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java - Jboss Eap - mod_cluster - to prevent jboss talking to each Other - ...

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Jboss Eap - mod_cluster - to prevent jboss talking to each Other

I have a jboss setup with 2 jboss instances on one VM. Each of the 2 jboss talk to 2 apaches on same VM.

Apache 1 apache listen port is 82 <VirtualHost> <Directory /> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> KeepAliveTimeout 60 MaxKeepAliveRequests 0 ManagerBalancerName box1_cluster ServerAdvertise Off # AdvertiseFrequency 5 EnableMCPMReceive On <Location /mod_cluster-manager> SetHandler mod_cluster-manager Order deny,allow Allow from all </Location> </VirtualHost> jboss 1 <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:1.1"> <mod-cluster-config advertise-socket="modcluster" connector="ajp" proxy-list="" <dynamic-load-provider> <load-metric type="busyness"/> </dynamic-load-provider> </mod-cluster-config> </subsystem> <socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.bin

<socket-binding name="modcluster" port="0" multicast-address="" multicast <outbound-socket-binding name="mail-smtp"> <remote-destination host="localhost" port="25"/> </outbound-socket-binding> </socket-binding-group>

Apache 2,listen port is 83 <VirtualHost> <Directory /> Order deny,allow Allow from all

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java - Jboss Eap - mod_cluster - to prevent jboss talking to each Other - ...
</Directory> KeepAliveTimeout 60 MaxKeepAliveRequests 0 ManagerBalancerName box2_cluster ServerAdvertise Off # AdvertiseFrequency 5 EnableMCPMReceive On <Location /mod_cluster-manager> SetHandler mod_cluster-manager Order deny,allow Allow from all </Location> </VirtualHost> jboss 2

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:1.1"> <mod-cluster-config advertise-socket="modcluster" connector="ajp" proxy-list="" <dynamic-load-provider> <load-metric type="busyness"/> </dynamic-load-provider> </mod-cluster-config> </subsystem> <socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.bin <socket-binding name="txn-status-manager" port="4713"/> <socket-binding name="modcluster" port="0" multicast-address="" multicast <outbound-socket-binding name="mail-smtp"> <remote-destination host="localhost" port="25"/> </outbound-socket-binding> </socket-binding-group> The apache works well and connect to jboss .The apache also detects all deployed apps.

Questions:When the is done it shows the applications deployed on the 2nd jboss. I want to make sure that the apache 1 detects application that are deployed in jboss 1 and no other applications. Basically i want to use mod_cluster but dont want one jboss to talk to another.I want to use mod_cluster for jboss to autopublish applications to apache.But i dont want 2 jboss to talk to each other.
java jboss load-balancing mod-cluster

edited Sep 11 at 22:35 Charles 29.6k 8 38 65

asked Sep 8 at 7:29 user2758406 1

Are you starting the two instances in a cluster and does your app have distributable tag set in the deployment descriptor? Otherwise clustering service by default is started lazily, so you should not see two jboss instances cross-talking in the default behavior of JBoss. Sounds like you want to do load balancing but no jboss clustering. CoolBeans Sep 8 at 17:16 First of all, you incorrectly tagged this as cluster-analysis (a data mining technique, known as clustering). Secondly, this is off-topic, and should be migrated to serverfault, as this obviously is a server administration, not a software development question. Anony-Mousse Sep 8 at 19:01 hello CoolBeans, The 2 jboss instances hold different applications.The applications in both instnaces are different are not to be clustered.The purpose of using mod_cluster is to autodetect the applications by apache.But at present both apaches detect applications on both jboss individually.One apache should only detect its own jboss applications . How can this be acheieved? user2758406 Sep 8 at 19:30 @CoolBeans Hello Coolbeans ,Could you please check if there is a solution to the problem that i have reported. user2758406 Sep 11 at 19:04

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java - Jboss Eap - mod_cluster - to prevent jboss talking to each Other - ...

1 Answer
If you do not want two JBoss instances cross talk (since they are not in the same cluster) then you should have the 2 nodes listen on unique multicast addresses. By the way, if you do not use clustering you are losing the ability of session replication and high availability.
answered Sep 11 at 20:29 CoolBeans 9,738 5 25 49 ' <socket-binding name="modcluster" port="0" multicast-address=" <socket-binding name="modcluster" port="0" multicast-address="" multicast-port="23364"/> <outbound-socket-binding name="mail-smtp"> <remote-destination host="localhost" port="25"/> </outbound-socket-binding>" multicast-port="23364"/> <outbound-socket-binding name="mail-smtp"> <remote-destination host="localhost" port="25"/> </outboundsocket-binding>' There are 2 jboss nodes and both have the multicast address of .So changing this address will solve? user2758406 Sep 11 at 22:16 If i add different multicast IPs for both the jboss nodes that will solve the problem? user2758406 Sep 11 at 22:17 Yes that's what I said, different multicast address. When you start up JBoss you can pass the multicast address like this - -u x.x.x.x . CoolBeans Sep 11 at 22:19 @user2758406 - did the unique multicast address help solve your problem? CoolBeans Sep 13 at 2:12 Hello Coolbeans..No multicast address change did not .I changed port and IP both in the jboss (say name is A).There are 2 more apaches (say name C,D) in my box.Those 2 apaches (C,D) kept on showing the jboss instance even after I had changed the multicastIP/port to different value and restarted the jboss (A).The other 2 apaches (C,D) should have stopped showing the Jboss A when A was restarted after multicast IP change.I was using IP:6262/mod_cluster-manager user2758406 Sep 16 at 20:32

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