High Level User Guide: by Appraisly

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user Culde Cvervlew
1hls gulde covers all Lhe 7/" %8(9:) 89*" requlred Lo use Appralsly.
lf you have any quesuons whlch are noL covered ln Lhls presenLauon
please send us an emall Lo conLacL[appralsly.com and we wlll respond
8eglsLerlng a company
Pow l can reglsLer my company wlLh Lhe Appralsly?
1o begln Lhe slgnup process you have Lo follow Lhe llnk below
Cr vlslL www.appralsly.com and cllck slgn up
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lnvlung colleagues Lo [oln
lrom B/C9,) selecL D'9',/ 1)/&)
2/9/&':/ 19(E3/ 1@. and dlsLrlbuLe Lo your Leam
Manually addlng your Leam
?ou can also manually add your Leam. lrom B/C9,) selecL D'9',/
1)/&) and cllck on Lhe $44 1)/&) Lab. Cnce you add a user he wlll be
noued vla emall.
Semng up Lhe performance perlod
lrom B/C9,) selecL F/&G8&>'9</ F/&(84)
Semng up Lhe feedback quesuons
lrom B/C9,) selecL H//4A'<7 I3/)J89). ?ou can add, edlL or
deleLe quesuons.
Semng up Lhe performance
lrom B/C9,) selecL @'J9, K/?9(J89). ?ou can only edlL
denluons. Scale used 1-3.
undersLandlng your erformance
1he erformance uashboard lL's a snapshoL of your goal and feedback
progress, performance relaLed news and performance sLausucs.
Semng up your prole
?ou can elLher lmporL your prole from Llnkedln when reglsLerlng or
when you are logged ln. ?ou can also edlL your prole any ume.
Semng Coals
?ou can creaLe goals ln Lhe 28'* secuon. Lach goal should be
approved by your manager unless you are an admlnlsLraLor.
1o approve a 28'* selecL L/'> 28'*) and M4(: 28'*)
8equesung leedback
A feedback requesL can be ralsed by selecung N/6 H//4A'<7
@/E3/): ln Lhe H//4A'<7 secuon
rovldlng leedback
?ou can provlde feedback by selecung F&80(4/ H//4A'<7 ln Lhe
H//4A'<7 secuon. ?ou can also provlde feedback anonymously.
lf someone requesLs feedback from you you wlll recelve an
emall. 1he emall wlll conLaln a llnk Lo a feedback form where
you can access an lndlvldual's performance.
leedback 8eporL
Pow do l lnLerpreL a feedback reporL?
A feedback reporL ls showlng Lhe scores you were glven from Lhe feedback provlder for each of Lhe feedback quesuons
An overall score on your performance
A performance and sLreLch score for each of Lhe feedback quesuons (1-3)
CommenLs on performance
erformance Messenger

Pow Lo use Lhe erformance Messenger
1he erformance Messenger ls a Lool LhaL allows P8 Lo communlcaLe wlLh employees and vlce versa.
?ou can also use Lhe erformance Messenger Lo dlscuss feedback you recelved from your manager and you can
also provlde wrluen feedback Lo your manager copylng hls manager or someone else.
Lvery ume someone sLarLs a conversauon a noucauon wlll be send Lo your emall wlLh a llnk Lo our appllcauon.
erformance PeaLmap

Pow Lo lnLerpreL Lhe erformance PeaLmap?
1he erformance PeaLmap ls a performance summary reporL. lL summarlses feedback score recelved, goal
progress and llsLs Lhe feedback recelved wlLh scores and commenLs from every feedback provlder
1he reporL should be used Lo access employees aL Lhe end of Lhe performance cycle
erformance Crld

WhaL ls Lhe erformance PeaLmap?
1hls charL maps employee performance agalnsL Lhelr Lask sLreLch. 1hls ls based on feedback recelved for Lhe
currenL perlod. Pover over one of your employees Lo see Lhelr performance deLalls.
Cllck on Lhelr porLralLs Lo vlew Lhe deLalled performance heaLmap.
erformance 8evlew

AL Lhe end of Lhe performance cycle and aer Lhe performance
dlscusslons a manager should wrlLe a performance revlew for
each of Lhe Leam members
1he manager should provlde commenLs on performance and
areas of growLh. Also, Lhe manager should lnclude a nal raung
based on Lhe performance dlscusslons and P8 guldellnes.
Cnce Lhe performance revlew ls submlued Lhe employee can
access Lhe reporL, add commenL and elecLronlcally acknowledge
Lhe performance revlew.
Cnce Lhe nal revlew form ls submlued P8, manager and
employee wlll have access Lo Lhe elecLronlcally slgned reporL.

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