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2008 Service Statistics:

Campus Compact
Annual Membership Survey
Summary Results for
Purpose and Methodology
For twelve weeks beginning in November 2008, Campus Compact conducted an
online member survey in order to calculate student and faculty involvement in
service and service-learning, understand faculty roles and rewards, measure
campus infrastructure for community engagement, and assess satisfaction with
Campus Compact programs and services. The results presented below summarize
the findings for colleges and universities in Oregon alongside the findings
nationally for the 2007-2008 academic year.

# of Campus # of survey Response rate

Compact respondents
National 1190 627 53%
Oregon 15 11 73%

Institutional Information

Institution Type:
Private Public four- Private two- Public two-
four-year year year year
National 47% 32% 1% 20%
Oregon 50% 25% 0% 25%

Other Institutional Characteristics:

National Oregon
Business 17% 25%
Community College 20% 25%
Commuter 32% 33%
Faith-based/Religiously Affiliated 26% 33%
Historically Black College/University 1% 0%
Land Grant 8% 0%
Liberal Arts 59% 75%
Minority-serving 21% 8%
Professional 22% 8%
Research/Comprehensive 21% 8%
Residential 46% 58%
Technical 11% 8%

Tribal 1% 0%

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Undergraduate Enrollment:
National Oregon
Average 6,320 7,788

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Faculty:

National Oregon
Average 419 422

Community Service/Service-Learning/Civic Engagement on Campus

Students involved in Community Service, Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

National Oregon
Average per campus 1,976 1,327
% of student FTE 31% 17%

Student Participation in Service Activities:

National Oregon
Average hours per week/per 3.7 4.1
Total hours served in 2007- 282,070,974 2,605,553
(based on a 32-week academic
year and the average student FTE
enrollment on member campuses
Value of Service $5,711,937,225 $52,762,454
(based on Independent Sector’s
2008 value of volunteer time of
$20.25 per hour)

Service-Learning Courses Offered:

National Oregon
Average per campus 43 55

Faculty who taught a Service-Learning Course:

National Oregon
Average per campus 28 52
% of faculty FTE 7% 12%

Issue Areas Addressed through Service:

National Oregon
Access and success in higher 56% 50%
education (retention)
Agriculture/nutrition 44% 42%
Animal welfare 40% 33%
Civil rights/human rights 64% 58%
Conflict resolution 31% 42%
Crime 30% 8%
Disability 53% 67%
Disaster Preparedness 32% 17%
Economic development 48% 42%
Environment/sustainability 74% 83%
Health care, general 71% 75%
HIV/AIDS 39% 42%
Housing/homelessness 76% 92%
Hunger 75% 75%
Immigrant/migrant worker rights 35% 58%
International/global citizenship 46% 50%
K-12 education 81% 74%
Legal 24% 25%
Mental health 48% 50%
Mentoring 76% 67%
Multiculturalism/diversity 63% 67%
Parenting/child 39% 33%
Poverty 74% 92%
Public arts/theater 46% 50%
Reading/writing 72% 75%
Rural environment 27% 42%
Senior/elder 66% 42%
Sexual assault 39% 50%
Substance abuse 35% 50%
Tax form preparation 36% 8%
Technology 39% 17%
Transportation 14% 17%
Tutoring 78% 83%
Urban environment 37% 17%
Voting (registration, education) 57% 58%
Women 59% 75%
Other 8% 0%

Faculty Roles and Rewards

Community-Based Research or Service-Learning Rewarded in Faculty Review,

Tenure and Promotion:
National Oregon
Yes 42% 9%
No 35% 64%
Don’t know/Not sure 24% 27%

Institutional Support of Faculty Use of Service-Learning and Faculty Involvement in
Civic Engagement Programs:
National Oregon
Service awards for faculty 42% 18%
Faculty development workshops 71% 36%
Service-learning and community discussed 50% 55%
in faculty orientation
Grants to support curriculum redesign 48% 27%
Curriculum models and syllabi 59% 82%
Materials to assist faculty in reflection and 66% 73%
Communication about external funding 58% 36%
Sabbaticals for service-learning research, 19% 36%
scholarship, and program development
Encouragement and financial support to 59% 36%
attend and present at service-learning
Other 14% 0%

Campus Infrastructure

Offices/Center on Campus:
National Oregon
Average per campus 1.9 1.9

Presence of at least One Full-Time Staff Member Dedicated to Directing Service,

Service-Learning, and/or Civic Engagement Activities and Programs:
National Oregon
Yes 66% 64%
No 34% 36%

Office/Center Annual Budget:

National Oregon
Less than $20,000 42% 45%
$20,000 - $49,999 14% 18%
$50,000 - $99,999 15% 18%
$100,000 – $249,999 16% 9%
$250,000 or more 13% 9%

Office/Center Responsibilities:
National Oregon
Community service 78% 82%
Service-learning 88% 91%
Civic engagement 76% 82%
Community work study 36% 36%

Internships 27% 36%
Student leadership development 51% 73%
Experiential learning 40% 45%
Community partnership development 75% 91%
Federal programming (i.e. America 49% 64%
Reads, AmeriCorps)

Department to which Office/Center Reports:

National Oregon
Academic Affairs 40% 18%
Student Affairs 32% 73%
Both Academic and Student 13% 9%
President’s Office 4% 0%
Other 11% 0%

Office/Center Location:
National Oregon
Whole office/center on 96% 100%
Whole office/center off 2% 0%
Office/center both on and off 2% 0%

Respondent Job Title:

National Oregon
Director 57% 27%
Associate/Assistant Director 11% 9%
Program 26% 45%
Administrative/Staff 1% 9%
AmeriCorps*VISTA Member 4% 9%

Respondent Years in Current Position:

National Oregon
Average 5 3

Respondent Years at College/University:

National Oregon
Average 9 4

Respondent Annual Salary:

National Oregon
Average $49,856 $27,626

Respondent Highest Level of Education Completed:
National Oregon
High School 1% 0%
Associate’s degree 1% 0%
Bachelor’s degree 16% 36%
Master’s degree 57% 64%
Ph.D./equivalent 22% 0%
Professional degree (i.e. JD, 2% 0%

Minimum Level of Education Required for Respondent Current Position:

National Oregon
High School <1% 0%
Associate’s degree 2% 18%
Bachelor’s degree 32% 45%
Master’s degree 52% 36%
Ph.D./equivalent 13% 0%
Professional degree (i.e. JD, <1% 0%

Respondent Employment Status:

National Oregon
Full-time 93% 82%
Part-time 7% 18%

Campus Compact Membership

Satisfaction with Campus Compact Service and Resources:

National Oregon
Very satisfied 57% 27%
Somewhat satisfied 32% 64%
Neither satisfied no 9% 9%
Somewhat dissatisfied 2% 0%
Very dissatisfied <1% 0%

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