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How to win people to your way of thinking -The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.

-Show respect for the other persons opinions. Never say, youre wrong -If youre wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. -Get the other person saying yes, yes immediately -Dramatize your ideas -Throw down a challenge Be a leader -Begin with praise and honest appreciation -Call attention to peoples mistake indirectly -Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person -Ask questions instead of giving direct order -Let the other person save face -Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise -Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to You have wasted 24 years of your life Dont wait till u lose everything then u start to regret. ( Appreciate everything that you have that others dont Be the best of yourself and youll receive the best of others. Whatever that makes them best able to associate, gets the most response - -The only limit you have it the limit you put on yourself. Nick Vujicic. -You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore

-If I dont move forward, they wont move forward. Thats life. -If you change everything will change for you. The first step is always not easy. -If you dont change, youll just be like the 97%. Expose yourself to everything. Experience life. Give it a try and see what you can do with your life Dont dare? Why not just give it a try out and see how it turns out

The 1 who makes best use of their time will retire earlier (1 who makes full use of 5/24hours vs 1 who makes full use of 10/24hours) Always ask yourself what have I took back Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time with such a behavior? If you dont approach them, they wont approach you. o You will only be able to get a great mentor if you network

Observe what turns them on and what now o Everyone loves to be praised o What is your life, compared to people in the 3rd world country/less fortunate.

The magic of 1st touch You have to MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON, do not let what is affecting you slow down your progress. FASTER GET OVER IT. You got the find what u love. The only way that u will feel truly satisfied is to do what u believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is the do what you love. it just get better and better as yrs goes on. So keep looking dun settle. Remembering I will be dead soon. Is the most important tool that Ive encountered? To help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything All external expectations, pride, or fear of embarrassment of failure Jus fall away in the face of death living only truly wad is important Your time is limited so dun waste it living someone elses live.dun be Trapped by dogma which is living by the results of other people' thinking Dun let other peoples opinion ground out your own inner voice and most important Have the courage to follow your guts and intuition. Its easy to wind up nice and poor. Sincere and poor. Work hard and poor. Every morning wake up and ask yourself why not me Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Never has been. Never will be.

Remember the words of Einstein: Im thankful to all of them who said NO because of them, I did it myself. Do the best you can. Because you never know Maybe someday you will not be able to do so Sharing is not about making yourself feel good. Its about making other feels good It feels so sweet to have a stranger to say something nice to you No more complains. U experienced everything already. Need not be envy or jealous anymore. Be VERY Focus. Diligent. Dont be No music when learning. Recap whenever you're resting U ever hear James or Ronnie saying it easy?

Learn from Anish/WenJin/Alvin/Ah Kang Dont aim to reach on the dot. Reach early. Dont always assume that everything will work out right. Prepare beforehand. *Take back from deleting past semesters work* Dont be too casual. And lazy. Be more meticulous

Weight: 73kg SMU: 4 As CFA Level 1 Photoshop English writing o 1/3/5/7 English Pronunciation/Reading o 2/4/6 Technical and Fundamental Analysis o everyday Memory/Critical thinking o everyday Jokes/tricks o 1new trick/joke everyday Charisma/Public Speaking o Learning to talk in groups o Ellen Dont be so full of yourself Think before you speak Be Kind Be Sincere Not easily intrigued No vulgarities Being serious No Singlish No Blurness.

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