26 Beyond Good and Evil

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26 BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL The bible is a beautiful esoteric tool , that transcends good and evil.

Testa means body, and ment means mind.The natural man as the old body and mind, and the spiritual man, as the new body and mind. The book of Genesis Numerologically, the first book of the Old Testament GENESIS totals 260,the same numerals as the count of letters in the alphabet. These are the 26 articles of creation, designed out of the void, or the unconscious.(Darkness) GENESIS is the only Old Testament book spelt with capitals, in the index of the Authorised King James Bible . The first book of the New Testament is Matthew, written MATTHEW in the index (total 272, a palindrome (cyclical) number which is 12 more than 260 or a solar cycle more). When Matthew is written ,and its numerological values concentrated, it also totals 26=8 or infinity. The alphabet is designed according to the ancient scheme of 22 letters and 7 basic shapes to match the magical formula for pi - 22/7 an infinite and mysterious cycle . The seven shapes are all variations on the serpent and the circle: | / \ o _ c The Tarot deck is assigned to the alphabet construct, from A to V. = 22 being the master number. All letters are ideograms, pictorial representations suggesting an idea. As with all written symbols, they are constructed from the egg (the dot) and the serpent (the line). | / \ o _ c Those who don't understand language, and numbers, are cursed to crawl upon the ground and ET THE DUST OF DUALITY, as QUOTED in Genesis. Every little aspect of language and numbers, has an impact ,and causes a reaction in some way. Letters are crafted symbols designed to trigger memory and evoke a reaction. They are probably the most invasive system ever devised,but have been used as a tool, to control the way that humans think. Every word uttered or written, will enforce the programming of who ever is exposed to it.

It is true that the sounds of letters and words work very well as consciously recognizable signs and symbols of elemental sounds, but what do they say in secret, to our unconscious? Every letter in every word, including their intonation and phrasing, evokes a fleeting memory, building a subconscious picture of something that the speaker or writer may or may not have intended. This causes a reaction and produces an opinion. The potentials of this are enormous and very well known by those who seek to rein or chain consciousness. What is a sentence but a coherent string of words, a condemnation, a punishment or a term of imprisonment? The capital letters are CA-PI -T AL PUN--ISH-MENTAL abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Each capital letter is seeking power - knowledge. They are the Lord Gods of their circle. They use the other letters in the name, sentence, paragraph, chapter, book, library to gain that knowledge. To do this ,it instructs the subsequent letters in turn to collect information from the letters that follow it. Each letter has a different viewpoint. Once the last letter in each domain is attained the details are recycled back to the lord of that domain - the capital letter that will pass them on to its governor and soon until the original capital letter, symbolic of God is infused with the details of every experience its subjects have met and felt. At the same time that the information is being passed along the chain, the exploratory letters continue their forward mission, and report back in the same way. ,Each word is a pause, allowing assimilation of the collected information before moving on to other experiences. THE BIBLE AND ALL SPOKEN WORD, IS THE MYSTICAL DANCE OF THE TAROT

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