Guidelines For Csct501

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Guidelines for B.Sc. (PS Paper ) CSCT 505 Database and Visual Basic For the Semester V 23rd July 2012 to 19th Dec 2012.

Theory Practical Theory Examination Practical Examination

4 periods per Week + 1 period per week tutorial 4 periods per week /per batch of 20 students 3 Hours, (75 Marks + 25 Marks Internal Assessment as per university rules) 4 hours, 50 marks (breakup given below)

Reference Books for Theory : 1. P.Rob, C, Coronel Database System concepts by Cengage Learning India 2008 2. Mircosoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step ,PHI, Michael Halvorson


Ref 1 Chapter 1 Database: Introduction to database,relational data model, DBMS architecture and data indepence. Chapter 2 sections from 2.1 to 2.5.4 Chapter 4 sections 4.1(upto 4.1.4) and 4.2 E-R modeling : Entity types, entity set,attribute and key, relationships ,relation diagrams, databse design using ER diagrams. Chapter 3 sections from 3.1 to 3.5. Chapter 5 sections 5.1 to 5.3 Relational model concepts, relational constraints, primary and foreign key , normalization Chapter 7 sections 7.1 to 7.4.4 SQL queries, create a database table, create relationship between database tables, modify and manage tables, queries forms, reports, modify, filter and view data

Ref 2 Identifiers, data types, assignment, operators and expression types, I/O statements, control structures, structure of VB program, built-in and user defined types, subroutine, functions, public, private, and static; and Dim statement. Forms and built in controls, properties and events, code module, scale modes, printer object (printing text, setting fonts, graphics), common dialog boxes, picture controls, imagecontrols, send keys, MS- Common controls, error handling, classes, control arrays, MDI, SDI, file handling - text files. Database Interface: Review of ANSI SQL, ODBC, DB- engine, workspaces, databases, record sets, data bound control, Active X controls, ADO, Active X Data controls, RDO, data view window, data environment designer, data report utility. Use of Visual Basic (VB) interfacing with RDBMS, backend stored procedure usage.

2 Ref 2 Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 10(page 255- 270), Chapter 11(page 273-287) Chapter 13 (page313-319) Chapter 14(till page 364), Chapter 18 , Chapter 19(page 467 -479)

Practical List for CSCT 501

Q1. Declare two variables. Accept the values using InputBox() & display theResult in a textbox on form. Q2. Accept one number using inputbox() & display its factorial in msgbox() Q3. Create a Fibonacci series for 10 numbers Q4. Accept a number check, whether it is prime or not. Q5. Display todays date with day, day name , month & year. Accept a date from user, check whether the year is leap year or not. Q6. Write a function max(a,b,c) which will return maximum of 3 numbers. Q7.Accept a number, display whether it is odd or even number Q8. Design a Form as per the specification given below to input two strings and perform string operations a) string comparisons b) finding length of input strings c) to convert input text to uppercase and lowercase Object Text box 1 Text box2 Label 1 Label2 Button1 Button2 Properties Name Name Name Text Name Text Name Text Name Settings Text1 Text2 Label1 String1 Label2 String2 Button1 Compare String Button2( give output using message box) Length Button3 To lower case Button4 To Upper Case basic arithmetic operations like add, subtract,

Text Button3 Name Text Button4 Name Text Q9. Create a calculator, which will perform multiply, divide etc.

Q10. Develop a screen with 4 check boxes for hobbies & one button. After clicking on a button display the hobbies selected.

4 Q11. Design a screen with 3 radio buttons for 3 different colors. If any one of them selected, change the background color as per the selected color. Q12. Design an application for formatting the Text entered in a text box. Add Combo box for Font name & size. Add B, I, U command buttons. As per the font name, size & formatting options selected display the text. Q13. Create 3 textboxes to accept values for colors Red, Green, Blue. The range of values be from 0 to 256. As per values of textboxes the color of the form changes. Q14. Create 3 scrollbars for colors Red, Green, Blue. The range of values be from 0 to 256. As per values of scrollbars change the color of label. Exercises for demonstration in class only Q15.Create one MDI form, Add 3 child forms. Design a menu to arrange all the forms in Cascading, tile form. Q16. Create an application, to scroll through the database records. use DSN with ADO Control.

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