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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of Batangas District of Talisay VENANCIO TRINIDAD SR.


FIRST PERIODIC TEST IN ENGLISH VI Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________________ I. Score: _________________ Date: __________________

A. Listen to the sentences that the teacher will read. Pay attention to the word that is emphasized and identify the meaning. Encircle the letter of your choice. 1. Both Adrian and Mike have badminton practice once a week. A. Its not everyday but once a week. B. Its badminton not bowling. 2. Sarahs rise as a singer was phenomenal. A. Its not ordinary but phenomenal. B. Shes not a doctor but a singer. B. Read the following sentences then follow the series of directions. 3. 1.Read everything carefully on this page before you do anything. 2. Print your name in the upper left-hand corner of this page. 3. Write the date below your name in the upper left-hand corner. 4. Circle the number 4 at the beginning of this sentence. 5. After the date written just below your name, write your birth date. 4. Label the diagram below. Name

Place & Date of Birth

Parents Name

Personal Traits

Brothers & Sisters Name


A. Directions: Classify the following sentences. Write S if it is a statement, Q if it is a question, and C if it is a command. 5. This is the most beautiful lawn I have ever seen( ) 6. Help me climb down the tree ( ) 7. Where is my shovel ( ) ________ ________ ________

B. Directions: Read the questions silently to yourself with correct intonation. Write Rising or Falling intonation on the blank provided. ___________ 8. Do you know where Greece is?


9. Have you been to Greece?

___________ 10. Why cant you go there alone? C. Directions: Use courteous expressions appropriate for the given situation. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 11. Andrew was appointed as acting chairman. Andrew will ________________. A. Be the president. B. Sit on the chair in front. C. Preside over the meeting. 12. The meeting will please come to order. The members of the club ________________. A. will order what they like B. will begin the meeting C. will listen to the president and behave accordingly. D. Study the given comic strip/pictures very well. Construct questions about each of them using proper interrogatives. Answer the questions you have constructed. 13.

_________________________________________ 14. Question

__________________________________________ Answer

_________________________________________ Question

__________________________________________ Answer

E. Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer. For items 15-17, how is the given statement changed to a question? 15. Samantha Arwen is the only child in the family. A. Is Samantha Arwen the only child in the family? B. Does Samantha Arwen the only child in the family? C. Did Samantha Arwen the only child in the family? D. Was Samantha Arwen the only child in the family? 16. It can be a delicious sandwich filling. A. Could it be a delicious sandwich filling? B. Can it be a delicious sandwich filling? C. Has it be a delicious sandwich filling? D. May it be a delicious sandwich filling? 17. Jesus made a great sacrifice. A. Does Jesus make a great sacrifice? B. Did Jesus made a great sacrifice? C. Did Jesus make a great sacrifice? D. Is Jesus make a great sacrifice?

For items 18-25, which tag question will complete the sentence? 18. She is collecting stickers, ______________________? A. is she? B. isnt she? C. does she? 19. You have cleaned your bike, ________________________? A. do you? B. dont you? C. have you? D. doesnt she? D. havent you?

20. Darwin didnt do his homework last Monday, ______________________? A. did he? B. didnt he? C. does he? D. doesnt he? 21. They are going home from school, ______________________? A. do they? B. dont they? C. arent they? 22. John and Max dont like Mathematics, __________________? A. are they? B. arent they? C. do they? 23. Peter can play football, ________________? A. could he? B. couldnt he? C. can he? D. are they? D. Dont they? D. cant he?

24. We shouldnt cross on the pedestrian lane, ___________________? A. shouldnt we? B. should we? C. shouldnt us? D. should us? 25. We have a car, __________________? A. have we? B. havent we? C. have us? D. havent us?

For items 26-29, which compound noun will complete the sentence? 26.If you stay under the sun for a long time, you will have a terrible ______________. A. sunset B. sunshine C. sunburn D. sunburst 27. I have to go on a diet urgently because I am ____________________. A.overjoyed B. overweight C. override D. overdosed 28. I need a new ________________ and a mouse for my computer so I have to save Php500. A. keybutton B. keyboard C.keycards D.keynotes 29. I dont know ____________________about the accident so please dont ask me again! A. anybody B. anywhere C. anything D. anymore For items no. 30-35, which word will best complete each sentence. 30. __________________for somebody without assurance is the worst thing to do. A. Watching B. Waiting C. Taking D. Doing 31. ___________________on green grasses allowed me to have a close contact with nature. A. Discovering B. Showing C. Lying D. Attending 32. Billiards ___________a game which connects mathematics and football. A. is B. are C. was D. were 33. The calisthenics___________the most popular fitness activities for health conscious individuals. A. is B. are C. has D. have 34. Trixia was _________________to visit her sick friend because she has lots of homework to do. (able) A. unable B. disable C. unavailable D. unforgettable 35. Andrew saw a _________________(without a home) puppy wandering around the town. A. homicide B. homeward C. homeless D.homily

For items 36-45, which word or group of words correctly replaces the italicized word in the sentence? 36. After the singers were finished, each of them bowed. A. a ribbon C. bend forward at the waist B. the front of a ship D. weapon for shooting arrows 37. When the terrorists attacked, many people offered to lend a hand. A. help, assistance C. to give over B. part of the arm D. pointer on a clock or watch 38. Jesus is the light of the world. A. not heavy B. savior C. daylight D. source of illumination

39. I cannot find the perfect match to y outfit/dress. A. counterpart C. unite in marriage B. fight or competition D. something to light a fire 40. The band will march in the Rose Bowl Garden this year. A. the third month of the year C. a toddlers shoe B. to step together in rhythm D. a protest 41. The school thought their new teacher's record was as clean as a whistle because he hadn't told them about A. his arrest for drunk driving C. his cheating cards B. his dirty bathroom D. his double personality 42. If you read between the lines, you will A. know what the writer really thinks B. make up the story for yourself C. be able to read a lot quicker D. be able to write something

43. The best way to keep something under wraps is A. put it in a refrigerator C. stop thinking about it B. let as few people as possible know about it D. tell everyone about it 44. After saying Beverly made too many mistakes, Bob added insult to injury by saying A. they were small mistakes C. she works very slowly B. her work was excellent D. she is a good cheater 45. Losing that job was a blessing in disguise because that meant I A. got a much better job C. lost my house B. was unemployed for years D. was not suited F. Read each sentence. Write S if the figurative language used is Simile, M for Metaphor, P for Personification, H for Hyperbole, I for Irony and O for Onomatopoeia. _______46. _______47. _______48. _______49. _______50. _______51. Friendship is as important as a sheltering tree. Bright starlight danced with the swaying of the trees. The loud crash woke me up. He snored so loud like a fire truck coming near. An old man wins the lottery and dies the following day. The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.

III. A. Number the sentence in proper sequence. Then rewrite them to form a composition showing introduction, body and conclusion. ________That day, I started counting the days because I knew Dad would be back by Christmas. ________ The trip to the airport seemed very short and quiet. ________ The day Father left for Saudi Arabia was the saddest event in my life. ________ My mother, elder brothers, youngest sister, grandparents and other relatives saw him off at the airport. ________ We all kissed him goodbye. ________ Finally, he disappeared from our sight and joined the rest of the passengers. ________ At last, we reached The Ninoy Aquino International Airport. (Rewrite your paragraph on the next page)

B. The following are the steps on how to cook rice. Make a paragraph on how to cook rice using the appropriate sequence markers. (2 pts.) How to Cook Rice-----The Filipino Way 1. Pour two (2) cups of rice in a cooking pot or iron kettle (or you may use casserole). 2. Wash or rinse the two (2) cups of rice with water (ideally running water) for two (2) to three (3) times if needed. 3. Put water amounting to the measure of the rice. 4. Place the mixture in a stove set to medium fire and cover it. 5. Wait for the mixture to boil and uncover it letting it simmer but setting the fire lower. 5. Set fire to the 'lowest' possible heat . 6. Then place the cover back. 7. Your rice is now ready to serve.


Prepared by: MYRA L. GALLIVO English VI Teacher NOTED: BENILDA N. NAVARRO, ED.D. Principal I

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