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PART 3 Making Arrangements and E-posters

Congratulations! You have secured funding to attend the ICAAP in Bangkok, and you may even be presenting your work. Now is the time to start planning and preparation. Perhaps you have attended an ICAAP before, or a number of ICAAPs. Maybe this is your first one. Regardless, here is some information to consider as you make arrangements.

Planning the Dates

This year, as at every ICAAP, there is the Pre-conference known as The Community Forum. The Community Forum will be held all day on the 18th and the morning of the 19th, followed by the ICAAP opening ceremonies, a parade and reception. The Community Forum brings together members of the communities and members of civil society for informal but structured sessions to discuss issues that directly impact the Key Affected Populations prior to the conference. It is highly recommended that if you are member of the community or civil society that you attend the Community Forum pre-conference! ( On November 17th, APCOM (Asia-Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health) will have a full-day MSM pre-conference (, and in a separate session on the same day, there is also a whole day on Key Affected Women and Girls. Both events will be held at the same venue as the ICAAP (The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center).

p. 1 - Part 3: Arrangements and E-Posters

ICAAP11 Survival Guide

If you would like to attend the Community Forum sessions, which are open at no extra cost, you may want to book air tickets to arrive on November 17, and if you intend to participate in the APCOM or Key Affected Women and Girls session, you may want to arrive on November 16. Dates of pre-conference events: November 17 November 18 November 19 November 20-22 APCOMs MSM pre-conference; Key Affected Women and Girls Session Community Forum Community Forum wrap-up, opening ceremonies and parade ICAAP Conference

Making your Transportation and Hotel Arrangements

If you live outside Thailand, you will need to book air tickets. There are a number of budget airlines out there, however, Thai Airways, the official airline for ICAAP11, is offering special fare for those attending ICAAP11. Please note that this special offer is not available online, and can only be obtained by directly contacting the Thai Airways office nearest you. Delegates should refer to Code: TG 1311008 when booking their air tickets. A contact list of Thai offices is available here: pdf If Thai Airways does not have a suitable schedule or price, you can always look for budget airlines. When booking, be aware that there are two airports in Bangkok. Thai Airways and most premium airlines will arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Budget carriers, like Air Asia, will arrive at Don Muang Airport. (Transportation information about airports will be given in the next installment.)

Booking Hotels
If you are not in contact with one of the regional community networks already, and are not receiving a scholarship, you will need to book a hotel room on your own. A suggested website with all the parameters to find a cheap, nearby hotel room is here. The link on the ICAAP website will list more expensive options. Keep in mind that 1,000 Thai Baht (THB) = around US $32.

Presenting at ICAAP
Congratulations! The abstract you submitted was selected for presentation. If you have never presented at a conference before, here are some tips to help you prepare. There are three types of presentation oral abstract driven session, oral poster, or e-poster. You will have to prepare yourself according to the type of presentation. The e-poster and oral poster both require an eposter, while an oral abstract will need a power point presentation. In this section we will give you some brief pointers on how to prepare your e-poster, because there is a deadline for uploading e-posters by November 4! (Pointers on oral presentations will be given in the next installment.) p. 2 - Part 3: Arrangements and E-Posters ICAAP11 Survival Guide

Electronic Posters or E-Posters are similar in layout to traditional paper posters, but will be displayed on-site on large 42-inch LCD television screens. There will be 13 E-Poster display stations. The touchscreen televisions will have a search function for people to find posters of interest using keywords. In all, over 1,500 abstracts have been accepted for display as E-posters. E-Posters will also be available for viewing via the internet at during and after the Congress (with the authors approval).

If you were chosen to submit an E-Poster, you should have received a user name and password by e-mail already. Uncertain if you were accepted for an e-poster or a poster discussion? You can check here:
E-poster: Poster discussion: Note: If you are unable to make an e-poster, go to the end and see the box Paper Posters.

Preparing your E-poster

The official explanation on e-posters is on the website at this address: or download the pdf here: You will need to upload your e-poster file by Nov. 4!!!! So start working on your poster now! First, you need to prepare your e-poster off-line (on your computer) using the template provided on the above mentioned webpage.

Step 1: Write and format your poster

Prepare a one-page poster as a document in power point or as a word document. Length: E-posters can only be one page! Language: All E-Posters should be written in English. Font size: Font size is important because it affects the viewers ability to read your poster. It is recommended that in the poster text you use a font no smaller than 10 and no larger than 14. Some people want to put all the information they can in a poster using a small font, but it only clutters the information and makes it hard to read. When there is too much information, it also takes too long to read. In the end, people wont read the whole thing or will skip it altogether. So, be succinct! (That means use as few words as necessary, and only give essential information.) p. 3 - Part 3: Arrangements and E-Posters ICAAP11 Survival Guide

Tip: It is important to use a font that is easy to read on a screen. Sans serif fonts are best, for example: Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Microsoft Sans Serif. (This Survival Guide is using Calibri.)

Content: Prepare your e-poster using the abstract that you submitted as a framework, and follow the official guidelines for word count, pictures and recommended font sizes: Title / Heading

The logo should be of your organization, not the conference.

Introduction / Situation: Describe the situation or the issue that you are working on. (Suggested word count not more than 100) Project and activities: Briefly describe your organization or group, and explain the projects strategies or activities. (Suggested word count not more than 200) Results: Explain what changes the activities are making in the situation described earlier. Discuss results from your activities, and how they have helped to improve the situation. (Suggested word count not more than 200) Lessons learned: Explain why what you did worked or didnt work so that others can learn from your experience. What would you recommend to others who were to do similar work? (Suggested word count not more than 150) References: If you have any references to other authors or studies, you should put them in proper format in the References box at the bottom. (Font not smaller than 9.)

Recommendation: In total, using a font size of 11, the total word count should not exceed 650. If you add photos or charts, you may want to use even less words.

Formatting: You can use creative formatting by using color backgrounds and images. Be careful not to use color combinations or backgrounds that make it hard to read your text. For example, red and blue do not work well together. Usually you want a light color and a dark color. Black text on white background always works best. Good: Not:

This is my e-poster.

This is my e-poster.

This is my e-poster.

p. 4 - Part 3: Arrangements and E-Posters

ICAAP11 Survival Guide

Pictures: Picture file sizes should not be too large and not too small. Depending on the quality of the image, the file size should be between 400-800 KB. (If the photo is already a smaller dimension than this, you do not need to make any adjustments.) If you have a picture that has a file size of 1MB or larger, you may want to make it smaller.

Reminder: Posters can only be one page! Anything longer will not be saved in the system.

The e-poster cannot have any video or music files!

Step 2: Making your e-poster into a single file

Now you need to turn your document into a single file using one of these formats: PDF, PNG, GIF or JPG. PDF is recommended because the text is easiest to read. PNG is the next best option, while JPG and GIF are ok, but the text is harder to read. This is how to do it: If you are working in power point: 1) Go to save as and click on power point presentation. 2) When the save as box opens, below where you change the file name, click on save as type menu. 3) Click on the preferred file type as either PDF, PNG, GIF or JPG. (PDF is best) 4) Save your file. If you made the file originally as a word document, your options may be more limited as to what type of file you can choose, but you can use the same process as above. Poster File Size: The maximum file size is 4 Megabytes (4MB).

Step 3: Upload Your File

Instructions on how to upload your e-poster are on the official ICAAP website at the e-poster page: Recommended: Watch this youtube video explaining what to do:

You need to upload your E-Poster by Monday, 4 November 2013!

p. 5 - Part 3: Arrangements and E-Posters

ICAAP11 Survival Guide

If you were chosen to submit an E-Poster, you should have received a user name and password and a link to the upload page by e-mail already. If you have problems, send e-mails here: ;

How to View E-Posters at ICAAP11

There will be 13 E-Poster display stations with large LCD touchscreen television screens (42 inches or approximately 107 centimeters). At each station you will be able to view all accepted E-Posters. You will also be able to view the E-Posters at during and after ICAAP11. Watch the youtube video on viewing e-posters at the conference: E-Poster Display Stations Location: Plaza Hall

Hours of Operation: 19 November 20-22 November 13.00-18.00 09.00-19.00

There will be a helpdesk near the E-Posters display stations for any support needed in searching and viewing the E-Posters.

Help! I cant make an e-poster! Help! I cant upload mine!

If, for some reason, you are unable to create an e-poster or lack internet access to upload your poster, there will be a small space allotted for traditional paper posters.

PAPER POSTER option There will be space to display a limited number of paper posters (66 per day or 198 total). Spaces for paper posters will be allocated to people from the communities who are unable to create or upload due to the lack of access to necessary technology (such as computers or internet connection). If you are one of those people and would like to request to post a paper poster instead of an e-poster, please email your request to both: and You cannot have both an E-Poster and a paper poster! The secretariat will email guidelines on preparing paper posters to those who request the paper poster option.

If you have further inquiries, send a message to us at our Facebook page, ICAAP11Community, or email us at

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ICAAP11 Survival Guide

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