the Field and Criteria you want to employ in the range.

Note Creating joined tables requires that the Cross-reference functionality has been updated. To update the cress references, select Tools in the menu bar, and then double-click on Development tools, on Cross-reference, then on Periodic, and again on Update. Notice: The updating process can be very time consuming, therefore it is recommended to run the feature overnight.

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Click Next. In the Date fields form all date-fields from the tables in the query are

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


shown. Tick off the date fields you want to include.

8 9

Click Next In the Calculation dialog, you can select: Table: Select the table from the list that the calculation is to use. Field: You can select the fields related to the table(s) selected above. Type: Select the calculation type to be used for the items, and then click on Next. The calculation types are: - average - sum - maximum - minimum - count (calculates the number of items) Press the Test Indicator icon to test the calculation of the indicators value. Enter the period, and click OK. Axapta then calculates and displays the indicators value. Press Finished to end setup of the Indicator.



When finished with the Wizard, return to the Knowledge account indicators dialog. On the Data fields tab page, notice that you can see the date fields in the table you selected in the wizard. On the Overview tab page, activate the Indicator by ticking off the Activate field. The Type field is automatically updated, and will display either: Not initiated: the indicator does not exist. Axapta: the indicator exists, and is based on a table in the Axapta database. Data link: indicator exists based on the table pointed to by a data link.

Note Notice: If you have selected the wrong table (in step 4) and have clicked Next, you cannot go back to change your choice by clicking Back in the Wizard. You have to close the Wizard, then reopen it and click Next until you come to the "Select a table" form. Then you can change your choice and proceed.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



The Knowledge accounts formula determines how the value of the accounts transactions is calculated based on the accounts indicator(s).

To Create a Knowledge account formula


Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of Knowledge accounts. Next, go to the Formula tab page. The Indicators field in the left side of the form displays which indicators are active for the Knowledge account. The list is updated automatically, but you can click Refresh to update the list again to ensure that all active indicators are shown. In the Formula field, you enter a formula for calculating the transaction's value. You can use the normal mathematical operators *, +, - and /, as well as parentheses on as many levels as you like. You can insert the indicators in the formula in the following manners: Select the indicator and drag it to the formula. Type the indicator's code in brackets. If an indicator's identification is 1, then you type 1. When the formula is finished, click Check formula to verify that the formula is correct.

Example: If you want postings for Revenue total to be shown in $1000, the formula should look like this [1000-100] / 1000. Remember, in the Analogmeter description, state that the Analogmeter is showing transactions in $1000.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Function Creating a Knowledge journal


Press CTRL + N, or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Knowledge Journal.

Click in the Journal name field and select a name from the list.

Creating Journal lines

Enter a short description of the Knowledge journal. Select a Knowledge journal that has not been posted and click the Lines button in the right side of the form.

Press CTRL + N, or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Journal line.

3 4

Select a type. Select the Knowledge account you want to post transaction for, and enter the Value for the transaction.

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Exercise 7

Indicator (automatic measurement) and Formula

For the Knowledge account measuring the percentage of employees with a High School education, create one indicator for the total count of employees with the Employed status (you dont have to mark any date fields in this case). Test the indicator. For the Knowledge account measuring the percentage of employees with a High School education, create one indicator for the count of employees with a high school education. Test the indicator For the Knowledge account measuring the percentage of employees with a High School education, update the Formula on your Knowledge account.

2 3

4 5

Exercise 8

Indicator (automatic measurement) and Formula


For the Knowledge account measuring Course evaluation, create one indicator for the average of participant satisfaction. Use an Axapta Query and activate Start date as the date field you want to include in query range criteria. Test the indicator. For the Knowledge account measuring Course evaluation, update the Formula on your Knowledge account.

2. 3.

Lesson 5 Simulating and Updating

This lesson provides an understanding of the process of simulating and updating Knowledge accounts and Knowledge journals.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:


Simulate transactions to Knowledge accounts Update transactions to Knowledge accounts Update transactions to Knowledge journals

2 3

DocID: AX-300-ILT-122-v01.00-ENUS

Simulating and Updating



When a Knowledge Account is updated, the result is posted according to the defined period for the account. When using the simulation functionality in Axapta, you can simulate a posting at any time, independent of the period. That means that you can get a midway result for the Knowledge account without updating the account. Simulating postings to the Balanced Scorecard allows you to verify that the defined queries produce the expected results. Since this is only a simulation, the Knowledge accounts values are not updated. Simulation will be interrupted if any errors are detected during verification. To perform a simulation, the period for the Knowledge account must be Overdue (illustrated by a green field in the left side of the form). The entire period must be simulated, or Past due should be postdated before the simulation.

Note Closed Knowledge accounts cannot be simulated.

Simulating and Updating



When you update transactions in knowledge accounts, the following happens: A transaction is posted for each indicator. A transaction is posted for each Knowledge account. The transaction is calculated from the account's formula and indicator transactions.

The Knowledge accounts and periods calculated depend on what you specify before you begin the update. The formula, which applies to the Knowledge account when the item is posted, is saved for the transaction in such a manner that you can see how the transaction was calculated. Before updating Knowledge accounts, you must ensure that the base data is all there. It is recommended that you run the update as a batch, so that daily operation is affected as little as possible. You cannot change or delete posted transactions in Knowledge accounts or indicators. If transactions are incorrect, for example because the Knowledge account is not set up properly, or because the base data is incorrect, you will need to use the Knowledge journal and create a manual settlement. In the Knowledge journal, you need to offset, or settle, the error in the account. You can then update the Knowledge account again.

Simulating and Updating



Transactions in the Knowledge accounts and Indicators can be viewed and tracked at any time.

To view transactions

Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of knowledge accounts. Select the Knowledge account you want to see transactions for, and click the Transaction button in the right side of the form.

Overview tab page:

Field Voucher number Action Voucher number that the transaction was allocated upon posting. Starting date Ending date Transaction type Starting date in the period to which the transaction belongs Ending date in the period to which the transaction belongs Indicates whether the transaction is posted via a journal or calculated through an update Transaction text Responsible Text for the transaction Employee who posted the transaction

General tab page:

Field Knowledge account Document External document, if any, specified for the transaction in the Knowledge journal Document date Document date, if any, of the external document specified for the transaction in the Knowledge journal Batch Batch number in the Knowledge journal that the Action Knowledge account that the transaction was posted to

Simulating and Updating


transaction was posted from Settlement Shows whether the transaction is the settlement of another transaction Settled voucher Formula Voucher number of any settled transactions Formula used to calculate the value of the transaction

Simulating and Updating



In Lesson 4.2, how to create Knowledge journals and Knowledge journal lines was explained. Now, let us take it a step further and focus on how to validate and update the journals. In Axapta, you can automatically validate Knowledge journals before posting. Validation does not concern the quality of information in the journal; it is simply a technical verification of issues like: Is the account blocked for Knowledge journals? Is the account closed so that no posting is allowed? Is the journal line approved? Is the account properly setup? Are there items in the accounts previous periods and is the lines starting date the same as the starting date for the next period, as specified in the account? Have all postings in the accounts period been settled? Is the ending date on the line the same as that on the voucher to be settled? Is the voucher to be settled already settled? Is the value on the journal line the same as that on the voucher to be settled? Have all vouchers in the period been settled?

To validate Knowledge journals


Double-click on Human Resources, on Journals, and again on Knowledge journals. Select the Knowledge journal to be validated and press the Check button on the right side of the form.

Or, you can check single lines and vouchers by:

Simulating and Updating


Select the Knowledge journal to be validated, press the Lines button, and then the Validate button. Notice that you can choose to validate lines or vouchers only.

The approval process If you have activated the Knowledge journals approval procedure when setting up Knowledge journal names (see Lesson 4.2), you must go through the approval process before posting a Knowledge journal. You need to approve a journal as ready before you can post it.
1 2

Select the journal to be approved and press the button Approval. Press the button Approve. Now the journal is ready to be posted.

If the approver wants to reject the Knowledge journal:

1 2

Select the journal to be approved and press the button Approval. Press the Reject button.

Posting Knowledge journals If you activated the approval procedure for the journal when setting up Knowledge journal names, you need to report that the Knowledge journal is ready and approve it before posting. If not, simply post the journal. Before being posted, the Knowledge journal is checked automatically and any errors must be corrected.

Select the Knowledge journal to be posted and click the Post button in the right side of the form.

Or you can:

Select the journal to be posted and press the Lines button, and then press the Post button.

Simulating and Updating



Function Simulate updates to a Knowledge account Procedure

Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and on Chart of knowledge accounts.

Select the Knowledge account you want to simulate. Click the Functions button, and select the Simulate Scorecard option.

Enter the date for the simulation to the Simulation date field. If you leave the field blank, the current date is used.

Click in the Type field, and select a simulation type from the list. You can choose from: Past due: Simulation of selected accounts in all periods that are not yet calculated; see the simulation date and knowledge accounts' period information. Credited: Simulation of selected accounts in all periods, where a new transaction to replace the settled transaction has been settled but not yet posted.

5 6

Click OK to start the simulation. The Knowledge account transactions field group shows simulated transactions for the knowledge account, including the Knowledge account simulated, the account name, the period, and the value based on the account's formula.

The field group Knowledge indicator transactions shows simulated transactions for the knowledge account's indicators in the account that are selected in the Knowledge account transactions field group, including the indicator that has been simulated, the indicator name, the indicator's value, and the normalized value.

Click Analogmeter to view the knowledge account's transactions graphically in the form of Analogmeters. An Analogmeter is shown for each simulated

Simulating and Updating


transaction in the account. The Aanalogmeters are grouped by knowledge account. Updating Knowledge accounts

Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of knowledge accounts.

Select the Knowledge account you want to update. Click the Functions button and select the Update scorecard option.

Click in the Update date field, and enter the date of the update. If you leave the field blank, the current date is used.

Click in the Type field, and select an update type from the list. You can choose from: Past due: Update selected accounts in all periods that have not been calculated according to the update date and the knowledge accounts' periods. Settled: Update of selected accounts for all periods, where a new transaction to replace the settled transaction has been settled but not yet posted.

Click OK to start the update.

Simulating and Updating



Exercise 9

Update transactions to Knowledge accounts


Update the Knowledge account percent of employees with a High School education for the period (half year, 01.01.2002 30.06.2002). Double-click on Knowledge account, on Statistics, and again on Analogmeter to view your updated transactions. From the Knowledge account plan you can view Knowledge transactions, and from there you can view Indicator transactions for your Knowledge account.



Exercise 10

Update transactions to Knowledge journals

1. 2.

Create a new Knowledge journal. Create a Knowledge journal line, choose the Knowledge account percent of employees with a High School education, and choose the next period (2nd half year). Create another Knowledge journal line, choose the Knowledge account course evaluation, and choose the first period (1 half year). Update the Knowledge journal. From the Knowledge account plan you can view Knowledge transactions and from here, origin from the Knowledge journal voucher.


4. 5.

Simulating and Updating


Exercise 11

Update transactions to Knowledge accounts


Update the Knowledge account course evaluation for the period (half year, 01.07.2002 31.12.2002). Double-click on Knowledge account, on Statistics, and again on Analogmeter to view your updated transactions. From the Knowledge account plan you can view Knowledge transactions, and from there you can view Indicator transactions for your Knowledge account.



Lesson 6 Reports and Analysis

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

1 2 3

View and understand reports View and understand statistics View and understand Analogmeters

DocID: AX-300-ILT-123-v01.00-ENUS

Reports and Analysis


The purpose of this lesson is to work with the output side of the Balanced Scorecard. Different kinds of reports, statistics and Analogmeters can be retrieved from the system, which can create a foundation for further analysis. The lesson will provide an overview of the key reports and statistic functionalities available in Axapta Balanced Scorecard.

Reports and Analysis


In Axapta, a range of reports is available for the Balanced Scorecard. In this lesson we will take a look of some of the key reports.

Knowledge-account indicators The Knowledge account indicators report focuses on how a Knowledge account indicator is compounded. This report is rather technical, and is primarily intended for the Axapta Balanced Scorecard Administrator. 1. Double-click on Human Resources, on Reports, on Base data, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge-account indicators Press the Select button and choose the Knowledge account you wish to view information on, and click OK. As you can see from the table below, there are many opportunities to create ranges for the information you want to appear in the report. Click OK again.



The report displays which Date fields, Inquiries and Calculations are used in the Indicator.

Note There are two more reports in the Scorecard folder: Chart of knowledge accounts and Chart of knowledge accounts per result group. These two reports are quite simple and will not be described in this material.

Non-posted journal lines This report shows Knowledge journals containing non-posted journal lines. If you have many Knowledge journals and lines, this report is a good tool to get an overview of the status of the different journal lines.

Reports and Analysis


Double-click on Human Resources, on Reports, then on Transactions, and again on Non-posted journal lines Press the Select button if you want to create ranges on Start date and End date of Journal lines.

Transaction list This report contains and overview of all transactions performed for each different Knowledge account.

Double-click on Human Resources, on Reports, then on Transactions, and again on Transaction list. If no ranges are performed, all transactions for all Knowledge accounts will be shown.

Reports and Analysis


Axapta has a build-in statistics functionality that allows you to customize the output on graphics, change views and ranges.

Knowledge statistics You can use Knowledge statistics to compare a Knowledge accounts posted transactions with the Budget for a particular number of periods. The result is always shown in the form of a graph. 1. Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge statistics. Select the Knowledge account you want statistics form. Click in the Number of periodshistorical field and enter the number of periods the statistics are to cover. Only updated periods are covered in the statistics. If you want statistics to cover all updated periods, enter a zero in the field. Tick-off the Transactions field if you want Knowledge statistics to cover posted transactions. Tick-off the Budget field if you want Knowledge statistics to cover posted transactions. Press the Update button to update the graph.

2. 3.




Reports and Analysis


Setting up Knowledge reporting Knowledge reporting is a way to create customized groups of Knowledge accounts across Focus groups and organization units. One example could be a Satisfaction Knowledge report, which could contain Knowledge accounts measuring employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and management satisfaction. It is important to notice that only Knowledge accounts with the same period set-up can be collected in a Knowledge report. Axapta sorts the Knowledge accounts so that only the accounts with the period defined in the Knowledge report are available for selection. In addition to the period setup, the measures for the different accounts must be comparable. In other words, you cannot compare dollars ($) with percent (%) to give an example.

Knowledge reporting statistics You can use knowledge reporting statistics to query posted transactions for a particular number of periods. The statistics are based on the profiles you defined and attached to the Knowledge accounts in the Reporting field. Statistics are always calculated for transactions in Knowledge accounts with the same reporting profile, and results are always shown in the form of a graph.

Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, then on Statistics, on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting statistics. Select the reporting profile whose statistics you want to see. You can view the Knowledge accounts with the selected profile on the Knowledge accounts tab page

Reports and Analysis


Select View and Origin. There are tree types of Origin: Transactions: The basis is the accounts transactions Budget: The basis is the accounts forecast items Budget difference: The basis is the difference between realized transactions and forecast items. The budget difference is only calculated for periods with both realized transactions and forecast items. For all other periods, the forecast difference is defined as zero. Click in the Number of periods historical field, and enter the number of periods the statistics are to cover. Only updated periods are covered in the statistics. If you want statistics to cover all updated periods, enter a zero in the field. Press the Update button to update the graph.

Reports and Analysis


Analogmeters can be viewed from within Axapta, but the Enterprise Portal provides a more obvious way of viewing Analogmeters (See Lesson 8). In Axapta you can view Analogmeters in different groupings: Per Knowledge account: Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge accounts. Next, select the Knowledge account. Per Focus group: Double-click on Human Resources, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Focus group. Next, select the Focus group. Per Organization unit: Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Organization. Next, select the Organization unit. Per Knowledge reporting (Special report): Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting. Next, select the Special report. Per Cockpit: Double-click on Human Resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Cockpit. Next, select the Cockpit.

Reports and Analysis



Function Knowledge reporting set-up Procedure

Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting.

Press CTRL + N, or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Knowledge report.

Type an identification and Description for the Knowledge report.

Select a Period. Notice you can only select Knowledge accounts with the same period definition.

Go to the Knowledge accounts tab page and select the Knowledge accounts.

Go to the Analogmeter tab page and select the different Views (Average, Total, Minimum, Maximum and Counting) for the report.

7 8

Select the Analogmeter. You can check the Knowledge report by pressing the Analogmeter button in the right side of the form.

Reports and Analysis


Exercise 12 Reports and analysis

Experiment with Inquiries and Knowledge statistics for different knowledge accounts, including your two new knowledge accounts: percent of employees with a High School education and course evaluation. Experiment with Inquiries and Knowledge reports statistics using different reporting profiles. Experiment with Inquiries and Analogmeter knowledge reporting for different reporting groups.

Lesson 7 Cockpits

This lesson provides an understanding of the concepts behind Cockpits. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1 2 3

Setup Cockpit groups Design Cockpits Test Cockpits

DocID: AX-300-ILT-124-v01.00-ENUS




A Cockpit is a collection of Knowledge accounts shown via Analogmeters related to individuals, or groups of people. You (the Axapta administrator) can control who is authorized to view the cockpits. Imagine a cockpit in an airplane. The cockpit contains a collection of panels that display the vital condition of the airplane. The panels will alert the pilot if something is going in the wrong way (loosing fuel!!!), indicating that it is time to take action. The same is the case with the cockpits in Axapta. For example, cockpits inform management about the condition of the organization and the business, and indicate whether the organization is behind or ahead of expectations. You can design cockpits for different groups of people. One example, as already mentioned, could be managements need for dynamic information, served in a clear and easily accessible way, about market share and total revenue. Another example is an HR-cockpit updating HR-professionals about employee conditions. For instance, an HR manager would certainly be interested in viewing Analogmeters for strategic skill levels, turnover rates, sick days and training per employee, just to mention a few. Cockpits are only available to employees via the Axapta Enterprise Portal. Due to the user rights system in Axapta, employees will only be able to see the cockpits associated to them. (Lesson 8 provides more details on the Balanced Scorecard on the Enterprise Portal). Before you can start designing cockpits you need to setup some cockpit groups (See Job aid).

Designing Cockpits

Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Cockpits. Press CTRL + N, or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new line. Enter identification and a description for the Cockpit. Select the person in charge from the Employee table The Type field contains three options:

3 4 5



Option Public Private

Description All employees can use the group. Only the employee specified in the Person in charge field can use the cockpit.


All employees associated with the Cockpit group can use the cockpit.

Select Cockpit group. Remember, if you selected Group for the Cockpit group type, you determined which employees are authorized to use the Cockpit. Go to the Lines tab page.

Press CTRL + N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new Line. Notice that a sequence number is automatically allocated to the Line. Sequence numbers determine the sequence in which the Analogmeters are shown, and can be changed when more lines are created. Select the Knowledge account from the Chart of knowledge accounts if you wish to include in the Cockpit. Click on the Calendar icon and select one of the available period(s). The End date is completed automatically when you select a period in the Starting date field. Press the Analogmeter button in the right side of the form to test the Cockpit.








Function Cockpit group set-up Procedure

Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Cockpit groups.

Press CTRL + N or click on the New icon on the toolbar to create a new line.

Enter identification and a description for the group. Using the above examples, a Cockpit group could be Management, Sales, or HR.

Go to the People tab page. Here you can select from the Employee table which employee are authorized to use the cockpits affiliated to the Cockpit group.

Once the Cockpit groups have been created, the cockpits can be designed.



Exercise 13 Cockpits

Create a new cockpit group, and affiliate JCL, June Cleary to the cockpit group. Create a new private cockpit for JCL, June Cleary, and choose which Knowledge accounts and Periods are available for the new cockpit. Include the new Knowledge account that measures the percentage of employees with a High School education and course evaluation. Create another new cockpit group, and a new cockpit as a Group cockpit, and affiliate people and Knowledge accounts to the cockpit group and the cockpit.

Lesson 8 Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal

This lesson provides an understanding of how the Enterprise Portal supports the Axapta Balanced Scorecard. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

View the Performance Management section on the Enterprise Portal.

DocID: AX-300-ILT-125-v01.00-ENUS

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal



The Enterprise Portal is fully integrated with Axapta, which means that data generated in Axapta is available on the Enterprise Portal, and visa versa. The Enterprise Portal provides managers and employees with self-service, including role-based security parameters. Employee services is one of the sections on the Enterprise Portal which enables managers and employees to conduct business, initiate transactions and acquire information via the Internet.

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal



Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal enables managers (primarily) and employees to track their own, as well as the organizations targets and performance.

Entering Performance Management

1 2

Log on to the Enterprise Portal Press the Enterprise Services link in the menu bar placed in the top of the screen. Notice the change in content of the vertical menu bar in the left side of the screen. Press the Performance Management link in the vertical menu bar. Now the view appears as shown above.

Viewing Cockpits The Cockpits created in Axapta (Lesson 7) will appear when Performance Management is selected. According to the access rights allocated to the login used, you will be able to see different Cockpits. 1. Click on the link in the Cockpit field. This will provide you with the following information: Type, Person in Charge, Group Of which Knowledge accounts the Cockpit is comprised

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal


2. 3.

Start date and End date for the Knowledge accounts Return to the Cockpit overview. Click the Analogmeter icon to view the Analogmeters affiliated to the Cockpit.

To View Knowledge reporting 1. Press the Employee Services link in the menu bar in the top of the screen. Press the Performance Management link in the vertical menu bar. Click the Knowledge reporting link. Click the Analogmeter icon to view the Analogmeters affiliated to the Knowledge report.

2. 3. 4.

Viewing Analogmeters for Organization Units As we said in Lesson 3, you can affiliate Knowledge accounts to organization units in order to measure, for example, performance and employee satisfaction. 1. Press the Employee Services link in the menu bar in the top of the

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal


screen 2. 3. Press the Organization link in the vertical menu bar. You can click the Expand icon to expand the line organization. This will enable you to view Analogmeters for organization units. Click on the Analogmeter icon to view Analogmeters affiliated with the organization unit.


Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal



Exercise 14

Performance Management on Enterprise Portal

Experiment with the Performance Management section in the Enterprise Portal. View the new cockpits as user JCL, and as another user, to verify the setup.

Lesson 9 Data Link

This lesson provides an understanding on how data links are created and used. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1 2

Create data links Use data links as an indicator


Data Link



A Data link is a link to an external database. Data links enables you to retrieve data from other databases than Axapta to the Knowledge accounts in the Balanced Scorecard. Data links can be used to create an Indicator for a Knowledge account as described in lesson 4.3.

Requirements To create data links for databases, you must have installed an OLE DB Provider or OBDC driver for the database. In addition, you must have Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.6 or higher installed on your computer. You can download it from

To create data links 1. 2. 3. 4. Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup and on Data Links. Press CTRL + N, or click New on the toolbar to create a new Data link. Enter identification for the Data link, and a Description. Go to the General tab page.

General tab page:

Field Queries Action Enter a code for the query. Since a query is a counting function the code could for example be Counter Description Time out Enter a short description of the query Number of seconds until the query is interrupted if the database does not respond. Zero equals no timeout. Curser location Select from the following: Client: the curser is created on the client Server: the curser is created on the database server

Data Link



Enter the Date format. You can use the following components: D: suppress lead zeros in the number of the day DD: always use 2 figures in the number of the day M: suppress lead zeros in the number of the month MM: always use 2 figures in the number of the month YY: suppress the first two numbers in the year YYYY: always use 4 numbers in the year

You are free to choose the sequence of the above components, as well as the divider to be placed between them. No divider is required.


Press the Edit data link button to define the connection string to the database.
Select the OLE DB Provider you want to connect to in your data link. Press the Next button.



On the Connection tab page you select the server, enter User name and Passwords if appropriate, and select Database.

Data Link



Press the Test Connection button to test connection to the selected database.

Data Link



In Lesson 4 we learned three ways to create Indicators for Knowledge accounts: Select an Axapta table Select an Axapta query Select an external query

Now we will turn our focus to creating Indicators with external queries (Data links).

Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and on Chart of knowledge accounts. Select the Knowledge account you want to create Indicator for and press the Indicators button. Press CTRL + N, or click New on the toolbar to create a new Indicator. Type in ID of the Knowledge indicator and enter Name. Press the button Wizard. Tick off Select an external query and press Next.

4 5 6

Select the query you created in the Data links. Press the Inquiry icon to add or edit the criteria for the query In the Calculation dialog, you can select: Table: Select the table from the list that the calculation is to use. You can choose from several tables if you added tables during editing. Field: You can select the fields related to the table(s) selected above. Fields can be explained as measures Type: Select the calculation type to be used for the items: - average - sum

Data Link


- maximum - minimum - count (calculates the number of items) Click Next.


Press the Test Indicator symbol to test the calculation of the indicators value. Enter the period and click OK, Axapta then calculates and displays the indicators value. Press Finished to end set-up of the Indicator.

Data Link


Exercise 15 Data Link

Create a data link. You can choose to create a data link for Axapta.

Appendix A Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors

DocID: AX-300-APP-116-v01.00-ENUS

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard



Knowledge accounts are the core of Balanced Scorecard in much the same way as the Chart of accounts is the core of the General ledger module. Be sure to have set up the following: Focus groups Knowledge journal names Analogmeter Knowledge period set-up

Est. Time
5 min


What to do/say
Introduce lesson objectives By the end of this lesson users should understand the fundamental concepts behind:

Monolog & PPT

Why Balanced Scorecard and Performance Management are useful for a business

5 min Question

The Balanced Scorecard framework Dialog

Opening Question Have you ever considered knowledge to be a tangible asset that can be measured, valued, and even budgeted?

20 min


Introduce the Balanced Scorecard concept. The traditional means of measuring results has been through financial reporting using a retrospective accounting model that was developed centuries ago. The Balanced Scorecard measures organizational performance across four perspectives:

Monolog & PPT

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


The Financial perspective serves as the focus for the objectives and measures of the other three perspectives. Every measure should be part of the cause and effect relationship that culminates in improving sustainable financial performance.

The Customer perspective is the driver of financial success, and closely linked to customer satisfaction.

The Internal Operations perspective focuses on delivering customer satisfaction through the operational activities of the company. Improving performance from this perspective delivers the objectives established as the keys to satisfying customers, which in turn will satisfy shareholders.

The Learning and Growth perspective refers to how the ability, flexibility, and motivation of staff effects all of the financial results, customer satisfaction, and operational activities measured in the other perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard. Repeat the quote from the lesson: Balanced Scorecard tell you the knowledge, skills and systems that your employees will need (learning and growth perspective) to innovation and build the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies (internal processes perspective) that deliver specific value to the market (customer perspective) which will eventually lead to higher shareholder value (financial perspective). Source: Kaplan & Norton

Business Background and Overview of Using Axapta Balanced Scorecard


10 min


Briefly introduce the overall process:

Monolog & PPT

15 min


Introduce the Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework: Knowledge accounts Data-link Combining BSC with other Axapta modules Business Process Management

Monolog & Axapta

Tell how Balanced Scorecard is very much a part of the Strategic Planning process. 5 min Review Are there any questions so far? Dialog

Appendix B Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises

DocID: AX-300-APP-117-v01.00-ENUS

Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard




Est. Time
5 min


What to do/say
Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2 3
15 min Overview

Set-up Focus Groups Set-up Knowledge Periods Set-up Analogmeters Monolog & PPT

Explain the concepts behind: Focus groups: Groups of strategic focus areas within the company. Knowledge periods: Define in which periods and when data is to be collected in the Knowledge account. Analogmeters: Graphic representations of the value of a knowledge account.

Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard


Note Analogmeters are not attached to Knowledge accounts until their appearance has been defined. They can then be customized to fit any type of Knowledge accounts, depending on the type of measurement employed.

5 min


Opening Question Have you ever considered knowledge to be a tangible asset that can be measured, valued, and even budgeted?


10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to set up a Focus group. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Focus groups.

Monolog & Axapta

Note You cannot delete a focus group that is attached to a knowledge account in the Chart of knowledge accounts.

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to set up a Knowledge period. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Set-up, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge periods

Monolog & Axapta

Note You cannot delete a knowledge period that is attached to a knowledge account in the Chart of knowledge accounts.

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to set up an Analogmeter Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Set-up, then on Scorecard, and again on Analogmeter

Monolog & Axapta

Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard


5 min


Have the students encountered any problems?


Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard


Exercise 2

Focus groups

The company wants to focus on the percentage of employees with a High School education, and on Course evaluation. In preparation for working with your Balanced Scorecard, for implementation of Knowledge accounts (key performance indicators), and performance measures, you have to implement a set-up.

Students should have created a Focus group named Education.

Exercise 3

Knowledge period

Students should have created a Knowledge period starting 01.01.2002 with Units = month and Per = 6.

Exercise 4


Students should have created an Analogmeter for percentage of employees with a High School education. Minimum value = 0 and Maximum value = 100. Unit = %. Very low, value = 20. Low, value = 40. Middle, value = 60. High, value = 80. Very high, value = 100. Add suitable colors for the values. Students should have created an Analogmeter for course evaluation. Minimum value = 0 and Maximum value = 100. Unit = %.

Set-up and Preparation for Implementing the Balanced Scorecard


Not acceptable = 20. Improvement needed = 40. Meets requirements = 60. Exceed requirements = 80. Outstanding = 100. Students should verify that the Analogmeters are correct.

Appendix C Knowledge Accounts

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises

DocID: AX-300-APP-118-v01.00-ENUS

Knowledge Accounts



Est. Time
2 min


What to do/say
Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2 3
10 min Overview

Understand the concept of Key Performance Indicators Create a Knowledge Account Create targets for Knowledge Accounts Monolog & PPT

Provide an overview of the concept of KPIs and how they are handled in the Axapta Balanced Scorecard framework. Repeat the quote from the lesson: Look to see how performance measures link to the strategic plan. Ensure that there are specific and direct linkages Dr. Kaplan

5 min


Opening Question If we are to somehow measure intangible assets, how do we decide on what to measure?


Knowledge Accounts


10 min


Explain the business background of Knowledge accounts. Emphasize how important set-up is to fully realizing the benefits of Axapta Balanced Scorecard.


10 min


Explain Knowledge accounts, and provide the basic guidelines for their construction: Knowledge accounts communicate what is strategically important by linking to your strategic objectives Knowledge accounts should be continuous, allowing comparison. Knowledge accounts should be used for establishing targets or Budgets as you can call it. Knowledge accounts should be verifiable and accurate

Monolog & Axapta

Knowledge Accounts


5 min

Demo and Overview

Demonstrate Knowledge account set up. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of knowledge accounts. Provide the following example:

Monolog & Axapta

Example If you had a Focus group for customer satisfaction, you would create a Knowledge account for each organization unit in which you want measure customer satisfaction.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to create a Knowledge account. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, and again on Chart of knowledge accounts Next, explain and demonstrate how to delete a knowledge account.

Monolog & Axapta

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate the concepts behind creating budgets for Knowledge accounts. Emphasize that measurements must be accompanied by targets. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Balanced Scorecard, then on Chart of knowledge accounts. Select an account and click on the Knowledge budget button

Monolog & Axapta

Note You can delete the newest budget item. By doing so, you can avoid having periods in-between without forecast items.

3 min


Have the students encountered any problems?


Knowledge Accounts


Exercise 5

Knowledge accounts (Key Performance Indicator)


Students should have created two Knowledge accounts. One account to measure the percentage of employees with a High School education, and one to measure course evaluation. The Focus group for both Knowledge accounts should be Education. On the Period tab page, the Period should be Half year starting 01.01.2002. The Person in charge should be June Cleary.




Exercise 6

Knowledge accounts (Key Performance Indicator)


The students should have created two Budgets for the Knowledge account created in Exercise 1. One Budget for each period.

Appendix D Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises

DocID: AX-300-APP-119-v01-00-ENUS

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Est. Time
2 min


What to do/say
Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2 3 4

Understand the concept of Knowledge journals Understand the concept of Indicators Retrieve data from Axapta tables Retrieve data from Axapta queries

5 min


Opening Question What tools or methods would you use to gather information on intangible business factors?


10 min


Explain the purpose of Knowledge journals are, and their uses: To manually post transactions that cannot be updated automatically. To correct errors in existing transactions. Errors can be corrected for both manually and automatically posted transactions.

Monolog & PPT

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


Note You can post one item per knowledge account per period. If you settled the knowledge account's transaction in a period, you can post a new transaction in the period, since the account's vouchers cancel each other out.

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to create knowledge journals, beginning by naming the journal. Name the Knowledge journal, Knowledge journal postings. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge journal names. Next, explain and demonstrate how to set up User groups. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, and again on User groups. On the General tab page, explain the fields: Posted on: The date the journal was posted. Delete lines after posting: If you want the lined to be deleted after posting, select the tick box. On the History tab page, explain the following fields: Reported as ready: Shows which User group has reported the journal as ready. Approved: Shows which User group has approved the journal for posting.

Monolog & Axapta

Rejected: Shows which User group has rejected the journal for posting.

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to create Journal lines. Users should still have their Knowledge journals open. Elaborate on the three types of Journal lines: Next period: The line is posted in the period specified as the next period for the Knowloedge account. The next period is determined automatically based on the

Monolog & Axapta

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts


accounts period setup. Settlement: The line settles a posted item, for example, an incorrect posting. You can choose the periods where there are items that can be settled and select the line you want to settle. Settled period: The line is posted in a previously settled period. You can choose from periods where the items have been settled, or where a line in the Settlement type journal settles a transaction. 10 min Demo and Overview Explain and demonstrate how to create a Knowledge period. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Set-up, on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge periods. Provide the following example: Monolog & Axapta

Example - (General tab folder) Imagine that you want to create a half-year Knowledge period: Start date: 07/01/2002 Unit: Months Per: 6 (refers to the unit) Once you press "tab" to go to the next field, notice that the rest of the date fields are filled in automatically. Now the calculation period is defined.

10 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to set-up, and how to create Analogmeters. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Setup, then on Scorecard and again on Analogmeter Explain the following General tab page fields: Minimum: Minimum value of the axis on the Analogmeter Maximum: Maximum value of the axis. This value must match the Unit you select, for example, if the unit

Monolog & Axapta

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts

is a percentage the Maximum value could be 100. Size: Size of the Analogmeter in degrees. For example, 180 degrees corresponds to a semicircle. Unit: Symbol for a unit that is placed after the transactions value, for example, USD or %. Text color: Select a color for the analogmeter text. Background color: Select a background color for the analogmeter. Explain the following Lines tab page fields: Area: Interval sequence 1 is the first interval in the Analogmeter, 2 is the second, and so forth. Description: Type a brief description of the interval. Value: The intervals end value. The End value for the last interval should be the same as the Maximum value stated on the General tab page. Color: Select a color for each interval. If you use the color red to identify the critical or poor interval, and green to identify the excellent interval, be aware of the type of analogmeter you are creating. For example, a low value on customer complaints is a positive thing, while a low value on customer satisfaction is negative. Have the students test their analogmeters so they can see what they look like. 3 min Review Have the students encountered any problems? Dialog

Adding Transactions to Knowledge Accounts



Exercise 7

Indicator (automatic measurement) and Formula


Students should have created an Indicator for the total count of employees with the status Employed. Students should have selected Axapta Table in the Wizard, and created a new line in the Inquiry Range where the Field Status should be selected. The correct result of the total count of employees is 36. Students should have created an Indicator for count of employees with a High School education. Students should have selected the HRMVirtualNetworkEducation table, and created a new line in the Inquiry Range where the Education field should be selected. On the Formula tab page, the Indicators should be entered like this: (Total count of employees)/(Employees with a High School Degree)*100.



Exercise 8

Indicator (automatic measurement) and Formula


Students should have created an Indicator for course evaluation. Students should have selected Axapta Query in the Wizard, and chose Result of questionnaire as Select a query. Student should have created a new line in the Inquiry Range where the Field Questionnaire should be selected. Criteria for the field Questionnaire = Course. Date fields that should be included in the criteriea = Start date. Calculation definition of the indicator: Select a field = Percent, Type = Average. On the Formula tab page, the Indicator should be entered like this [Course evaluation].


3. 4.


Appendix E Simulating and Updating Knowledge Account Transactions

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises

DocID: AX-300-APP-120-v01.00-ENUS

Simulating and Updating Knowledge Account Transactions



Est. Time


What to do/say
This lesson will cover how to update the scorecard, and how to produce mid-way results without posting to the Knowledge account.


2 min


Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2
2 min Question

Simulate Knowledge account transactions Update Knowledge account transactions Dialog

Opening Question Is it possible to view the results of the Knowledge account before the end of the knowledge period?

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to simulate a posting to a Knowledge account. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, then on Update, on Scorecard, and again on Simulate scorecard

Monolog & Axapta

Note Simulation is interrupted if any errors are detected during verification. Also, remember that closed knowledge accounts cannot be simulated.

Simulating and Updating Knowledge Account Transactions


5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to update a Knowledge account. Path: Double-click on Human Resources, on Periodic, then on Update, and on Update scorecard

Monolog & Axapta

Note Before updating the knowledge accounts, you must first ensure that the base data incomplete. It is recommended that you run the update as a batch, so that daily operation is affected as little as possible.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Elaborate on the fields found on the tab pages of the Knowledge account dialog: Overview General

Monolog & Axapta

Next, explain and demonstrate how to view transactions in the knowledge accounts and indicators. 5 min Overview Provide an overview of validating and posting Knowledge journals. Emphasize that validation does not concern the quality of the journal data, but rather it is a technical validation of issues such as: Is the account closed, disallowing postings? Monolog & Axapta

Simulating and Updating Knowledge Account Transactions


5 min Demo and Overview

Is the journal line approved? Is the account properly set-up? Have all postings in the accounts period been settled? Have all vouchers in the period been settled? Monolog, PPT & Axapta

Explain and demonstrate the approval and rejection processes.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate the two methods of posting a Knowledge journal.

Monolog & Axapta

Select the Knowledge journal to be posted, and click the Post button in the right side of the form.

Select the journal to be posted, press the Lines button, and then press the Post button.

Note Any errors in the journal must be corrected before the journal can be posted.

3 min


Are there any questions?


Simulating and Updating Knowledge Account Transactions

Exercise 9 Simulation


The students should have simulated the period 01.01.2002 30.06.2002 and 01.07.2002 31.12.2002. The students should activate the Analogmeter and evaluate the result.

Exercise 10

Update transactions to Knowledge accounts


Depending on the students demo data: For percentage of employees with a High School education there should be around 4 employees with High School Degree in the period giving a value of 11%. Depending on the demo data: For course evaluation the average satisfaction level should be around 76%.


Exercise 11

Update transactions to Knowledge journals


Students should have created a new Knowledge journal for a manual posting to the next period. Students should have created a new line to the Knowledge journal and selected High School Education Knowledge account. Period should be 01.07.2002 31.12.2002. Notice that the entered value should be calculated in percent. Students should have created a new line to the Knowledge journal and selected Course Evaluation Knowledge account. Periode should be 01.01.2002 30.06.2002. The value should be calculated in percent.



Appendix F Reports and Analysis

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors

DocID: AX-300-APP-121-v01.00-ENUS

Reports and Analysis



Est. Time
2 min


What to do/say
Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2 3
2 min Question

View and understand reports View and understand statistics View and understand analogmeters Dialog

Opening Question You have now collected your performance measurements, now what do I do with them?

5 min


Introduce the output functionalities of the Balanced Scorecard. Reports Statistics

Monolog & Axapta

Explain what an analogmeter is, and its purpose.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to run the Knowledge account indicators report.

Monolog & Axapta

Reports and Analysis


Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Reports, on Base data, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge account indicators

Elaborate on the information provided in the report.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to run the Non-posted journal lines report. Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Reports, on Transactions, and again on Non posted journal lines

Monolog & Axapta

Reports and Analysis


5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to run the Transaction list report. Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Reports, on Transactions, and again on Transaction list

Monolog & Axapta

5 min

Demo and Overview

Remind the students of the Axapta Statistics functionality, and the 3 types of output: Graphics Change views Statistics

Monolog & Axapta

Explain and demonstrate how to use Knowledge statistics to compare a knowledge accounts posted transactions with the forecast for a specified number of periods.


Reports and Analysis

Results are always shown in the form of a graph.

Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge statistics

5 min

Demo and Overview

Introduce Knowledge reporting. Use possible reports on Satisfaction as examples: Customer satisfaction Employee satisfaction Management satisfaction

Monolog & Axapta

Note Emphasize that only Knowledge accounts with the same period setup can be collected in a Knowledge report. This is because Axapta sorts the Knowledge accounts so that only the accounts with the period defined in the knowledge report are available for selection.

Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Setup on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting 5 min Demo and Overview Introduce the Knowledge reporting statistics functionality, and its use: To query posted transactions for a specific number of Monolog & Axapta

Reports and Analysis



Note Statistics are always calculated for transactions in the knowledge accounts with the same reporting profile, and the results are always shown in the form of a graph.

Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting statistics

Review the 3 types of Origin: 5 min Demo and Overview Transactions Budget Budget difference Monolog & Axapta

Explain and demonstrate how to view the following analogmeters within Axapta:

Per knowledge account Path: Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge accounts

Reports and Analysis


Per Focus group Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Focus group

Per Organization unit Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Organization

Per Knowledge reporting (Special report) Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Knowledge reporting

Per Cockpit Double-click on Human resources, on Inquiries, on Statistics, then on Scorecard, and again on Cockpit

3 min


Are there any questions?


Appendix G Cockpits

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises

DocID: AX-300-APP-122-v01.00-ENUS




Est. Time


What to do/say
This lesson will cover the basics of working with Cockpits. Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:


2 min


Monolog & PPT

1 2 3
5 min Question

Set-up Cockpit groups Design Cockpits Test Cockpits Dialog

Opening Question Why is the term cockpit used in relation with performance management?

5 min


Explain the ideas and concepts behind the use of Cockpits.

Monolog & Axapta

Elaborate using the following example:

Example - Cockpit in an aircraft Imagine you are a pilot sitting in the cockpit of an airplane, and you are surrounded by a collection of panels displaying



the vital statistics of the aircraft. The panels will alert you should something go wrong, for example if the plane begins losing fuel, and you can then take action. Cockpits perform the same function in Axapta Balanced Scorecard as the control panels do in the airplane. They keep management up to speed on the "vital statistics" of the business, and indicate whether the organization is meeting expectations.

Reinforce the fact that Cockpits are only available to employees at the Axapta Enterprise Portal. Due to the user rights system in Axapta, the employee will only be able to see the cockpits with which they are associated. Lesson 8 will provide more details on Balanced Scorecard on the Enterprise Portal. 5 min 5 min Demo and Overview Demo and Overview Explain and demonstrate how to design Cockpits. Explain and demonstrate how to set-up Cockpit groups. Monolog & Axapta Monolog & Axapta

Note When selecting the Cockpit group, remember that on the Cockpit group you determined which employees were authorized to use the Cockpit if you selected the type Group.

5 min

Demo and Overview

Demonstrate how to test the Cockpit by pressing the Analogmeter button.

Monolog & Axapta



3 min


Does anyone have any questions?




Exercise 12



Students should have created a new Cockpit group. Since we want to create a private Cockpit for June Cleary (next question) a suitable name for the Cockpit group could be JCL. Only JCL should have access to this group. Students should have created a personal Cockpit for JCL.


Appendix H Performance Management on Enterprise Portal

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors

DocID: AX-300-APP-123-v01.00-ENUS

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal



Est. Time


What to do/say
This lesson contains information concerning Performance Management functionalities including: Cockpits Viewing Knowledge reporting Viewing analogmeters for organization units


2 min


Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

View the Performance Management section of the Enterprise Portal

5 min


Opening Question What if you, as either a manager or employee, are working offsite without direct access to Axapta and you need to view performance information in the Balanced Scorecard?


10 min

Demo and Overview

Introduce the purpose of Performance management on the Enterprise portal. Tracking personal targets and performance Tracking the organizations targets ans performance

Monolog & Axapta

Explain and demonstrate how to log on and enter Performance Management.

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal


5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to view Cockpits, and elaborate on the information provided on the screen: Type Person in charge Group Which knowledge accounts are included in the Cockpit Start date and End date for the Knowledge accounts

Monolog & Axapta

Performance Management on the Enterprise Portal


Next, explain and demonstrate how to view Knowledge reporting. 5 min Demo and Overview Explain and demonstrate how to view analogmeters for organization units. You can affiliate Knowledge accounts to organization units in order to measure, for example: Performance Employee satisfaction Monolog & Axapta

3 min


Are there any questions?


Appendix I Data Link

This appendix contains: Notes and guidelines to instructors Solutions to exercises


Data Link



Est. Time


What to do/say
This lesion will cover the requirements for creating data links to databases, how to create data links to an ODBC database, or via an OLE DB provider, and how to use data links for an indicator.


2 min


Introduce lesson objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

Monolog & PPT

1 2
2 min Question

Create data links Use data links for an indicator Dialog

Opening Question What do you do if your company warehouses data in another data base?

3 min


Introduce the concepts behind, and purpose of, creating data links. Data links enable users to: Retrieve data from other databases outside Axapta into the Knowledge accounts within the Balanced Scorecard Create an Indicator for a knowledge account (as described in Lesson 4.3)


14 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to create a data lilnk. Elaborate on the fields found on the General tab: Field Queries Action Enter a code for the query. Since a query is a counting function, the code could be, for example, Counter. Description Time out Enter a brief description of the query. Number of seconds until the query is interrupted if the database does not

Monolog & Axapta

Data Link


respond. Entering Zero as the value equals no time out. Curser location Select from the following: Client: the curser is created on the client. Server: the curser is created on the database server.

Also, provide details the date formats: Format D DD Action Will suppress lead zeros in the day unit. Will always use 2 digits to display the day unit. M MM YY Will suppress lead zeros in the month unit. Will always use 2 digits in the month unit. Will suppress the first 2 digits in the year unit. YYYY Will always use 4 digits in the year unit.

Note Users can freely choose the sequence of the above components, as well as the divider used to separate the units. Remember that no divider is required.

Data Link


Be sure to have the students press the Test connection button to verify the test connection to the selected database.

Data Link

2 min

Demo and Overview

Review from Lesson 4.3 the 3 ways of creating Indicators for Knowledge accounts: Select an Axapta table Select an Axapta query Select an External query

Monolog & Axapta

5 min

Demo and Overview

Explain and demonstrate how to create an Indicator with external queries (Data links). Path: Double-click on Human resources, On Chart on knowledge accounts. Select the Knowledge account you would like to create the Indicator for, and then press the Indicators button.

Monolog & Axapta

3 min


Are there any questions?


Data Link



Exercise 13

Data Link


Student should have created a data link.

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