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Intermediate wordlist: English to Spanish

Lesson English Word No. Spanish Espaol Example Sentence

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

6C 3C 1A 4B 5D 2C 3B 4B 3C 3C 8C 2B 7C 12A 10C

accidentally (adv) accommodation (n) according (to) (pre) achieve (v) adapter (n) addicted (adj) advantage (n) adventurer (n) adventurous (adj) advertising advise (v) adviser (n) affect (v) afford (v) agreement (n)

accidentalmente alojamiento segn lograr adaptador adicto/adicta ventaja aventurero/aventurera aventurero/aventurera publicidad aconsejar consejero afectar poder pagar acuerdo

I accidentally knocked over a bottle of water. I'm living in rented accommodation. I'm living in rented accommodation. I hope he achieves his ambition. I need an adapter for my computer. He's addicted to chocolate. One advantage of living in town is having the shops so near. Do you know him? He's a famous adventurer. I'm trying to be more adventurous with my cooking. I'm currently working in advertising. His doctor advised him to take time off work. She's currently working as a financial adviser. It's a disease which affects many older people. I can't afford a new computer. Not everyone was in agreement.

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

6D 6C 5D 7C 7C 9D 9A 4C 2A 1B 4C 2C 2C 1C 9B 9C 4C 4C 10D 6A

ahead (adj,adv) aim (n) air freshener (n) airline (n) alert (adj) allergic (adj) allergy (n) allow (v) allowed (adj) almost (adv) aloe vera (n) although (conj) amazed (adj) amazingly (adv) ambulance (n) announce (v) anthropologist (n) antiseptic (n) appearance (n) appointment (n)

delante/adelante propsito ambientador aerolinea alerta alrgico/ alrgica alerga permitir permitir casi aloe vera aunque asombroso increiblemente ambulancia anunciar antroplogo/ antroploga antisptico/ antisptica apariencia cita

The council has given the company the go ahead to build The aim of the film was to make people laugh. We need some more air freshener for the bathroom. Which airline did you fly? A young dog should be alert and playful. I'm allergic to eggs. Chris has an allergy to cats. The extra money will allow me to upgrade my computer. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. I almost missed the bus. Cleopatra used to put aloe vera on her food. She walked home alone, although it was dangerous. I was amazed at the price. She looked amazingly well. I think we should call for an ambulance. Halfway through dinner, he announced he was leaving. An anthropologist studies human beings. I put antiseptic on my skin. She's very concerned with her appearance. I made an appointment with the dentist for next Tuesday.

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b

6C 4B 4D 5C 4C 9A 5B 8C 7C 7A 6C 12C 12C 2B 11A 2A 9C 2C 2D 2D

approach (n) (=way of doing something) army (n) arrogant (adj) arrow (n) aspirin (n) asthma (n) atmosphere (n) attach (v) attached (adj) attachment (n) attitude (n) attract (v) attraction (n) aubergine (n) audition (n) Austria (n) avoid (v) awake (adj) babysit (v) babysitter (n)

enfoque ejrcito arrogante flecha aspirina asma atmsfera pegar apegado/apegada apego actitud atraer atraccin berenjena audicin Austria evitar despierto cuidar nios canguro

Liam has a different approach to the problem. He's serving in the British Army. I found him arrogant and rude. The arrow on the sign pointed left so I followed it. If you've got a headache, take some aspirin. She had an asthma attack. There was a very nice atmosphere in that cafe. She attached a photograph to her letter. I've become rather attached to my old car. I wasn't able to open that attachment. You should have a more positive attitude. The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year. The Taj Mahal is a famous tourist attraction. An aubergine is the same as an egg plant. She went for an audition yesterday for a part in a play. Vienna is the capital of Austria. He's been avoiding me all week. Is Tom awake yet? I babysit for Jane on Tuesday while she is at yoga class. We need to find a babysitter for Saturday night.

b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

7A 11B 4D 5A 11B 1D 4C 5A 3C 4C 2B 4C 2B 8B 3C 8C 3D 3B 10A 3B

back-up (adj) badly-paid (adj) bad-tempered (adj) balcony (n) bank statement (n) barbecue (n) bark (n) (=tree-bark) basement (n) bay (n) B.C. (=before Christ) bean (n) beat (v) beef (n) beer (n) beginner (n) believable (adj) belong (to) bench (n) best man (n) best-seller (n)

copia de seguridad mal pago malhumorado balcn extracto de cuenta/extracto bancario barbacoa corteza stano baha A.C. (antes de Cristo) juda latido carne cerveza principiante creble pertenecer a banco padrino de boda mejor vendido

Before we leave work, we back-up our important files. He thinks his job is badly-paid. She's very bad-tempered in the mornings. My room has a nice balcony overlooking the garden. I receive bank statements every month. If it rains, we'll cancel the barbecue. It's made from tree bark. The kitchen department is in the basement. Vesuvius overlooks the Bay of Naples. The Eyptian pyramids were built around 500 years B.C. Tofu is made from soya beans. Our team beat Germany 3-1. We're cooking roast beef. A pint of beer please. I'm a complete beginner at yoga. I thought the characters in the film were very believable. That chair belongs in the dining room. Let's sit on the bench for five minutes. The best man gave a brilliant speech. J K Rowling's books are all bestsellers.

b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

5C 8B 1B 3A 2B 9D 9D 4C 1C 9C 2B 2C 5C 4C 10D 3D 8D 12B 12B 1C

best-selling (adj) bin (n) Birmingham (n) bite (v irreg) blender (n) bless you! (excl) blocked-up nose (n) blood (n) blood pressure (n) body language (n) boil (v) boiling (adj) bookshelf (n) Borneo (n) borrow (v) bottled (adj) bottom (n) boxer (n) boxing (n) brain (n)

mejor vendido/vendida cubo (de la basura) Birmingham morder licuadora Jess!/salud! nariz bloqueada sangre tensin (arterial) lenguaje corporal hervir hirviendo estante Borneo pedir prestado embotellado fondo boxeador boxeo cerebro

J K Rowling is a best-selling author. Put it in the bin please. Birmingham is in Central England. She bit into an apple. I made it with a food blender. Bless you! She can't smell because she's got a blocked-up nose. I've got some Spanish blood in me. I've got high blood pressure. Her body language told me that she was very nervous. I'll boil some water for a cup of tea. It's boiling in here! It's on the bookshelf. Borneo is a large tropical island. Could I borrow your pen, please? Don't drink the water from the tap, buy bottled water instead. Click on the icon at the bottom of the page. He trained for 5 years to be a boxer. I like watching boxing, but I wouldn't want to do it. This university attracts the best brains in the country.

b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c

4B 4C 10A 10A 3A 7A 2B 12A 7B 11C 11C 4D 5A 9B 4C 6C 9B 10C 11D 5C

brave (adj) break something open (phrasal v irreg) bride (n) bridesmaid (n) bring something back (phrasal v irreg) broadband (n) broccoli (n) broke (adj) (=without money) brother-in-law (n)

valiente forzar novia dama de honor traer banda ancha brcol persona en bancarrota cuado

He died after a brave fight against cancer. Break the nuts open. The bride and groom looked very happy. She was my bridesmaid at my wedding. I like to bring souvenirs back from holiday for my friends I've started a broadband account. He didn't like broccoli. I can't afford it - I'm broke. My husband's brother is my brother-inlaw.

bug (v) (secretly record) colocar micrfonos ocultos Their hotel room had been bugged. bullet (n) bunch (n) bungalow (n) burglar (n) burn (n/v) by chance (adv) call something off (phrasal v) caller (n) cancelled (adj) candle (n) bala grupo chal ladrn quemadura/quemar accidentalmente cancelar persona que llama cancelado/cancelada vela There are five bullets in the gun. He handed me a bunch of flowers. She lives in a detached bungalow. A burglar broke into my house and stole my television. I burnt all his letters. I got this job only by chance. The match has been called off because of the icy weather. It was an anonymous caller. The meeting has been cancelled. He lit a candle.

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

6D 9A 8A 5D 6C 8C 2B 6C 8B 9C 2C 3A 7B 6D 11B 11B 5A 8C 5D 4A

capacity (n) cappuccino (n) carbon dioxide (n) cardboard (n) career (n) careless (adj) carrot (n) carry (v) carton (n) cash (a cheque) (v) cause (v)

capacidad capuchino/ cappuccino dixido de carbono cartn/cartulina carrera descuidado/descuidada zanahoria llevar cartn cobrar (un cheque) causar

The restaurant has a capacity of about 200. I drink a cappuccino every morning. Carbon dioxide levels are rising. It's made of cardboard. She began her acting career in TV commercials. It was very careless of you to forget your passport. He made a delicious carrot soup. He was carrying my bags. There's a carton of milk in the fridge. Where can we cash our traveller's cheques? The hurricane caused widespread damage. Ecuador is a Central American country. Can you switch on the central heating? I've been asked to chair the committee. This has been a challenging time for us all. We celebrated our lottery win by drinking champagne. It's a national characteristic. They are going to charge drivers a tax. I can't find the charger for my phone. The song is number one in the charts.

Central American (adj) centroamericano central heating (n) chair (a meeting) (v) challenging (adj) champagne (n) characteristic (n) charge (v) charger (n) calefaccin central moderar desafiante champn caracterstica cobrar cargador

charts (n pl.) (= music la lista de xitos charts)

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

1A 5C 3A 3A 6C 9A 1C 8A 8C 6B 8A 6A 10C 1C 5B 7A 7D 12C 8A 12C

chat (v) cheaply (adv) check into (phrasal v)

charlar barato registrarse

I wanted to chat to you about the party on Saturday. You can get vegetables more cheaply at the market. We checked into the hotel at 1 o'clock. Please check out of your room by 10 a.m. at the latest She was feeling down, so I sent flowers to cheer her up. He eats cheeseburgers every day! Every year, factories release chemicals into the air. He suddenly had a pain in his chest. The police chief is very busy. My company has excellent childcare facilities. He gave me a chilly look. If I had a choice, I'd give up work. Venice has 107 churches. The crowd clapped and cheered for more. I cleared out my wardrobe over the weekend to make room. To start the program, click on its icon. a lawyer with a lot of famous clients Keep away from the edge of the cliff. The Sahara has a hot, dry climate. She's a famous mountain climber.

check out of (phrasal v irse cheer (someone) up (phrasal v) cheeseburger (n) chemicals (n pl.) chest (n) chief (n) childcare (n) chilly (adj) choice (n) church (n) clap (v) clear something out (phrasal v ) click (n/v) client (n) cliff (n) climate (n) climber (n) animar a alguien hambuguesa con queso qumico pecho jefe cuidado infantil fro eleccin iglesia aplaudir organizar/ordenar (una habitacin) chasquido/chasquear cliente acantilado clima escalador

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

1A 7B 1A 7A 8A 5C 10D 12C 10C 5B 10C 3C 12C 9C 3C 7C 7C 9C 1C 5A

close (adj) clown (n) clubbing (n) clue (n) coal (n) coat hanger (n) code (n) coma (n) come across (phrasal v irreg) come back (phrasal v irreg)

cerca payaso ir a discoteca la menor idea (have a clue) carbn percha cdigo coma encontrar volver

It was close to lunchtime when we arrived. Clowns make children laugh at a circus. Rose and I went clubbing last weekend. Police are searching the area for clues to the murder. Coal is used in fires. Put your jacket on the coat hanger. It was written in code. She has been in a coma for over a week. He came across some of his old love letters. I've just come back from the dentist's. She's come up with an amazing money making idea! The car has been designed for practicality and comfort. My little brother loves Superman comics. Television is an important means of communication. She's very competitive. A virus has infected my computer. I have a degree in computing. I think he was a con artist. I am very concerned that class sizes seem to be growing. My bike's a few years old but it's in really good condition.

come up with (phrasal v ocurrirse algo irreg) comfort (n) comic (n) communication (n) competitive (adj) computer virus (n) computing (n) con artist (n) concerned (adj) condition (n) comodidad cmic/tebeo comunicacin competitivo/competitiva virus de ordenador informtica estafador/estafadora preocupado condicin

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

2A 3C 12C 1C 8C 4D 2B 8B 6C 7C 2B 8A 5D 11A 6C 5D 8B 8C 3C 5A

conditions (n pl.) confidence (n) confuse (v) confused (adj) conscious (adj) considerate (adj) contain (v) container (n) content (adj) continent (n) cookery (n) cool (adj) cool bag (n) cop (n) cope (with) (v) corkscrew (n) cornflakes (n pl.) correspondent (n) cosmetic surgery (n) cottage (n)

condiciones confianza confundir confundido consciente considerado/considerada contener recipiente contenido/contenida continente cocina fresco/fresca bolsa para mantener las cosas frescas polica arreglrselas/sobrellevar sacacorchos ojuelas de maz corresponsal ciruga esttica casa pequea (usualemente de campo)

One of the conditions of the contract is we can't keep pets. He's a good student, but he lacks confidence. I don't see how anyone could confuse me with my mother! Sorry, I'm completely confused. He's still conscious but he's very badly injured. a polite and considerate child Does this drink contain alcohol? It's a plastic drinks container. Not content with second place, Jeff played only to win. Europe is a continent. I bought my mum a cookery book for her birthday. He looks really cool in those sunglasses. A cool bag can keep your sandwiches cold on a picnic. Quick, run - there's a cop coming! How do you cope with stress? I need a corkscrew to open this bottle of wine. I often eat cornflakes with cold milk for breakfast. She's a correspondent for the New York Times. I think she's had cosmetic surgery. They live in a lovely country cottage.

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c d d

5D 5D 12A 9B 2B 2B 10C 4A 12C 1C 12C 12C 12C 8B 3B 2C 7B 1B 7C 3C

cotton buds (n) cotton (n) could do with (phrase) council (n) courgette (n) course (n) court (n) covered (adj) crawl (v) create (v) creation (n) creative (adj) creator (n) crisps (n) cruise (n) cure (n) curly (adj) customer service (n) dancer (n) danger (n)

algodn bastoncillo (de algodn) consejo (el) campo calabacn plato tribunal cubierto/cubierta gatear crear creacin creativo/creativa creador/creadora patata frita (de bolsa) crucero cura rizado servicio al cliente bailarn/bailarina peligro

We need to buy a new packet of cotton buds. I bought a lovely cotton dress. I could do with a cup of coffee. The council is responsible for keeping our streets clean. You can make a nice soup with courgettes. What would you like for your main course? The criminal was taken to court. They covered him with a blanket. I crawled under the desk to plug the lamp in. The project will create more than 500 jobs. the creation of a new political party He wants a job where he can be creative. He's the creator of a successful magazine. She ate ten packets of crisps every day They went on a Mediterranean sea cruise last summer. They are trying to find a cure for cancer. She's got lovely curly hair. That company has excellent customer service. She'd like to be a dancer one day. Icy roads are a danger to drivers.

d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

12C 9A 2A 3A 1C 10B 12C 1C 7A 2C 11B 9B 2B 6D 5A 11C 4B 3B 11C 9D

darkness (n) daydream (v) deadline (n) deal (with) (v) decoration (n) deduction (n) deep (adj)

oscuridad soar despierto fecha de entrega ocuparse de decoracin deducir profundo/profunda

He walked around in the darkness looking for a candle. I was daydreaming about winning the lottery. Try not to miss your deadline. What's the biggest problem you've had to deal with? This place is badly in need of decoration. You can get a tax deduction if you fill in this form. The water is a lot deeper than it seems. Government spending on defence is increasing. All names have been deleted from the report. I'd be delighted to accept your invitation. Teaching is a very demanding job. They're taking part in a demonstration against war. I'm still pleased with the house despite all the problems. Many works of art were destroyed in the fire. He lives in a detached house in the suburbs. My mum loves TV detective shows. He's determined to win this match. The teacher drew a diagram showing how the heart works. He bought her a beautiful diamond ring. I'm suffering from diarrhoea.

defence (against illness) defensa (n) delete (v) delighted (adj) demanding (adj) demonstration (n) despite (prep) destroy (v) detached (adj) detective (n) determined (adj) diagram (n) diamond (n) diarrhoea (n) borrar de alegra exigente demonstracin a pesar de destuir separado/separada detective decidido/decidida diagrama diamante diarrea

d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

2C 3C 9A 9A 5A 5D 3B 8A 12C 1C 12C 12C 6C 9D 7B 7C 8C 8C 8C 7B

diet (n) difficulty (n) digest (v)

dieta dificultad digerir

No cake for me, thanks - I'm on a diet. The company is having some financial difficulties. You need to give me time to digest this report. The digestive system is very complicated. We always eat in the dining room. You've got some dirt on your trousers; lets wash them. One disadvantage of living in the country is it can be boring. If we don't protect rare animals, they could disappear. We don't want to disappoint the fans. I was very disappointed that he didn't come. It was a disappointing result. She couldn't hide her disappointment when she lost. His idea was a total disaster. What's your favourite dish? I'll load the dishwasher. The computer disk is full. I don't want to be disloyal to my friend. She's terribly disorganized.

digestive (system) (adj) (el aparato) digestivo dining room (n) dirt (n) disadvantage (n) disappear (v) disappoint (v) disappointed (adj) disappointing (adj) disappointment (n) disaster (n) dish (n) dishwasher (n) disk (n) disloyal (adj) disorganized (adj) dissimilar (adj) distinct (adj) comedor suciedad desventaja desaparecer desepcionar estar decepcionado desepcionante desepcin desastre plato lavaplatos disco lo que le gusta y no le gusta desleal

desorganizado/desorganiz Her hair is not dissimilar to yours. ada distinto/distinta This word has three distinct meanings.

d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d e e e e

10C 3D 7A 7A 2C 6C 5B 5D 2C 4A 4C 11B 5D 11C 8A 10B 5D 3B 4C 2B

divide something up (phrasal v) divide (v) document (n) download (v) doze off (phrasal v) dramatic (adj) drawer (n) drawing pin (n) dream (n/v) dressing room (n) drug (n) dull (adj) duster (n) Dutch (adj) DVD player (n) dyed (hair) (adj) ear plugs (n) economy class (n) effective (adj) eggplant (n)

dividir dividir documento descargar dormirse dramtico/dramtica cajn chincheta sueo camerino droga aburrido plumero holands reproductor de DVD (pelo) teido tapones para los odos clase turista efectivo berenjena

We divided up into teams of six. An ancient wall divides the city. Please sign and return the insurance documents. You can download this software free. He dozed off during the film. a dramatic change/improvement She opened the drawer and took out a knife. Put up the notice with a drawing pin. It was his dream to become an actor. The ladies' dressing room is over there. He started taking/using drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Milton Keynes is a very dull place. Wipe the furniture with this duster. Dutch is the language of the Netherlands. DVD players are becoming cheaper and cheaper. I used to be blonde but I dyed my hair, so now it's black. I need ear plugs to help me sleep. I usually fly economy class. She has effective control of the company. An eggplant is the same as an aubergine.

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

4C 12C 7B 2C 3C 12C 9A 6B 5C 3B 3C 12C 5A 12C 12C 4D 5C 1D 5A 8C

Egyptian (adj) elbows (n) electrical (adj) electricity (n) elephant (n) embarrass (v) emergency (n) emphasise (v) empire (n) employ (v) enjoyable (adj) enjoyment (n) en-suite (adj) entertain (v) entertaining (adj) enthusiastic (adj) entire (adj) environmental (adj) estate agent (n) estimate (v)

egipcio/egipcia codos elctrico/elctrica electricidad elefante avergonzar emergencia enfatizar imperio emplear agradable goce anejo/aneja entretener entretenido enthusiasta entero/entera medioambiental agente inmobiliario/inmobiliaria estimar

The Egyptian pyramids are an amazing sight. It's not polite to eat with your elbows on the table. The shop sells only electrical goods. The electricity has been turned off. The elephant is a large grey animal with big ears. My dad's always embarrassing me in front of my friends. You should only ring this number in an emergency. I'd like to emphasise how important language learning is. The Roman Empire covered most of Europe. The company employs 2500 staff. We had a very enjoyable evening. She gets a lot of enjoyment from music. The hotel room as an en-suite bathroom. We hired a clown to entertain the children. It's an entertaining and informative book. He's very enthusiastic about learning English. She spent her entire life caring for other people. The environmental damage this road will cause is huge. I went to three estate agents before I found a house I liked. They estimate that a hundred people were killed.

e e e e e e e e e e e f f f f f f f f f

5B 6A 2C 4C 1A 4B 4D 11D 8A 9C 8A 2C 3C 12C 2C 1C 2C 12C 5D 8A

evidence (n) excuse (n) exhausted (adj) exhausting (adj) exhibition (n) experienced express (v) extension (n) extreme (adj) eye contact (n) eyebrows (n) fabulous (adj) facelift (n) facing (adj) fairly (adj) fake (adj) fall asleep (v) fall (n) fan (n)

evidencia excusa agotado agotador/agotadora exposicin

He was arrested despite the lack of evidence against him. I hope he's got a good excuse for being so late. I'm too exhausted to take the dog for a walk tonight. What an exhausting day! There's an exhibition of sculpture on at the gallery.

experimentado/experiment Karsten's a very experienced ski ada instructor. expresar extensin extremo/extrema mirar a los ojos (v) cejas fabuloso estiramiento facial frente a bastante falso dormirse pelearse (con alguien) ventilador I'm simply expressing my opinion. Call me on extension 213. There will be extreme weather conditions in the north tonight. It's important to make eye contact at interview. Our eyebrows are above our eyes. They've got a fabulous house. She looks like she's had a facelift. My house is the one facing the garage across the street. We've got a fairly big family. This coat is made of fake fur. The film was so boring, I fell asleep in the middle. There's been a sharp fall in prices. 15,000 Liverpool fans attended Saturday's game. Frequently asked questions are on our website.

FAQs (n pl.) (=Frequently preguntas frecuentes Asked Questions)

f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f

3C 3C 2C 2C 9A 9A 6A 6B 12A 6C 6D 4C 12C 9B 7A 2C 11A 12B 3A 6C

farmhouse (n) farming (n) fascinated (adj) fast asleep (adj)

casa de labranza agricultura y/o ganadera fascinado profundamente dormido

I'd love to live in a farmhouse in the country. Farming must be a very difficult job. They were absolutely fascinated by the game. Don't wake him up, he's fast asleep. I have fasted for 3 days now. I have fasted for 3 days now. Could you do me a favour please? She was trembling with fear. I don't feel up to going to work tomorrow. The goverment say there is a decline in fertility rates.

fast (n) (=period without ayuno food) fast (v) (=go without food) favour (n) fear (n) feel up to (phrasal v irreg) fertility (n) festival-goer (n) fever (n) fictional (adj) figures (n) file (n) filthy (adj) finances (n pl.) financial (adj) find out (phrasal v irreg) finger (n) ayunar favor miedo sentirse con nimo a fertilidad

persona que va festivales He's a regular festival-goer. fiebre ficticio cifras archivo mugriento/mugrienta finanzas financiero averiguar dedo de la mano Election fever has gripped the nation. a fictional character comes from the author's imagination. I looked quickly at the figures. The school keeps files on all its pupils. Wash your hands, they're filthy! The company have just published their finances. We need a new financial adviser. You can find out her nationality on her passport. I've cut my finger.

f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f

8C 1D 3B 9B 5A 7A 5C 8A 10B 7C 8A 7A 9D 6D 8D 4A 3C 3D 6C 4C

firefighter (n) firm (n) first class (n) first-ever (adj) fitted kitchen (n) fix (v) flatpack (n) flooded (adj) flowery (adj) flu (n) fog (n) folder (n) food poisoning (n) footballer (n) forecast (n) foreigner (n) formation (n) fort (n) fortunate (n) fortunately (adv)

bombero/bombera empresa/firma primera clase primero/primera cocina empotrada arreglar

I think firefighters are very brave. He's working for a law firm. I've never travelled by train first class. My first-ever job was in a shop. We're thinking of buying a new fitted kitchen. My watch is broken - can you fix it?

como estn empacados lo Ikea sell flatpack furniture. muebles para ensamblar inundado/inundada floreado/ floreada gripe niebla carpeta intoxicacin futbolista pronstico extranjero/extranjera formacin fuerte afortunada/afortunado afortunadamente The town was flooded when the river burst its banks. I bought a beautiful flowery dress. I had the flu last week. You shouldn't drive in fog. I put all my emails in different folders. The restaurant was shut after people got food poisoning. He was the world's greatest footballer. The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. Lots of foreigners come to this country. The formation of this company has an interesting history. The remains of the Roman fort are still visible. I'm very fortunate to be alive. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident.

f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f g g g g g

7A 4C 9C 6B 2B 8A 4B 1C 2B 4A 8A 2C 5C 5C 10D 8A 5A 12B 1A 2B

forward (v) foxglove (n) fraud (n) freedom (n) freezer (n) frequently (adv) frostbite (n) frustrated (adj) frying pan (n) full-size (adj) fund (n) furious (adj) furnish (v) furnished (adj) fuss (n) gale (n) garage (n) garden centre (n) gardening (n) garlic (n)

remitir dedalera fraude libertad congelador frequentemente congelamiento frustrado sartn tamano natural fondo furioso/furiosa amueblar amueblado/amueblada escandolo vendaval garaje centro de jardinera jardinera ajo

Could you forward my mail to me while I'm away? Foxgloves are poisonous. Credit card fraud is a serious crime. My children are allowed much more freedom than I had. My freezer is empty. This is a frequently asked question. Don't go out in the cold without gloves, you'll get frostbite. I'm very frustrated at/with my lack of progress. I always cook eggs in a frying pan. When I was 13, I was tall enough to ride a full-size bike. My parents gave me the funds to go to university. He's furious at the way he's been treated. They have furnished the room very simply. He's renting a fully furnished apartment by the river. What's all the fuss about? A gale is a very strong wind. This house has one garage. We should go to the garden centre next weekend. My dad loves gardening. Put a clove of garlic in the sauce.

g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g

4D 4D 3A 3A 10A 1D 10C 5B 5B 4A 5B 11B 8A 8A 5B 10C 2C 10B 9A 7B

generalization (n) generation (n) get around (phrasal v irreg) get back (phrasal v irreg) get in touch (with) (v irreg) get on (someones) nerves (v)

generalizacin generacin desplazarse volver volver a ponerse en contacto ponerle los nervios de punta a alguien

He's always making generalizations. Our family has lived in this village for generations. It's cheaper to get around by bike. By the time we got back to the hotel, Lydia had already left. I decided to get in touch with my old friends She gets on my nerves because she's always late. It took me ages to get over my last boyfriend. We must get rid of some of those old books. I must get rid of all these old clothes. He has been to three gigs this month. I gave some of my old music CD's away to my friends. She's an extremely glamorous woman. the global problem of nuclear waste needs to be solved. Global warming is the most serious problem. You should go through all your papers and file them House prices keep going up. You look gorgeous in that suit. Gosh! You're looking wonderful! If the fever and sore throat continue, go and see your GP. I'd love to buy a GPS, but they are too expensive.

get over (phrasal v irreg) superar (get) rid (of) get rid of (v) gig (n) give something away (phrasal v irreg) glamorous (adj) global (adj) global warming (n) go through (phrasal v irreg) go up (phrasal v irreg) (=increase) gorgeous (adj) gosh! (excl) GP (n) (=General Practitioner/doctor) GPS (n) (=Global Positioning System) deshacerse de deshacerse de actuacin regalar glamoroso global/mundial calentamiento global/del planeta revisar subir/crecer precioso dios mo! mdico general SPG (Sistema de posicionamiento global)

g g g g g g g g g g g h h h h h h h h h

2C 1B 3A 4C 8A 1D 2B 10A 10C 3B 3B 7B 7B 7B 7B 12A 10B 7A 4D 8C

gradable (adj) granddad (n) Greece (n) Greek (adj) greenhouse gases (n) Greenpeace (n) grill (v/n) groom (n) guarantee (n) guidebook (n) guided tour (n) hair dryer (n) hair straighteners (n) hand-held (adj) hands-free (adj)

graduable abuelo Grecia griego/griega gases invernadero Greenpeace hacer a la parilla/parilla novio garanta gua visita/excursin con gua secador de pelo alisador de cabello de mano manos libres

Cold is a gradable adjective. My granddad loves gardening. Athens is the capital of Greece. Lots of English words come from the Greek. Greenhouse gases are causing global warming. Greenpeace protects the environment. Grill the fish for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. The best man was the friend of the groom. There's no guarantee that it actually works. I usually take a guidebook with me if I go on holiday. When I went to London, I went on a guided tour of the city. Because I've got long hair, I really need a hair dryer. I hate my curly hair, that's why I use hair straighteners. It's illegal to use a hand-held phone if you're driving. Hands-free phones are very useful in the car. Bored teenagers just hang around on street corners. Hang on - I'm almost finished. The computer hard disk stores a huge amount of information. He's always been hard-working and conscientious. Smoking can cause serious harm to the lungs.

hang around (phrasal v esperar (sin motivo) irreg) hang on (phrasal v irreg) esperar hard disk (n) hard-working (adj) harm (n) disco duro muy trabajador/trabajadora dao

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

8C 12A 9D 12C 4C 2B 8A 4C 2C 5D 5D 3C 8A 7C 7C 3C 10A 8C 7A 12C

harmless (adj) have a go at (v) hay fever (n) headfirst (adv) heal (v) heat something up (phrasal v) heat wave (n) helper (n) herbal (adj) highlighter (n) hole (n) holidaymaker (n) homeless (adj) home-made (adj) homepage (n) honesty (n) honeymoon (n) hopeful (adj) hopeless (adj) hot dog (n)

inofensivo/inofensiva intentar algo alergia al polen de cabeza curar calentar algo ola de calor ayudante de hierbas rotulador fosforescente agujero turista sin hogar casero/casera/hecho en casa pgina principal honestidad luna de miel optimista ser negado/negada para algo perro caliente

Taken in small doses, this drug is completely harmless. Why don't you have a go at Salsa dancing? I suffer from really bad hay fever in the summer. It's never a good idea to dive headfirst into cold water. The wound on his head had begun to heal. The soup is cold. You should heat it up. The weather forecast said we're going to get a heat wave I need a helper in my job. I only drink herbal teas. Can I borrow your highlighter pen? There's a hole in my sock. Thousands of holidaymakers go to the beach in summer. 10,000 people were made homeless by the floods. The cake was home-made. Please go to my homepage on my website. There should be complete honesty between us. We went to Paris on our honeymoon. Many teenagers do not feel hopeful about the future. She was depressed and felt hopeless about the future. I like mustard on my hot dogs.

h h h h h h i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

2B 2C 8A 9A 8A 2C 8A 7A 9B 11A 9C 4D 3C 6B 11A 12B 2B 8C 3C 2C

however (adv) huge (adj) humid (adj) hunger (n) hurricane (n) hypnosis (n) ice cap (n) icon (n) identify (v) idiot (n) imagination (n) immigration (n) importance (n) in case (conj) in charge (adv) in touch (adv) income (n) increase (n) increase (v) incredibly (adv)

sin embargo enorme hmedo hambre huracn hipnosis el hielo de los polos icono identificar idiota imaginacin inmigracin importancia en caso de a cargo en contacto ingreso aumento aumento increblemente

He is a good businessman. However, he's a bit dishonest. He's got a huge nose. Malaysia has a hot and humid climate. My dog was crying with hunger. A strong hurricane is approaching Florida. Police put witnesses under hypnosis to get information. The polar ice caps are melting. Click on the print icon. The witness identified the criminal from photographs. He is such a stupid idiot! The job needs someone with creativity and imagination. There are strict limits on immigration into the country. He emphasized the importance the rules. Take an umbrella with you in case it rains. I'm on holiday next week, so I'm leaving you in charge. I'll be in touch with you next week about the party. Tourism accounts for 25% of the country's national income. There will be an increase in the price of tickets. Ticket prices will increase next month. The team played incredibly well.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

2C 4B 3B 7D 6B 7C 7C 9A 8C 4D 8C 2C 9C 1A 5B 6D 6C 2B 8C 8D

indeed (adv) independent (adj) independently (adv) indirect (adj) indoors (adv) infect (v) infected (adj) infection (n) informal (adj) injury (n) insensitive (adj) insomnia (n) in instinctive (adj) intelligence (n) intention (n) interrupt (v) intuition (n) investigate (v) invisible (adj) irresponsible (adj)

de ms independiente independientemente indirecto/indirecta dentro infectar infectado infeccin informal herida insensible insomnio instintivo/instintiva inteligencia intencin interrumpir intuicin investigar invisible irresponsable

For a child, her vocabulary is very good indeed. She's a proud, independent woman. He liked working independently The route was indirect, but very beautiful. If you're feeling cold, we can go indoors. Thousands of computers were infected with the virus. His arm became infected where the dog had bitten him. I got a throat infection last month. This is an informal meeting. When I fell off my horse, I got serious back injury. She was insensitive to the pain. Many people suffer from insomnia. Her instinctive response was to fight back. He has great intelligence. She announced her intention to resign. Sorry to interrupt, but what time is it? Her approach to childcare is based on intuition. The detectives investigated the murder Diamonds are invisible in water. He's completely irresponsible.

j j j j j j k k k k k k k k k k k l l l

8B 3C 5B 9C 3C 5B 8D 1B 7D 8B 5D 7A 1B 6B 3C 8C 3C 6C 2B 2A

jar (n) jeep (n) jewellery (n) Jr. (adj) (=US abbreviation for Junior) jungle (n) junk (n) kangaroo (n) keen (on) (adj) keep out (phrasal v irreg) ketchup (n) kettle (n) keyboard (n) kick (v) kidnap (v) kindness (n) kiss of life (n) knowledgeable (adj) ladder (n) lamb (n) laptop (n)

tarro jeep joyas selva basura ftils /trastos canguro gustar no entre salsa de tomate hervidor (de agua) teclado patear secuestro amabilidad respiracin boca a boca informado escalera cordero ordenador porttil

a jar of jam If you need to drive off road, a jeep is a useful car to have. I keep all my jewellery in a box; jewelley and earrings. My son is Paul Chandler Jr. The jungles of Indonesia are home to Orang Utans. My loft is full of old junk. Kangaroos live in Australia. I'm not keen on fast food. I've got very fair skin so I try to keep out of the sun. I always put ketchup on my hot dogs. Charlotte put the kettle on to make some tea. I'm the keyboard player in the band. The boys were kicking a ball back and forth. She was kidnapped from her home and held for 24 hours. Thanks for all your kindness this morning. You could save someone by giving them the kiss of life. He's very knowledgeable about art. It's bad luck to walk under ladders. grilled lamb chops I usually work on my laptop on the train.

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

5B 3A 1C 4C 1D 3C 11A 4C 7C 9C 10C 8B 8A 9C 2C 1A 8C 8A 3C 7A

last (v) lately (adv) laughter (n) lavender (n) law firm (n) laziness (n) lead actress (n) leaf (n) lecture (n) lecturer (n) legal (adj) lemonade (n) level (n) liar (n) lie (v irreg) lie-in (n) lifeguard (n) lightning (n) lion (n) literate (adj)

durar ltimamente risas lavanda firma de abogados pereza actriz protagonista hoja charla profesor/profesora legal limonada nivel mentiroso/mentirosa acostarse dormir hasta tarde socorrista relmpago len que tiene conocimientos de algo

How long will the meeting last? I haven't been feeling so well lately. I heard the sound of laughter in the room next door. I love the smell of lavender. My brother works for a law firm. I could go to the gym - it's just laziness that stops me. Who was the lead actress in that film? The leaves are starting to appear on the trees. We went to a lecture on Italian art. He's a psychology lecturer. Is it legal to carry a handgun? I prefer lemonade to cola. Students at this level need a lot of help. Don't trust him - he's a terrible liar. He's lying in bed. I had a long lie-in this morning. That lifeguard saved my life! Thunder and lightning really scares my dog. Lions live in Africa. I'm sorry, I'm not very computer literate.

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

4A 5B 5C 5A 11C 5A 7D 10B 3A 10C 6C 9C 1B 4D 6C 5A

live (adj) (a) load (of) (n) loads (of) (n) location (n) locked (adj) loft (n) log on (phrasal v) look for (phrasal v)

en vivo un montn de mucho/mucha ubicacin cerrado (con llave) desvn entrar (al sistema) buscar

I'm watching live football. What are you talking about? That's a load of old rubbish! There were loads of people there but noone I knew. This school is in a very good location. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. There's so much junk in my loft! Please log on with your user name and password. I had another look for my watch, but I couldn't find it. I look forward to receiving your reply by return of post. If you don't know a word look it up in a dictionary. The losers of both games will play each other for third place. New Orleans is in Louisiana. We have a real love-hate relationship. He's a loyal supporter of his football team. I always take my lucky charm with me to exams. A day off work is such a luxury. We cheered madly as the team came out onto the field. The waitresses are mainly French. I have to make up my mind which dress to buy. Malaria kills many people every year.

look forward to (phrasal esperando/con ganas de v) look something up (phrasal v) loser (n) Louisiana (n) love-hate relationship (n) loyal (adj) lucky charm (n) luxury (adj) madly (adv) mainly (adv) buscar algo perdedor/perdedora Luisiana relacion de amor y odio leal amuleto lujoso/lujosa locamente principalmente

m 11C m 5A m 6C m 4C

make up (your) mind (v) decidirse malaria (n) malaria

m 12B m 8A m 8B m 5D m 2B m 8B m 3C m 2C m 6C m 1C m 5D m 6D m 8C m 6B m 1C m 2C m 1A m 10B m 7A m 5D

management (n) man-made (adj) margarine (n) marker pen (n) market research (n) marmalade (n) marsh (n) marvellous (adj) Massachusetts (n) massage (n) material (n) maths (n) mature (adj) media (n pl.) meditate (v) meditation (n)

gerencia hecho por el hombre margarina rotulador

I'm going to go on a management training course. This coat isn't animal fur, it's manmade. Do you prefer margarine or butter? Can I borrow your marker pen, please?

investigacin de mercados I'm working for a market research company. mermelada (de naranja) pantano maravilloso Massachusetts masaje material las matemticas maduro medios de comunicacin meditar meditacin I love marmalade on toast. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh. What a marvellous idea! Boston is in Massachusetts. I would love to have a massage. Her dress was made of a soft, silky material. Maths is a short form of mathematics. She seems very mature for thirteen. He's doing media studies at university. I meditate twice a day. Meditation helps you to relax. It would be nice to meet up with you sometime. John has an amazing memory for historical facts. I'll put it on my memory stick. My watch is broken - can you mend it?

meet up with (phrasal reunirse v irreg) memory (n) memory stick (n) mend (v) memoria memory stick/almacenamiento de datos porttil reparar

m 6A m 5D m 2B m 10B m 12C m 9A m 5B m 2D m 4C m 7A m 3C m 7A m 4D m 3D m 5D m 5D m 7A m 8C m 7D m 1C

mess (n) metal (n) microwave (n) mid-fifties (n) midweek (adj) migraine (n) mirror (n) miserable (adj) mixture (n) modem (n) modesty (n) monitor (n) moody (adj) mosque (n)

desorden metal microondas alrededor de los 55 aos de entre semana migraa espejo abatido mezcla mdem modestia monitor de humor variable mezquita

My hair's such a mess! It's made of metal. It's very quick to heat up food with a microwave. My mother doesn't look as if she's in her mid-fifties. By midweek, the situation had reached crisis pitch. I can't come to work today, I've got a terrible migraine. If you break a mirror, you get seven years' bad luck. I just woke up feeling miserable. Their house is decorated in a mixture of styles. Connect your computer to a modem to use the internet. Show some modesty- don't tell everyone how clever you are! My computer needs a new monitor. He can be very moody and rude. There are many mosques in London. These mosquito coils will help to repel mosquitoes. You should spray this mosquito repellent on you. My computer needs a new mouse. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh. My MP3 player can hold 500 songs. Mumbai is in western India.

mosquito coils (n pl.) espiral insecticida mosquito repellent (n) repelente para insectos mouse (n) mouth (n) MP3 player Mumbai (n) ratn boca reproductor de MP3 Mumbai

m 9C n n n n n n n n n n n n n o o o o o o 2C 8C 3C 1C 3C 5D 6D 9B 2C 11B 1B 11D 11B 12A 12B 10C 8C 4D 4D

muscles (n) nap (n) nation (n) natural (adj) naturally (adv) nature (n) needle (n) network (n) NHS (n) (=National Health Service [UK]) nightmare (n) nine-to-five (adj) none (quantifier) notepad (n) nurse (n) obligation (n) obtain (v) obvious (adj) ocean (n) offensive (adj) officer (n)

msculos siesta nacin natural por naturaleza naturaleza aguja red Servicio Nacional de Salud pesadilla de nueve a cinco ninguno/ninguna un bloc de papel enfermero/enfermera obligacin conseguir obvio/obvia ocano ofensivo/ofensiva agente

After exercising yesterday, my muscles are really hurting. He likes to have a nap after lunch. This country is a member of the United Nations. Coal is an important natural resources. Organic tomatoes are grown naturally without chemicals. I like to be out walking in nature when I can. Have you got a needle and thread? A freelancer has to build up a large network of contacts. This hospital belongs to the NHS. The traffic can be a real nightmare after 4.30. She preferred working nine-to-five than doing shifts. None of them smoke. Journalists always carry notepads. She's working as a nurse at the local hospital. You have a moral obligation to educate your child. First editions of these books are difficult to obtain. it was the obvious solution; why didn't we think of it before? Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean His remark was very offensive. The criminal was arrested by a police officer.

11C o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1A 4A 7C 9A 6C 2B 6D 2A 6D 8D 8A 6D 2B 8C 6B 8C 9C 5A 8C

one step ahead (prep.phrase) online (adv) onstage (adv) onto (prep) operating theatre (n) optimist (n) organic (adj) organiser (n) ought (v) ourselves (refl. outback (n) outdoors (adv) outraged (adj) oven (n) over- (prefix) overall (adj) overcharge (v) overdrawn (adj) overlooking (adj) over-optimistic

ventaja en lnea en escena en quirfano optiminsta orgnico organizador debera

Successful businesses stay one step ahead. My computer is now online. He gets nervous when he's appearing onstage. The sheep were loaded onto trucks. There were many doctors in the operating theatre. She's an optimist. I try to eat only organic vegetables. She's a very good organiser We ought to tidy up before we go.

nosotros mismos/nosotras We really enjoyed ourselves at the mismas night club; great fun!! el interior (zona despoblada de Australia) al aire libre indignado/indignada horno sobre total cobrar de ms sobregirado/ sobregirada tener vistas a sobre optimista Animals like kangaroos live in the australian outback. If it's warm this evening, we could eat outdoors. Many outraged viewers wrote to the BBC to complain. Take the cake out of the over after 20 minutes. I think you overheated this soup. The overall cost of the holiday came to nearly 1000. The shop overcharged me by 5. We've gone 200 overdrawn! Our hotel room had a balcony overlooking the sea. Its over-optimistic to think we can finish this work by tonight.

o o o p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

8C 2A 6B 11A 3B 8B 4C 4B 9D 8C 7C 6A 9D 8A 3A 1B 6A 7A 3C 8C

overpaid (adj) overtime (n) overweight (adj) PA (n) (=personal assistant) package holiday (n) packet (n) pain (n) painful (adj) painkiller (n) painless (adj) Pakistan (n) pan (n) paracetamol (n) park ranger (n) particularly (adv) partly (adv) part-time (n) password (n) patience (n) patient (adj)

alguien a quien se le paga I think my boss is overpaid. demasiado horas extras obeso/obesa asistente personal/secretaria(o) viaje organizado paquete dolor doloroso/dolorosa analgsico indoloro/ indolora Pakistn estropajo para cacerolas paracetamol guardaparques particularmente en parte tiempo parcial contrasea paciencia paciente unpaid overtime He's still a few pounds overweight. My PA will contact you tomorrow. Package holidays often offer the best value for money. Can I have a packet of cigarettes please? I have a pain in my stomach. Recovery from the operation is a slow and painful process. Take these painkillers twice a day. There is no painless way of learning a language. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. Please clean the frying pan with the pan scourer. If you have a headache, take some paracetamol. There are five park rangers working here. She didn't seem particularly interested. The house is partly owned by her father. I'm working part-time because I look after my children. Please enter your user name and password. Finally, I lost my patience and shouted at her. I wish he was more patient with me.

p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

11C 2B 12C 9D 2B 2B 2A 4C 7B 10C 12C 1A 6C 4A 2C 4C 10B 6D 4A 8C

payphone (n) pea (n) peak (n) penicillin (n) pepper (n) permanent (adj) permission (n) Peruvian (adj) petrol (n) phone-in (adj/n) photography (n) pick someone up (phrasal v) pick (v) pie (n) pill (n) pillow (n) plain (adj) planning department (n) plastic (n) playful (adj)

telfono publico guisante cima penicilina pimienta permanente permiso peruano/peruana gasolina programa de radio o televisin con llamadas del pblico fotografa recoger a alguien seleccionar pastel pastilla almohada sencillo/sencilla departamento de planificacin plstico juguetn

Have you got any coins for the payphone? This pea soup is delicious. Try to avoid travelling at peak times; the roads are busy then The doctor prescribed me some penicillin. Could you pass the pepper please? Is the job permanent or temporary? She gave him permission without asking any questions. Peruvian food is very interesting. You should use unleaded petrol. I love listening to radio phone-in shows. I'd like to take up photography but I would need a camera. Can you pick me up from the airport? Help me pick some numbers for my lottery ticket, please! I'm making a lovely apple pie. Some people take vitamin pills every day. If you want an extra pillow, please ask. I prefer plain food to spicy food. Which floor is the planning department on? Most children's toys are made of plastic. It was just a playful remark, don't take it seriously.

p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

6C 8B 3B 10C 3A 8A 5D 12C 10B 2B 1D 2A 2D 2C 5D 4B 2A 12C 12C

pleasant (adj) plenty (of) pocket (n) point out (phrasal v) poisonous (adj) verinosa polar (adj) polish (n) pollute (v) ponytail (n) popularity (n) portfolio (n) possibility (n) pot (n) potato (n) powder (n) practical (adj) praise (n) preferible preferencia pre-nuptial (=prenuptial agreement) (adj/n)

agradable abundancia (de) bolsillo indicar venenoso polar cera contaminar cola de caballo popularidad carpeta posibildad maceta patata polvo prctico/prctica elogios preferible preferencia prenupcial

If the weather's pleasant tomorrow, we'll go to the park. Don't bring any food - we've got plenty. My wallet is always in my back pocket. He was going climbing until I pointed out his fear of heights. Snakes can be poisonous; if they bite you, go to hospital. On the news, it said that the polar icecaps were melting. Just give the table a polish. We need a fuel that won't pollute the environment. She has tied her hair back into a ponytail. Organic food is increasing in popularity. She's building up a portfolio of her work for job interviews. There is a possibility it will rain tomorrow. The flower pot is too small for the plant. The English eat a lot of potatoes. Could you buy some more soap powder please? She very artistic but she's not very practical. They deserve praise for their achievements. Staying at home is preferable to going out if it's raining. Do you have a preference about what film to see? Pre-nuptial agreements protect your money.


p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

9A 2A 11C 7A 7A 1C 4B 7C 11A 4A 5A 6B 6C 12C 6B 9B 6D 6B 6B 9C

prescription pressure (n) pretty (adj) print (v) printer (n) produce (v) producer (n) programmer (n) project (n) promoter (n)

receta presin bastante imprimir impresora producir productor/productora programador proyecto promotor

The doctor gave me a prescription for penicillin. There's a lot of pressure in my job. Your daughter is very pretty. Click on the icon to print your document. We have a new colour printer. The factory produces about 900 cars a year. Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool. He works as a computer programmer. We're doing a class project on the environment. He's a concert promoter. When she won the lottery, she invested in property. It's important to protect your skin from the sun. She protected her children from harm. Sun cream gives you protection against burning. She's fiercely protective of her children. They're on strike to protest against job losses. This booklet provides useful information. The doctor thought his illness was psychological. She said she was going to see a psychologist. He's studying child psychology at the moment.

property (n) (=a house propiedad (inmobiliaria) or flat) protect (v) protected (adj) protection (n) protective (adj) protest (v) provide (v) psychological (adj) psychologist (n) psychology (n) protejer protegido proteccin protector/protectora protesta proveer psicolgico/psicolgica psiclogo/psicloga psicologa

p p p p p p q q q r r r r r r r r r r r

1B 3B 4C 5B 10C 3A 2B 9B 4C 6C 5B 12C 3A 2B 9D 9B 9A 2B 4B 6B

public transport (n) publish (v) purple (adj) put something away (phrasal v irreg) put something off (phrasal v irreg) put up with (phrasal v irreg) quality (n) question (v) quinine (n) rabbit (n) racket (n) radioactive (adj) rainforest (n) rapidly (adv) rash (n) rate (n) reaction (n) ready meal (n) realise (v) receipt (n)

transporte pblico publicar morado/morada recoger y guardar aplazar aguantar calidad preguntar quinina conejo raquet radiactivo/radiactiva selva tropical rpidamente sarpullido/erupcin de la piel tasa reccion comida lista darse cuenta recibo

To save the environment, use public transport. This book is published by Cambridge University Press. I don't think you should buy a purple suit. If you put something away, you'll find it when you need it. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. I couldn't put up with his snoring; I was awake all night. A designer label doesn't guarantee quality. Detectives were questioning a boy about the murder. Quinine can be used to treat malaria. I used to have a pet rabbit when I was a child. I need to buy a new tennis racket. Radioactive waste is a global problem. It's important to protect the rainforests. The hurricane came very rapidly. I have an itchy rash. What's the exchange rate for dollars and pounds? What's your reaction to the news? I don't want to cook tonight, so I've bought a ready meal. I didn't realise how unhappy she was. If you want your money back, you'll need a receipt.

r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

1A 12A 3D 3C 4C 8B 8B 8B 8B 1C 9B 1A 12C 4A 4C 4C 8D 4A 8C 11B

recent (adj) reckon (v) recommendation (n) recover (v) recovery (n) recycle (v) recycled (adj) recycling bin (n) recycling box (n) reduce (v) reject (v) relative (n) relaxation (n) release (a CD) (v) remarkable (adj) remedy (n) remind (v) repair (v) repay (v) repetitive (adj)

reciente creer recomendacin recuperar recuperacin reciclar reciclado/reciclada cubo de reciclaje caja de reciclaje reducir rechazar parente relajacon sacar (a la venta un cd) notable remedio recordar arreglar pagar repetetivo

Please send us a recent photo of yourself. I reckon he likes her. I chose my meal on the waiter's recommendation. It takes a long time to recover from surgery. She's made a good recovery after her recent operation. We recycle all our newspapers and bottles. This is made from recycled paper. Please put all waste paper in the recycling bin. Please put all waste paper in the recycling box. The government plans to reduce air pollution. The United States government has rejected the proposal. There will be a party for friends and relatives. A number of relaxation techniques exist, like yoga. The CD will be released next month. She's a remarkable woman. The is a good flu remedy. He reminded me to post the letter but I forgot. I must get my bike repaired. What can I do to repay you for your kindness? Working in a factory can be a repetitive job.

r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

8C 7A 11A 4B 9A 10D 8C 6C 3C 11B 5A 3D 4A 1B 2B 2B 12C 5A 5D 2B

replay (v) reply (v) responsibility (n) responsible (for) (adj) retreat (n) reunion (n) reuse (v) reveal (v) review (n) rewarding (adj) rewrite (v) rickshaw (n) rider (n) ring-tone (n) rise (v) roast (v) rope (n) rough (adj) rubber (n) rubbish bin (n)

repetir responder responsabilidad responsable (de) refugio reencuentro reutilizar revelar crtica gratificante reescribir cochecito de dos ruedas tirado por un hombre clasula el sonido del timbre del telfono subir asar cuerda peligroso caucho cubo de la basura

Press this button to replay the song. I don't understand, she replied. I have responsibility for three people in my job. I'm responsible for looking after the children in the evenings. I'd like a nice retreat in the countryside. I''m going to a school reunion on the weekend. Businesses are finding new ways to reuse materials. The gossip was revealed in the morning papers. He reviews films for a national newspaper Teaching is hard work but it's very rewarding. I had to rewrite my essay. In Kathmandu, I travelled everywhere by rickshaw. I would like to add a rider to this contract. Paul has the most annoying ring-tone I have ever heard. The sun rises in the east. Roast the lamb in a hot oven for 35 minutes. Can you climb a rope? Unfortunately, I live in a rough part of the city. It's made of rubber. Can you take the rubbish bin out please?

r r r s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

11A 1B 9D 3C 3C 6B 5C 11C 2C 4C 1A 2B 6A 7A 4C 1C 11B 12C 4D 7A

run (a department) (v) dirigir (un departamento) run out (phrasal v irreg) runny nose (n) sadness (n) safari (n) safety (n) salespeople (n pl.) salesperson (n) salon (n) sap (n) satisfying (adj) saucepan (n) savings (n) scanner (n) scar (n) scared (adj) schoolteacher science (n) scream (v) screen (n) acabarse nariz que moquea tristeza safari seguridad vendedores/vendedoras vendedor/vendedora saln savia satisfactorio/satisfactoria cacerola ahorros escner cicatriz asustado/asustada profesor/profesora ciencia alarido pantalla

She ran her own restaurant for five years. We've run out of coffee. I've got a runny nose. Her sadness at her pet's death was obvious. She is on safari in Kenya. Safety at the factory has been improved. Salespeople are usually very friendly people. He's working as an undercover salesperson. I visited a hair and beauty salon before the wedding. Sap comes from trees or plants. Thankyou, it was a very satisfying meal. I usually cook eggs in a saucepan. I spent all my savings on a new kitchen. Do you know how to use a scanner? I've got a scar on my hand. Robert's scared of heights. Who was your favourite schoolteacher? My daughter's favourite subject is science. I scream if I see a spider; I'm really frightened of them! I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen.

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

11A 3A 1B 5A 7B 4B 4B 5B 3B 6D 3A 5D 8C 2C 4B 11A 8D 1C 6C 6C

script (n) see someone off (phrasal v irreg) seem (v) semi-detached (adj) sense (n) sensible (adj) sensitive (adj) separate (adj) separately (adj) sergeant (n) set off (phrasal v irreg) share (v) shark (n) shattered (adj) (=very tired) shed (n) shift (n) shiver (v) shocked (adj) shooting star (n) shoulder (n)

guin despedir parecer casa con un lado pegado a la casa vecina y el otro lado libre sentido sensato sensible separar separadamente sargento salir compartir tiburn muy cansado cabaa turno temblar horrorizado estrella fugaz hombro

He wrote a number of film scripts. We went to the airport to see them off to Australia. She seemed happy enough. We're living in a semi-detached house. I have a very poor sense of smell. That's a very sensible decision. I want a man who's kind and sensitive. Use a separate sheet of paper. My boyfriend and I live separately. He's a police sergeant. What time are you setting off tomorrow morning? We decided to share a pizza and a bottle of wine. Have you ever seen a shark? By the time I got home I was absolutely shattered. My dad spends a lot of time in the garden shed. Nurses often have to work shifts. She shivered with cold. Many people were shocked by the film. If you see a shooting star, make a wish! Could you massage my shoulders?

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

10B 11C 2C 1B 3B 4B 12C 6C 12C 5A 11C 8D 9D 4A 2C 1B 1B 9C 4C 4D

shoulder-length (adj)

hasta los hombros

When I was younger, I had shoulderlength hair. 'Shut up, will you?' 'I'm trying to concentrate!' I always feel like having a siesta after lunch. Always stop when the traffic signal is red. Changi airport is in Singapore. The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. A pirate's flag has a picture of a skull and crossbones on it. What a beautiful, blue sky! Tokyo has many skyscrapers. I think I did slightly better in my exams this time. The smuggler was arrested at the airport. Not all snakes are dangerous. He had a cold and was sneezing a lot. I think snooker is a very exciting sport. I couldn't sleep because my wife was snoring. She thinks watching soap operas is a waste of time. She's the most sociable person I know. She's a professor of sociology. She's got very soft skin. Heat the butter until it softens.

shut up (phrasal v irreg) cllate/cllese siesta (n) signal (n) Singapore (n) sink (v irreg) skull (n) sky (n) skyscraper (n) slightly (adv) smuggler (n) snake (n) sneeze (v) snooker (n) snore (v) soap (opera) (n) sociable (adj) sociology (n) soft (adj) soften (v) siesta seal Singapur hundir crneo cielo rascacielos ligeramente contrabandista serpiente estornudar snooker roncar culebrn sociable sociologa blando suavizar

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

7A 6D 5B 11A 10C 3B 3A 5D 2B 9A 3A 6C 6C 10C 4D 9B 6C 7C 11C 5D

software (n) Somerset (n) sort out (phrasal v) sound (v) Southampton (n) south-east (adj) souvenir (n) spacious (adj) spare (adj) specialist (n) spider (n) spill (v) spirit (n)

software/programas de computador Somerset poner en orden sonar Southampton sureste souvenir espacioso de ms especialista araa derramarse espiritu

Cambridge University Press produces software. Somerset is in the south-west of England. I need to sort the things on my desk out; I can't find anything! Your job sounds really interesting. Southampton is in the south of England. London is in the south-east of England. Bring me back a nice souvenir! I'd like a more spacious apartment. You can stay in my spare bedroom. My brother is a software specialist. He's scared of spiders. Be careful not to spill red wine on the carpet. I don't believe in good or bad spirits. My sister split up with her boyfriend yesterday. He was behaving like a spoilt child. The spokesperson said the prime minister had resigned. They were spotted together in London last week. He spread the cards out on the table. The England rugby squad were very happy about the result. There's a red wine stain on the carpet.

split up (phrasal v irreg) a pesar de spoilt (adj) spokesperson (n) spot (v) (=see) spread (v irreg) squad (n) stain (n) malcriado/ malcriada portavoz notar extender brigada mancha

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

5D 9C 2B 1D 2B 5D 4A 5A 8D 1C 8C 11A 8D 8C 10B 4B 11C 5B 12C 5A

stain remover starring (adj) steady (adj) steak (n) steam (v) (=cook using steam) steel (n) stone (n) storey (n) stormy (adj) stranger (n) strength (n) stressful (adj) strict (adj) strike (v irreg) striped (adj) stubborn (adj) study (n)(=room for studying) stuff (n) style (n) suburbs (n pl.)

quitamanchas protagonizar una pelcula continuo bistec vapor acero piedra planta/piso tormentoso/ tormentosa desconocido fortaleza estresante estricto/estricta huelga a rayas terco/terca estudio cosas estilo barrios residenciales perifricos

You will have to use stain remover to get rid of it. It's a film starring Meg Ryan. You need steady hands to be a dentist. We both ate steak and chips. The vegetables should be steamed for ten minutes. It's made of steel. The necklace had a single precious stone hanging from it. I live in a three-storey building. It was a wild, stormy night. I don't want to talk to a complete stranger. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Being a doctor is a stressful job She gave me strict instructions to be there by ten. Two climbers were struck by falling rocks. It's a nice, striped shirt. She's so stubborn sometimes. He's working in the study. There's some sticky stuff on the carpet. She's had her hair cut in a really nice style. I prefer living in the suburbs to living in the city centre.

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s t t t t t

2C 2C 6D 12C 6C 6C 2B 3A 3C 9A 3C 3C 1B 8B 9D 12C 12C 3D 9B 5B

suddenly (adv) suffer (from) (v) suggest (v) superhero (n) superstition (n) superstitious (adj) supposed (adj) surely (adv) surfing (n) surgeon (n) surgery (n) (=medical operation) surrounded (adj) switch something off (phrasal v) Switzerland (n) symptom (n) Taipei (n) Taiwan (n) Taj Mahal (n) take part (in) (v) take someone out (phrasal v irreg)

de repente sufrir de sugerir superhroe supersticin supersticioso/ supersticiosa supuesto/supuesta sin duda surfing cirujano/cirujana ciruga rodeado/rodeada apagar Suiza sntoma Taipei Taiwn Taj Mahal participar (en) invitar a salir a alguin

I suddenly realized who she was. I'm suffering from a heavy cold today. I suggest that we park the car here and walk into town. Batman is an example of a superhero. I think superstitions are just silly. Are you superstitious about the number 13? I'm supposed to be in work by 9 o'clock every morning. You surely didn't tell him, did you? Surfing is a very difficult sport. Surgeons have to be very experienced people. She's going to have surgery in October. The house is surrounded by a large garden. It's a good idea to switch all electrical devices off . Zurich is in Switzerland. a runny nose and sore throat are symptoms of a cold. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. The Taj Mahal is a beautiful building in India. In competitions, taking part is more important than winning. Are you taking her out for her birthday?

t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

4B 1B 9B 2B 2C 4C 4A 7A 10B 11D 4D 5A 2C 8C 6C 8C 1B 2B 12C 4C

talented (adj) talkative (adj) target (n) taste (n) tasty (adj) teapot (n) technician (n) technology (n) teens (n) temp (n) (=temporary worker) tend (to) (v) terraced (adj) terrified (adj) terrifying (adj) test (v) Texas (n) text message (n) Thai (adj) the Alps (n pl.) the Andes (n pl.)

talentoso/talentosa conversador/hablador objetivo sabor sabroso/sabrosa tetera tcnico tecnologa adolescencia temporal tender a

She's a talented young musician. He's not a talkative man. I'm hoping to save 3,000 by June that's my target. This cake has a very sweet taste. They do a really tasty chicken and mushroom soup. There's a crack in this teapot. We need to call the computer technician. Computer technology is a useful subject to study. Her youngest daughter is still in her teens. After I left university, I worked as a temp for six months. I tend to wear dark colours.

casas adosadas en hilera Living in terraced houses means you have neighbours. aterrorizado aterrador/ aterradora prueba Texas mensaje de texto tailands/taliandesa los Alpes los Andes I'm terrified of flying. Some people find spiders terrifying. I'm going to get my hearing tested. Texas is in the south of the USA. If you can't phone send a text message instead. Thai food can be very hot. He likes climbing in the Alps. The Andes are in south America.

t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

4B 7C 6B 6B 1B 11C 2B 5A 4C 5A 5B 5B 9D 8A 1A 12C 5D 2C 2C 8B

the (English) Channel (n) the (English) Channel (n) The Philippines (n) therefore (conj) thirsty (adj) though (conj) threaten (v) three-course meal (n) three-storey house/ building (n) throat (n) throughout (prep) throw something away (phrasal v irreg) throw something out (phrasal v irreg) throw up (phrasal v irreg) thunder (n) tidy up (phrasal v) timely (adj) tin (n) tiny (adj) tiredness (n) tissue (n) las Filipinas por tanto sediento/sedienta aunque amenazar

Some swimmers have swum across the English channel. Manila is the capital of the Phillipines. The volcano is dangerous. Therefore, we should leave I felt really hot and thirsty after my run. And though she's quite small, she's very strong. He threatened the staff with a gun and demanded money.

una comida de tres platos I had a great three-course meal at the restaurant . casa/edificio de tres plantas garganta por/en todo/toda tirar algo tirar algo vomitar trueno ordenar oportuno/ oportuna hojalata minsculo/ minscula cansancio pauelo de papel A three-storey house has three floors. I've got a sore throat. The house was painted pink throughout. After he had drunk the drink, he threw the empty can away. Don't throw all your old clothes out, donate them to charity. After eating that horrible food, I threw up. My dog is scared of thunder and lightning. I'm tidying up before our guests arrive. His arrival was timely; his colleagues really needed his help. Could you buy a tin of peas as well? I was a tiny baby. Tiredness can be dangerous if you're driving. Could you pass me a tissue please?

t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

8B 8A 8B 5D 1A 8A 2A 3C 12C 9A 3C 3C 9D 6B 4C 4C 5C 6C 5A 8B

toaster (n) toenail (n) tomato (n) toothpick (n) top ten (n) tornado (n) tortoise (n) touristy (adj) tower (n) toxin (n) tradition (n) traditional (adj) trainer (n) trap (n) treat (v) treatment (n) trolley (n) trust (v) truth (n) tuna (n)

tostadora ua (del dedo del pie) tomate palillo diez principales tornado tortuga turstico torre toxina tradicin tradicional entrenador trampa tratar tratamiento Caballo de Troya confiar verdad atn

We need a new toaster. You should cut your toenails. I don't like tomato soup. Could you pass me a toothpick please? Every week the list of top ten hit records changes. The tornado caused a lot of damage. Tortoises make wonderful pets. Marrakesh is a bit touristy; you don't go there in the Summer. Last year, I visited the leaning tower of Pisa. Organic food doesn't contain many toxins. There is a great tradition of dance in Hungary. I like traditional Hungarian music. A personal trainer is someone who helps you get fit. The mouse was caught in the trap. He's being treated at a hospital in Manchester. She's receiving treatment at the hospital. We need a larger supermarket trolley. My sister warned me not to trust him. Do you think he was telling the truth? I love pasta with tuna.

t t u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u

1B 12B 4C 8C 8C 11A 8C 5C 8C 8C 6B 5C 9C 8D 1C 6A 7C 7D 8C 7C

turn something off (phrasal v) turning point (n) unable (adj) uncommon (adj) undercharge (v) undercover (adj) underestimate (v) underneath (prep/adv) underpaid (adj) underuse (v) unfit (adj) unfurnished (adj) uniform (n) unimportant (adj) universal (adj) unless (conj) unlike (prep) unlikely (adj) unmarried (adj) unopened (adj)

apagar punto de cambio incapaz poco comn

Don't turn your computer off; it shuts down automatically. This event marked a turning point in the country's history. Some days he is unable to get out of bed. It's not uncommon to see lots of birds here in the winter.

cobrar menos de lo debido The shop assistant undercharged me by 2. clandestino/clandestina subestimar debajo de mal pagado/pagada subutilizado/ subutilizada no estar en forma sin amueblar uniforme sin importancia universal a menos que a diferencia de improbable soltero/sotera no abierto I think he's an undercover police officer. Many people underestimate the cost of owning a car. Florian was wearing a jacket with a red shirt underneath. Teachers are usually underpaid. Since the supermarket, the shops have been underused. She didn't exercise so she became very unfit. I'd like to rent an unfurnished flat . I have my own furniture.. They have to wear a school uniform. My boss thought my views were unimportant, so I left. Kittens and puppies have a universal appeal. I won't call you unless there are problems. Jackie's really clever, unlike her sister. It's unlikely that I'll be able to come to the party . Their youngest daughter is still unmarried. What's wrong with your present? It's unopened.

u u u u v v v v v v v v v v v v

2C 8C 7A 7C 9C 1B 12C 8A 7C 6C 6D 4D 8A 7C 12C 6C

unpopular (adj) unsuccessful (adj) useless (adj) user (n) various (adj) veg (n) (=vegetable) Venezuela (n) Venice (n) via (prep) vice versa (adv) violence (n) violent (adj) Virginia (n) virus (n) vision (n) volunteer (n) Wales (n) ward (n) warehouse (n) warn (v)

impopular infructuoso/infructuosa inutil usuario varios verdura Venezuela Venecia va viceversa violencia violento/violenta Virginia virus visin voluntario/voluntaria Gales sala depsito advertir

It was a very unpopular idea. His latest attempt at breaking the record was unsuccessful . This umbrella's useless - there's a big hole in it. Are you a regular computer user? They have offices in various parts of the country. You should eat more fruit and veg. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. Venice is in the north of Italy. The train to Utrecht goes via Amsterdam. Never use indoor lights outside and vice versa. The violence of the explosion broke the windows. There is very little violent crime in this city. Virginia is in the east of the USA. The doctor says I've got a virus. He has poor vision in his left eye. Any volunteers to help me move these books? Wales is one of the countries in the British isles. My wife is in the maternity ward. He works in a warehouse. I warned you not to tell her.

w 3C w 3C w 11C w 11C

w 8D w 7B w 5D w 1C w 10B w 2C w 12C w 7A w 7B w 3C w 4D w 11B w 9C w 8D w 11A w 9D w 2A w 2C w 4A w 8C

warning (n) wash (v) washing-up liquid (n) watercolours (n) wavy (adj) way of life (n) weakness (n) web (n) webcam (n) webpage (n) well-behaved (adj) well-paid (adj) well-qualified (adj) whatever (pron, det) wheelchair (n) wheezy (adj) whenever (pron, det) wide awake (adj) wild (adj) wildlife (n)

advertencia lavar detergente para lavavajillas acuarelas ondulado modo de vida debilidad red/la web cmara web pagina web formal/educado(a) bien remunerado bien capacitado/capacitada lo que sea silla de ruedas que respira con dificultad cuando sea completamente despierto/despierta salvaje fauna y flora

All cigarette packets carry a warning. Dad was washing the dishes. I'm afraid we've run out of washing-up liquid. I prefer watercolours to oil paintings. She's got beautiful wavy hair. Working overtime is just a way of life in our company. What do you think are your weaknesses as a manager? The worldwide web is also called the Internet. We can communicate over a webcam. Can I have your webpage address? She's a very well-behaved child. Teachers are not very well-paid. Doctors are very well-qualified, they study for seven years. He eats whatever he wants but he is really slim. Does this cinema have wheelchair access? After this jogging, I'm a little bit wheezy. Visit me whenever you like, I'm normally at home. I'm wide awake after all that coffee. What wild animals are in your country? You can see lions and tigers safely in a wildlife park.

w 4C w 2C w 6C w 12A w 4C w 2B w 5D w 5A w 5D w 2A w 12C x y y y z z 12C 12A 1C 4C 8C 2B

willow (n) wink (v) wish (n) wish (v) within (prep) wok (n) wood (n) wooden (adj) wool (n) workaholic (n) wrist (n) x-ray (n) yep (excl) yoga (n) young-looking (adj) zone (n) zucchini (n)

sauce guiar el ojo deseo desear dentro de sartn chino madera de madera lana adicto/adicta al trabajo mueca rayo x s yoga de apariencia joven zona calabacn

The willow tree stands next to the river. She smiled and winked at me. I wish I didn't have to go to work. I wish I didn't have to go to work. The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. It's best to cook stir fries with a wok. It's made of wood. It's a wooden chair It's made of wool. Paul is a workaholic - he never stops. You wear bracelets around your wrist. I'm going into hospital for an x-ray tomorrow. So I press this button? She does yoga three times a week. Despite being nearly sixty, he's very young-looking. a war zone A zucchini is the same as a courgette.

Cambridge University Press 2006

Intermediate wordlist: English to Spanish

Lesson English Word No. Spanish Espaol Example Sentence

a c c e i l

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

according (to) (pre) close (adj) clubbing (n) exhibition (n) intelligence (n) lie-in (n)

segn cerca ir a discoteca exposicin inteligencia dormir hasta tarde

I'm living in rented accommodation. It was close to lunchtime when we arrived. Rose and I went clubbing last weekend. There's an exhibition of sculpture on at the gallery. He has great intelligence. I had a long lie-in this morning. It would be nice to meet up with you sometime. My computer is now online. Can you pick me up from the airport? Please send us a recent photo of yourself. There will be a party for friends and relatives.

m 1A o p r r s t t 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

meet up with (phrasal reunirse v irreg) online (adv) pick someone up (phrasal v) recent (adj) relative (n) satisfying (adj) tidy up (phrasal v) top ten (n) en lnea recoger a alguien reciente parente

satisfactorio/satisfactoria Thankyou, it was a very satisfying meal. ordenar diez principales I'm tidying up before our guests arrive. Every week the list of top ten hit records changes.

g c a g k l p p r r s s s s s t t t t

1A 1A 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

gardening (n) chat (v) almost (adv) granddad (n) kick (v) love-hate relationship (n) partly (adv) public transport (n) ring-tone (n) run out (phrasal v irreg) seem (v) signal (n) soap (opera) (n) sociable (adj) switch something off (phrasal v) talkative (adj) text message (n) though (conj) turn something off (phrasal v)

jardinera charlar casi abuelo patear relacion de amor y odio en parte transporte pblico el sonido del timbre del telfono acabarse parecer seal culebrn sociable apagar conversador/hablador mensaje de texto aunque apagar

My dad loves gardening. I wanted to chat to you about the party on Saturday. I almost missed the bus. My granddad loves gardening. The boys were kicking a ball back and forth. We have a real love-hate relationship. The house is partly owned by her father. To save the environment, use public transport. Paul has the most annoying ring-tone I have ever heard. We've run out of coffee. She seemed happy enough. Always stop when the traffic signal is red. She thinks watching soap operas is a waste of time. She's the most sociable person I know. It's a good idea to switch all electrical devices off . He's not a talkative man. If you can't phone send a text message instead. And though she's quite small, she's very strong. Don't turn your computer off; it shuts down automatically.

v k c n b a b b c c c c d d f f l

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C

veg (n) (=vegetable) keen (on) (adj) customer service (n) none (quantifier) Birmingham (n) amazingly (adv) blood pressure (n) brain (n) chemicals (n pl.) concerned (adj) confused (adj) create (v) decoration (n) disappointed (adj) fake (adj) frustrated (adj) laughter (n) massage (n) meditate (v)

verdura gustar servicio al cliente ninguno/ninguna Birmingham increiblemente tensin (arterial) cerebro qumico preocupado confundido crear decoracin estar decepcionado falso frustrado risas masaje meditar

You should eat more fruit and veg. I'm not keen on fast food. That company has excellent customer service. None of them smoke. Birmingham is in Central England. She looked amazingly well. I've got high blood pressure. This university attracts the best brains in the country. Every year, factories release chemicals into the air. I am very concerned that class sizes seem to be growing. Sorry, I'm completely confused. The project will create more than 500 jobs. This place is badly in need of decoration. I was very disappointed that he didn't come. This coat is made of fake fur. I'm very frustrated at/with my lack of progress. I heard the sound of laughter in the room next door. I would love to have a massage. I meditate twice a day.

m 1C m 1C

m 1C n p r s s s u 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C

Mumbai (n) naturally (adv) produce (v) reduce (v) scared (adj) shocked (adj) stranger (n) universal (adj) watercolours (n) yoga (n)

Mumbai por naturaleza producir reducir asustado/asustada horrorizado desconocido universal acuarelas yoga

Mumbai is in western India. Organic tomatoes are grown naturally without chemicals. The factory produces about 900 cars a year. The government plans to reduce air pollution. Robert's scared of heights. Many people were shocked by the film. I don't want to talk to a complete stranger. Kittens and puppies have a universal appeal. I prefer watercolours to oil paintings. She does yoga three times a week. Government spending on defence is increasing. The crowd clapped and cheered for more. If it rains, we'll cancel the barbecue. The environmental damage this road will cause is huge. He's working for a law firm. Greenpeace protects the environment. My brother works for a law firm. She's building up a portfolio of her work for job interviews. We both ate steak and chips.

w 1C y d c b e f g l p s 1C 1C 1C 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D

defence (against illness) defensa (n) clap (v) barbecue (n) environmental (adj) firm (n) Greenpeace (n) law firm (n) portfolio (n) steak (n) aplaudir barbacoa medioambiental empresa/firma Greenpeace firma de abogados carpeta bistec

g a a c d l o o p p p p t

1D 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A

get on (someones) nerves (v) allowed (adj) Austria (n) conditions (n pl.) deadline (n) laptop (n) ought (v) overtime (n) permission (n) possibility (n) praise (n) pressure (n) tortoise (n) whenever (pron, det) workaholic (n) adviser (n) aubergine (n) bean (n) beef (n)

ponerle los nervios de punta a alguien permitir Austria condiciones fecha de entrega ordenador porttil debera horas extras permiso posibildad elogios presin tortuga cuando sea adicto/adicta al trabajo consejero berenjena juda carne

She gets on my nerves because she's always late. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. Vienna is the capital of Austria. One of the conditions of the contract is we can't keep pets. Try not to miss your deadline. I usually work on my laptop on the train. We ought to tidy up before we go. unpaid overtime She gave him permission without asking any questions. There is a possibility it will rain tomorrow. They deserve praise for their achievements. There's a lot of pressure in my job. Tortoises make wonderful pets. Visit me whenever you like, I'm normally at home. Paul is a workaholic - he never stops. She's currently working as a financial adviser. An aubergine is the same as an egg plant. Tofu is made from soya beans. We're cooking roast beef.

w 2A w 2A a a b b 2B 2B 2B 2B

b b b c c c c c d e f f g g h i i l

2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B

blender (n) boil (v) broccoli (n) carrot (n) contain (v) cookery (n) courgette (n) course (n) despite (prep) eggplant (n) freezer (n) frying pan (n) garlic (n) grill (v/n) however (adv) income (n) investigate (v) lamb (n) market research (n)

licuadora hervir brcol zanahoria contener cocina calabacn plato a pesar de berenjena congelador sartn ajo hacer a la parilla/parilla sin embargo ingreso investigar cordero investigacin de mercados

I made it with a food blender. I'll boil some water for a cup of tea. He didn't like broccoli. He made a delicious carrot soup. Does this drink contain alcohol? I bought my mum a cookery book for her birthday. You can make a nice soup with courgettes. What would you like for your main course? I'm still pleased with the house despite all the problems. An eggplant is the same as an aubergine. My freezer is empty. I always cook eggs in a frying pan. Put a clove of garlic in the sauce. Grill the fish for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. He is a good businessman. However, he's a bit dishonest. Tourism accounts for 25% of the country's national income. The detectives investigated the murder grilled lamb chops I'm working for a market research company.

m 2B

m 2B o o p p p p q r r r r r s s s s s t 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B 2B

microwave (n) organic (adj) oven (n) pea (n) pepper (n) permanent (adj) popularity (n) quality (n) rapidly (adv) ready meal (n) rise (v) roast (v) rubbish bin (n) saucepan (n) spare (adj) steady (adj)

microondas orgnico horno guisante pimienta permanente popularidad calidad rpidamente comida lista subir asar cubo de la basura cacerola de ms continuo

It's very quick to heat up food with a microwave. I try to eat only organic vegetables. Take the cake out of the over after 20 minutes. This pea soup is delicious. Could you pass the pepper please? Is the job permanent or temporary? Organic food is increasing in popularity. A designer label doesn't guarantee quality. The hurricane came very rapidly. I don't want to cook tonight, so I've bought a ready meal. The sun rises in the east. Roast the lamb in a hot oven for 35 minutes. Can you take the rubbish bin out please? I usually cook eggs in a saucepan. You can stay in my spare bedroom. You need steady hands to be a dentist. The vegetables should be steamed for ten minutes. I'm supposed to be in work by 9 o'clock every morning. This cake has a very sweet taste.

steam (v) (=cook using vapor steam) supposed (adj) taste (n) supuesto/supuesta sabor

t t

2B 2B

Thai (adj) three-course meal (n) wok (n) zucchini (n) heat something up (phrasal v) addicted (adj) although (conj) amazed (adj) awake (adj) boiling (adj) cure (n) delighted (adj) diet (n) electricity (n) exhausted (adj) fabulous (adj) fairly (adj) fall asleep (v) fascinated (adj)


Thai food can be very hot.

una comida de tres platos I had a great three-course meal at the restaurant . sartn chino calabacn calentar algo adicto/adicta aunque asombroso despierto hirviendo cura de alegra dieta electricidad agotado fabuloso bastante dormirse fascinado It's best to cook stir fries with a wok. A zucchini is the same as a courgette. The soup is cold. You should heat it up. He's addicted to chocolate. She walked home alone, although it was dangerous. I was amazed at the price. Is Tom awake yet? It's boiling in here! They are trying to find a cure for cancer. I'd be delighted to accept your invitation. No cake for me, thanks - I'm on a diet. The electricity has been turned off. I'm too exhausted to take the dog for a walk tonight. They've got a fabulous house. We've got a fairly big family. The film was so boring, I fell asleep in the middle. They were absolutely fascinated by the game.

w 2B z h a a a a b c d d e e f f f f 2B 2B 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C

f g g h h h i i i l

2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C

furious (adj) gorgeous (adj) gradable (adj) herbal (adj) huge (adj) hypnosis (n) incredibly (adv) indeed (adv) insomnia (n) in lie (v irreg) marvellous (adj) meditation (n) nap (n) nightmare (n) pill (n) potato (n) salon (n) shattered (adj) (=very tired) siesta (n)

furioso/furiosa precioso graduable de hierbas enorme hipnosis increblemente de ms insomnio acostarse maravilloso meditacin siesta pesadilla pastilla patata saln muy cansado siesta

He's furious at the way he's been treated. You look gorgeous in that suit. Cold is a gradable adjective. I only drink herbal teas. He's got a huge nose. Police put witnesses under hypnosis to get information. The team played incredibly well. For a child, her vocabulary is very good indeed. Many people suffer from insomnia. He's lying in bed. What a marvellous idea! Meditation helps you to relax. He likes to have a nap after lunch. The traffic can be a real nightmare after 4.30. Some people take vitamin pills every day. The English eat a lot of potatoes. I visited a hair and beauty salon before the wedding. By the time I got home I was absolutely shattered. I always feel like having a siesta after lunch.

m 2C m 2C n n p p s s s 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C

s s s t t t t u

2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C

snore (v) suddenly (adv) suffer (from) (v) tasty (adj) terrified (adj) tiny (adj) tiredness (n) unpopular (adj) way of life (n) wide awake (adj) wink (v) fast asleep (adj) cause (v) doze off (phrasal v) dream (n/v) filthy (adj) babysit (v) babysitter (n) miserable (adj)

roncar de repente sufrir de sabroso/sabrosa aterrorizado minsculo/ minscula cansancio impopular modo de vida completamente despierto/despierta guiar el ojo profundamente dormido causar dormirse sueo mugriento/mugrienta cuidar nios canguro abatido

I couldn't sleep because my wife was snoring. I suddenly realized who she was. I'm suffering from a heavy cold today. They do a really tasty chicken and mushroom soup. I'm terrified of flying. I was a tiny baby. Tiredness can be dangerous if you're driving. It was a very unpopular idea. Working overtime is just a way of life in our company. I'm wide awake after all that coffee. She smiled and winked at me. Don't wake him up, he's fast asleep. The hurricane caused widespread damage. He dozed off during the film. It was his dream to become an actor. Wash your hands, they're filthy! I babysit for Jane on Tuesday while she is at yoga class. We need to find a babysitter for Saturday night. I just woke up feeling miserable.

w 2C w 2C w 2C f c d d f b b 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2D 2D

m 2D

p b c c c d g l p p p r s s s s s f g

2D 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A

pot (n) bite (v irreg)

maceta morder

The flower pot is too small for the plant. She bit into an apple. Ecuador is a Central American country. We checked into the hotel at 1 o'clock. Please check out of your room by 10 a.m. at the latest What's the biggest problem you've had to deal with? Athens is the capital of Greece. I haven't been feeling so well lately. She didn't seem particularly interested. Snakes can be poisonous; if they bite you, go to hospital. I couldn't put up with his snoring; I was awake all night. It's important to protect the rainforests. We went to the airport to see them off to Australia. What time are you setting off tomorrow morning? Bring me back a nice souvenir! He's scared of spiders. You surely didn't tell him, did you? You can find out her nationality on her passport. By the time we got back to the hotel, Lydia had already left.

Central American (adj) centroamericano check into (phrasal v) registrarse

check out of (phrasal v irse deal (with) (v) Greece (n) lately (adv) particularly (adv) poisonous (adj) verinosa put up with (phrasal v irreg) rainforest (n) see someone off (phrasal v irreg) set off (phrasal v irreg) souvenir (n) spider (n) surely (adv) find out (phrasal v irreg) get back (phrasal v irreg) ocuparse de Grecia ltimamente particularmente venenoso aguantar selva tropical despedir salir souvenir araa sin duda averiguar volver

l b g a b c d d e f g g i p p p s s s

3A 3A 3A 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B 3B

look forward to (phrasal esperando/con ganas de I look forward to receiving your reply by return of post. v) bring something back (phrasal v irreg) get around (phrasal v irreg) advantage (n) bench (n) cruise (n) diagram (n) disadvantage (n) employ (v) first class (n) guidebook (n) guided tour (n) independently (adv) package holiday (n) pocket (n) publish (v) separately (adj) Singapore (n) south-east (adj) traer desplazarse ventaja banco crucero diagrama desventaja emplear primera clase gua I like to bring souvenirs back from holiday for my friends It's cheaper to get around by bike. One advantage of living in town is having the shops so near. Let's sit on the bench for five minutes. They went on a Mediterranean sea cruise last summer. The teacher drew a diagram showing how the heart works. One disadvantage of living in the country is it can be boring. The company employs 2500 staff. I've never travelled by train first class. I usually take a guidebook with me if I go on holiday.

visita/excursin con gua When I went to London, I went on a guided tour of the city. independientemente viaje organizado bolsillo publicar separadamente Singapur sureste He liked working independently Package holidays often offer the best value for money. My wallet is always in my back pocket. This book is published by Cambridge University Press. My boyfriend and I live separately. Changi airport is in Singapore. London is in the south-east of England.

e b a a b c c c d d e e f f f h h i i

3B 3B 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C

economy class (n) best-seller (n) accommodation (n) advertising beginner (n) comfort (n) competitive (adj) confidence (n) danger (n) difficulty (n) elephant (n) enjoyable (adj) farmhouse (n) farming (n) formation (n) holidaymaker (n) honesty (n) importance (n) increase (v)

clase turista mejor vendido alojamiento publicidad principiante comodidad competitivo/competitiva confianza peligro dificultad elefante agradable casa de labranza

I usually fly economy class. J K Rowling's books are all best-sellers. I'm living in rented accommodation. I'm currently working in advertising. I'm a complete beginner at yoga. The car has been designed for practicality and comfort. She's very competitive. He's a good student, but he lacks confidence. Icy roads are a danger to drivers. The company is having some financial difficulties. The elephant is a large grey animal with big ears. We had a very enjoyable evening. I'd love to live in a farmhouse in the country.

agricultura y/o ganadera Farming must be a very difficult job. formacin turista honestidad importancia aumento The formation of this company has an interesting history. Thousands of holidaymakers go to the beach in summer. There should be complete honesty between us. He emphasized the importance the rules. Ticket prices will increase next month.

j j k k l

3C 3C 3C 3C 3C

jeep (n) jungle (n) kindness (n) knowledgeable (adj) laziness (n) marsh (n) modesty (n) natural (adj) nature (n) patience (n) recover (v) review (n) sadness (n) safari (n) surfing (n) surgery (n) (=medical operation) surrounded (adj) touristy (adj) tradition (n)

jeep basura amabilidad informado pereza pantano modestia natural naturaleza paciencia recuperar crtica tristeza safari surfing ciruga rodeado/rodeada turstico tradicin

If you need to drive off road, a jeep is a useful car to have. The jungles of Indonesia are home to Orang Utans. Thanks for all your kindness this morning. He's very knowledgeable about art. I could go to the gym - it's just laziness that stops me. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh. Show some modesty- don't tell everyone how clever you are! Coal is an important natural resources. I like to be out walking in nature when I can. Finally, I lost my patience and shouted at her. It takes a long time to recover from surgery. He reviews films for a national newspaper Her sadness at her pet's death was obvious. She is on safari in Kenya. Surfing is a very difficult sport. She's going to have surgery in October. The house is surrounded by a large garden. Marrakesh is a bit touristy; you don't go there in the Summer. There is a great tradition of dance in Hungary.

m 3C m 3C n n p r r s s s s s t t 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C


traditional (adj) Wales (n) ward (n) webpage (n) facelift (n) bay (n) lion (n) cosmetic surgery (n) adventurous (adj) belong (to) bottled (adj) fort (n) mosque (n) recommendation (n) rickshaw (n) Taj Mahal (n) divide (v) covered (adj) foreigner (n)

tradicional Gales sala pagina web estiramiento facial baha len ciruga esttica aventurero/aventurera pertenecer a embotellado fuerte mezquita recomendacin cochecito de dos ruedas tirado por un hombre Taj Mahal dividir cubierto/cubierta extranjero/extranjera

I like traditional Hungarian music. Wales is one of the countries in the British isles. My wife is in the maternity ward. Can I have your webpage address? She looks like she's had a facelift. Vesuvius overlooks the Bay of Naples. Lions live in Africa. I think she's had cosmetic surgery. I'm trying to be more adventurous with my cooking. That chair belongs in the dining room. Don't drink the water from the tap, buy bottled water instead. The remains of the Roman fort are still visible. There are many mosques in London. I chose my meal on the waiter's recommendation. In Kathmandu, I travelled everywhere by rickshaw. The Taj Mahal is a beautiful building in India. An ancient wall divides the city. They covered him with a blanket. Lots of foreigners come to this country.

w 3C w 3C w 3C f b l c a b b f 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3D 3D 3D

m 3D r r t d c f 3D 3D 3D 3D 4A 4A

f g l o p p p r r r s s t

4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A

full-size (adj) gig (n) live (adj) onstage (adv) pie (n) plastic (n) promoter (n) release (a CD) (v) repair (v) rider (n) snooker (n) stone (n) technician (n) wild (adj) dressing room (n)

tamano natural actuacin en vivo en escena pastel plstico promotor sacar (a la venta un cd) arreglar clasula snooker piedra tcnico salvaje camerino

When I was 13, I was tall enough to ride a full-size bike. He has been to three gigs this month. I'm watching live football. He gets nervous when he's appearing onstage. I'm making a lovely apple pie. Most children's toys are made of plastic. He's a concert promoter. The CD will be released next month. I must get my bike repaired. I would like to add a rider to this contract. I think snooker is a very exciting sport. The necklace had a single precious stone hanging from it. We need to call the computer technician. What wild animals are in your country? The ladies' dressing room is over there. The song is number one in the charts. I hope he achieves his ambition. Do you know him? He's a famous adventurer. He died after a brave fight against cancer.

w 4A d c a a b 4A 4A 4B 4B 4B

charts (n pl.) (= music la lista de xitos charts) achieve (v) adventurer (n) brave (adj) lograr aventurero/aventurera valiente

f i p p p r r s s s s s t t a d e a a

4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4C 4C

frostbite (n) independent (adj) painful (adj) practical (adj) producer (n) realise (v) responsible (for) (adj) sensible (adj) sensitive (adj) shed (n) sink (v irreg) stubborn (adj) talented (adj)

congelamiento independiente doloroso/dolorosa prctico/prctica productor/productora darse cuenta responsable (de) sensato sensible cabaa hundir terco/terca talentoso/talentosa

Don't go out in the cold without gloves, you'll get frostbite. She's a proud, independent woman. Recovery from the operation is a slow and painful process. She very artistic but she's not very practical. Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool. I didn't realise how unhappy she was. I'm responsible for looking after the children in the evenings. That's a very sensible decision. I want a man who's kind and sensitive. My dad spends a lot of time in the garden shed. The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. She's so stubborn sometimes. She's a talented young musician.

the (English) Channel (n) the (English) Channel (n) Some swimmers have swum across the English channel. army (n) determined (adj) experienced allow (v) aloe vera (n) ejrcito decidido/decidida He's serving in the British Army. He's determined to win this match.

experimentado/experime Karsten's a very experienced ski ntada instructor. permitir aloe vera The extra money will allow me to upgrade my computer. Cleopatra used to put aloe vera on her food.

a a a b b b b b d e e e f f g h h l l

4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C

anthropologist (n) antiseptic (n) aspirin (n) bark (n) (=tree-bark) beat (v) blood (n) Borneo (n) burn (n/v) drug (n) effective (adj) Egyptian (adj) exhausting (adj) fever (n) foxglove (n) Greek (adj) heal (v) helper (n) lavender (n) leaf (n)

antroplogo/ antroploga An anthropologist studies human beings. antisptico/ antisptica aspirina corteza latido sangre Borneo quemadura/quemar droga efectivo egipcio/egipcia agotador/agotadora fiebre dedalera griego/griega curar ayudante lavanda hoja I put antiseptic on my skin. If you've got a headache, take some aspirin. It's made from tree bark. Our team beat Germany 3-1. I've got some Spanish blood in me. Borneo is a large tropical island. I burnt all his letters. He started taking/using drugs such as heroin and cocaine. She has effective control of the company. The Egyptian pyramids are an amazing sight. What an exhausting day! Election fever has gripped the nation. Foxgloves are poisonous. Lots of English words come from the Greek. The wound on his head had begun to heal. I need a helper in my job. I love the smell of lavender. The leaves are starting to appear on the trees.

m 4C m 4C p p p p q r r r s s s t t t t t u 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C

malaria (n) mixture (n) pain (n) Peruvian (adj) pillow (n) purple (adj) quinine (n) recovery (n) remarkable (adj) remedy (n) sap (n) scar (n) soft (adj) teapot (n) the Andes (n pl.) throat (n) treat (v) treatment (n) unable (adj)

malaria mezcla dolor peruano/peruana almohada morado/morada quinina recuperacin notable remedio savia cicatriz blando tetera los Andes garganta tratar tratamiento incapaz

Malaria kills many people every year. Their house is decorated in a mixture of styles. I have a pain in my stomach. Peruvian food is very interesting. If you want an extra pillow, please ask. I don't think you should buy a purple suit. Quinine can be used to treat malaria. She's made a good recovery after her recent operation. She's a remarkable woman. The is a good flu remedy. Sap comes from trees or plants. I've got a scar on my hand. She's got very soft skin. There's a crack in this teapot. The Andes are in south America. I've got a sore throat. He's being treated at a hospital in Manchester. She's receiving treatment at the hospital. Some days he is unable to get out of bed.

w 4C w 4C y f b b b b c e e g g h i i l 4C 4C 4C 4C 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D

willow (n) within (prep) young-looking (adj) fortunately (adv) break something open (phrasal v irreg) B.C. (=before Christ) bad-tempered (adj) bunch (n) considerate (adj) enthusiastic (adj) express (v) generalization (n) generation (n) hard-working (adj) immigration (n) injury (n) loyal (adj) moody (adj) offensive (adj)

sauce dentro de de apariencia joven afortunadamente forzar A.C. (antes de Cristo) malhumorado grupo

The willow tree stands next to the river. The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. Despite being nearly sixty, he's very young-looking. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident. Break the nuts open. The Eyptian pyramids were built around 500 years B.C. She's very bad-tempered in the mornings. He handed me a bunch of flowers.

considerado/considerada a polite and considerate child enthusiasta expresar generalizacin generacin muy trabajador/trabajadora inmigracin herida leal de humor variable ofensivo/ofensiva He's very enthusiastic about learning English. I'm simply expressing my opinion. He's always making generalizations. Our family has lived in this village for generations. He's always been hard-working and conscientious. There are strict limits on immigration into the country. When I fell off my horse, I got serious back injury. He's a loyal supporter of his football team. He can be very moody and rude. His remark was very offensive.

m 4D o 4D

o s s s t v

4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D

officer (n) scream (v) soften (v) spoilt (adj) tend (to) (v) violent (adj) well-behaved (adj) arrogant (adj) balcony (n) basement (n) bungalow (n) characteristic (n) condition (n) detached (adj) en-suite (adj) estate agent (n) fitted kitchen (n) garage (n) location (n)

agente alarido suavizar malcriado/ malcriada tender a violento/violenta formal/educado(a) arrogante balcn stano chal caracterstica condicin separado/separada anejo/aneja agente inmobiliario/inmobiliaria cocina empotrada garaje ubicacin

The criminal was arrested by a police officer. I scream if I see a spider; I'm really frightened of them! Heat the butter until it softens. He was behaving like a spoilt child. I tend to wear dark colours. There is very little violent crime in this city. She's a very well-behaved child. I found him arrogant and rude. My room has a nice balcony overlooking the garden. The kitchen department is in the basement. She lives in a detached bungalow. It's a national characteristic. My bike's a few years old but it's in really good condition. He lives in a detached house in the suburbs. The hotel room as an en-suite bathroom. I went to three estate agents before I found a house I liked. We're thinking of buying a new fitted kitchen. This house has one garage. This school is in a very good location.

w 4D a b b b c c d e e f g l 4D 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A

l l

5A 5A

loft (n) luxury (adj) mainly (adv) overlooking (adj)

desvn lujoso/lujosa principalmente tener vistas a

There's so much junk in my loft! A day off work is such a luxury. The waitresses are mainly French. Our hotel room had a balcony overlooking the sea. When she won the lottery, she invested in property. I had to rewrite my essay. Unfortunately, I live in a rough part of the city.

m 5A o p r r s s s s t t t t 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A

property (n) (=a house propiedad (inmobiliaria) or flat) rewrite (v) rough (adj) semi-detached (adj) slightly (adv) storey (n) suburbs (n pl.) terraced (adj) three-storey house/ building (n) throughout (prep) truth (n) wooden (adj) cottage (n) dining room (n) drawer (n) reescribir peligroso

casa con un lado pegado We're living in a semi-detached house. a la casa vecina y el otro lado libre ligeramente I think I did slightly better in my exams this time. planta/piso barrios residenciales perifricos I live in a three-storey building. I prefer living in the suburbs to living in the city centre.

casas adosadas en hilera Living in terraced houses means you have neighbours. casa/edificio de tres plantas por/en todo/toda verdad de madera A three-storey house has three floors. The house was painted pink throughout. Do you think he was telling the truth? It's a wooden chair

w 5A c d d 5A 5A 5B

casa pequea They live in a lovely country cottage. (usualemente de campo) comedor cajn We always eat in the dining room. She opened the drawer and took out a knife.

e g g i j j l l

5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B

evidence (n) (get) rid (of) get rid of (v) intention (n) jewellery (n) junk (n) last (v) (a) load (of) (n) mirror (n) put something away (phrasal v irreg) racket (n) separate (adj) sort out (phrasal v) stuff (n) take someone out (phrasal v irreg) throw something away (phrasal v irreg) throw something out (phrasal v irreg) come back (phrasal v irreg) go through (phrasal v irreg)

evidencia deshacerse de deshacerse de intencin joyas ftils /trastos durar un montn de espejo recoger y guardar raquet separar poner en orden cosas invitar a salir a alguin tirar algo tirar algo volver revisar

He was arrested despite the lack of evidence against him. We must get rid of some of those old books. I must get rid of all these old clothes. She announced her intention to resign. I keep all my jewellery in a box; jewelley and earrings. My loft is full of old junk. How long will the meeting last? What are you talking about? That's a load of old rubbish! If you break a mirror, you get seven years' bad luck. If you put something away, you'll find it when you need it. I need to buy a new tennis racket. Use a separate sheet of paper. I need to sort the things on my desk out; I can't find anything! There's some sticky stuff on the carpet. Are you taking her out for her birthday? After he had drunk the drink, he threw the empty can away. Don't throw all your old clothes out, donate them to charity. I've just come back from the dentist's. You should go through all your papers and file them

m 5B p r s s s t t t c g 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B 5B

g a c b b c e e f f l s t u u c f a c

5B 5B 5B 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C

give something away (phrasal v irreg) atmosphere (n) clear something out (phrasal v ) best-selling (adj) bookshelf (n) candle (n) empire (n) entire (adj) flatpack (n) furnish (v) loads (of) (n) salespeople (n pl.) trolley (n) underneath (prep/adv) unfurnished (adj) cheaply (adv) furnished (adj) arrow (n) coat hanger (n)

regalar atmsfera organizar/ordenar (una habitacin) mejor vendido/vendida estante vela imperio entero/entera como estn empacados lo muebles para ensamblar amueblar mucho/mucha vendedores/vendedoras Caballo de Troya debajo de sin amueblar barato amueblado/amueblada flecha percha

I gave some of my old music CD's away to my friends. There was a very nice atmosphere in that cafe. I cleared out my wardrobe over the weekend to make room. J K Rowling is a best-selling author. It's on the bookshelf. He lit a candle. The Roman Empire covered most of Europe. She spent her entire life caring for other people. Ikea sell flatpack furniture. They have furnished the room very simply. There were loads of people there but noone I knew. Salespeople are usually very friendly people. We need a larger supermarket trolley. Florian was wearing a jacket with a red shirt underneath. I'd like to rent an unfurnished flat . I have my own furniture.. You can get vegetables more cheaply at the market. He's renting a fully furnished apartment by the river. The arrow on the sign pointed left so I followed it. Put your jacket on the coat hanger.

a a c c c c d d f h h k

5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D

adapter (n) air freshener (n) cardboard (n) charger (n) corkscrew (n) cotton (n) dirt (n) duster (n) fan (n) highlighter (n) hole (n) kettle (n) marker pen (n) material (n) mend (v) metal (n)

adaptador ambientador cartn/cartulina cargador sacacorchos bastoncillo (de algodn) suciedad plumero ventilador rotulador fosforescente agujero hervidor (de agua) rotulador material reparar metal

I need an adapter for my computer. We need some more air freshener for the bathroom. It's made of cardboard. I can't find the charger for my phone. I need a corkscrew to open this bottle of wine. I bought a lovely cotton dress. You've got some dirt on your trousers; lets wash them. Wipe the furniture with this duster. 15,000 Liverpool fans attended Saturday's game. Can I borrow your highlighter pen? There's a hole in my sock. Charlotte put the kettle on to make some tea. Can I borrow your marker pen, please? Her dress was made of a soft, silky material. My watch is broken - can you mend it? It's made of metal. These mosquito coils will help to repel mosquitoes. You should spray this mosquito repellent on you. Have you got a needle and thread?

m 5D m 5D m 5D m 5D m 5D m 5D n 5D

mosquito coils (n pl.) espiral insecticida mosquito repellent (n) repelente para insectos needle (n) aguja

p p r s s s s s t t

5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D

polish (n) powder (n) rubber (n) share (v) spacious (adj) stain (n) stain remover steel (n) tin (n) toothpick (n) washing-up liquid (n) wood (n) wool (n) cotton buds (n) ear plugs (n) cool bag (n) drawing pin (n) appointment (n) choice (n)

cera polvo caucho compartir espacioso mancha quitamanchas acero hojalata palillo detergente para lavavajillas madera lana algodn tapones para los odos bolsa para mantener las cosas frescas chincheta cita eleccin

Just give the table a polish. Could you buy some more soap powder please? It's made of rubber. We decided to share a pizza and a bottle of wine. I'd like a more spacious apartment. There's a red wine stain on the carpet. You will have to use stain remover to get rid of it. It's made of steel. Could you buy a tin of peas as well? Could you pass me a toothpick please? I'm afraid we've run out of washing-up liquid. It's made of wood. It's made of wool. We need to buy a new packet of cotton buds. I need ear plugs to help me sleep. A cool bag can keep your sandwiches cold on a picnic. Put up the notice with a drawing pin. I made an appointment with the dentist for next Tuesday. If I had a choice, I'd give up work.

w 5D w 5D w 5D c e c d a c 5D 5D 5D 5D 6A 6A

e f

6A 6A

excuse (n) favour (n) mess (n) part-time (n) savings (n) unless (conj) pan (n) childcare (n) emphasise (v) fear (n) freedom (n) indoors (adv) media (n pl.) overall (adj) overweight (adj) protect (v) protective (adj) psychological (adj) psychologist (n)

excusa favor desorden tiempo parcial ahorros a menos que

I hope he's got a good excuse for being so late. Could you do me a favour please? My hair's such a mess! I'm working part-time because I look after my children. I spent all my savings on a new kitchen. I won't call you unless there are problems.

m 6A p s u p c e f f i 6A 6A 6A 6A 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B

estropajo para cacerolas Please clean the frying pan with the pan scourer. cuidado infantil enfatizar miedo libertad dentro My company has excellent childcare facilities. I'd like to emphasise how important language learning is. She was trembling with fear. My children are allowed much more freedom than I had. If you're feeling cold, we can go indoors.

m 6B o o p p p p 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B

medios de comunicacin He's doing media studies at university. total obeso/obesa protejer protector/protectora psicolgico/psicolgica psiclogo/psicloga The overall cost of the holiday came to nearly 1000. He's still a few pounds overweight. It's important to protect your skin from the sun. She's fiercely protective of her children. The doctor thought his illness was psychological. She said she was going to see a psychologist.

r s t t t u k i a a a c c c c c d f f

6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6B 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C

receipt (n) safety (n) therefore (conj) thirsty (adj) trap (n) unfit (adj) kidnap (v) in case (conj) accidentally (adv) aim (n) attitude (n) career (n) carry (v) cheer (someone) up (phrasal v) content (adj) cope (with) (v) dramatic (adj) finger (n) fortunate (n)

recibo seguridad por tanto sediento/sedienta trampa no estar en forma secuestro en caso de accidentalmente propsito actitud carrera llevar animar a alguien contenido/contenida

If you want your money back, you'll need a receipt. Safety at the factory has been improved. The volcano is dangerous. Therefore, we should leave I felt really hot and thirsty after my run. The mouse was caught in the trap. She didn't exercise so she became very unfit. She was kidnapped from her home and held for 24 hours. Take an umbrella with you in case it rains. I accidentally knocked over a bottle of water. The aim of the film was to make people laugh. You should have a more positive attitude. She began her acting career in TV commercials. He was carrying my bags. She was feeling down, so I sent flowers to cheer her up. Not content with second place, Jeff played only to win.

arreglrselas/sobrellevar How do you cope with stress? dramtico/dramtica dedo de la mano afortunada/afortunado a dramatic change/improvement I've cut my finger. I'm very fortunate to be alive.

i l l

6C 6C 6C

intuition (n) ladder (n) lucky charm (n) Massachusetts (n) optimist (n) pick (v) pleasant (adj) protected (adj) rabbit (n) reveal (v) shooting star (n) shoulder (n) sky (n) spill (v) spirit (n) spot (v) (=see) superstition (n) superstitious (adj) test (v)

intuicin escalera amuleto Massachusetts optiminsta seleccionar agradable protegido conejo revelar estrella fugaz hombro cielo derramarse espiritu notar supersticin supersticioso/ supersticiosa prueba

Her approach to childcare is based on intuition. It's bad luck to walk under ladders. I always take my lucky charm with me to exams. Boston is in Massachusetts. She's an optimist. Help me pick some numbers for my lottery ticket, please! If the weather's pleasant tomorrow, we'll go to the park. She protected her children from harm. I used to have a pet rabbit when I was a child. The gossip was revealed in the morning papers. If you see a shooting star, make a wish! Could you massage my shoulders? What a beautiful, blue sky! Be careful not to spill red wine on the carpet. I don't believe in good or bad spirits. They were spotted together in London last week. I think superstitions are just silly. Are you superstitious about the number 13? I'm going to get my hearing tested.

m 6C o p p p r r s s s s s s s s t 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C

t v v

6C 6C 6C

trust (v) vice versa (adv) volunteer (n) wish (n) loser (n)

confiar viceversa voluntario/voluntaria deseo perdedor/perdedora

My sister warned me not to trust him. Never use indoor lights outside and vice versa. Any volunteers to help me move these books? I wish I didn't have to go to work. The losers of both games will play each other for third place. I have to make up my mind which dress to buy. His idea was a total disaster. Liam has a different approach to the problem. I got this job only by chance. The goverment say there is a decline in fertility rates. The council has given the company the go ahead to build The restaurant has a capacity of about 200. I've been asked to chair the committee. Many works of art were destroyed in the fire. He was the world's greatest footballer. Sorry to interrupt, but what time is it? Maths is a short form of mathematics. A freelancer has to build up a large network of contacts. She's a very good organiser

w 6C l 6C

m 6C d a b f a c c d f i 6C 6C 6C 6C 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D

make up (your) mind (v) decidirse disaster (n) approach (n) (=way of doing something) by chance (adv) fertility (n) ahead (adj,adv) capacity (n) chair (a meeting) (v) destroy (v) footballer (n) interrupt (v) maths (n) network (n) organiser (n) desastre enfoque accidentalmente fertilidad delante/adelante capacidad moderar destuir futbolista interrumpir las matemticas red organizador

m 6D n o 6D 6D

o o p p s s s v f a b b c c d d d f f

6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A

ourselves (refl. outraged (adj) planning department (n) provide (v) sergeant (n) Somerset (n) suggest (v) violence (n) festival-goer (n) attachment (n) back-up (adj) broadband (n) click (n/v) clue (n) delete (v) document (n) download (v) file (n) fix (v)

nosotros We really enjoyed ourselves at the night mismos/nosotras mismas club; great fun!! indignado/indignada departamento de planificacin proveer sargento Somerset sugerir violencia Many outraged viewers wrote to the BBC to complain. Which floor is the planning department on? This booklet provides useful information. He's a police sergeant. Somerset is in the south-west of England. I suggest that we park the car here and walk into town. The violence of the explosion broke the windows.

persona que va festivales He's a regular festival-goer. apego copia de seguridad banda ancha chasquido/chasquear la menor idea (have a clue) borrar documento descargar archivo arreglar I wasn't able to open that attachment. Before we leave work, we back-up our important files. I've started a broadband account. To start the program, click on its icon. Police are searching the area for clues to the murder. All names have been deleted from the report. Please sign and return the insurance documents. You can download this software free. The school keeps files on all its pupils. My watch is broken - can you fix it?

f f h h i k l

7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A

folder (n) forward (v) hard disk (n) hopeless (adj) icon (n) keyboard (n) literate (adj) memory stick (n) modem (n) monitor (n) mouse (n) password (n) print (v) printer (n) reply (v) scanner (n) screen (n) software (n) technology (n)

carpeta remitir disco duro ser negado/negada para algo icono teclado que tiene conocimientos de algo

I put all my emails in different folders. Could you forward my mail to me while I'm away? The computer hard disk stores a huge amount of information. She was depressed and felt hopeless about the future. Click on the print icon. I'm the keyboard player in the band. I'm sorry, I'm not very computer literate.

m 7A m 7A m 7A m 7A p p p r s s s t 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A

memory I'll put it on my memory stick. stick/almacenamiento de datos porttil mdem Connect your computer to a modem to use the internet. monitor ratn contrasea imprimir impresora responder escner pantalla software/programas de computador tecnologa My computer needs a new monitor. My computer needs a new mouse. Please enter your user name and password. Click on the icon to print your document. We have a new colour printer. I don't understand, she replied. Do you know how to use a scanner? I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen. Cambridge University Press produces software. Computer technology is a useful subject to study.


useless (adj) web (n) brother-in-law (n) central heating (n) clown (n) curly (adj) dishwasher (n) distinct (adj) electrical (adj) GPS (n) (=Global Positioning System) hair dryer (n) hair straighteners (n) hand-held (adj) hands-free (adj) petrol (n) sense (n) wash (v) webcam (n) affect (v)

inutil red/la web cuado calefaccin central payaso rizado lavaplatos distinto/distinta elctrico/elctrica SPG (Sistema de posicionamiento global) secador de pelo alisador de cabello de mano manos libres gasolina sentido lavar cmara web afectar

This umbrella's useless - there's a big hole in it. The worldwide web is also called the Internet. My husband's brother is my brother-inlaw. Can you switch on the central heating? Clowns make children laugh at a circus. She's got lovely curly hair. I'll load the dishwasher. This word has three distinct meanings. The shop sells only electrical goods. I'd love to buy a GPS, but they are too expensive. Because I've got long hair, I really need a hair dryer. I hate my curly hair, that's why I use hair straighteners. It's illegal to use a hand-held phone if you're driving. Hands-free phones are very useful in the car. You should use unleaded petrol. I have a very poor sense of smell. Dad was washing the dishes. We can communicate over a webcam. It's a disease which affects many older people.

w 7A b c c c d d e g h h h h p s 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B

w 7B w 7B a 7C

a a a c c c d d f h h i i l o p s t u

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

airline (n) alert (adj) attached (adj) computer virus (n) computing (n) continent (n) dancer (n) disk (n) flu (n) home-made (adj) homepage (n) infect (v) infected (adj) lecture (n) onto (prep) programmer (n) spread (v irreg) The Philippines (n) unlike (prep)

aerolinea alerta apegado/apegada virus de ordenador informtica continente bailarn/bailarina disco gripe casero/casera/hecho en casa pgina principal infectar infectado charla en programador extender las Filipinas a diferencia de

Which airline did you fly? A young dog should be alert and playful. I've become rather attached to my old car. A virus has infected my computer. I have a degree in computing. Europe is a continent. She'd like to be a dancer one day. The computer disk is full. I had the flu last week. The cake was home-made. Please go to my homepage on my website. Thousands of computers were infected with the virus. His arm became infected where the dog had bitten him. We went to a lecture on Italian art. The sheep were loaded onto trucks. He works as a computer programmer. He spread the cards out on the table. Manila is the capital of the Phillipines. Jackie's really clever, unlike her sister.

u u v v p c i l

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7D 7D 7D

unopened (adj) user (n) via (prep) virus (n) Pakistan (n) client (n) indirect (adj) log on (phrasal v) MP3 player unlikely (adj) keep out (phrasal v irreg) chest (n) chilly (adj) climate (n) coal (n) cool (adj) disappear (v) DVD player (n) extreme (adj)

no abierto usuario va virus Pakistn cliente indirecto/indirecta entrar (al sistema) reproductor de MP3 improbable no entre pecho fro clima carbn fresco/fresca desaparecer reproductor de DVD extremo/extrema

What's wrong with your present? It's unopened. Are you a regular computer user? The train to Utrecht goes via Amsterdam. The doctor says I've got a virus. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. a lawyer with a lot of famous clients The route was indirect, but very beautiful. Please log on with your user name and password. My MP3 player can hold 500 songs. It's unlikely that I'll be able to come to the party . I've got very fair skin so I try to keep out of the sun. He suddenly had a pain in his chest. He gave me a chilly look. The Sahara has a hot, dry climate. Coal is used in fires. He looks really cool in those sunglasses. If we don't protect rare animals, they could disappear. DVD players are becoming cheaper and cheaper. There will be extreme weather conditions in the north tonight.

m 7D u k c c c c c d d e 7D 7D 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

e f f f f g g h h h h i l l

8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A

eyebrows (n) flooded (adj) fog (n) frequently (adv) fund (n) gale (n) global (adj) heat wave (n) homeless (adj) humid (adj) hurricane (n) ice cap (n) level (n) lightning (n) man-made (adj) outdoors (adv) park ranger (n) polar (adj) thunder (n)

cejas inundado/inundada niebla frequentemente fondo vendaval global/mundial ola de calor sin hogar hmedo huracn el hielo de los polos nivel relmpago hecho por el hombre al aire libre guardaparques polar trueno

Our eyebrows are above our eyes. The town was flooded when the river burst its banks. You shouldn't drive in fog. This is a frequently asked question. My parents gave me the funds to go to university. A gale is a very strong wind. the global problem of nuclear waste needs to be solved. The weather forecast said we're going to get a heat wave 10,000 people were made homeless by the floods. Malaysia has a hot and humid climate. A strong hurricane is approaching Florida. The polar ice caps are melting. Students at this level need a lot of help. Thunder and lightning really scares my dog. This coat isn't animal fur, it's man-made. If it's warm this evening, we could eat outdoors. There are five park rangers working here. On the news, it said that the polar icecaps were melting. My dog is scared of thunder and lightning.

m 8A o p p t 8A 8A 8A 8A

t t v v g c g f b c c c j k l

8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B

toenail (n) tornado (n) Venice (n) Virginia (n) global warming (n) carbon dioxide (n) greenhouse gases (n)

ua (del dedo del pie) tornado Venecia Virginia calentamiento global/del planeta dixido de carbono gases invernadero

You should cut your toenails. The tornado caused a lot of damage. Venice is in the north of Italy. Virginia is in the east of the USA. Global warming is the most serious problem. Carbon dioxide levels are rising. Greenhouse gases are causing global warming. Frequently asked questions are on our website. A pint of beer please. There's a carton of milk in the fridge. It's a plastic drinks container. I often eat cornflakes with cold milk for breakfast. a jar of jam I always put ketchup on my hot dogs. I prefer lemonade to cola. Do you prefer margarine or butter? I love marmalade on toast. Can I have a packet of cigarettes please? Don't bring any food - we've got plenty.

FAQs (n pl.) (=Frequently preguntas frecuentes Asked Questions) beer (n) carton (n) container (n) cornflakes (n pl.) jar (n) ketchup (n) lemonade (n) margarine (n) marmalade (n) packet (n) plenty (of) cerveza cartn recipiente ojuelas de maz tarro salsa de tomate limonada margarina mermelada (de naranja) paquete abundancia (de)

m 8B m 8B p p 8B 8B

r r r r s t t t t b c a a b c c c c c

8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8B 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C

recycle (v) recycled (adj) recycling bin (n) recycling box (n) Switzerland (n) tissue (n) toaster (n) tomato (n) tuna (n) bin (n) crisps (n) advise (v) attach (v) believable (adj) careless (adj) charge (v) chief (n) conscious (adj) correspondent (n)

reciclar reciclado/reciclada cubo de reciclaje caja de reciclaje Suiza pauelo de papel tostadora tomate atn cubo (de la basura) patata frita (de bolsa) aconsejar pegar creble descuidado/descuidada cobrar jefe consciente corresponsal

We recycle all our newspapers and bottles. This is made from recycled paper. Please put all waste paper in the recycling bin. Please put all waste paper in the recycling box. Zurich is in Switzerland. Could you pass me a tissue please? We need a new toaster. I don't like tomato soup. I love pasta with tuna. Put it in the bin please. She ate ten packets of crisps every day His doctor advised him to take time off work. She attached a photograph to her letter. I thought the characters in the film were very believable. It was very careless of you to forget your passport. They are going to charge drivers a tax. The police chief is very busy. He's still conscious but he's very badly injured. She's a correspondent for the New York Times.

d d d e f h h h i i i i k l

8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C

disloyal (adj) disorganized (adj) dissimilar (adj) estimate (v) firefighter (n) harm (n) harmless (adj) hopeful (adj) increase (n) informal (adj) insensitive (adj) invisible (adj) kiss of life (n) lifeguard (n) mature (adj) mouth (n) nation (n) ocean (n) over- (prefix)

lo que le gusta y no le gusta desleal

I don't want to be disloyal to my friend. She's terribly disorganized.

desorganizado/desorgani Her hair is not dissimilar to yours. zada estimar bombero/bombera dao inofensivo/inofensiva optimista aumento informal insensible invisible respiracin boca a boca socorrista maduro boca nacin ocano sobre They estimate that a hundred people were killed. I think firefighters are very brave. Smoking can cause serious harm to the lungs. Taken in small doses, this drug is completely harmless. Many teenagers do not feel hopeful about the future. There will be an increase in the price of tickets. This is an informal meeting. She was insensitive to the pain. Diamonds are invisible in water. You could save someone by giving them the kiss of life. That lifeguard saved my life! She seems very mature for thirteen. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh. This country is a member of the United Nations. Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean I think you overheated this soup.

m 8C m 8C n o o 8C 8C 8C

o o o p p p r r r s s s t t u u u u u

8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C

overcharge (v) over-optimistic overpaid (adj) painless (adj) patient (adj) playful (adj) repay (v) replay (v) reuse (v) shark (n) strength (n) strike (v irreg) terrifying (adj) Texas (n) uncommon (adj) undercharge (v) underestimate (v) underpaid (adj) underuse (v)

cobrar de ms sobre optimista alguien a quien se le paga demasiado indoloro/ indolora paciente juguetn pagar repetir reutilizar tiburn fortaleza huelga aterrador/ aterradora Texas poco comn cobrar menos de lo debido subestimar mal pagado/pagada

The shop overcharged me by 5. Its over-optimistic to think we can finish this work by tonight. I think my boss is overpaid. There is no painless way of learning a language. I wish he was more patient with me. It was just a playful remark, don't take it seriously. What can I do to repay you for your kindness? Press this button to replay the song. Businesses are finding new ways to reuse materials. Have you ever seen a shark? We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Two climbers were struck by falling rocks. Some people find spiders terrifying. Texas is in the south of the USA. It's not uncommon to see lots of birds here in the winter. The shop assistant undercharged me by 2. Many people underestimate the cost of owning a car. Teachers are usually underpaid.

subutilizado/ subutilizada Since the supermarket, the shops have been underused.

u u

8C 8C

unmarried (adj) unsuccessful (adj) wildlife (n) zone (n) bottom (n) forecast (n) irresponsible (adj) kangaroo (n) outback (n) remind (v) shiver (v) snake (n) unimportant (adj) warning (n) whatever (pron, det) strict (adj) stormy (adj) allergy (n) asthma (n)

soltero/sotera infructuoso/infructuosa fauna y flora zona fondo pronstico irresponsable canguro

Their youngest daughter is still unmarried. His latest attempt at breaking the record was unsuccessful . You can see lions and tigers safely in a wildlife park. a war zone Click on the icon at the bottom of the page. The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. He's completely irresponsible. Kangaroos live in Australia.

w 8C z b f i k o r s s u 8C 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D

el interior (zona Animals like kangaroos live in the despoblada de Australia) australian outback. recordar temblar serpiente sin importancia advertencia lo que sea estricto/estricta tormentoso/ tormentosa alerga asma He reminded me to post the letter but I forgot. She shivered with cold. Not all snakes are dangerous. My boss thought my views were unimportant, so I left. All cigarette packets carry a warning. He eats whatever he wants but he is really slim. She gave me strict instructions to be there by ten. It was a wild, stormy night. Chris has an allergy to cats. She had an asthma attack.

w 8D w 8D s s a a 8D 8D 9A 9A

c c d d e f g h i

9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A

cappuccino (n) cheeseburger (n) daydream (v) digest (v) emergency (n) fast (v) (=go without food) GP (n) (=General Practitioner/doctor) hunger (n) infection (n) migraine (n) operating theatre (n) prescription reaction (n) retreat (n) specialist (n) surgeon (n) toxin (n)

capuchino/ cappuccino hambuguesa con queso soar despierto digerir emergencia ayunar mdico general hambre infeccin migraa quirfano receta reccion refugio especialista cirujano/cirujana toxina

I drink a cappuccino every morning. He eats cheeseburgers every day! I was daydreaming about winning the lottery. You need to give me time to digest this report. You should only ring this number in an emergency. I have fasted for 3 days now. If the fever and sore throat continue, go and see your GP. My dog was crying with hunger. I got a throat infection last month. I can't come to work today, I've got a terrible migraine. There were many doctors in the operating theatre. The doctor gave me a prescription for penicillin. What's your reaction to the news? I'd like a nice retreat in the countryside. My brother is a software specialist. Surgeons have to be very experienced people. Organic food doesn't contain many toxins. The digestive system is very complicated. I have fasted for 3 days now.

m 9A o p r r s s t d f 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A

digestive (system) (adj) (el aparato) digestivo fast (n) (=period without ayuno food)

a b f f i p q r r s t t c d n c a a b

9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9B 9C 9C 9C

ambulance (n) burglar (n) figures (n) first-ever (adj) identify (v) protest (v) question (v) rate (n) reject (v) spokesperson (n) take part (in) (v) target (n) council (n) demonstration (n) NHS (n) (=National Health Service [UK]) call something off (phrasal v) announce (v) avoid (v) body language (n)

ambulancia ladrn cifras primero/primera identificar protesta preguntar tasa rechazar portavoz participar (en) objetivo (el) campo demonstracin Servicio Nacional de Salud cancelar anunciar evitar lenguaje corporal

I think we should call for an ambulance. A burglar broke into my house and stole my television. I looked quickly at the figures. My first-ever job was in a shop. The witness identified the criminal from photographs. They're on strike to protest against job losses. Detectives were questioning a boy about the murder. What's the exchange rate for dollars and pounds? The United States government has rejected the proposal. The spokesperson said the prime minister had resigned. In competitions, taking part is more important than winning. I'm hoping to save 3,000 by June that's my target. The council is responsible for keeping our streets clean. They're taking part in a demonstration against war. This hospital belongs to the NHS. The match has been called off because of the icy weather. Halfway through dinner, he announced he was leaving. He's been avoiding me all week. Her body language told me that she was very nervous.

c c e f i i j l l l

9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C

communication (n) con artist (n) eye contact (n) fraud (n) imagination (n) instinctive (adj) Jr. (adj) (=US abbreviation for Junior) lecturer (n) liar (n) Louisiana (n) muscles (n) overdrawn (adj) psychology (n) sociology (n) starring (adj) uniform (n) various (adj) well-qualified (adj) cash (a cheque) (v)

comunicacin estafador/estafadora mirar a los ojos (v) fraude imaginacin instintivo/instintiva selva profesor/profesora mentiroso/mentirosa Luisiana msculos

Television is an important means of communication. I think he was a con artist. It's important to make eye contact at interview. Credit card fraud is a serious crime. The job needs someone with creativity and imagination. Her instinctive response was to fight back. My son is Paul Chandler Jr. He's a psychology lecturer. Don't trust him - he's a terrible liar. New Orleans is in Louisiana. After exercising yesterday, my muscles are really hurting.

m 9C o p s s u v 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C 9C

sobregirado/ sobregirada We've gone 200 overdrawn! psicologa sociologa He's studying child psychology at the moment. She's a professor of sociology.

protagonizar una pelcula It's a film starring Meg Ryan. uniforme varios bien capacitado/capacitada cobrar (un cheque) They have to wear a school uniform. They have offices in various parts of the country. Doctors are very well-qualified, they study for seven years. Where can we cash our traveller's cheques?

w 9C c 9C

a b b d d h p p p r r s s t t

9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D 9D

allergic (adj) bless you! (excl) blocked-up nose (n) diarrhoea (n) dish (n) hay fever (n) painkiller (n) paracetamol (n) penicillin (n) rash (n) runny nose (n) sneeze (v) symptom (n) throw up (phrasal v irreg) trainer (n) wheezy (adj) food poisoning (n) best man (n) groom (n)

alrgico/ alrgica Jess!/salud! nariz bloqueada diarrea plato alergia al polen analgsico paracetamol penicilina sarpullido/erupcin de la piel nariz que moquea estornudar sntoma vomitar entrenador

I'm allergic to eggs. Bless you! She can't smell because she's got a blocked-up nose. I'm suffering from diarrhoea. What's your favourite dish? I suffer from really bad hay fever in the summer. Take these painkillers twice a day. If you have a headache, take some paracetamol. The doctor prescribed me some penicillin. I have an itchy rash. I've got a runny nose. He had a cold and was sneezing a lot. a runny nose and sore throat are symptoms of a cold. After eating that horrible food, I threw up. A personal trainer is someone who helps you get fit.

w 9D f b g 9D 10A 10A

que respira con dificultad After this jogging, I'm a little bit wheezy. intoxicacin padrino de boda novio The restaurant was shut after people got food poisoning. The best man gave a brilliant speech. The best man was the friend of the groom.

h b b g d d f g l

10A 10A 10A 10A 10B 10B 10B 10B 10B

honeymoon (n) bride (n) bridesmaid (n) get in touch (with) (v irreg) deduction (n) dyed (hair) (adj) flowery (adj) gosh! (excl) look for (phrasal v) memory (n) mid-fifties (n) plain (adj) ponytail (n) shoulder-length (adj) striped (adj) teens (n) wavy (adj)

luna de miel novia dama de honor volver a ponerse en contacto deducir (pelo) teido floreado/ floreada dios mo! buscar memoria

We went to Paris on our honeymoon. The bride and groom looked very happy. She was my bridesmaid at my wedding. I decided to get in touch with my old friends You can get a tax deduction if you fill in this form. I used to be blonde but I dyed my hair, so now it's black. I bought a beautiful flowery dress. Gosh! You're looking wonderful! I had another look for my watch, but I couldn't find it. John has an amazing memory for historical facts.

m 10B m 10B p p s s t 10B 10B 10B 10B 10B

alrededor de los 55 aos My mother doesn't look as if she's in her mid-fifties. sencillo/sencilla cola de caballo hasta los hombros a rayas adolescencia ondulado I prefer plain food to spicy food. She has tied her hair back into a ponytail. When I was younger, I had shoulderlength hair. It's a nice, striped shirt. Her youngest daughter is still in her teens. She's got beautiful wavy hair. Hang on - I'm almost finished. Not everyone was in agreement.

w 10B h a 10B 10C

hang on (phrasal v irreg) esperar agreement (n) acuerdo

c c c g l o p p p p s s c c d g l g a

10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10C 10D

church (n)


Venice has 107 churches. She's come up with an amazing money making idea! The criminal was taken to court. There's no guarantee that it actually works. Is it legal to carry a handgun? it was the obvious solution; why didn't we think of it before? I love listening to radio phone-in shows. He was going climbing until I pointed out his fear of heights. Pre-nuptial agreements protect your money. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Southampton is in the south of England. My sister split up with her boyfriend yesterday. He came across some of his old love letters. It was an anonymous caller. We divided up into teams of six. It took me ages to get over my last boyfriend. If you don't know a word look it up in a dictionary. House prices keep going up. She's very concerned with her appearance.

come up with (phrasal v ocurrirse algo irreg) court (n) guarantee (n) legal (adj) obvious (adj) phone-in (adj/n) point out (phrasal v) pre-nuptial (=prenuptial agreement) (adj/n) put something off (phrasal v irreg) Southampton (n) tribunal garanta legal obvio/obvia programa de radio o televisin con llamadas del pblico indicar prenupcial aplazar Southampton

split up (phrasal v irreg) a pesar de come across (phrasal v irreg) caller (n) divide something up (phrasal v) encontrar persona que llama dividir

get over (phrasal v irreg) superar look something up (phrasal v) go up (phrasal v irreg) (=increase) appearance (n) buscar algo subir/crecer apariencia

b c f r a f i l p r r s s s u

10D 10D 10D 10D 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A 11A

borrow (v) code (n) fuss (n) reunion (n) audition (n) finances (n pl.) idiot (n) lead actress (n) project (n) responsibility (n)

pedir prestado cdigo escandolo reencuentro audicin finanzas idiota actriz protagonista proyecto responsabilidad

Could I borrow your pen, please? It was written in code. What's all the fuss about? I''m going to a school reunion on the weekend. She went for an audition yesterday for a part in a play. The company have just published their finances. He is such a stupid idiot! Who was the lead actress in that film? We're doing a class project on the environment. I have responsibility for three people in my job.

run (a department) (v) dirigir (un departamento) She ran her own restaurant for five years. script (n) shift (n) stressful (adj) undercover (adj) wheelchair (n) sound (v) in charge (adv) cop (n) guin turno estresante clandestino/clandestina silla de ruedas sonar a cargo polica He wrote a number of film scripts. Nurses often have to work shifts. Being a doctor is a stressful job I think he's an undercover police officer. Does this cinema have wheelchair access? Your job sounds really interesting. I'm on holiday next week, so I'm leaving you in charge. Quick, run - there's a cop coming!

w 11A s i c 11A 11A 11A

p b c c d d g n n r r s

11A 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B 11B

PA (n) (=personal assistant) badly-paid (adj) challenging (adj) champagne (n) demanding (adj) dull (adj) glamorous (adj) nine-to-five (adj) nurse (n) repetitive (adj) rewarding (adj) schoolteacher well-paid (adj) bank statement (n) bullet (n) detective (n) diamond (n) Dutch (adj) locked (adj)

asistente personal/secretaria(o) mal pago desafiante champn exigente aburrido glamoroso de nueve a cinco enfermero/enfermera repetetivo gratificante profesor/profesora bien remunerado

My PA will contact you tomorrow. He thinks his job is badly-paid. This has been a challenging time for us all. We celebrated our lottery win by drinking champagne. Teaching is a very demanding job. Milton Keynes is a very dull place. She's an extremely glamorous woman. She preferred working nine-to-five than doing shifts. She's working as a nurse at the local hospital. Working in a factory can be a repetitive job. Teaching is hard work but it's very rewarding. Who was your favourite schoolteacher? Teachers are not very well-paid.

w 11B b b d d d l 11B 11C 11C 11C 11C 11C

extracto de I receive bank statements every month. cuenta/extracto bancario bala detective diamante holands cerrado (con llave) There are five bullets in the gun. My mum loves TV detective shows. He bought her a beautiful diamond ring. Dutch is the language of the Netherlands. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

m 11C 11C p p s s s s t 11C 11C 11C 11C 11C 11C 11C

madly (adv) one step ahead (prep.phrase) payphone (n) pretty (adj) salesperson (n)

locamente ventaja telfono publico bastante vendedor/vendedora

We cheered madly as the team came out onto the field. Successful businesses stay one step ahead. Have you got any coins for the payphone? Your daughter is very pretty. He's working as an undercover salesperson. 'Shut up, will you?' 'I'm trying to concentrate!' The smuggler was arrested at the airport. The England rugby squad were very happy about the result. He threatened the staff with a gun and demanded money. He works in a warehouse. I warned you not to tell her. He's working in the study. Their hotel room had been bugged. The meeting has been cancelled. Call me on extension 213. Journalists always carry notepads. After I left university, I worked as a temp for six months. I can't afford a new computer. I can't afford it - I'm broke.

shut up (phrasal v irreg) cllate/cllese smuggler (n) squad (n) threaten (v) warehouse (n) warn (v) study (n)(=room for studying) contrabandista brigada amenazar depsito advertir estudio

w 11C w 11C s b c e n t a b 11C 11C 11D 11D 11D 11D 12A 12A

bug (v) (secretly record) colocar micrfonos ocultos cancelled (adj) extension (n) notepad (n) temp (n) (=temporary worker) afford (v) broke (adj) (=without money) cancelado/cancelada extensin un bloc de papel temporal poder pagar persona en bancarrota

h o r

12A 12A 12A

have a go at (v) obligation (n) reckon (v) wish (v) yep (excl)

intentar algo obligacin creer desear s

Why don't you have a go at Salsa dancing? You have a moral obligation to educate your child. I reckon he likes her. I wish I didn't have to go to work. So I press this button? Bored teenagers just hang around on street corners. I could do with a cup of coffee. I don't feel up to going to work tomorrow. He trained for 5 years to be a boxer. I like watching boxing, but I wouldn't want to do it. We need a new financial adviser. We should go to the garden centre next weekend. I'm going to go on a management training course. First editions of these books are difficult to obtain. This event marked a turning point in the country's history. I'll be in touch with you next week about the party. The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year. The Taj Mahal is a famous tourist attraction. Keep away from the edge of the cliff.

w 12A y h c f b b f g 12A 12A 12A 12A 12B 12B 12B 12B

hang around (phrasal v esperar (sin motivo) irreg) could do with (phrase) feel up to (phrasal v irreg) boxer (n) boxing (n) financial (adj) garden centre (n) management (n) obtain (v) turning point (n) in touch (adv) attract (v) attraction (n) cliff (n) consejo sentirse con nimo a boxeador boxeo financiero centro de jardinera gerencia conseguir punto de cambio en contacto atraer atraccin acantilado

m 12B o t i a a c 12B 12B 12B 12C 12C 12C

c c c c c c c c d d d d d e e e e e f

12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C

climber (n) coma (n) comic (n) confuse (v) crawl (v) creation (n) creative (adj) creator (n) darkness (n) deep (adj) disappoint (v) disappointing (adj) disappointment (n) elbows (n) embarrass (v) enjoyment (n) entertain (v) entertaining (adj) facing (adj)

escalador coma cmic/tebeo confundir gatear creacin creativo/creativa creador/creadora oscuridad profundo/profunda desepcionar desepcionante desepcin codos avergonzar goce entretener entretenido frente a

She's a famous mountain climber. She has been in a coma for over a week. My little brother loves Superman comics. I don't see how anyone could confuse me with my mother! I crawled under the desk to plug the lamp in. the creation of a new political party He wants a job where he can be creative. He's the creator of a successful magazine. He walked around in the darkness looking for a candle. The water is a lot deeper than it seems. We don't want to disappoint the fans. It was a disappointing result. She couldn't hide her disappointment when she lost. It's not polite to eat with your elbows on the table. My dad's always embarrassing me in front of my friends. She gets a lot of enjoyment from music. We hired a clown to entertain the children. It's an entertaining and informative book. My house is the one facing the garage across the street.

f h h

12C 12C 12C

fall (n) headfirst (adv) hot dog (n) midweek (adj) peak (n) photography (n) pollute (v) preferible preferencia protection (n) radioactive (adj) relaxation (n) rope (n) science (n) skull (n) skyscraper (n) style (n) superhero (n) Taipei (n)

pelearse (con alguien) de cabeza perro caliente de entre semana cima fotografa contaminar preferible preferencia proteccin radiactivo/radiactiva relajacon cuerda ciencia crneo rascacielos estilo superhroe Taipei

There's been a sharp fall in prices. It's never a good idea to dive headfirst into cold water. I like mustard on my hot dogs. By midweek, the situation had reached crisis pitch. Try to avoid travelling at peak times; the roads are busy then I'd like to take up photography but I would need a camera. We need a fuel that won't pollute the environment. Staying at home is preferable to going out if it's raining. Do you have a preference about what film to see? Sun cream gives you protection against burning. Radioactive waste is a global problem. A number of relaxation techniques exist, like yoga. Can you climb a rope? My daughter's favourite subject is science. A pirate's flag has a picture of a skull and crossbones on it. Tokyo has many skyscrapers. She's had her hair cut in a really nice style. Batman is an example of a superhero. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan.

m 12C p p p 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C p r r r s s s s s t 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C

t t t t v v

12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C

Taiwan (n) the Alps (n pl.) timely (adj) tower (n) Venezuela (n) vision (n) weakness (n) wrist (n) x-ray (n) fictional (adj)

Taiwn los Alpes oportuno/ oportuna torre Venezuela visin debilidad mueca rayo x ficticio

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. He likes climbing in the Alps. His arrival was timely; his colleagues really needed his help. Last year, I visited the leaning tower of Pisa. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. He has poor vision in his left eye. What do you think are your weaknesses as a manager? You wear bracelets around your wrist. I'm going into hospital for an x-ray tomorrow. a fictional character comes from the author's imagination.

w 12C w 12C x f 12C 12C

Cambridge University Press 2006

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